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ICSE Class X Prelims 2024 : Biology (Hiranandani Foundation School (HFS), Thane)

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HIRANANDANI FOUNDATION SCHO0L,THANE Second Preliminary Examination - January, 2024 Subject: Biology Std. X Date: 10/01/2024 Time: 2 hrs. Max. Marks: 80 Answers to this Paper must be written on the paper provided separately. You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes. This time is to be spent in reading the question paper. The time given at the head of this Paper is the time allowed for writing the answers. This paper consists of6 printed pages. Section Ais compulsory. Atempt any four questions from Section B. The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets []. SECTION A (Attempt all questions from this Section) Question 1 Choose the corect answers to the questions from the given options. (Donot copy the question. Write the correct answers only.) Tlhe part of an eye regulating the amount of light entering into the eye is: (a) (b (C (d) (1) Iris. Pupil. Lens. Cornea. Which one of the following steps, when urndertaken will not contribute towards sustainable development? (a) Not wasting food. (b) (c) (d) Planting trees. Exploitative use of natural resources. Reduced use of plastic. (iii) ldentify the part of a sperm cell that plays an important role in penetrating the ovum: (a) (b) (c) Autosome. (d) Acrosome. Lysosome. Allosome. (iv) Doctor has advised Ronnie to take insulin injections. Ronnie suffers from: (a) Dwarfi_m. (b) Hyperglycemia. C (d Myxoedema. Hypoglycemia. (v) Which one of the following statements is incorrect regarding the glomerular filtrate? (a) (b) It is the liquid part of the blood. It contains many useful substances needed for the body. (c) It is the filtrate entering into the glomerulus. (d) It is formed during ultrafiltration. 1 [15] chroo%TES (v) Each meristematic cell of afiowering plant has 16 chromosomes. How many will be present in each of its pollen gzin? (a) 16. (b) 32. (c) (d) 8. 61. (vii) If the genotype of one of the offsprings is 'bb', then the possible parental geotypic combination would be: (2) BBx bb. (b) BBx BB. (c) Bb x Bb. (d) BB x Bb. (vii) The absence of endoplasmic reticulum in mature erythrocytes enables it 0: Not utilize the absorbed oxygen. 2. Increase its flexibility for movement through narow capilaries. 3 Absorb more carbon dioxide. 4 Multiply quickly. (a) (b) (c) (d) Only statement 2 is correct. Both statements1and 3 are corect. Only statement 3 is correct. Both statements 2and 4 are corect. (ix) What would be the colour of cobalt chloride paper used in a control set-up of an experiment to demonstrate transpiration? (x) (a) Pink. (b Brown. (c) Blue. (d Blue-black. Which of the following is not a product of the photochemical phase of pbotosynthesis? (a) NADPH. (b) Oxygen. (c) ATP. (d) Water. (xi) Aroot hair absorbs water from the soil when: the solute concentration is higher in the root hair. (a) (b) (c) (d) the solvent concentration is bigher in the root hair. the solute concentration is higher in the soil. the solvent concentration is the same in the soil and the root hair. (xii) Which one of the given statements is incorrect about greenhouse gases? (a) It traps heat near the earth's surface. (b) (c) (d) Industrialization has increased the amount of these gases. Deforestation has decreased the carbon dioxide content. Global warming is caused due to enomous greenhouse gases. (xiii) During karyokinesis, the spindle fibres get attached to the (a) (b) Centrosome. Centriole. (c) Centromere. (d) Chromatid. 2 of the chromosom. of grassblades in the carly mornings. (A) ASSCrtion (A): Water droplcts are sccn at the tips transpiration. Reason (R): Exudation of water in herbaceous plants is due to Both A and R are trnue. A is true but R is false. (a) (b) (c) Ais false but R is truc. (d) Both A and R are false. ancestor of Homosaplens saplens. Statement 1: Cro-Magnon is the most recent man. transition from Neanderthal to moden Statement 2: Cro-Magnon represents the (xv) Only statement 1 is correct. Both the statements are false. Only statement 2 is correct. (a) (b) (c) (d) Both the statements arc true. Question 2 () Name the following: body temperature. (a) A part of the forebrain that regulates role in phototropism. important (b) A phytohormone that plays an hypersecretion of the growth hormone in adults. condition caused due tothe (c) soun. produces the 'LUBB' (d) The phase of cardiac cycle which the developing foetus. placenta to (e) A structure that connects the each of the (i) Arrange and rewrite the terms in be following groups in the correct order s0 as to [5] in a logical sequence. Follicular phase. (a) Luteal phase, Menstrual phase, Ovulatory phase, in boiling water, Pour iodine solution leaf (b) Place the pale leaf in hot water, Dip a green leaf. on the leaf, Remove the chlorophyll from the vein. Pulmonary (c) Pulmonary artery, Left Auricle, Lungs, (d) Mitosis, Synthesis phase, GI, G2. Hypotonic solution. (e) Turgid cell, Plasmolysed Cell, Deplasmolysis, (ii) Fill in the blanks with the most suitable words: (5) stimuli in plant parts is Growth movements in response to 1_(direction)external movements. Plants show various such movements. Growth in response 2 which can be demonstrated in a laboratory with help of a to gravity is termed as 3 device called 4_ For the roots, 5 is a more effective stimulus than gravity. termed as (iv) Choose the odd one out from the following terms and name the category to which the others belong: (a) Hearing loss, Nervous irritability, Jaundice, Sleep disruption. (b) Overproduction of individuals, Use and Disuse of body parts, Competition for resources, Survival of the fittest. Facial nerve,Optic nerve, Olfactory nerve, Auditory nerve. (d) Growth hormone, Prolactin, Antidiuretic hormone, Gucagon. (c) (e) Renal artery, Hepatic artery, Pulmonary artery, Coronary artery. 