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Class 12 Maharashtra HSC 12th 2017 : Mathematics

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Shubham Rodge
Modern Jr. Collage Vasmath,  Mukhed 
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r5rtrp trw qrtufro E sq q"req'fr6 fe'reu dsa, qd Jfirhurlslrtrn State illnaril ttlf sq Srcnnhnrg:rrrtr iliglrcr Sccorr .rru -t- uration, fiunr 3niqrEq ft{rritq iga / AURANGABAD DtvtstoNAL BoARD meqfu6 ][croFEr rfren - Xuru-r-* (gdtfod-2014 qrqr) HICHTR SECONDlRI' CIRTITICATE sctENcE v+Aenri [\\\II\ATIO\. q{tq 3fi{r{ Fqr6 *-{ Fci6 SEAT NO, CENTRE NO. R037705 {pi ST1TT}IT\T OI']IIlRKS (RIYISTD FRONI.2()Il) ilo ll qir+ r a{ & YEAR OF EXAL 041.t 60.01.019 reenulny-t+i ar< (erre+r< serq) / cANorDArE,s 074123 FULL NAME (suRNAME FTRST) Mutkule Shankar Devidas slq{Rrqr oTrii {rE Eqqrqr fi*ft6 Fqi6 q IoANDIDATE'S M9THER'S M NAME Mankama llq rrE T[r / Marks Obl.lned Subiecl cod No. End subieci Nane 01 ENGLISH ENG 066 35 PALI MAR ENG 069 lrrl6 55 CHEMISTRY ENG ENG 56 BIOLOGY ENG o12 056 o77 31 EiIVIROAIMENT EDUCATIOII MAR 0at .O MATHEMANCS & STATISTICS sia PHYslcS 30 HEALTH E Besur pHystcat EDUcanoN tcFADE) ,.1 /fi-i5Fr ] e"'"enuEe ird;art HI40/.74123 E drn, ac. rrinq a ltrtfr-6 ftslll f.cqr*-d ton jiai* !]tn qiq! iqrfi-d qrtd y'srdr qd'ar. Se ovslur for tmport nt, Notes, cad s in Haahh & Physical Educrrron Subj8.t rnd m.aniig ol specrat 3r'f,r i \'.Fsr Iq i FOUR HUNDRED AND NINETEEN llI?eEqrE559a lsvw^ArIFfrq qfuq/Divisionat Secretary q -----n I q6r{rH lTwr qTt4ftfi q Fq qre{ftfi fit$ur dso, gd J:Hrharnalltrn Statc 4naril (Df nrrtr i{ig\er Serantrurg Elrrratinr, ]flune l(:\ (i E ) V/Serontrrrq F sa mqfuo qmqqr qtefi- qcrurq-d (grifud-?o?x qr(e) IX{}II\ATIO\. CERTITICATE MEVISED FROM.20I4) H(;HER SECONDARY T][RTII-I("{TT eI* sflfrr 6{uqrd it * / This is to cerrry rhat erfi ?iq 7 6o,n"r'" *"." Mutkule Shankar Devidas M.nkrrm &Fi6 rq qrqfte ccrlrqr c$sr (?o + ? orrf-ftiEl1qR) has passed the HIGHER SECONDARY CERTTFTCATE EXAMTNATTON FEBRUARY-2oi4 (Unde.10+2Paftern] in ffi G.ade I q'd <rifu&e ft{c }$a rsui g'm/gr$ sili. with subjects shown below. lEf, si*ftr rciq q frrq i S{Uact Cod. gnr / [.rka otLlnad o. and Sublccta 0l El'lGLIElt ld, 066 StxTYStX 35 PALI ,txt 06t EIGHTYIIINE 40 I{ATHEI'ATES & STATlaTrcS t00 045 F()RT}EtX s4 pHYSTS {00 oait FORTYNllE $ r00 056 FIFTIEIX X' o'11 SEVEllTVOfte 050 043 FORTYMHE CHETLSTRY 56 BIOLOGY 3I ENNNRO TEIIT EDTrcAION 30 HEITH At{D PflYSICAT Perc |${E ta.