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ICSE Class X Board Exam 2023 : Geography

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CallioDomacy (Abhav Rai)
City Montessori School (CMS), Vishal Khand, Gomtinagar Campus 1, Lucknow
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GEOGRAPHY (H.C.G. PAPER 2) Maximum Marks: 80 Time allowed: Two hours Answers to this paper must be written on the answer sheet provided separately. You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes. This time is to be spent in reading the question paper. The time given at the head of this Paper is the time allowed for writing the answers. Part I is compulsory. All questions from Part I are to be attempted. A total of five questions are to be attempted from Part II. The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets [ ]. To be supplied with this paper: Survey of India Map Sheet No. G43S7. Note: (i) In all map work, make wise use of arrows to avoid overcrowding of the map. (ii) The extract of Survey of India Map Sheet No. G43S7 must not be taken out of the examination hall. It must be handed over to the Supervising Examiner on completion of the paper. (iii) The map given at the end of this question paper must be detached, and after marking, must be fastened to your answer booklet. (iv) All sub-sections of the questions attempted must be answered in the correct serial order. (v) All working including rough work should be done on the same answer sheet which is used to answer the rest of the paper. This paper consists of 9 printed pages with 1 blank page and 1 outline map of India. T23 502 Turn Over Copyright reserved. PART I (30 Marks) (Attempt all questions from this Part.) Question 1 Study the extract of the Survey of India Map Sheet No. G43S7 and answer the following questions: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (a) Give the four-figure grid reference for 224. (b) What is the contour interval used in the given map extract? (a) Mention two man made features seen in grid square 2706. (b) Mention two natural features seen in grid square 2905. (a) What do you understand by 1:50,000 printed below the map extract? (b) What is the pattern of drainage seen in the grid square 2505? (a) What do you understand by .10r in 2709? (b) What is the compass direction of Mahudi Nani (2604) from Panswala [2] [2] [2] [2] (2909)? (v) Calculate the area in kilometre square of the region enclosed between Easting [2] 26 to 29 and Northing 05 to 11. Question 2 On the outline map of India provided: (i) Mark and label the Satpura. [1] (ii) Shade and label the Gulf of Kutch. [1] (iii) Mark and label the River Chambal. [1] (iv) Mark and label Delhi. [1] (v) Mark and label 80o30 E longitude. [1] (vi) Mark and label Jharia coalfield. [1] T23 502 2 (vii) Mark with arrows and name the Southwest Monsoon winds. [1] (viii) Mark and label the Karakoram Pass. [1] (ix) Shade and label a sparsely populated region in Western India. [1] (x) Shade an area having Alluvial soil. [1] Question 3 Choose the correct answers to the questions from the given options. [10] (Do not copy the questions, write the correct answers only.) (i) (ii) (iii) Which of the following area receives rain from the North East Monsoon? (a) Konkan coast (b) Ganga basin (c) Coromandel coast (d) Malabar coast Which is the most widespread soil of India? (a) Red soil (b) Alluvial soil (c) Laterite soil (d) Black soil Which type of forest is found mostly in the coastal areas of India? (a) Tropical Evergreen Forest (b) Tropical Desert Forest (c) Littoral Forest (d) Tropical Deciduous Forest T23 502 3 Turn Over (iv) (v) Which of the following is a ground water source? (a) Pond (b) Lake (c) Spring (d) River Copper is alloyed with Zinc to form: (a) Stainless steel (b) Brass (c) Bronze (d) Aluminium (vi) (vii) Hirakud dam is based on which of the following rivers? (a) River Godavari (b) River Mahanadi (c) River Krishna (d) River Narmada Which of the following is NOT a problem of Indian agriculture? (a) Dependence on monsoon (b) Small land holdings (c) Two main cropping seasons (d) Use of traditional methods of farming (viii) Which of the following is a basic / key industry? T23 502 (a) Iron and Steel Industry (b) Silk Industry (c) Electronic Industry (d) Cotton textile Industry 4 (ix) (x) Which of the following is a staple food grain of Indians? (a) Wheat (b) Rice (c) Gram (d) Arhar Which of the following method of waste disposal is harmful? (a) Composting (b) Segregation (c) Dumping (d) Vermicomposting PART II (50 Marks) (Attempt any five questions from this Part.) Question 4 (i) Name the seasons of India and mention the duration of each season. [2] (ii) Why maximum rainfall in India occurs after the summer season? [2] (iii) Give a geographical reason for each of the following: [3] (a) The Malabar coast receives heavy rainfall in the month of July but the Coromandel coast during this time remains comparatively dry. T23 502 (b) Punjab receives rainfall in winter season. (c) Mumbai is warmer than Delhi in the month of December. 