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ICSE Prelims 2016 : Biology (Shatavisha Public School, Hooghly)

4 pages, 69 questions, 48 questions with responses, 57 total responses,    0    0
Shuvam Roy Chowdhuruy
Shatavisha Public School, Hooghly
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Biology Group I[40 marks] Attempt All Questions Question 1: A. Name the following: [5] a. A condition in which very dilute urine is passed out. b. The defect of the eye where image is formed in front of the retina. c. Tiny pores through which guttation occurs. d. The part of cerebrum concerned with thinking, memory and reasoning. e. A gas that is responsible for acid rain. B. State whether the following statements are True or False. If False, rewrite the correct form of the statement by changing the underlined word only: [5] a. The lens in the eye becomes more convex to look at distant object. b. Cranial nerves arise from the brain. c. Deafness is caused due to the rupturing of the pinna. d. Urethra carries urine from kidney to the urinary bladder. e. Thylakoids are present in mitochondria. C. Define the following: [5] a. Ganglion b. Osmosis c. Reflex action d. Polymerization e. Green house effect D. Mention the exact location and function of the following: [5] a. Meninges b. Ear ossicles c. Chordae tendinae d. Glomerulus e. Guard cells E. Rewrite and complete the following sentences by inserting the correct word in the space inserted: [5] a. The disease caused by the hyposecretion of thyroxine in children in ________ b. ________ is the defect of the eye when lens becomes opaque. c. ________ is the immediate product of photosynthesis. d. Main source of ozone layer depletion is _______ e. The apparatus used to demonstrate osmosis is called ________. F. The figure shows a variegated leaf: [5] a. What do you mean by a variegated leaf? b. Give two examples of plants with variegated leaf. c. If the leaf is subjected to iodine test, what colour change would you observe in the green and yellow portions respectively? d. Give suitable reasons for your answer in (iii) above e. Give a complete balanced reaction of the process that is being considered. G. Match the items in column A with those which are most appropriate in column B. Rewrite the matching pairs: Column A a. Light Reaction b. Carbon dioxide c. Lubb d. Phosphates e. Neutrophils [5] Column B i. Pulmonary artery ii. Eutrophication iii. Global warming iv. Grana v. Atrial Systole vi. Affinity for haemoglobin vii. Stroma viii. Phagocytosis H. Choose the odd one out from each of the following sets. Also write the category in which the other terms belong: a. Stapes , Iris , Cochlea , Tympanum b. Myelin sheath , Spinal cord , Dendrites , Axon c. Cellophane paper , Goat bladder , Visking bag , Polythene bag d. ATP , NADP , O2 , PGA e. Aorta , Vena Cava , Coronary Sinus , Pulmonary veins. [5] Group II[40 marks] Attempt Any Four Questions Question 2: a. Given alongside is a diagrammatic representation of a certain part of the process of circulation of blood in man. Study the same and then answer the questions that follow: (i) Name the parts labelled 1 , 2 , 4 and 6 (ii) Give the number and name of the vessel which contains the maximum amount of urea a few hours after a protein rich meal. (iii) Draw a neat, labelled diagram of the cross-sectional view of the blood vessel numbered 3 b. Briefly describe the following terms and the answer as directed after each: (i) Biodegradable pollutants (Name one) (ii) Ozone hole (when is International Ozone Day celebrated?) (iii) Photochemical Smog (Mention one hazard caused by it) (iv) Biomagnification (Name a chemical substance which has undergone biomagnification) (v) Noise pollution (Name the unit of measuring noise) [(2+1+2)+5] Question 3: a. Given alongside is the diagrammatic representation of the transverse section of a root of a plant. Study the same and answer the questions that follow: (i) How is (1) adapted for absorption of water? (2 points) (ii) Number and label the conducting tissues stating their functions. (iii) Number and name the part which stores starch for future use. b. (i) Explain the term plasmolysis. Give one application of this phenomenon in our daily life. (ii) What is Ganong s Potometer used for? Write any two limitations of this apparatus. [(2+2+1)+(2+3)] Question 4: a. (i) Draw a neat labelled diagram of the reflex arc in man. (ii) Categorise the different actions below under simplex reflex, conditioned reflex and voluntary action. (I) Salivation on seeing food (II) Performing an experiment in the laboratory (III) Removing hand on touching hot object (IV) Reciting from memory b. Complete the following table by filling in the numbered blanks with an appropriate term / answer: Gland Secretion Function Hyposecretion Hypersecretion (i) (1) Insulin (2) (3) (4) (ii) (5) (6) Controls (7) (8) (iii) ***** (9) overall growth ***** (10) Cushing s Syndrome [(3+2)+5] Question 5: a. (i) Draw the flow chart of blood clotting beginning with rupture of blood vessels and ending at formation of clot. (ii) Why blood does not clot in intact vessels? (iii) Name (A) the soluble protein in blood clotting (B) the disease resulting due to absence of clotting factors. b. Give one point of difference between the following on the basis of what is given in the brackets: (i) Cerebrum and Cerebellum (connective fibre) (ii) Photolysis and Photophosphorylation (definition) (iii) Auditory canal and Semi circular canals (function) (iv) Turgidity and Flaccidity (cause) (v) PCT and DCT (process of water reabsorption) [(3+1+1)+5] Question 6: a. (i) Draw a labelled diagram of a stomatal apparatus when guard cells are flaccid. (ii) During which time of the day do they remain flaccid ?Why? (iii) Differentiate monocot and dicot leaves on the basis of shape of guard cells. b. State two points for each question below: (i) Types of parenchyma in mesophyll tissue. (ii) Natural antitranspirants (iii) Parts of vestibule of ear. (iv) Muscles in the iris. (v) Hormones secreted from adrenal medulla. [(2+2+1)+5] Question 7: a. The figure given alongside represents an experiment to demonstrate a particular aspect of photosynthesis: (i) What is the aim of the experiment? (ii) Identify the special condition inside the flask. (iii) Name an alternative chemical that can be used instead of KOH. (iv) In what manner do the leaves in 1 and 2 differ at the end of the starch test? (v) Define law of limiting factors. b. Account for the following: (i) Injury to medulla oblongata results in death. (ii) Excessive use of detergents, soaps and chemical fertilizers cause water pollution. (iii) Presbyopia affects people with advancing age. (iv) A tiger owes its existence to chlorophyll. (v) The leaves of certain plants roll up of a bright sunny day. [5+5] *******

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