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MOCK TEST PAPER 2 ICSE Biology X SCIENCE Paper 1 Max. Marks: 80 Answer to this Paper must be written on the paper provided separately. You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes. This time is to be spent in reading the Question Paper. The time given at the head of this paper is the time allowed for writing the answers. Attempt all questions from Section I and any four questions from Section II. The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets [ ]. SECTION I (40 Marks) Attempt all questions from this Section Question 1. (a) Name the following: (i) A neurotransmitter (ii) First discovered antibiotic (iii) Organelle concerned with protein synthesis (iv) Disease caused by hyposecretion of thyroxine (v) Type of cell division during oogenesis. [5] (b) State the main functions of following: (i) Lysosome (ii) Medulla oblongata (iii) Chloroplast (iv) Cristae (v) Meninges [5] (c) Copy & complete the following by filling in the blanks 1 to 5 with appropriate words: _______ is the process by which _______ plants synthesize their food in the presence of _______ and chlorophyll by taking _______ from atmosphere and water from oil. Food is synthesized in the form of simple _______, like sugar. (d) Given below are six sets with four terms each. In each set one term is odd & cannot be grouped in the same category to which the other three belong. Identify the odd one in each set & nance a category to which other three belong.The first has been done as example. Example : Cyton, Photon, Axon, Dendron Odd term : Photon Category Parts of a neuron (i) Arteries, Veins, Lacteal, Capillaries. 154 ICSE Biology X (ii) Vitamin K, Heparin, Prothrombin, Fibrinogen. (iii) Basophils, neutrophils, Neurocytes, Eosinophils. (iv) SAN, AVN, ATP, Purkinje fibre. (v) Cerebrum, Thalamus, Hypothalamus, Pons. [5] (e) Given along side is an apparatus to study a particular process in plant. Study the diagram and answer the following question: Leafy shoot Reservoir Graduated Capillary tube Water Air bubble Coloured water (i) Name the apparatus. (ii) Name the process being studied & defineit. (iii) What is the role of air bubble in the capillary tube? (iv) Write any 2 limitations of this apparatus. [5] (f) Define the following terms (i) Vaccination. (ii) Implantation (iii) Replication (iv) Guttation (v) Karyokinesis [5] (g) Match the items in column A with most appropriate ones in column B & rewrite correct matching pairs. Column A Column B (1) Chlorophyll (a) Thylakoid (2) Cones (b) Sperms (3) Rhodopsin (c) Iodine (4) Thyroxine (d) Iodopsin (5) Seminiferous tubules (e) Dimlight (h) State the exact location of following: (i) Epididymis. (ii) Adrenal gland. (iii) Interstitial cells. (iv) Grana. (v) Centriole. [5] [5] Mock Test Paper 2 SECTION II 155 (40 Marks) Attempt any four questions from this Section Question 2. (a) Differentiate between the following pairs on the basis of what is mentioned within brackets: (i) Plasmolysis & De plasmolysis (solution outside cell). (ii) Diabetes mellitus & Diabetes insipidus (hormone). (iii) Active and Passive immunity (Definition). (iv) Cerebrum & Cerebellum (Function). (v) Yellow spot & blind spot (Function). [5] (b) Given below is a diagram depicting a defect of human eye. Study the diagram and answer the following question: 1 2 3 (i) Identify the defect. (ii) Name the parts labelled 1, 2 and 3. (iii) Give two possible reason for this eye defect. (iv) Draw a labelled diagram for the correction of this defect. Question 3. (a) Give reasons for the following. (i) We can see near & far objects clearly. (ii) Transpiration is incidental to photosynthesis. (iii) Adrenalin is known as emergency hormone. (iv) Males are more sufferers of genetic diseases in comparison to females. (v) Light is necessary for photosynthesis. (b) Given below are diagram of plant cell after having been placed in two different solution: Cell Wall A (i) What is the technical term for (1) Cell A (2) Cell B Plasma Membrane B [5] [5] 156 ICSE Biology X (ii) From the solution given in the bracket. (water, strong sugar solution, salt solution). Name the solution into which (1) Cell A (2) Cell B was placed before being viewed under the microscope. (iii) Under what condition in the soil will the root hair cell resemble. (1) Cell A (2) Cell B (iv) Name the pressure responsible for the movement of water from the root hair cell to the xylem of the root. (v) Name the pressure that help in the movement of water up to xylem of the root. [5] Question 4. (a) The diagram below represents the structure found in the inner ear. Study the same and then answer the question that follows: A B C D (i) Name the parts labelled A, B, C an D. (ii) Name the part of the ear responsible for transmitting impulses to the brain. (iii) Name the parts Labelled above which is responsible for: (1) Static equilibrium (2) Dynamic equilibrium (3) Hearing. (iv) Name the audio receptor cells which pick up vibration. (v) Name the fluid present in the inner ear. (b) Name the hormone responsible for the following function: (i) Increase heart beat. (ii) Maintain glucose level in the blood. (iii) Converts Glycogen to glucose. (iv) Regulate basal metabolism. (v) Ossification of bones. (vi) Prepeares the body during emergency. (vii) Responsible for normal growth of the whole body. (viii) Regulate the functioning of male and female reproductive organs. (ix) Increase re-absorption of water in the kidney. (x) Increase blood supply to the muscles. Question 5. (a) Explain the following terms. (i) Natality (ii) Photo phosphorylation (iv) Root Pressure (v) Parturition. [5] [5] (iii) Antibiotic [5] Mock Test Paper 2 (b) The diagram given alongside is that of developing foetus. Answer the following questions: (i) Name the part labelled 1. 3 (ii) Write two functions of part labelled 2. (iii) Explain the role played by part 3. (iv) What is corpus luteum. (v) What is gestation period (in days) humans. [5] 2 157 1 Question 6. (a) The diagram below represents a stage in cell division. Study the same and answer the following questions. (i) Identify the stage of cell division. (ii) Name the parts labelled A, B, C, D. A B C D (iii) What is the unique feature in this stage. (iv) Where does this type of cell division usually occur. (v) How many daughter cells are formed. (vi) It is a plant or animal cell. [5] (b) Give the expanded form of the following: (i) NADP (ii) ATP (iii) ACTH (iv) STH (v) RUBP [5] Question 7. (a) (i) Mention two activities of WHO. (ii) Name three germ killing secretions of our body. (iii) Mention 3 adaptations in plants for reducing transpiration. [5] (b) (i) Draw an experimental setup to show that oxygen is given out during photosynthesis. (ii) Define Law of segregation and mention genotypic & phenotypic ratio of F2 generation of a monohybrid cross. (iii) Define mutation. [5]

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