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ICSE Class X Prelims 2024 : Geography (Hiranandani Foundation School (HFS), Thane)

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HIRANANDANI FOUNDATION SCHOOL, THANE Second Preliminary Examinatlon-2024 Subject: Geography (H.C.G. PAPER- 2) Std. X Time: 2hr. M.MarkS: 80 Date:- 11/01/2024 Answers to this paper must be written on the answer sheet provlded You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes.separately. This time is to be spent in reading the questhon The time given at the head of this Paper is the tBme allowed for paper. wrltng the answers. Part I is compulsory, All questions from Partl are to be attempted. Atotal offive questions are to be attempted from Part II. The intended marks for questions or part of questions are glven in brackets | ]. To be supplied with this paper: Survey of India Map Sheet No, G4357 Note: (i) In all Map Work, make wise use of arrows to avold overcrowding of the map. (ii) The extract of Survey of India Map Sheet No. G43S7 must not be taken out of the examination hall. It must be handed over to the Supervising Examiner on completion of the paper. (ii) The Map provided to you, after marking, must be fastened to your answer booklet. (iv) All sub-sections of the questions attempted nust be answered in the correct serial order. (v) All wvorking including rough work, should be done on the same answer sheet which is used to answer the rest of the paper. This paper consists of 7printed pages To be supplied with this paper: Outline Map of India PART I (30 Marks) (Atempt all question from this Part) Question I Siudy the extract of the Survey of India Map sheet No. G43S7 and answer the following questions: 6) (a) Give the six-figure grid reference of the Surveycd tree 181 located at Ganodara. (b) What is the significance of such Surveyed tree to the local people? ( ) (a) Why does the most important tributary of the Sipu River orm meanders!? [2] (b) On which bank of the above mentioned tributary is the settlement Kotda (Jegol) located? (c) What is the black colour horizontal line which coincides almost with the Northing 03 called? (ii) (a) Identify the symbol What is its purpose? (Lime) seen in grid square 2706. (2) (b) Calculate the shortest distance in metres between the temple located in grid square 2604 and the temple located in grid square 3002. Show your working. (21 (iv) (a) What is the pattem of drainage seen in grid squares A. 2806 B. 2607? (b) A. The settlement Panthawada has the of electricity. Justify the statement with one evidence seen onsupply the map extract. B. What is the compass direction of Santarwada (2508) from Kuchawada (2207)? (v) (a) The dominance of [2] yellow colour on the map extract indicates but the area experiences scanty land agricultural seasonal rainfall. Can you identify any one feature seen on the map with which supply of water to the agricultural fields is possible? (b) Calculate the area in kilometre square of the region located to the east of Easting 30. Showyour working. (2] Question 2 On the outline Map of India provided: () Shade and label the (ii) Mark and label Northern Circars Coastal Plains Bengaluru (iii) Mark with a black [1) dot (iv) Mark and label the and label Digboi [1] Karakoram Mountain Range (v) Shade and label an area [1] red having soil in (vi) Mark and name the India block mountain whichNorth-East is located in between the and Tapti Rivers Narmada (vii) Mark and label the River Ganga (vii) Shade and name the densely populated area in North (ix) Mark with an arrow and name the winds which bring India rainfall to Chennai in December (x) Mark and label Srinagar [1] Question 3 Choose the correct answers to the questions from the given options: (Do not copy the questions, write the correct answers only) (i) Uttar (10] Pradesh receives monsoonal rainfall much later than West Bengal because: A. The Bay of Bengal branch of South West Monsoon Winds blow over the Ganga Plains from east to west B. The Bay of Bengal branch of South East Monsoon Winds blow over the Ganga Plains from east to west C. West Bengal is located on the windward slope of the Ghats and Uttar Pradesh is on the leeward slope so the Bay of Bengal Eastern of South West branch Monsoon Winds bring less rainfall to Uttar Pradesh D. Western Disturbances bring more rainfall to West Bengal in compare to Uttar Pradesh (ii) The alluvial soil is formed because of: A. weathering of alluvium B. leaching of silt C. deposition of sediment brought down by rivers D. prolonged disintegration of sediment on the river bed in situ with referenceto the (ii) Which one of the following is incorrect statement tropical monsoon forest? conmercially most exploited A. Trees in this forest are B. Trees yield hardwood timbers in