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SOME IMPORTANT DEFINITIONS COMPUTER APPLICATIONS Static variable/ method The member defined with static keyword becomes a class member and only one copy of it will be available. All the other members are instance methods and they are created for every object that is created. Instance variable is a variable defined in a class (i.e. a member variable), for which each object of the class has a separate copy, or instance. An instance variable is similar to and contrasts with a class variable. A class variable is defined using the static n modifier . An instance variable is a class member that is defined without using the static modifier. this key word : it refers to the currently selected object. When a member method is invoked compiler implicitly uses it to refer to the data member. User can also implicitly use this keyword as Example: this.width=w this.length=l this refers to only instance methods and not class method keyword this is available in any instance method it resolves name space collision (hint : remember how ATM works) Global variable A variable which can be used equally available to all the functions in the class Coercion Explicit type conversion happening by default. Example:int c; int d; double a= c+d; . operator the dot connects classes and objects to members. It is used when you are connecting an object reference variable to a method. when you are connecting a class name to one of its static fields. An example of this is the dot between "System" and "out" in the statements we use to print stuff to the console window. System is the name of a class included in every Java implementation. It has an object reference variable that points to a PrintStream object for the console. So, "System.out.println( "text") invokes the println() method of the System.out object. Message passing: The process of interaction between objects either by passing values or by requesting information is known as message passing

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