{a KEt glutotal cH143068r72 AURANGABAD O2ND JUNE 2014 EDtlt A Marl FOUR HUNDRED AI,ID NII{ETEEN +,F- ru# tal?tErlla559e lMq qEq/ Divisionat secr tary 9_ -l { o e 5 a E ? 3l I8I 4 9. d 6', r a 1 !! { = g, * 6t {, o $ { I ! 81, 4 g 3l d 3 j 1 4 d I e "+ 4 q 3 gq B< ! E E 3l 59 il =. s 9. "$i 3 ID s3 o a m m .. 8,r Im :l o --l I RI ! "'' 3 ! I L 4 F m a f i.\r m 6' o -m o co Io z c i e @ m a o -l z o q U4 g zz 5se T d g q eg *f g?;li' y3 ., s rdl d 6 aflA if9q, a? 6',d I qlq id r Jl .a, Ed a &o"t o19 ;;"fl i! o qrr E" :$ff !9r' 9il =,s ia, i3 sl'r n! i: :.? I 4dri !63-3=. 533+4 fl;-* a 3 ,J, I=4 = I I eA E;+; 3E t{ xtq :+n:tr, { 6 ,p :rl t$+;a;$ 9 o.a ;", g =S +c t : lr 4 9. E{ nr_ 4,6 R a E 4.4.,,q H F ,6 ! + !ll, io I Egii+ii, 4, $ 3 .ol o!f 64 !,, at 4 e! 11) 9. * E.5: n.U lFi . ar or,a* ,:R$s d. g!,r oEl' * 93, " :3 i tr d ol =6 9S'{ 3 3"?a 6 a ai, ?** 8 P4;4:7 =Y ir* e4fi5. =3I =.! rI* aE.a4 o ii' I !,3l. d qrl s;d5 a q rl?;1 g;4!' = 3d5 ;3 1, rl, Bsl.!1 .9 a .tl. 4l ;a 4 -1 66 81 4 BB{!l' oul dq 4l q ; !1, g=.!l -dA ;i : *i+=a+ !aa P9 oE c,l, ! dr r E=sl o+ <"43 ld 4, -_,4 r o a,j o Q r'!l ao- $ d6' fr. 3 a "-d 9 qll g $ {'IFFE ?oos atir walq n-{Ro {sd ni.rd, dsoa-a,o**offiH*# F ftrff, dr. &. dr. raroft i<*na-ar6.5e.6161e..,j. gIrdrTtrsuqfiqarurqr, ::l (Errn I, I rolq 91ftqq s6 q p oo1 a"ie*. _;;;"n *,,b* . gtrrt:cqFrcr illr.[r qft.{'r-qemq -6 rwri fuenqfqr niqr rq ftoltlhrT&d Rwqrsr& nd,q d{frqn . Fr6,4otl A*i , " 'rf,t ; ,."di ..,\ rqrmio, 2310 rr ,qt -------_.:-i\---\ q{ s qld (c}Eqt&f6) l) R-q fu{io u.+{Qro !i6 .r-JaFJ.r orur0 q.l ,-.1ol I Lo lD't d"rq qqi"effi\. c8) tu kcEr ET{I l20lg J4'a/ I id) (ftf cla-flqr/ffidqr friff.rd rfl. cnaa +-s./crd ."rt_ro- ll;}l,t-* silM/ qH'Fl Elrdr/ad-r) -RSmpi-; t2_S/o ealq trrffo w 9rerD ,ilEffiHqr.sgqtrffiila , ,m.ft.qwoff , \ -.:+ iiitq"^-. -_-!r.'6 .-.. 3Irr,TT6ITd sttE{ F[lt' *-{ riqi6 SEAT TO. / AURANGABAD DIVISIONAL BOARD oria scHool o. qttqr xftd Fr6r a rn-o CEI{IBE NO. K111357 qra ltiqFiTa otsT. & 40't1 60.01.074 sn6arr+ riryi ar< E llONIH e YEAB OF s{ TrqE*ar *5ord sltllo.oFsl IEIEXT drrrf MARCH-20I2 1ffiiw;/;AG;;;Es. FuLL 105951 N;* GffiAu*rusr) Mutkule Shankar Devidas t}6{Rrqr 3nf} cra / cANDtoATE,s ffcqq {i*ft-6 *ii6 q MorHEB,s NAME ftcsd riE ltr Sublect Code No. and Subiecr riem 01 MARATHI (,,ST LANG) Mankarna lrqr ]!r tkr it'fr / Urrks 00 075 SEVENTYFIVE 15 HIND|(2/3 LANG) 100 083 EIGHTYTHREE 17 ENGLTSH {2/3 LANG) 100 054 FIFTYFOUR 71 MATHEIUATICS 't50 090 NINEry 72 SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY '100 069 SIXTYNINE 100 071 SEVENTYONE 't 73 SOCTAL SCTENCES J2 AAKERY PRODUCTS or cr.