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SSLC Model Question Papers 2015 II Language : ENGLISH SET-2

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31E K.S.E.E.B., Malleshwaram, Bangalore SSLC Model Question Paper-2 (2015) SECOND LANGUAGE -ENGLISH Max Marks: 80 Time: 2 Hours 15 minutes No. of Questions: 46 Code No. : 31E General Instructions: Attempt all questions 15 Minutes is allotted as cool off time. You are not allowed to write during the cool off time. Read the Instructions and Questions carefully. Section A (Prose, Poetry, Supplementary Reading and Vocabulary) PROSE I Four alternatives are given for the each of the following incomplete statements. Write the correct or the most appropriate answer in the space provided: 3 1=3 1. Don Anselmo was a gentleman of (a) England (b) Rio-en-medio (c) America (d) Franch 2. When the second monster blew through his beard, wangjia lost his (a) shoes (b) eye sight (c) food (d) memory 3. Columbus faced the . Of his sailors. (a) discontentment (b) co-operation (c) love (d) friendship K.S.E.E.B., Malleshwaram, Bangalore, 2nd Language English Model Question Paper-2 1 31E II Answer the following questions in 2 or 3 sentences each: 4 2 = 8 4. There might be scorpions before your law books , said Swami, what made him say so? 5. Why was Smita excited while reading the newspaper? 6. How can you say that Satish became popular all over the world? 7. Why did the scientists meet at Geneva? III Read the following extracts and answer the questions given: 8. It took months of negotiation to come to an understanding with the old man . (a) What was the negotiation about? (b) Why do you think it took months to come to an understanding? 9. I love my own mother, and I ll never kill another person s , said Wangjia. (a) Who was the another person s mother? (b) Why was he not ready to kill another person s mother? 1 2 1 2 10. I have discovered that when a man is given a vision he must follow it alone. Loyalty passes like sea weed on an outgoing tide. Friendship breaks as a most hollowed by worms breaks. (a) Who is alone in the context? (b) Why did the speaker think so? 1 2 IV Answer any one of the following questions in eight or ten sentences each: 4 11. According the Dalai Lama Love and compassion are the true religions. How does this relate to the lesson? There is a girl by the Track . OR K.S.E.E.B., Malleshwaram, Bangalore, 2nd Language English Model Question Paper-2 2 31E Write a short note on the achievements of Satish Gujral. What do we learn from his life? POETRY V Four alternatives are suggested for the following incomplete statement. Choose the most appropriate alternative (answer) and write the letter of the alphabet and also the correct answer in the space given below: 1 12. According to John Marefield we can better the world through (a)Dance (b) Song (c)Laughter (d) Wine VIAnswer the following questions in a word, phrase or sentence each: 2 1=2 13. What does the speaker compare the power of the king with? 14. I want is repeated five times in the poem I am the Land what quality of the speaker is highlighted? VII Answer the following questions in 2-3 sentences each: 3 2=6 15. The speaker in the poem does not call his grandmother childish , what else was she according to him? Why does he consider her to be so? 16. He is no longer a man says the poet in the poem Jazz poem two . What does the poet mean this? 17. When the captain shouted We are lost , how did his daughter react? VII Read the given extract and answer the questions that follow: 18. Tea cups circling round me like the planets round the sun . (a) Where does it happen? (b) Why would the poet feel so? K.S.E.E.B., Malleshwaram, Bangalore, 2nd Language English Model Question Paper-2 1 2 3 31E VIII Quote from memory 4 19. The quality awe and majesty, OR We should feel happy with what we have and never go after what we can t get . How has the poet brought about this message in the poem The Blind Boy . SUPPLEMENTARY READING IXAnswer the following questions in 2-3 sentences each: 2 2=4 20. What had the police expected about the way of protest? How did the student leaders manage the protest? OR How has Dolma described her preparedness for the task of scaling Mount Everest? 