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SSLC Model Question Papers 2015 I Language : ENGLISH SET-2

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14E K.S.E.E.B., Malleshwaram, Bangalore SSLC Model Question Paper-2 (2015) FIRST LANGUAGE - ENGLISH Max Marks: 100 Time: 2 hours 45 min. No. of Questions: 50 Reading: 15 min. I Four alternatives are given for each of the following incomplete statements. Write the correct or the most appropriate answer in the space provided.10 1 = 10 1. Mahesh is . M.P. He is . Man of principles. The appropriate articles to be filled in the blanks are (a) a, the (b) an, a (c) the, a (d) an, the 2. It has been raining . three hours. (a) for (b) since (c) at (d) by 3. When the guest . a few people asked him to stop. The appropriate form of verb phrase to be filled in the blank is (a) is speaking (b) had been speaking (c) was speaking (d) will be speaking 4. We . walk on the pavement otherwise we will meet with an accident. The appropriate modal verb to be filled in the blank is (a) may (b) can (c) must (d) will K.S.E.E.B., Malleshwaram, Bangalore, 1st Language English Model Question Paper 2 1 14E 5. Latha drives the car carefully . The question tag to be filled in the blank is (a) isn t she? (b) doesn t she? (c) is she? (d) does she? 6. The camel is the ship of the desert. The figure of speech is (a) simile (b) irony (c) personification (d) metaphor 7. Padma has written two books. The passive voice of the above is (a) Two books have been written by Padma. (b) Two books are written by Padma. (c) Two books had been written by Padma. (d) Two books will be written by Padma. 8. Chandru said to me, Did you drink Coffee? The reported speech of the above is (a) Chandru asked me that I had drunk coffee. (b) Chandru asked me whether I drunk coffee. (c) Chandru asked/enquired me if I had drunk coffee. (d) Chandru enquired me whether he had drunk coffee. 9. One of the following takes the prefix un (a) fortune (b) fortunate (c) satisfaction (d) discipline 10. Sharada is one of the most popular doctors in our village. The positive degree of the above is (a) No other doctor in our village is as popular as Sharada. (b) Very few doctors in our village are as popular as Sharada. (c) Sharada is a very popular doctor in our village. K.S.E.E.B., Malleshwaram, Bangalore, 1st Language English Model Question Paper 2 2 14E (d) Sharada is more popular than most other doctors in our village. II Choose the appropriate synonym to each of the following: 4 1=4 11. Wretched miserable, foolish, destroy, hamper 12. Stature status, weight, height, bottom 13. Foe friend, betray, fight, enemy 14. Envy enemy, jealous, hatred, compassion III Answer the following questions in one sentence each: 4 1=4 15. What does an advertisement aim to do? 16. Why can t a poor man build a temple? 17. Why did Lochinvar ride to nearby hall? 18. How did the bride s father receive Lochinvar? IV Answer the following questions in two or three sentences each: 8 2 = 16 19. What qualities of Frank did his staff admire? 20. Why does the writer say that the model of development based on consumerism is suicidal? 21. Why does Jean ask Pierre to get the Pie instead of taking it himself? 22. How has the poet brought out the agony and desperation of the female crane? 23. What are the feelings of the speaker suggested in the question What shall I, a poor man do? 24. How did Dronacharya respond to Butto s request? 25. What made Karna stupified? 26. How did Ulysses prove that manly wisdom excels British force? K.S.E.E.B., Malleshwaram, Bangalore, 1st Language English Model Question Paper 2 3 14E V Answer the following questions in two or three sentence each: 9 3 = 27 27. What are the main causes of soil erosion? 28. How does O Henry compare Della s hair to Queen of Sheba s jewels and Jim s watch to Solomon s treasures? 29. How did the narrator try his best to impress that he was normal - sighted during his encounter with the girl? 30. How did the artist change the busy girl of heaven? 31. What message does Shakespeare give us in the poem That Time of Year ? 32. He moves in darkness as it seems to me not of woods only and the shades of trees . Explain the meaning. 33. Providing a happier life to one s mother will repay all her sacrifice . Offer your comments on this line keeping in view the poem C.L.M. 34. If you can cure animals, you can cure my son . (a) What had Pasteur cured the animals of? (b) What was wrong with the son referred to? (c) How did Pasteur cure the boy? 35. Describe the encounter between Billy and the mysterious seafaring man. VI Answer the following questions in two or three sentence each: 4 4 = 16 36. Name some moral acts. Why does Gandhiji say that a moral act should not be done without compulsion? OR How did Anne s diary open the eyes of Germans to the viciousness of racial persecution? K.S.E.E.B., Malleshwaram, Bangalore, 1st Language English Model Question Paper 2 4 14E 37. Write a short note on the status quo episode. OR How are Jean and Pierre similar and at the same time different? 38. Summarize the poem The Stolen Boat . OR To a Pair of Sarus Cranes . 39. What values did Lincoln want his son to imbibe? OR Drona was not far fair in his demand . Justify. VII Quote from Memory 4 40. I was angry grow VIII 5 41. Write an essay in about 100 words on any one of the following topics. (a) Keep India Clean. (b) Mass Media. (c) Fundamental Rights and Duties. Imagine that you are Kusuma/Cariyappa, X standard National High School, Shimoga. IX 5 42. Write a letter to your father about your preparation for the public examination. OR K.S.E.E.B., Malleshwaram, Bangalore, 1st Language English Model Question Paper 2 5 14E Imagine that you are Lakshmi / Govind 334, Kalidasa Road, Mayasandra. Write a letter to the President, Zilla Panchayath, Tumkur to get the road repaired from Tumkur to Mayasandra. Read the following passage and answer the questions given below: 5 1=5 The storm raged in all its fury in the town Rameshwaram. When it ended, Rajappa, an old man lost all he had-his small house and his boat, his only source of his livelihood. Desperate and helpless, he sent a telegram to his son who was studying engineering in Chennai, asking him to come back home. His son did not have money to come back. The only thing he had very valuable was a book. So, he decided to sell it. He went to the bookstall to sell it. The bookstall man opened the book. Written on the first page were the lines. Awarded to A.P.J. Abdul Kalam for excellence in academics in first year engineering at the Madras Institute of Technology by the Vice Chancellor . The bookstall man gave the boy money and also returned the book to him. 43. Why did the man of the bookstall return the book to the boy? 1 44. What made the boy decide to sell his book? 1 45. Which word in the passage makes you guess that Rajappa might be a fisherman? 1 46. What was the misery that befell on the old man? 47. Pick out the phrase which means return ? Read the following poem and answer the questions that follow: I know God made the sun To fill the day with light. He made the moon and stars K.S.E.E.B., Malleshwaram, Bangalore, 1st Language English Model Question Paper 2 6 14E To shine all through the night. He made all these. He made both you and me. Oh! Let us thank him then For Great and Good is He. 48. Pick out the words which means human beings. 1 49. What qualities does God have? 1 50. What would have happened if God had not made the sun and the moon? 2 *** K.S.E.E.B., Malleshwaram, Bangalore, 1st Language English Model Question Paper 2 7

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Tags : Karnataka, SSLC, Karnataka SSLC, Karnataka SSLC Board Papers, Secondary School Leaving Certificate, Karnataka SSLC previous question papers solved, Karnataka SSLC question papers, Karnataka SSLC previous year question papers with key answers, SSLC model question papers 2015, india, question bank, SSLC question papers, Karnataka Secondary Education Examination Board, KSEEB  

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