(b Obrain.d A P1 HEALTH & PHYSICAL EDUCATION P5 SOCIAL SERVICE R6 PERSONALITY DEVELOPMENT 3A ENVIRONMENT EDUCATION B6utr /ft6rd 0Prrcent"gerz*-qrt q{ur f,lr 70,55 PASS s120505951 d6drA, Aq, 6lqfrq! q llrirq Aqm-#d Frni6 qtftn i!!i-d lFfi-d qsrEr , ol ch.nct rc. I sso THREE HUNDRED AND I I lA88A ,!i {ft rircl sa oY.rr..t h."irl lmh.llnt. Nob G;&,n rcd{6rF t e & *hoot 3ub,.cl. .nd A a I E:l L g i t, :S l,- r: t r r'::r r' '_ . .;-i,rrr I.irti t '.r-r:-l-]Tql; , _, i j.,1. \: srxl gcrtErr etrfi {ia/ E'ruqri +i fi ,1..,. r:,i, Mutkule Shankar Devidas ttotner,s ttame Mankama 3ns-{ s. sear AURANGABAD 1 Fqi6 No. i Ar< Fqi6I c"ntr" ru" XIT TSSZ 60.01.074 ,fl"qic-6 yrrqra gqrorqd ;erl hAS PASSEd thc SECONDABY SCHOOL CERTIFICATE in Grade FrRsr ffim iE,Crfi Cq Esq Main Subiects mrfEqq $r Ma*s I HtNDt (2/3 LANG) 150 SCIENCE A IECHNOLOGY SctENCES 3{4. M *una Eqq SubJects of crade Grade (woRXEXP./PRE-VOC.) eaxrny pnooucrs i (scHool suBJEcrs) ] 054 oso ] trlr-rr loo MATHEMATICS MARCH-2012 isq r-fot r.allarcfr lil;l.x' 075 oa3 O0 . --. --::-_ EXAMINATION Oblain6d 10O 'I ENGLTSH (2/3 LANG) soctal l'!.Ji ! tt!( \tr j / This is io certifv that a elvstcAl EDUcaloN ',00 oss 100 ozt j eensottrv oEvELopMENT A socnr s:nvcr ] I A elvtnou;eNt eoucattor A I ] q{or grrvrotarMarks ({tl grR Ttur (3Bt) / TolalMarks obrained itn ?q fq{i.5' ruu i i-- / oare of words) Birrh _-__ cs123069850 AUBANGABAD 1sTts JUNE 20]2 ] PERCENTAGE t 70.55 THREEH UNORED AND EIGHTYEIGHT OglOSnSg6 ___- ltS,-gl11H MARcH Nr N_ET_EEN Nt!_Ew stx) qo taaaa aI E It E -lftv4n^ftIgTrrfrq lrfus/ Divisionat Secrerary I ! -.1 s o 4 .1 jl E I 6', I q t o d 3 d = 3l { =$ = d !t c, d Eo o I s, g#iig{ta+ + 3 d 4 q. gi 1$!3 E E +i 1 ;{4e; qlii E9 4"1 ,* i"r fl ld, d r 3 s& 6.t ;f l g 4 6'! m i:;ia33E i oorJ=614a4 =: =d a qw a ! $ll o :4 i +4 Irl! l'( gir,_,i 6a 60' 99. d! ql s $E:"3 :s !,s a ; d,* .9A :f = id!;;f i# e;4'.*43 E4 ; - 4 ee ; !ri ;a"H{ rB 41;4 T4 o$d,+ Pr* :6 s$is l.* loi:1or ll+ E3 4.3=l 6 a , -.. q ! a, zz s! 3i *l i1, rl j.l o-, E rl +$ n1 tx ! a 5 3 E: t ^sd e EE + frq E :1 d !! 