5 Turn Over (iv) Study the climate data of Station X and answer the questions that follow: [3] Month Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Temp 21.0 21.9 24.3 27.2 28.0 26.4 26.1 25.4 26.0 26.0 23.8 21.2 in oC Rainfall 5.1 2.8 1.2 1.7 3.9 4.6 8.4 11.4 11.9 31.6 34.5 14.8 in cm (a) Calculate the annual range of temperature of Station X. (b) Name the wind that brings most of the rainfall to this station. (c) On which coast of India is Station X located? Question 5 (i) (a) Mention any two causes of soil erosion in India. (b) Name two soil conservation methods that may be practised in arid (dry) [2] regions. (ii) Mention two characteristics of Black soil. [2] (iii) Name the soil: [3] (iv) (a) That is found on the summits of Eastern and Western Ghats. (b) That is suitable for dry farming. (c) That varies in texture. Give a geographical reason for each of the following: (a) Terrace farming is an ideal soil conservation method for hilly areas. (b) Khadar soils are preferred over Bhangar soils. (c) Foothills of Himalayas have been affected by soil erosion. [3] Question 6 (i) State two ways in which forests help in protecting the environment. [2] (ii) Mention two ways in which Tropical Desert vegetation has adapted to its [2] environment. T23 502 6 (iii) (a) In which natural vegetation belt is Sundari tree found? [3] (b) Why is the Tropical Deciduous Forest commercially the most exploited forest belt of India? (Two points) (iv) (a) Name one region in India where Tropical Evergreen Forest is found. [3] (b) Mention the temperature and rainfall conditions found suitable for its growth. Question 7 (i) Give a reason for each of the following: (a) Agriculture sector in India needs the support of irrigation. (b) Well irrigation is a popular means of irrigation in Northern India. [2] (ii) Distinguish between Inundation canal and Perennial canal. [2] (iii) (a) Where in India is Tank irrigation most widely used? [3] (b) Give one factor that has led to its popularity in the region mentioned by you. (iv) (c) Mention one advantage of using tank as a means of irrigation. (a) What is Rainwater Harvesting? (b) Give two ways in which Rainwater Harvesting is important for India. [3] Question 8 (i) (ii) (a) Name the state of India that leads in the production of Manganese. (b) What is the importance of Manganese for the Iron and Steel industry? [2] Why is conventional source of energy not considered an ecofriendly source of [2] energy? T23 502 7 Turn Over (iii) (iv) (a) How is Bhakra Nangal dam beneficial for Punjab? (b) Name two states where coal is mined in abundance. (c) Mention one advantage of using wind energy. Name the following: [3] [3] (a) A mineral used to generate nuclear energy. (b) The non-conventional energy source that has the most widespread potential usage in India. (c) An offshore oil field of India. Question 9 (i) Differentiate between Intensive farming and Extensive farming. [2] (ii) Mention two problems faced by the Indian farmers. [2] (iii) (a) Give one advantage of transplantation method of sowing rice. [3] (iv) (b) What is Ginning ? (c) Name any two pulses grown in India. (a) What is meant by Retting ? (b) What kind of soil is required for the cultivation of tea? (c) Why is pruning necessary for tea plant? [3] Question 10 (i) How are the industries important for India? (Two points) [2] (ii) State the difference between Agro based industry and Forest based industry. [2] Give one example for each type of industry. T23 502 8 (iii) (a) What has made Mumbai an important centre for cotton textile production? [3] (Write any two points) (iv) (b) Why are the petrochemical products in great demand? (a) Mention two problems faced by the Sugar industry of India. [3] (b) Where is TATA STEEL located? (c) Why is the Silk industry losing the market in recent times? Question 11 (i) Why is it important to have a well developed means of transport in India? [2] (ii) Though an expensive mode of transport, Airways is gaining popularity in [2] India. Explain giving two reasons. (iii) (iv) (a) Why are South Indian rivers not ideal for inland water transport? [3] (b) Mention two advantages of waterways. (a) Why are roadways considered more important than any other means of [3] transport? (b) Mention two advantages of using railways as means of transport. Question 12 (i) Why should Waste Management be practiced in every school? [2] (ii) Mention one advantage and one disadvantage of dumping of waste. [2] (iii) Briefly answer the following: [3] (iv) T23 502 (a) How is segregation of the waste helpful? (b) Mention one way in which we can reuse waste. (c) Mention one benefit of Composting. (a) How is recycling of waste helpful? Give an example of recycling of waste. (b) Mention any one initiative taken by the Government to manage waste. 9 [3] Turn Over Question No. 2 Index No. . UID .. (This map, if used, must be fastened with all other answers) Outline Map of India for Question 2. ONLY FOR THE EXAMINER (i) T23 502 (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) 10 (viii) (ix) (x) Total

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