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SSLC Model Question Papers 2015 III Language : ENGLISH SET-2

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SSLC Karnataka
KSEEB Karnataka Secondary Ed...,  Bengaluru 
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K.S.E.E.B. Malleshwaram, Bangalore S.S.L.C. Model Question Paper 2 ( 2015 ) Third Language ENGLISH Marks : 80 No.of Questions : 46 Time : 2 hrs Code No : 63 E I. Four alternatives are given for each of the following questions / incomplete statements. Only one of them is correct or most appropriate. Choose the correct alternative and write the complete answer along with its alphabet in the space provided against each question. 12x1=12 1.Kalidas wrote Shakuntala. The passive voice of the above sentence is, A) Shakuntala is written by Kalidasa B) Shakuntala was written by Kalidasa C) Shakuntala has been written by Kalidasa D) Shakuntala is being written by Kalidasa 2.The plural form of mouse is, A) Mouse B) Mouses C) Mice D) Mousies 3.Responsible ; irresponsible :: perfect : _________ A) Imperfect B) Inperfect C) Unperfect D) Disperfect 4.What a beautiful flower rose is ! The assertive form of the above sentence is, A) Rose is a very beautiful flower. B) Rose is a beautiful flower. C) Rose is very beautiful. D) Rose is beautiful. 5.She is too small to understand the concept. The above sentence can be rewritten by using so that not as A) She cannot understand so the concept. B) She is so small to understand that concept. C) She is so small that she can not understand the concept. D) She is small so that she can not understand the concept. 6.Asha is a beautiful girl. The underlined word is a / an A) Noun B) Adverb C) Pronoun D) Adjective 7. _____ apple a day keeps __________ doctor away. The appropriate articles to be used here are, A) a, a B) an, the C) a, the D) the, a 8. Vishal s brother stays in Mumbai. To get the underlined word as the answer, the question word should be ______ A) Who B) When C) Which D) Where 9.Ramesh is a brilliant artist ______________ very weak in studies. The suitable conjunction to be used here is, A) and B) which C) but D) therefore 10. He is a man______ a fine sense of humour. The correct preposition to be filled in blank is _______ 11. Mumbai is one of the busiest cities. The positive degree of the above sentence is, A) Mumbai is busier than most other cities. B) Mumbai is busier than any other city. C) Mumbai is more busier than other cities. D) Mumbai is very busier than most other cities. 12. One word used for the study of Plant in relation with living creature. is A) Biology B) Zoology C) Sociology D) Ecology II. Answer the following in a sentence each 9x1=9 13. Who was Chandandas ? 14. What does the peak of Nanga Parbat look like ? 15. Who was Rustum ? 16. What did the old man give the brothers in the castle ? 17. What reward did the king give to the fisherman ? 18. When will everyone be your friend ? 19. Whose voices are heard on the green ? 20. What does one do when something beautiful is vanished ? 21. Where is Banjarumale ? III. Answer the following questions in two to three sentences each. 12 x 2 = 24 22. Who was Tahminah ? Who did she marry ? 23. What, according to the policeman, did the king think of the moment he got the ring ? 24. Why do certain flowers grow only in Kashmir ? 25. Where was M.S.Subbalakshmi born ? When was she awarded Padma Bhushan ? 26. What are Lata Mangeshkar s Guiness Records ? 27. According to the G.P.member electricity is supplied only at night. Give reasons. 28. According to Sri Aurobindo, what would happen to the mighty and the weak in the future ? 29. How does the poet compare a cloud to sorrow ? 30. How can you test the faithfulness of your friend ? 31. How is the person who plants a tree rewarded ? 32. Why does Minoo Masani draw the attention of the young man towards the words of Abraham Lincoln ? OR Why did Roger steal a bicycle ? 33. How did Tansukh Vora prove to be an honest auto rickshaw driver ? OR What was Uttam Tupe concerned with ? What are the themes of his works ? Read the following extracts and answer the questions that follow : 4x3=12 34. Here I am ! a. who said this ? b. who was it said to ? c. when was it said ? 35. She quickly flew to each of the sisters and lit on their lips as if they were flowers. a. which is the lesson this extract taken from ? b. who is She here ? c. who does she help here ? 36. No no let us play, for it is yet day And we cannot go to sleep a. who said these lines ? b. who does the word we refer to ? c. why did the children say so ? 37. We are stronger, and are better, Under manhood s sterner reign ; a. When do we feel stronger and better ? b. Here reign refers to _ _ _ _ c. How do we feel in our youth ? 38. Quote from Memory A lily of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1x3=3 ____________ ____________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ of light OR We are _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____________ ____________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ flying feet VI. Answer the following questions in a paragraph each 39. Describe the elephants Gopi saw in the Zoo OR Describe the Spring Season of Kashmir 40. Briefly explain Goodrich s prayer for Dumb creatures. 2x4=8 VII. 41. Write a letter to your headmaster requesting him to issue transfer certificate. 1x4=4 OR Write a letter to your uncle asking him to send you a personal computer. 42. Write an Essay on any ONE of the following. a. Importance of Sports and Games. b. Role of Computers in Modern age. c. Dowry System a Social evil. 1x4 =4 Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow ; One major problem that the world aces today is the rapid growth of population. This, many believe that, is due to better food, better hygiene and the advances in medicine. Until the beginning of the 19th century, most people died before the age of 50. Today the average life span has become 70 years. India is the second most populous country in the world, just behind China. The possible check is birth control. Failures to check population increase will lead to rise in unemployment, low economy, more demand for food and eventually a rise in crime rate. Answer the following questions : 1. Which country stands first in population ? 2. How do you think, the population is increasing ? 3. How can we check population growth ? 4. Mention any two consequences of population explosion. 4x1=4

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Tags : Karnataka, SSLC, Karnataka SSLC, Karnataka SSLC Board Papers, Secondary School Leaving Certificate, Karnataka SSLC previous question papers solved, Karnataka SSLC question papers, Karnataka SSLC previous year question papers with key answers, SSLC model question papers 2015, india, question bank, SSLC question papers, Karnataka Secondary Education Examination Board, KSEEB  

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