3 (5] (v) Match the items given in Column I with the most appropriate oncs n Column II and rewrite the correct matching pairs. Column) Column II (a) Gene. (b) Blood group '0'. 2. (c) Stroma. 3. Vestigial organ. (d) Pons. 4 No antigens. (e) Ear pinna. Hindbrain. No antibodies. Forebrain. 6. 7 Nucleotide sequence. Biosynthetic phase. SECTION B (Atempt any four questions from this Section) Question 3 (i) State the exact location of the region of brightest vision in the eye. (i ) What is meant by 'crossing over'? State the significance of this process. (ii) Green bananas are kept in a paper bag to ripen fast. Name the phytohormone involved in this process. Why is this fruit termed as parthenocarpic? (iv) Drawa neat and labelled diagram of an experimental set-up to show that oxygen is given out during photosynthesis. (v) Diferentiate between the following pairs on the basis of the parameters mentioned within brackets. (a) Astigmatism and Hyperopia (Cause of the defect). (b) Vasopressin and Insulin (Condition due to its hyposecretion). [1] [2) [2 [2) 3 (c) Turgor pressure and Wall pressure (Define) Question 4 (i) Explain the term: Demography'. (ii) Mention any two functions of the amniotic fluid. ( i) State the exact location of each of the following structures: (a) Stomata. Thyroid gland. (iv) The human population has been rising at an alarming rate, worldwide. State any two reasons for population explosion in India. (b) 12] (v) Drawa neat diagram of the human urinary system and label only the parts concerned with each of the following functions: (a) The tube for discharging urine from the body. (b) Site of urine production. 4 3 Questlon 5 i) Peppered moth provides oaclassic Cxample of natural selcction. Give the scientific name of this organis1m. (1) Expand cach of the following abbreviations: (a) DDT, E[21 (b) TSH. (1) Mention any two charmcteristic features of the human ancestor Australopithecus. succeeding (iv) Give reasons for ench of the following statements: (a) We cannot distinguish colours in moonlight. (21 (b) The wallof the left ventricle is thicker than the right ventricle. (V) The diagram given bclow shows a specific stage of a process occurring in the human Temale reproductive system. Study the same and answer the questions that follow: (31 A (a) (b) Identify the process depicted. (c) Name the process by which the part 'B' is produced. What is the product formed at thec end of the above proccss? Question 6 () Explain the term'Dominant allele',. [1] (i) When was the 'Swachh Bharat Abhiyan' launched? State one objective of this campaign. .(ii) Mention one function of each of the following: (a) Cercbrospinal fluid. (b) Eustachian tube. (iv) Answer each of the following questions based on the Dihybrid Cross. (a (21 121 What is the phenotypic ratio of the oflsprings in the F2 generation? (b State Mendel's law which explaiins this cross. (v) Observe the diagram given below and answer the questions that follow: (a) Name an important green house gas emitted by the above pollution. (b) Suggest a control measure to reduce such emissions. (c) Carbon monoxide is dangerous when inhaled.Give reason, 5 31 Question 7 ) In which put of the nephrn does the proces of selective absorption ovcur during urine fomation? () Draw ancat and labelled diagranm of the tlrst phase of Karyokinesis in aplant coll. () Wilted spinach leaves becones crisp when soaked in water for some time. Explain the pcess that caused this change, ls this proeess an example of active or passive transport? (iv) ldentity the pituitary homones concermed with the following funetions: (a) Stimulates the fomationof ova. (b) Causes the uterine contractions during childbirth. () Given below is the intenal strcture of the spinal cord represcnting the nervous pathway of a phenonmenon. Study the sanme and answer the qucstions that follow: nucle () (b) (c) Define the phenomenon depicted. Name the part labelled as 1. Which part of a neuron is contained in the region labelled as 2? Question 8 (i) Define: Inplantation. Which part of the adrenal gland produces adrenaline? Why is this hornmone called as the fight or flight hormone ? (ii) With help of a Punnett square, show the phenotype of the offsprings fomed from acolor blind father (X Y) and a normal other (XX). (iv) What is the significance of the hepatic portal system? (v) Observe the diagram given below and answer the questions that follow: (ii) 2 (a) Define the process depicted in 'A'. (b) (c) Name the part labelled as 1 State the structural feature of the blood vessel labelled as 3 that enables the process stated in (a). 6 |2)

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