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SSLC Model Question Papers 2015 English Medium : SCIENCE MQP-4

6 pages, 52 questions, 10 questions with responses, 10 total responses,    0    0
SSLC Karnataka
KSEEB Karnataka Secondary Ed...,  Bengaluru 
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83E K.S.E.E.B., Malleshwaram, Bangalore SSLC Model Question Paper-4 (2015) SCIENCE Max Marks: 80 Time: 2 Hours 45 minutes No. of Questions: 42 Code No. : 83E Four alternatives are given for the each question. Choose the correct alternative and write the complete answer along with its alphabet in the space provided. 1 10 = 10 1. Localised form of obtainining electrical energy can be done by using, (A) Nucler power reactor (B) Thermal power station (C) Solar cell panels (D) Hydroelectric power. 2. One of the reducing agent used in the extraction of amorphous silicon is, (A) Magnesium (B) Coke (C) Sodium (D) Pohassium 3. Which one of the following is a carbohydrate? (A) CH3CHO (B) C5H10O5 (C) CH3COOH (D) C6H5COOH 4. In the following device the magnetic field linked to the coil changes continuously, producing very high voltage. (A) A.C. dynamo (B) D.C. dynamo (C) Transformer (D) Induction coil K.S.E.E.B., Malleshwaram, Bangalore, Science Model Question Paper-4 1 83E 5. The transistor device used to produce desired frequency radio waves is, (A) Oscillator (B) Amplifier (C) Rectifier (D) Transformer 6. Aqueous solution of the following is a conductor of electricity (A) Glucose (B) Fructose (C) Sodium chloride (D) Sucrose 7. During germination the cotyledons appear above the soil in one of the plants. (A) Turmeric (B) Coconut (C) Banana (D) Castor 8. A tissue that assists in the production blood cells. (A) Epithelial (B) Bone (C) Reticular (D) Cartilage 9. A person shows less resistance towards microbial infections to the skin this is due to (A) Less immunity in the body (B) Lack of fat cells in adipose tissue (C) Reduced counts of Macrophages (D) Anacmic 10. Indicator used to indicate gametes of pure dwarf plants (A) TT (B) Tt (C) tT (D) tt K.S.E.E.B., Malleshwaram, Bangalore, Science Model Question Paper-4 2 83E 11. Match the names of the vertebrates given in coloumn A with the Charaiteristics listed in coloumns B and C and write the answers in the space given below. A B C 1. Alkane a) Propene i) C6 H6 2. Alkene b) Cyclobutane ii) C5H8 3. Alkyne c) Isobutane iii) C4H 6 4. Aromatic d) Cyclo hexyne iv) C4H10 e) Pentyne v) C20H 42 f) Benzene vi) C3H 6 Answer the following questions in one sentences: 7 1=7 12. What is the name of the process used to prepare biodiesel? 13. How is the compound of silicon used in cutting and grinding tools prepared? 14. State Faraday s first law of electromagnetic induction. 15. How do you convert an intrinsic semiconductor into a semiconductor in which charge carries are holes? 16. Use of D.D.T. should be minimized why? 17. What is the function of sensory nerves? 18. Cardiac muscles do not fatigue easily Give reason. 19. Draw a neat diagram of a petrol engine. 20. A tuning fork vibrates at a frequency of 100 Hz and the velocity of sound in air is 340 ms 1 . 21. The efficiency of a heat engine is 40%. If 1200 KJ of heat energy is supplied to it, calculate the amount of heat energy that transformed into work. K.S.E.E.B., Malleshwaram, Bangalore, Science Model Question Paper-4 3 83E 22. How is safety glass prepared? What is its advantage? OR Name the raw materials used in the manufacture of common glass. What should be the additive to get red coloured glass? 23. Define saponification value of an oil or fat. What is its industrial significance? OR What are polyfunctional compounds? Write the structural of an aromatic polyfunctional compound. 24. Write the balanced equations of the reactions taking place when molasses is subjected to fermentation. OR In the manufacture of sugar, the sugar care juice is treated with calcium hydroxide why? What is the reason for using coconut shell charcoal in the manufacture of sugar? 25. Name any two metals that can displace hydrogen and metals that can not displace hydrogen from dilute acids probable OR Two probable reactions of alumina with coke and potassium are given below: Al2O3 + 3C 2Al + 3CO Al2O3 + 6K 3K 2O + 2Al Which of these two reactions are probably correct? Justify your answer. 26. Draw a neat diagram of D.C. motor. K.S.E.E.B., Malleshwaram, Bangalore, Science Model Question Paper-4 4 83E 27. Write the circuit symbols of (i) pnp transistor (ii) Diode OR Name the junctions to be forward biased and reverse biased in a transistor circuit. 28. Electric current from a D.C. source is passed through molten (fused) sodium chloride. Predict the products formed at the cathode and anode respectively. Justify your answer. OR If the same quantity of electric charges are passed through the aqueous solutions of silver nitrate and copper sulphate, the mass of silver and copper deposited at the cathode will be different, what is the reason for this? 29. Mention any four differences between monocots and dicots. OR How does a gametophyte of bryophytes develops into a sporophyte. 30. Name any two sexually transmitted diseases and write any two measures to control the same. 31. Arrange four ancestral forms of human beings in chronological order. 32. How are mutants produced? The production of mutant is not effectively being implemented. Why? 33. Why was Mendel selected pea plants for his experiment? OR State the laws of heredity formulated by Mendel and explain. 34. Write the distinct parts of reflex arc with one function of each. K.S.E.E.B., Malleshwaram, Bangalore, Science Model Question Paper-4 5 83E Answer the following Questions. 5 3 = 15 35. a) State Mendeleev s periodic law. How and why is it changed in modern periodic law. Moseley s periodic law? b) How do the following physical characteristics change in the periodic table across a period? (i) Atomic size (ii) Ionisation energy 36. Draw a neat diagram of a nuclear power reactor. 37. Write the application of Doppler effect of (i) Ultrasonics (ii) Light waves (iii) Radio waves. 38. Ozone layer is get depleted Why. Mention the effects of depletion of ozone. OR What are biodegradable and non-biodegradable pollutants give two examples for each. 39. Draw the diagram of a typical dicotplat and label the parts. Answer the following question 3 4 = 12 40. Draw a neat diagram of blast furnace used in the extraction of Iron. 41. Write the first three common stages of life cycle of all stars in order, explain the third stage. 42. Draw the diagram showing vertical section of human eye and label any two parts. *** K.S.E.E.B., Malleshwaram, Bangalore, Science Model Question Paper-4 6

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Additional Info : KSEEB Karnataka SSLC Model Question Paper English Medium : SCIENCE - English Version MQP-4
Tags : KSEEB, Karnataka SSLC Model Question Papers 2015, English Medium, English Version, Science MQP-4, Karnataka, SSLC, Karnataka SSLC, Karnataka SSLC Board Papers, Secondary School Leaving Certificate, Karnataka SSLC previous question papers solved, Karnataka SSLC question papers, Karnataka SSLC previous year question papers with key answers, SSLC model question papers 2015, india, question bank, SSLC question papers, Karnataka Secondary Education Examination Board, KSEEB  

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