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SSLC Model Question Papers 2015 I Language : ENGLISH SET-3

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14E K.S.E.E.B., Malleshwaram, Bangalore SSLC Model Question Paper-2 (2015) ENGLISH, FIRST LANGUAGE Max Marks: 100 Time: 3.00 hours No. of Questions: 51 Code No. : 14E Four alternatives are given for each of the following questions / incomplete statements. Write the correct or the most appropriate answer in the space provided. 10 1 = 10 1. His long nose gives him __________ unique feature. The correct article to be filled in the blank is (a)a (b)an (c) the (d) Zero A : _________________________________________________________ 2. I request you to intimate ___________ me what he should do. The correct proposition to be filled in the blank is(a) to (b) with (c) for (d) from A : _________________________________________________________ 3. The number of visitors____________ really large in the last week's school day celebrations. The suitable form of verb to be filled in the blank is (a) was (c) are (b) were (d) is K.S.E.E.B., Malleshwaram, Bangalore, 1st Language English Model Question Paper 1 1 14E 4. Pasteur received many honours. The passive form of the above is (a) many honours are received by pasteur (b) many honour a honour a are being received by pasteur (c) many honours were received by pasteur (d) many honours were being received by pasteur Ans : _________________________________________________________ 5. He had fever. He did not attend the school. The simple sentence of the above is (a) He had fever and he did not attend the school (b) He did not attend the school because he had fever (c) Having fever, he did not attend the school. (d) When he had fever, he did not attend the school Ans : _________________________________________________________ 6. Do you go to Mysore tomorrow? He said. The reported speech of the above is a) He said that he is going to Mysore the next day b) He said that he was going Mysore the next day c) He said whether he was going to Mysore the next day d) He said whether he is going to Mysore the next day Ans : _________________________________________________________ 7. Rajesh is very strong. He ___________ lift 100kg bag. The modal auxiliary to be filled in the blank is (a) will (b) would (c) can (d) may Ans : _________________________________________________________ K.S.E.E.B., Malleshwaram, Bangalore, 1st Language English Model Question Paper 1 2 14E 8. They are playing football well. The question tag of the above sentence is (a) are they? (b) aren't they? (c) do they? (d) don't they? Ans : _________________________________________________________ 9. Bangalore is the costliest city in India. The comparative degree of the above sentence is (a) Bangalore is costlier than any other city in India (b) Bangalore is costliest than any other cities in India (c) Bangalore is one of the costlier cities in India (d) No other city is as costly as Bangalore in India Ans : _________________________________________________________ 10. Reluctant sun out from the rim of horizon . The figure of speech is used here is (a) simile (b) metaphor (c) personification (d) alliteration Ans : _________________________________________________________ Rewrite as directed 4 1=4 11. The problem is very rigid. The synonym of the underlined word is (a) shallow (b) flexible (c) tough (d) easy Ans : _________________________________________________________ 12. The rural students have fared better than their counterparts The antonym of the underlined word is (a) urban (b) remote (c) border (d) backward Ans : _________________________________________________________ K.S.E.E.B., Malleshwaram, Bangalore, 1st Language English Model Question Paper 1 3 14E 13. He wanted to giveup the bad habits The underlined phrase means (a) cultivate (b) leave (c) habitate (d) practice Ans : _________________________________________________________ 14. 'An open box from which castle and horses feed' The one word of the above is (a) manger (b) dandy (c) trance (d) patent Ans : _________________________________________________________ Write the anology of 4 1=4 15. Neurologist : nerves, orthopedist : ___________________ 16. Shoes :cobbler, flowers : _________________ 17. Farmer : Tilling, Tailor : ___________________ 18. Kind : unkind, responsible : __________________ Answer the following questions in one sentence each: 4 1=4 19. What does an advertisement aim to do? 20. What was the 'dream come true' for the us returned Indian? 21. What according to the writer is the only way to restore sanity? 