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ICSE Class X Notes 2020 : Chemistry (HVB Academy, Mumbai) : Definitions of chemistry Lmr

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Soham Multani
HVB Academy, Mumbai
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LMR-3 DEFINITIONS / TERMS Atomic Radius / Atomic size - The distance between the centre of the nucleus to the outermost shell is called atomic radius. Ionization potential - The amount of energy required to remove a loosely bound electron from the outermost shell of an isolated gaseous atom. Electron affinity - The amount of energy released when an atom in the gaseous state accepts an electron to form an anion. Electronegativity - The tendency of an atom to attract electrons towards itself when combined in a compound. Oxidation : (i) Loss of hydrogen (ii) Gain of oxygen Reduction : (i) Gain of hydrogen (ii) loss of oxygen (iii) Loss of electron/s (iii) Gain of electron/s Electrovalent bond A chemical bond formed between the atoms of two elements in which one loses electron (metal) and the other gains electron. Electrovalency- The number of electrons donated or accepted by the valence shell of an atom of an element to complete its octet or duplet state is known as electrovalency. Covalent bond- The chemical bond formed by mutual sharing of electrons by the atoms of non-metallic elements is called covalent bond. Covalency- The number of electron pairs, which an atom shares with other atom or atoms to achieve stable electronic configuration, is called Covalency. Lone pair of electrons- the electrons, which are not shared with any other atom in the formation of the bond, are called lone pair of electrons. Lone pair effect- Oxygen is more electronegative than hydrogen, therefore it pulls the electrons towards itself and hence becomes slightly negatively charged, while hydrogen gets slightly positive charge. Co-ordinate covalent bond- It is a bond formed between the atom of a polar covalent molecule with lone pair of the electrons and an ion which accepts the lone pair of electrons. Acids - Acids are defined as compounds which when dissolved in water produce hydronium ions(H3O+) as the only positive ions. Organic acids - These acids are derived from plants. Mineral acids - These acids are usually obtained from minerals. Oxyacids - Acids containing hydrogen, oxygen and some other element. Hydracids - Acids containing hydrogen and a nonmetallic element, but not oxygen. Strong acid - It ionizes completely in aqueous solution producing a high concentration of hydronium ion.

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