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ICSE Class X Notes 2025 : History and Civics (St. Xaviers Institution (SXI), Panihati, Kolkata)

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Somrita Sanyal
St. Xavier's Institution (SXI), Panihati, Kolkata
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St. Xavier's Institution, Panihati Selection Examination, 2024 - 2025 Class- X Su~ject- History and Civics Time: 2 hours Full Marks - 80 Attempt all questions from Part l(CompuJsory). A total of five questions are to be attempted from Part II, two out of three questions from Section A and three out of five questions from Section B. The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets [ ]. Part I (Compulsory) Attempt all questions from this Part [I 6] Question 1 Choose the correct options: cy? (i) Which among the following statemen ts is true in case of a Proclama tion of an Emergen a) Jhe Lok Sabha is dissolved . '4" The Union Parliament makes law with respect to subjects mentione d in the State List. c) The Speaker issues Ordinanc es ... d) No Confiden ce Motion is passed in the Lok Sabha. (ii) Which of the followin g is correctly paired? A: Speaker: :Casting Vote B: Lok Sabha::P ermanen t House C: Adjournm ent Motion:: Legislati ve power of the Parliame nt D: Consolid ated Fund oflndia:: Salary of the Supreme Court Judges (A) and (B) b) (B) and (C) c)~ C) and (D) ~ (D)and( A) a) (iii) With reference to the picture given below answer the followin g question : - -- THE - - HIN..DU .... .....,.'111,111 . ribes the case addressed in the pict Which among the following situations ure beS t desc above? a) War b) External Aggression c) Arm ed Rebellion ~ of the above . . (1v) Which among the following stateme nts ts true about th e posi t ton of Prime Minister? a) Prime Minister acts on the advice of the President. b) Prime Minister appoints the Cou ncil of Ministers on the advice of the President. c) ~ ident is the link between the Prime Minister and the Cabinet. ~o ne of the above . (v) The President of India has the pow er to summon and prorogue the Par liament. Wha t kind of power is this? a) Executive b) Financial c) Judiciary ~ Legislative (vi) Read the two statements given below about the election of the Pre sident of India and select the option that shows the correct relationship between {A) and {B). (A) The Pre side nt of India is elected indi rectly. (8) The pow er really resided in the Cou ncil of Ministers, hea ded by the Prim e Minister. a) b) c) ~ (A) is true but (B) is false. (B) is true but (A) is false. Bot h (A) and (B) are false. oth (A) and (B) are true . (vii) Name the writ that can be issu ed by a High Cou rt for the above incident? a)M and amu s b) Prohibition '4b ea s Cor pus d)C ertio rari (viii) If the Sup rem e Cou rt dec lare nd s a law mad e by the Central Governm ent as null a void , whi ch pow er is use d by it? Page 2 of 6 PTO . a)Original Jurisdi ction dicial Review ~ c)Advi sory Jurisdi ction d) Revisory Jurisdi ction (ix) Moderates: Domin ion Status: : Assert ives :_ _ _ _ _ __ ~ olute Swaraj b} Faith in British sense of Justice c) Political Mendic ancy d) Rast Goftar British officer, Major H.G. (x) On March 7, 1922, a param ilitary force comma nded by a edly, 1,200 people Sutton, fired on a large gather ing of Adivas is at Palchitaria. Report were killed. in history? The above inciden t is similar to which of the following events a) Civil Disobe dience Movem ent b) Quit India Movem ent ' -ecy Jaiiianwala Bagh Massa cre d) Khilafat Movem ent tion Movem ent of (xi) Which of the following are positive aspects of the Non-Coopera 1920? L: Boycott of British goods M: Hindu-Muslim Unity N: Boycott of Legislative Councils 0 : Removal of Untouchability a) Land M b) Mand N c) N and 0 vdfM andO shows the correct (xii) Read the two statements given below and select the option that relationship between (A) and (R). is significant in the Assertion (A): The Lahore Session of Congress, in December 1929, history of India's freedom struggle . Round Table Conference, Reason (R): The Congress passed a resolution boycotting the mme of Civil declared 'Puma Swaraj' as its goal and took steps to launch a progra Disobedience. a) J R) contradicts (A). (R) is the reason for (A). ~ c) Both (A) and (R) are false . d) (A) and (R) are independent of each other. Lajpat Rai led a (xiii) The seven members of this Commission w,ere all British. Lala during the protest protest against this commission. He suffered a brutal police beating and died of his injuries on 17 November 1928. The above information is about which Commission? ~f'Simon Commission b) Sapru Commission Page 3 of 6 PT.O c) Chatfield Cornrnission d) Floud Cornrnission . nts about the Quit India OD ONE out of the following stateme (xiv) Identify the 0 Resolution : don 8 August 1942. . y" a) The Quit India Resolut'.on was pass : that "Briti sh ~le in India must end immediate! . b) The Quit India Resolution demande . J . Committee met at Wardha m uly , 1942 and adopted a long c) The Congress Working th Quit India Resolution. n as e Resolution that came to be know . " .. Birth Right and I will have tI " ~ andhiji, in his speech said: SwaraJ is my (xv) Give the full form of this UN Agency. UN E S C a ~ nited Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultu ral Organization b) United Nations Educational, Social and Cultural Organization c) United Nations Environmental, Scientific and Cultural Organization d) Unite d Natio ns Educational, Scientific and Children's Organization (xvi) This power is available to whic trof the-f ollowing organs of the UN? -i~i.: .