5' + ;l 69 $l a. ;t lt e c z +t *hi r6 6 dln l- 1gir3: $FB {+r, !r, : **+algr s ": g$+ei i + 4 il& - n E" s3+B+14 Br. @q.:o -, EI: +tI 9i 5: 1* *P ol{ 6i c Y: ; ; q r5 E ffi +lEf,g; q,: s 6l =o'!"IrJYo 3S a 3 ,: ao 3q T=l $ 6 id e! I 9. :o 11 flq ;-ds a # q g 4 -t d.E $ : + =.3",* to; !,d q_3 ,B d6 gi .'; ar 4 -; tg39 cl. ! lL 4ff', -{ o .Jo o9 i+ P l,= 4" ; d 6 .!' o , P A @ 3 i = o ! =B ;! {s-* :*q !Ea * +q 6E i d fl ; J] 3l Jq:a +sd a"*B 3q 5 != ialEl q$:Ad ie3 qg E ! 3l q 69. i;$lE'iEi -:I P6 -r3qr ?a BE 1:t {E .i Ii, Ea 64 aI7 d 5; J !; r I o@ ! 4, o ;.* ell +a fl'l '*l :I I ME2487 er6is , Barcd qENTRAL BoARD oF sEcoN-D3EIl9!!lIl9l! / Resistrati.. .," I aO++iiOSl appri.ation d 3;q Fiil (Date aFr (candrdate s Name) or Blrth) 6r ara (Mothers Name) dr(.ff / dr{d qltm r.ff 6ii /dan d tsEa qrrnl 6r i alanil& }xrF ar.tEtra.nE-a l Lmbs) l 1 r{r (Nar,iaritY) r@/A{ qfl,nr4 }qr u L! Lor'r Ds3b tv Lv of (status or Loconrorr u53u ol Loconro<r "! 2014 d (year or Pese.g/Appear iq cass .ll Oual" 'o E a (Medium qqi4 6 cFffi 1,'|) c- a5s ,.,,, orQuest n#iEqF(oiorceorExamnaton (1) aUMNGABAD ( e44) I ( !/o or M:rks obtained in (3l (2)PUNE(e4s) aGPUR(s46) cent.e) Evei the partic!ars stated w me the Apptatim Fo'm are true and correct' herebv soLemnlv and srncerelv aifrn that allthe ' turceared anv nrormaton ncrudrnq t have ]n NEEr/AIPlrr' attempts ;;";;r;;;;"; 'ot ncorrectoruntrueirwirrberab sDel,na or names and cateqorv is "";" #-"0"" t*" *"o her i is round.rraudurent' nrorm;ton about pre! ous ase.oo ' o"'-,^"-' *'i"'Ji']f']"" s6n the course s riabre to be can'erred !".i a'",,,.. r,i i".,",,,ne *Ecnm_and adm BLlletrnto ror for.r h rarprosecurion wh.h ** -*n. -*"r"."""i]iv NEEr_ 2017 wrrch I have q'ne lnrarmanan n the I aorEe to abide bv the RuL s and ResulalLons govem''n ii'"i'"t'"t"' """""red and ema add'ess q'!en Lnthe e number mob t""eett,ouqn.u,"rutty l rurth r de.rare lhat I 'n'z "nd "-;;;;t"' "ppr"i'" DECLARATION: _ I ^""" ""t '";;;"; ';r,1u\'i \l AT STJLDALI BK POsI JA\AIALA BK,IQ SENCAON DIsT HINGOL]' Oeta s ofTransacuon(lClCl Bank)' Tranla.tioi lD.: 296664902 Card 'rype vrsA/Master nai. TotalAmount 14Oo Card ao447869 ttinlcd on: oa/0212017 .l Transa.t.i 2la/2oti 6ts6:a6 i iInIlmtuIiln|ilirufrury.[,llJil c-d-fid- ri o-rqioq i ; q 6atiF rqitioozl?a ft- r:ffi qqffisgf,rir-rrToFl-r +r"qn nd dt. ,{}. aftEr{ rr{!r gEF6 {Eqr{ t ina qu_sr# 8., 6_d, n{fd 3rd s,rtd .lIA ordl,if,a{ro ql3ftrRr{r srd<n - s- qiqr ri'-i Effi6 i-s5^rr? w{ n! .r<qa rJ qrH i qor,F q,,l* s <vl, ral sd jqri ]n? cqrFrd iflrc, fffi fuGr srftfv,G) E{ crs-it (sTi) ri_{rdq EqR {ra +<.