21. The absence of mother from home taught the children something. What was that? OR How can you say that Ambedkar had a great thirst for books throughout his life? K.S.E.E.B., Malleshwaram, Bangalore, 2nd Language English Model Question Paper-2 4 31E VOCABULARY X Answer the following: 22. Combine the word in column A with its co locative word in B. A Charming 1 B [hot, answer, man, girl] 23. Choose the appropriate word and fill in the blank: 1 The (storey/story) is told by a (night/knight) 24. The spelling of a word is jumbled write the word. beknoc 25. The little creek ran through his land. The meaning of creek is (a) a small narrow stream or river (c) a Lake (b) a small pond 1 (d) a piece of land Section B READING X Read the following passage and answer the questions given below: 4 1=4 Socrates was born more than two thousand years ago in Athens, in Greece in the home of a humble stone-cutter. He became a great teacher of mankind. He spent most of his time asking questions in order to find out the truth about conduct, religion and politics. He died because he refused to give up the truth. 26. Who became a great teacher of mankind? 27. Pick out the sentence that suggests that Socrates was ready to give up his life for truth. Write that sentence. 28. What work did the father of Socrates do? K.S.E.E.B., Malleshwaram, Bangalore, 2nd Language English Model Question Paper-2 5 31E 29. How do you spend most of your time? XI Look at the graph. Based on your observation answer the question given below The children of class X of a public school have to participate in any one of the following games Basket ball, Cricket, Volley Ball, Football and Hockey. The graph shows the number of children learning each game. 30. Which is the most popular game in the school? 1 31. Hockey and football are less popular than Basket ball. (True/false) choose the right word. 1 32. How many students are playing only cricket? 1 33. Pick out the right phrase and rewrite the sentence: Don t look down upon/look down with the poor. K.S.E.E.B., Malleshwaram, Bangalore, 2nd Language English Model Question Paper-2 1 6 31E WRITING XII A paragraph is given below. It has four errors. Edit the paragraph with the help of the clues given 4 1=4 34. There had been a accident when he went hiking with his father and brother inder. They was crossing a bridge who was old. Clues: (a) Correct article to be used. (b) Capital letter to be used. (c) Verbal mistake to be corrected. (d) Linking word to be corrected. 35. Imagine you are Radha/Rakesh living in Hubbali at 215, 2nd Cross, Satyamarg. Write a letter to the editor of a local news-paper about the difficulties and trouble you face in your locality. 4 OR Read the given clues and write a paragraph describing the processing of milk. Milk collected tested pasteurized cooled is bottled / packed distributed sold. GRAMMAR (Language Use) 36. Read the conversation: 1 Officer: Manager, did you scold the attender? Manager: No, I did not scold the attender. The correct passive form of the underlined sentence is (a) The attender was not scolded by me. K.S.E.E.B., Malleshwaram, Bangalore, 2nd Language English Model Question Paper-2 7 31E (b) The attender is not scolded by me. (c) The attender will not be scolded by me. (d) The attender could not be scolded by me. 37. Read the conversation. Choose the most appropriate modal verb and fill in the blank: 1 Ramu: Raju, what happens if we don t walk on the pavement in busy roads? Raju: We meet with an accident. (a) can (b) must (c)will (d) should 38. Fill in the blanks choosing the appropriate tense form of the verbs given in brackets. 4=2 I (be + go) by train yesterday. On the way I (see) a bus over crowded and (be + move) at a speed of 60 km per hour. Passengers (be) shouting. 39. Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions and articles: 4=2 Radha is student. She leaves house 9 a.m. She goes to school the bicycle. 40. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate linking words choosing from the brackets 4=2 Sandeep can speak Hindi fluently he can t speak Telugu Tamil fluently. Telugu speaking people talk to him in Hindi. (therefore, either, but, or) K.S.E.E.B., Malleshwaram, Bangalore, 2nd Language English Model Question Paper-2 8 31E 41. Read the conversation. Based on it complete the reported form given below: 4=2 Banu: Will you please help me to write the notes? Fathima: Sure, I will help you to write the notes. Banu requested Fathima whether Fathima replied 42. Complete the following statement. ( If clause Third condition): 1 Monsoon rains failed. Farmers couldn t grow crops. Newspaper reported : If it had rained the farmers grown crops. 43. Identify the underlined word in the sentence. I live in Germany. 1 (a) finite (b) non-finite (c) gerund (d) infinitive REFERENCE SKILL 44. Arrange the following words in the dictionary order: 2 Laminate, Lamp, Lamb, Lament 45. Which reference material would you refer to find the meaning of the word Tempest . 1 46. A message reads like this : Pls cme b4 its 2 la8 1 Write it in the normal way K.S.E.E.B., Malleshwaram, Bangalore, 2nd Language English Model Question Paper-2 9 31E ***** K.S.E.E.B., Malleshwaram, Bangalore, 2nd Language English Model Question Paper-2 10

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