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ICSE Class X Prelims 2024 : Chemistry (Parle Tilak Vidyalaya, Mumbai)

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Dk Saraff
St. Helen's School, Howrah
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PARLE TILAK VDYALAYAICSE) PRELIMINARY EXAMINATION Grade:X Date: 09.01.2024 SCIENCE-PAPER 2 Marks: 80 Time : 2 hrs CHEMISTRY Answer to this paper must be written on the paper provided separately You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes This time is to be spent in reading the question paper The time given at the head of this paper is the time allowed for writing answers. This Paper is divided into two sections Attempt all questions from Section A and any four questions from Section B. The intended marks for questions or parts of guestions are given in brackets |1 This paper consists of Six printed pages. Section A(40 marks) (Attempt all questions) Question Choose the correct answers to the questions from the given options. (Do not copy the questiorns, write the correct answers only.) i. The elements arrangcd in increasing order of ionisation potential in a period of the [15] periodic table arc. a. Carbon, Boron, Nitrogen b. Oxygen, Carbon, Neon c. Boron, Beryllium, Lithium d. Boron, Carbon, Nitrogen, i. The covalent compound has a shared pair of electrons unequally distributed between its two atoms. a. Nitrogen b. Chlorine c. Ammonia d. Methane ii. During electrolysis of acidified water using sulphuric acid the ions formed are Hydrogen ion, sulphate ion, and hydroxide ion of which the ion/s discharged at the anode is. a. Sulphate ion b. Hydroxide ion C. Hydrogen ion d. All of the above iv. The vapour density of carbon dioxide is. [C= 12 0=16] a. 32 b. 44 C. 22 d. 88 v. Glucose reacts with concentrated sulphuric acid to give avery pure form of carbon called sugar charcoal. The reaction is caled Oxidation b. Combination C. Combustion d. Dehydration This paper consists of six printed pages. chloride and an alkal1i reacts, which tums ammonium when liberted gas the Vi.The pH of nessler's reagent brown. 7 a. Less than 7 More than 7 d. less than 3 hydrogen sulphide gas. vii. A substance X on heating with dilute sulphuric acid evolves Thc anion in substance X is a a. Sulphide b. Sulphite c. Bisulphate d. Sulphate vii. Which of the following is an unsaturated hydrocarbon? a. Hexane b. Butene c. Butyne d. b and c both ix. The number ofC- C bonds in benzene is 6 b. 9 c. 3 d. 12 x.The purpose of roasting and calcination are to convert Ore into oxide b. Ore into metal c. Ore into metallic carbonate d. None of the above xi. The metal zinc and tin are present in the alloy a. Solder b. Brass c. Bronze d. Duralumin xii. Which of these will act as a non electrolyte?. a. Acetic acid b. Ammonia solution c. Carbon tetrachloride solution d. Sodium hydroxide solution potassium xiii. How many moles of oxygen are required by the decomposition of six moles of 2 KCI + 3o, chlorate? 2 KCIO, a. 3 b. 6 c. 9 d. 12 type of bonding will exist xiv. An element X belongs to group land Y belongs to group 17. What between them? a. lonic bonding b. Covalent bonding Coordinate bonding C d. None of these alumina from 2050 C to 950 C Xv. The substance added to lower the fusion temperature of a Galena b. Cryolite c. Sodium aluminate d. Corundum ICSE This paper consists of six printed pages. answers from the bracket ng by choosng the comvt [Cinnahar, Galena) follow thc .Complete I. is lcad conta1ning ore concentrated sulphurc acid ts A metallc sulpude when sulphur is heated with Question 2 forned solution (Sulphurous acid, Sulphur doxide) will turm phenolphthalein solution ] acidic alkal1ne [ An KOH is colourless 1,2-ditbromocthanc reacts with alcoholic when d. The gas obtaincd give the dehydrated The oudiset protuct [Ethanc, Ethyne) alcohol at 170 C to sulphuric acid reacts with ethvl Concentrated c. [Ethylene, Ethane]. product the format given. 5] B. Write the answer in Column with A Column i. Match the following Column B Column A 1 Alkene 2 Alkane b Aldchyde -COOH CntH2n CHO Acid d 3 -CO0 CnH2n+2 Ester a....... b..... d..... e....... (5) iii. Identify the following. lone pairs of electrons. two having compound A covalent 3. monovalent metal present in cryolite. properties in which successive A b. chemical similar compounds having C. The set of organic metallic members differ by a CH- group. film of a superior metal on the surface of a deposition of a thin d. The electrolytic as the number of elementary particles object. same the contains which Amount of a substance e. of carbon. number of atoms present in 12g following phosphoric acid according to to phosphorus oxidizes Concentrated nitric acid 5N0, iv. H,PO, +H,0 + P+SHNO, N=14] [P=31 H= 1 0=16 reaction. then calculate in the used was phosphorus If9.3g of phosphorus taken. a. Number of moles of acid formed. b. The mass of phosphoric nitrogen dioxide produced at stp. c. The volume of cquation. V CSE (2] [2] to prevent rusting. Based on nickel with chain key his (3] Mr. Mohan wants to electroplate a. following. the answer electroplating this 1. Name the anode. cathode and anode respectively. at place takes that reaction 2. Write the printed pages. This paper consists of six 3 I-0-0-0-I I-0-I I-0-I h oe theI \ names f the tollowingcomunds H Question 