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ICSE pred ppr2016 : Computer Applications (Professor Charles Francis Xavier Collage, New York)

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Professor Charles Francis Xavier Collage, New York
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Computer Application/ Paper 5/Page 1 of 4 Computer Applications (2 hours) GRADE: X Max Marks: 100 Revision Paper 5 Answers to this Paper must be written on the paper provided separately. You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes. This time is to be spent in reading the Question Paper. The time given at the head of this Paper is the time allowed for writing the answers. ____________________________________________________________ SECTION A (40 Marks) Attempt all questions Q. 1. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. [10] Differentiate between Compiler and Interpreter. What is the difference between == and equals()? What is JVM? Explain its function. Differentiate between Constructor and method. Define a class. Give any two examples of class. Q. 2. 1. 2. 3. 4. [10] Q. 3. Give the output of the following 1. String str= Computer Application ; for(i=0;i<str.length();i++) { char ch=str.charAt(i); if(ch!='a'&&ch!='e'&&ch!='i'&&ch!='o'&&ch!='u') fstr+=ch; } System.out.println(fstr); } [20] What do you mean by precedence of operator? Differentiate between entry controlled loop and exit controlled loop. Explain polymorphism with an example. What will the result of the expression if X=5 X+= X / X + ++X X-- * X 5. Write the Java Expression for the following S= X4 +Y-5 / (2Z) * 5 This paper consists of 4 printed sides. Computer Application/ Paper 5/Page 2 of 4 2. public class predict8 { static void main() { int a[]={2,4,16,8}; for(int i=0;i<=1;i++) { int temp=a[i]; a[i]= a[3-i]; a[3-i]=temp System.out.println(a[i] + "\t" + b[3-i]+ "\t"); } } } 3. void display_3_3() { boolean b=true; System.out.println(b); int y=90; while(b) { if(y%4==0) b=false; System.out.println(y); y-=6; } System.out.println(y); } 4. void display3_4() { System.out.println("Nitya".substring(2).length()); System.out.println("thanx ".concat("substring(4).length()")); System.out.println(Math.ceil(4)); System.out.println(Math.floor(26)); System.out.println("Computer".lastIndexOf('z')); } This paper consists of 4 printed sides. Computer Application/ Paper 5/Page 3 of 4 SECTION B (60 Marks) Attempt any four questions from this Section. The answers in this Section should consist of the Programs in either BlueJ environment or any program environment with Java as the base. Each program should be written using Variable descriptions/Mnemonic Codes such that the logic of the program is clearly depicted. Flow-Charts and Algorithms are not required. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Q. 4 Write a menu driven program that performs the following functions (use i) Ask the user to enter two numbers and check if they are amicable numbers or not. A set of numbers (n1 and n2) are amicable if the sum of the proper factors of n1 is equal to n2, and the sum of the proper factors of n2 is equal to n1. A proper factor of a number is all factors of that number including 1, but not the number itself. ii) Ask the user to enter a word, and check if it is a palindrome string. Q. 5 Write a program to enter a string and convert vowels in Uppercase and consonants in lowercase. Q. 6 Write a program to enter names of 10 candidates in a string array and number of votes obtained in votes array. Design a search module technique using Binary search to search a name and find corresponding votes obtained. Program should display an appropriate message if name does not appear in the list. Q. 7 Design a class to overload a function num_calc() as follows: void num_calc(int num, char ch) with one integer argument and one char argument, computes the square of integer argument if choice ch is 's' otherwise find its cube. This paper consists of 4 printed sides. Computer Application/ Paper 5/Page 4 of 4 void num_calc(int a, int b, char ch) with two integer arguments and character argument. It computes the product of integer arguments if ch is 'p' else adds the integers. void num_calc(String s1, String s2) with two string arguments, which prints whether the strings are equal or not Create an object in the main method to implement the above class functions. Q. 8 Define a class Prime having the following specifications: Class name : PrimeFactors Data Members : int num; Member Functions: void input() : to accept a value and store it in num boolean isPrime(int x): to check factor is a Prime number void displayFactors(): to find factors of a number. Create main function to define the object and execute the functions Q. 9 Write a program to accept a number from the user and check if it is a unique number. A number is said to be unique number if the digits in the number are not repeated. Eg:- 1234 is unique number 11235 is not an unique number This paper consists of 4 printed sides.

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