22. What does the rich will make temple for 'siva' imply? K.S.E.E.B., Malleshwaram, Bangalore, 1st Language English Model Question Paper 1 4 14E Answer the following questioners in two or three sentence each: 8 2 = 16 23. How did Mr. Frank spend the money he got from the publishers? 24. Why does Pierre think he was dreaming? 25. How is the end of the female crane suggested in the poem. 'To a pair on of sarus Cranes'? 26. What are the feelings of the speaker about himself in the poem 'Vachana'? / The temple and the body? 27. How did Ellen express her love towards Lochinvar? 28. How did Drona respond to Buttoo's request? 29. Why was Arjuna's mind wavering when Lord Krishna asked him to stay Karna? 30. How did Ulysses help his men to escape from the cave? Answer the following questions in 4 or 5 sentences each 6 3 = 18 31. There are two words in the story 'A wrong man worker's paradise' Which world is better? Why? 32. How does harnessing of water supply help in development of the nation? 33. How did Pasteur develop the idea of immunity? 34. Give an instance to show that the narrator tried his best to impress that he was normal sighted during his encounter with the girl. 35. How can you say that the poem 'Mending wall' is a symbolic poem? 36. The poem C.L.M. describes the poet's personal experience does it stop at that? K.S.E.E.B., Malleshwaram, Bangalore, 1st Language English Model Question Paper 1 5 14E Read the extracts and explain with reference to context: 3 3=9 37. "She got out her curling irons and lighted the gas and went to work repairing the ravages made by generosity added to love" 38. "Death's second self, that seals up all in rest" 39. "Tis pity his generosity doesn't run to paying rent" Answer the following questions in 6-8 sentences each: 4 4 = 16 40. Why does Gandhiji say that a moral act should be done without compulsion? OR How did Anne's Diary Open the eyes of Germans to the Viciousness of racial persecution? 41. "Write a short note on the status quo episode" OR How are Jean and Pierre different? 42. What does the phrase learn to lose mean? OR How did Lochinvar finally win Ellen for himself? 43. To wordsworth, nature was a living presence. Write any fire details from the poem 'The stolen Boat' to support your answer OR Was Drona unfair in his demand? How? K.S.E.E.B., Malleshwaram, Bangalore, 1st Language English Model Question Paper 1 6 14E 44. Quote from memory: 4 And I water'd ______________ __________________________ __________________________ _______________________wiles. OR My legs _____________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ______________________ of gold. Read the following passage and answer the question given below: 5 1=5 The first baby bomb was dropped on the densely populated industrial town of Hiroshima in Japan on 6th August 1945. The city of Hiroshima was flattered. At last 78,000 people and possibly many thousands more were killed or fatally injured as a great number were injured and their dwellings were damaged and destroyed. The city's military garrison was wiped out. Only a handful of doctors were remained alive and most hospitals and medical suppliers were destroyed. Citizens of neighbouring towns describes the burned, living and dead as not longer recognizably human with the flesh raw and blackened, their hair gone and the futures melted on the faces. It was the most shocking sight man had ever witnessed. 45. What is this passage about? 46. Where was this incident took place? 47. How do you say that the incident was a great disaster? 48. What happened to the military garrison? 49. Who put bomb on Hiroshima? Do you like this? Why? K.S.E.E.B., Malleshwaram, Bangalore, 1st Language English Model Question Paper 1 7 14E 50. Write an essay on any one of the following topics: a. Pollutions and protections b. Water is very precious c. 5 Villages of India 51. Imagine that you are Kiran / Keerthi X Standard, Govt. High School, Dommasandra. 5 Write a letter to your friend telling about your experiences of educational excursion this year OR Write a letter to the Editor, Deccan Herald about the frequent power cut in these days. *** K.S.E.E.B., Malleshwaram, Bangalore, 1st Language English Model Question Paper 1 8

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Tags : Karnataka, SSLC, Karnataka SSLC, Karnataka SSLC Board Papers, Secondary School Leaving Certificate, Karnataka SSLC previous question papers solved, Karnataka SSLC question papers, Karnataka SSLC previous year question papers with key answers, SSLC model question papers 2015, india, question bank, SSLC question papers, Karnataka Secondary Education Examination Board, KSEEB  

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