3 Sectlon (40 marks) (Attempt mny four questions rom thls sectlon ) (3| i. Draw the structural fomula ot the tollowing compounds. a 2 Methyl propan 2-ol b 2.3-dimethyl butane e. Fthanoic acid i. Drawthe clectron dot structure ot' hydnonium ion. Label a lone pair of eleotron in it. [21 ii. Write the formula of the product fomed when elenent(B) with atomic number 19 combines with clenent (A) with atomie number l7. Draw its clectron dot structure. What is the nature of the bond formed? [3) iv. What is the volune of 7.lg of chlorine at STP? (C- 35.S ] (21 Question 4 i. ln the eleetnoplating of copper bells with silver. a. Name the clectrolyte. b. What substance must the anode be made of? e. Write the reaction that takes place at cathode. ii. The following questions refer to the extraction of pure alumina trom its ore bauxite. a. Nane the principal ore. b. Name the process. [4) c. Write the chemical cquations involved in the second and third step in the above process. ii. Acolourless gas G fumes strongly in the air. The gas gives dense white fumes when a glass anod dippcd in ammonia solution when held near the gas. Answer the following questions. [3] a. ldentity the gas G. b. Name the chemicals used in the preparation of the gas G. c. How du you collect the gas Gin the laboratory? Iestion 5 (3] i. Write cquations for the following reactions. a. Catalytic oxidation of ammonia. b. Ammonia as a roducing agent with metallic oxide. c. Reaction of ammonia with cxcess chlorine. This paper consists of six printed pages. 4 Nme the organic conpound prepared by cach of the followng reactions (CHCOONa NaO| b CU,Br Aq. KOH Ca', H,0 C 12.67 %, H2.13% and An organie compound with vapour density 94 contains | brominc 85 11%. Find the molecular lormnula. |C- 12, |- 1, Br- 80 |4| Question 6 which solid Lgives a rcddish brown gas M, a gas I. The action of heat on the blue crvstall1ne cgg rotten When gas N, which has a residuc. relights a glowing splint and leaves a black precipitate is formed. black L a of solution a smcll, is passed through tonnula) . ldentily L,M and N(Name or observation to identify N. its and test b. Write a chemic:al following sulphuric acid. ii Write the balanced cyu:alion for the in thc presencc of concentratcd alcohol ethyl with Acctic acid reacts alcoholic KOH. b. [4) |3| Dehydrohalogenationof ethyl chloride with lalogenation(chlorination) of cthene. aluminium. are relevant to the extraction of ore. i. The following questons bauxite to of caustic alkali State the reason for the addition reaction. ehemical cquation for the above extraction of b. Give a balanced occurs at the cathode during the that Wrile the cquation for the rcaction aluminium by clectrolysis. [2} Question 7 the following compounds. i. ldentily the anion present in concentrated sulphuric acid liberates a heating with copper turnings and a. Comnpound X on milky, reddish brown gas. a gas which turns lime water liberates acid sulphuric dilute with solution. b. Conmpound Z. reacts acidified Potassium dichromate on eflect has no cquation gas the but and non volatile acid. Writc an agent oxidising an both is acid [21 ii. Concentrated sulphuric above properties of sulphuric acid. their own for cuch to illustrate the hydrogen. Some elements are given below represent not docs H below, letter. iii. In the table table while others are shown with a periodic the in position aund symbol Group No. I 13 2 4 16 17 Ne D 2nd period Li 3d period AMg 18 Si H M Y Q 4period R T following queslions. With reference lo the lable, answer the element. Identify the most clectronegative are present in Q? and give the b. How many valence clectrons what type of bond would be formed H and A bctween compound C In the same. molccular formula of the following. iv. Give reasons for the chloridc conducts clcctricity. An aqucous solution of sodium fusc and for soldering purposes. b. Solder is uscd to make clectrical ICSE pages. This paper consists of six printed 5 (21 (21 correspondine given followed by a is assertion of statement questions a (4] coTect answer as 1. In cach of the following the statements, mark the Question 8 statement of reason just below it. Of statement of assertion. and rcason is the correct correct are rcason Both assertion and corect statement of assertion. the not is reason but true reason are O. Both assertion and is false. C. Assertion is true but the reason d. Assertion is falsc but the reason is true. indicate presence of acids or bases. 1. Assertion :Indicators arc used to Rcason:Methyl orange shows yellow colour for base. right across a peri0d. 2. Assertion: Atomic radii decrease from left to across a period. Reason: The nuclcar charge increases from left to right 3. Assertion: Ethene is used for artificial ripening of fruits. Reason:Ethanol is used to make polyethene. in solid state. 4. Assertion: Ionic compounds conduct electricityelectricity. Reason: Covalcnt compounds do not conduct solution is first added dropwise and then in excess to ii. What do you observe when the ammonia [3] the following solutions. a. CuSO, b. ZnS04 C. Pb(NO,), [2] iii. Define the following terms. a. b. Isomerism Mineral hydrochloric iv. Distinguish between dilute sulphuric acid and dilute solution. XXXXXX XXXXXX acid using barium chloride [1]

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