+ ran 4 ilfcrt .rr{r{Tq nEE6 r- ban& q olqr{qE qr<J ffiqr 6-rqFliqt f,sF crdF {l jlr6 trqtqqa srda daqr 3e qd ?o eo qttrq iq fql{d'n <rra .a {re .r+q qi+ qiid alnlE r / yqard daaff., . 7n srd{r{-fl .rnr{I fhs- -,@ii HJ Tr{6q rsrEq. rard .'"idlF{i .-e d,, r o.r 6,ff Trdrn . r"1 _@ ri .,nJi ,n ., .{] d iqi rql rTs6l dr Fdo ta,athi t.3nry{ Erd #-Te l",:i6e tr:rra TEfidER +{fl{ tr q=rr - a.rt" , "r'"tea ", F+ Er {itr}a..eoo - *a- *-ffiffi FT&FraI ,, o. ac+<?. 3iiifi.61s *o Fra_r, ("a.irl er ir+io r. +sl i6>. iErss\lrs$d{. s iqz o{ o. {Fr !q1i r rn riam ilFi$r,ry Selu ID. NG09l6 Toketr No.MF0916 $ Rea<l :Under Secrctary Govt.of Bombay Politcal and Service Department's Letter No.CTZ- I 05 8/GEN/47950-A Date-24Septemberl 958. 2) Collector,Hingoli Order No.2012lV.A.R./CNDate-z3 -07.2012. 3) Sub Divisional Officer, Hingoli's Letter No 2012/EST/ADN/WS-49'I Date-zs.0'7.2012. 1) No. 2014l/MAG/AND/CR/I 3683 Omce of the Taluka Executive X:f:": T ";1"2'i,' o1s,r 7 c/z' t + CERTIFICATE OF AGE. DOMICILE AND NATIONALITY (lssued by aurhoriries in ihe Stalc of Mahmhlra) On submission of the proof noted below, It is hereby Certified That Shri. MUTKULE SILA.NKAR DEVIDAS R/o SULDALI BK Taluka SENGAON Distiict HINGOLI Was bom on the 8th Day of March in the year 1996 at SULDALI BK Taluka SENGAON, District IIINGOLI, ln the Maharashtra state. Within te[itory of INDIA or if that he is a CITIZEN OF INDIA , That he is DOMICILED IN THE STATE OF MAHARASHTRA for more than 15 Years. (add if necessary) A) Answers given by the applicant on the prescribed frorn ofquestionairs B) School Leaving Certificate lssued By SHANTINIKETAN M.V.PARBIIANI Birth Certi. No./ TC Not 549 Reg No ofT.C.r I C) *Application Submission Date :- 1010612014 *Affrdavit Date:- 10106/2014 D) Other Proofs:original Age Domicile Certificate Issued by Executive Magistrate' SENGAON Place: SENGAON Date ty' D0l4 i2 SENGAON NOTE : If Later on found that applicant furnished false lnformation thliceifiiate ic Liable For cancellation sarcoae: l0/06/2014 BdICd -------__ Studenfs Name in full N.S-P. Manda!'s qr;(rd Gokulnath Jr. College l' r r-a . sah (Arts & science), PINGLI (Tq. & gist Parbhani) Admission No aoB I ckrtrl Sublecls ::;:T. ..,.:;;ro'. ftfl{,lt,F.ilil n" e"l _:<c t - ]q I - F

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