dry season C. Trees shed their leaves altogetherin pure stands grow not do D. Trees in this forest compulsory as .. water harvesting system (iv) Tamil Nadu has made rain construction A. it makes the of houses even more stronger B. it raises ground water level cyclones weaker C. it helps to make tropical summer temperature D. it helps to reduce located oldest coalfield of India is (v) The in Jharkhand A. at RaniganjJharkhand B. at Jharia in Bengal C. at Raniganj in West Bengal West D. at Jharia in method of (vi) The most wasteful cultivation - A. Broadcasting B. Dibbling C. Drilling D. Transplantation farming mainly food (vii) In this method of sell crops are grown for self-consumption and not with the aim of A. Intensive B. Extensive C. Plantation D. Subsistence manufacture parts and (viii) This type of industries industries A. B. C. D. Ancillary Industries Consumer Industries Tertiary Industries Basic Industries is (ix) India's deepest landlocked port A. Kochi B. Chennai C. Vishakhapatnam D. Mumbai because (x) The use of bagasse help to save trees soil A. it provides manure to the B. it reduces the impact of soil erosion C. itis used to make paper pulp D. it helps to retain more water into the soil 3 components to be used by big PART II (50 Marks) (Attempt any five questions from this Part) Question 4 (1) In the months of October and November, the South-West Monsoon Winds withdraw from the main land of Indian in steps. Sub-continent (a) What is the reason for such withdrawal of (b) Name one area in India which experiencesSouth-West Monsoon Winds? frequent rainfall during the above mentioned period. (c) Which winds are responsible for such rainfall? (i) There is uneven distribution of monsoonal rainfall in India. Explain this statement [2] with suitable example. [2] (ii) Give a geographical reason to explain why (a) Tamil Nadu receives hardly any (b) Mumbai does not experience rain during the Summer Monsoon Season. Summer and winter months. significant variation in temperature between the (c) The Northern Plains in [31 (iv) Study the climatic data and India do not freeze in winte. answer the questions that follow: Months Jan Temperature 8.4 C Rainfall 1.5 Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 11.5| 21.5 28.3 35.1 38.541.0 38.0 30.8 29.2 15.6 10.2 0.9 0.5 10.5 17.8 18.5 5.1 Cm 1.1 0.8 2.1 (a) Calculate the annual range of (b) What is the annual rainfall? temperature. (c) Name the season during which rainfall is the heaviest. (3] Question 5 (i) 68,000 hectares of land in Nilgiris are prone to soil erosion in the coming years. (Indian Council of Agriculture Research) (a) Mention any two natural causes of the soil erosion in Nilgiris. (b) Suggest any one agricultural method of soil conservation for the above mentioned region. (ii) (a) Mention two types of alluvial soil on the basis of the age. (b) Out of these two types of alluvial soil mentioned above, which one is more suitable for agriculture and why? (iii) (a) Mention any one physical property of red soil. (b) State one similarity and one difference between red soil and laterite soil. (iv) Give a geographical reason for each of the following: (a) Black soil is also known as lava soil. (b) Jhum (shifting) cultivation leads to soil erosion. (c) Laterite soil is suitable for growing coffee. (2] [2] [1] [2] [3] Question6 (i)) Name the following: (a) The type of forest where Sundari trees are found. (b) The leaves of this tree are used for rearing shellac worms. (c) Temperate forest in Nilgiris, Anaimalai and Palani Hills. (d) The sustainable system of managing a piece of land through combined production of agricultural crops and forest crops and animal rearing. (ii) Mention any two objectives of social forestry. -4 [2] [2) (ii) Give ageographical reason for each of the following: (a) The type of vegetation varies along the slopes of the Himalayan Mountains, (b) Sundari trees develop pneumatophores for their survival. and citics. (C) It is important to grow trees in industrial towns that on the westem while travelling from Mumbai to Pune by road observed (3) (1V) Kenu trccs are tall, vegetation s dense and SIope of the Western Ghats (Sahvadri HIlls) the afer crossing the Western Ghats, on the at places thick canopies are forned but density of forests become relatively shorter in height and the castern slope trccs decreases. Western Renu found on both the slopes of the (a) Name the type of vegetation Ghats. vegetation vary on the eastem and western (6) Explain, why do the types of slopes of the Western Ghats? Question 7 harvesting. well (1) State two objectives of rainwater surface well irrigation and tube between difference of points two (i1) Give (1] (21 (2] [21 irigation. for each of the following: -irigation. (ii) Give a geographical reason for