-~--?''_!:~ ;-_:~ ~-.. -..... .:_ --,-_ : - ~;;_!?: : ~ a) General Assembly b) International Cour t of Justice ~ Security Council d) Trusteeship Council Question 2 (i) Why are ordin ance s temp orary mea sure s? (ii) State two qualifications required to be the Vice - [2] Pres iden t of India . [2] (iii) Und er wha t condition can a non- MP be appo inted as Mini ster? [2] (iv) Nam e the pers ons who are consulted by the Pres iden t while appoint1ng the Chie f Just ice of a High Court. ~~Ml'<--t ~ l'2"! (2) (v) Men tion any two imm edia te obje ctive s of the Cong ress . [2] (vi) Nam e the Ali Brot hers who beca me the lead ers of the Khila fat Mov eme nt. [2] (vii) Men tion any two func tions of the UN Secu rity Cou nci l.fx ~ ~ ~ (2) (~4' 3u_!!i,, t l.OtJct; * Sr.lit, t.lh d ~ Wti ~U . Page4 of6 P.T.0. Part- II Section A Attempt any two questions from this Section avestion 3 The Union Legislature comprises the Preside t d h n an t e two houses of the P riament. ar Wrth ref erence to the Parliament, answer briefly: (i) Qualifications of the member s of Rajya Sabha. 3 I ~,;;lo, [] ~Let k ~~i. /:J1~Vb/ h[ (>.li\ S~, Sabha. Lok _ the of Term (ii) (iii) Two exclusive powers each of the Lok Sabha and the Rajya Sabha. f~ , ~~ Que.stj on 4 The Executiv e branch of the Government performs the task of enforcing the laws made by the legislature. With reference to tt,i~. answe.r the following qi..w,stjons: (i) Defi ne Collective Responsibility.N, ,u WM <:Wu,~ \/l9J~~ [3] [3] (ii ) Mention three differenc es between the Cabinet and the Council of Ministers. (iii) State the reasons for adopting the method of Indirect Election for Presidential [4] E lections . Questio n 5 India has a dual polity but ou r Jud iciary is Single Unified Judiciary . With regard to this, answer the following questions: (i) State three cases which is under the Original Jurisdiction of the Supreme Court. [3] [3] (ii) Mention three qualifications req uired to be a High Court Judge. (iii) Mention four ways which ensures the independence and impartiality of the judges of (4J the Supreme Court. Section B Attempt any three questions from this Section Question 6 The time period from 1885 to 1905 can be called the 'Moderate Phase' of the Indian National Congress. With reference to this, answer the following questions: [3] i) What were the econom ic reforms demanded by the Moderates? ii) What were the methods of struggle adopted by the Moderates? iii) State two contribu tions each of --- [3] [4] a) Surendranath Banerjea b) GopaJ Krishna Gokhale Qu estion 7 The Muslim League was an important topic in the Indian struggle for indepen dence. The Lucknow Pact was an agreeme nt reached in Decemb er 1916. With reference to this , answer th e following question s : i) What was the Hindi-Urdu Controve rsy that became one of the factors leading to the formation of the Muslim League? [3] ii) When was the Muslim League founded? Mention the objective s of the Mu slim Leagu e [4] " as laid down in its Constitution . i Question 8 The Indian Independence Movement was a series of historic events in South Asia with the uftimate aim of ending British colonial rule. With reference to the time-period from 1919- 1942. answer the following questions: i) Which incident forced Gandhiji to suspend the law-breaking part of the Non- Cooperation Movement of 1920? [3] ii) What were the reasons responsible for the failure of the Cripps Mission? [3] iii) Mention the signrncance of the Quit India Movement. [4] Question 9 The UN is a diplomatic and political international organization which was established after World War 11. UN Specialized Agencies coordinate their work with the United Nations. With reference to this, answer the following questions: ii) What is the composition of the UN Security Council? [4] [3] iii) What are the functions of UNICEF? [3] i) State the objectives of the UN. Question 10 Look at the picture given below and answer the following questions: . J i) Name any three architects of The Non-Aligned Movement. ii} Mention any three principles of Panchsheel. iii) Mention any four objectives of the Non-Aligned Movement. [3] (3] [4]

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