tank mouth of layers of rocks are necessarymesh filters are provided at the (a) Imperviousrainwater system harvesting (b) In rooftop [3) drain pipc. India. less popular in Peninsular [1] are canals irrigation. Perennial canal (c) best suited for is which area geographical (21 (iv) (a) Name one of canal irrigation. (b) Write any two advantages Question 8 minerals. of organic non-metallic (i) (a) Give two examples varieties of iron ore found in Goa? following places: (b) Which are the two which are associated with the (ii) (a) Name the minerals A. Singhbhum B. Koyali following states: plant located in each of the (b) Namne one nuclear power A. Maharashtra [2) (2] B. Tamil Nadu for each of the following:iron and steel industry. (ii) Give a geographical reason important raw material for the (a) Manganese is an inexhaustible source of energy. role in the success (b) Tidal energy is an Nangal Dam played an important 3] (c) The construction of Bhakra of Green Revolution. [1] aluminium. characteristic features of (iv) (a) State any two generation of electricity with the help of (2] (b) Explain briefly the process of radioactive elements Question 9 (i) Name the following: coffee (a) The finest variety of for jute substitute inferior The (b) high protein content very has (c) The oilseed which cultivation of small farms using large inputs of involves farming [2] (d) The type of labour, manure and fertilizers. regions. the Name India. two climatic regions in (ii) (a) Sugarcane is cultivated in geographical conditions for the cultivation of favourable (21 (b) Mention any two sugarcane. 5-- (i) Give a geographical reason for each of the following: (a) Wheat is a rabi crop. (b) Jute is known as fibre. (c) Coffee plants needgolden to (iv) (a) What do you mean by prune regularly. (3) fine plucking? (b) India is the largest producer [1] (25% of plobal production), consumer (27% of world consumption) and importer (14%) of pulses in the world. Pluses are widely grown and Give two reasons for its wide consumed in India. popularity in India. [2] Question 10 (i) Name the (a) The following: steel in private sector. (b) The integrated most important plant cotton textile manufacturing centre in (c) The by-product of the sugar mill which is obtained by Gujarat. and centrifugation. repeated crystallization (d) The type of industry in which people with limited resources can pool and material their (ii) Namephysical resources. the four varieties of silk produced in (2] (iii) Give a India. geographical reason for (2] each of the following: (a) Cotton textile mills are (b) Mini steel plants are located mostly in the coastal areas. (c) Prices of eco-friendly. products (iv) With referencepetrochemical to the remains stable. (a) Name the foreign Rourkela Iron and Steel Plant: (b) Write the name ofcollaborating country. the (c) From where does the state where this steel plant is located in India. plant obtain its supply of coal, iron ore and (Mention any one for each) [31 limestone? [12] Question 11 (i) (a) State one economic (b) State one important benefit of the Golden Quadrilateral Project. difference between an expressway and a highway. (ii) India's road network is the second largest after the United States and one busiest in the world. of the Why is road transport more popular than the other modes of transport in India? Explain with two reasons. (iii) Give a geographical reason for each of the following: (a) Water transport is the cheapest mode of transport but it cannot other modes of transport. compete with (b) Himachal Pradesh has narrow gauge rail tracks. (c) River Ganga is ideal for (iv) (a) What is the economic navigation in the Plains. significance of helicopter services in North-East hilly states in India? (b) Give two reasons as to why airways are becoming more popular in India. [21 [2] [3) (1] modern (21 Question 12 (i) (a) How do waste collectors (rag pickers) play an important role to reduce the burden of waste disposal in India? [1 (b) How does open dumping cause air pollution? (ii) Every year India generates about 500 million tonnes of farm waste. We need to take utmost care to dispose farm waste. Can you give any twO reason, why? (2] (1ii) Give a geographical reason for each of the following: (a) The supreme court issued an order to shift Mathura oil refinery to a distant Place from Taj Mahal. (b) Waste accumulation leads to ground water pollution. (c) Presence of ozone layer is extremely important for the survival of life on the Earth. (iv) (a) Observe the following symbol and answer the question: [3] 3R What is the meaning of 3 R's of waste management? [1] (b) Mention one way in which waste accumulation has an effect on the following: A. Aquatic life B. Landscape. [2] END

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