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ICSE Class X Prelims 2023 : English Paper 2 (English Literature) (Delhi Public School (DPS) Megacity, Kolkata)

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Madhuchhanda Mandal Biswas
Delhi Public School (DPS) Megacity, Kolkata
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Dethe Publie Sehoot Megacity, Kolhata Pre-Board Examination 2022-23 Subject: English Literature Maximum Marks: 80 Time allowed: 2 hours Class: Answer to this paper must be written on the paper provided separately. You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes. This time is to be spent in reading the question paper. The time given at the head of this Paper is the time allowed for writing the answers. The paper has four Sections. Section A is compulsory--all questions in Section A must be answered. You must attempt one question from each of the Sections B,C and D and one other. question from any Section of your choice. The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets ( ) This question paper consists of 6 printed pages. SECTION-- A (ATTEMPT ALL QUESTIONS FROM THIS SECTION) Question 1. Read the following questions and choose the most appropriate response from the choices given below. (Please do not copy the question- simply write out in correct serial order the appropriate word or phrase. (1x16-16) i. The author's description of Margot as "a very frail girl-- an old photograph dusted. from an album" indicates: a.Margot is undernourished. b. Margot lacks liveliness, energy and vitality. c. Margot feels colourless. d. Margot dresses in an old fashioned way. ii. What made Owens determined to beat Long in the Long Jump? a. Long was Hitler's surprise packet for the Olympics. b. Owen's was jealous of Long. c. If he lost to Long, the Nazis would feel even more proud about their own race. d. He was the holder of the world record and did not want to be beaten by Long. ii. "Exceeding peace" had made Ben Adhem a. b. c. d. Coward Bold Sensitive Sad. Page 1 of 6 Iv.The contestants of the race received a standing ovation in the poem "Nine gold medals" because: a. They are challenged in various ways and not used to sports. b They thought it more important to help than to get a medal. c. They don't like competition and don't care about winning. d.They won gold medals in the race. v.Why did the little girl light the whole bundle of matches in the story "The Little match girl"? a. Because she did not want to lose her grandmother with the burnt out match. b. Because she wanted to see her grandmother in all her glory. c. Because she wanted to experience the warmth of her grandmother's love. d. Because she was feeling very cold and needed to warm herself. vi. In the story "The Blue Bead", the word "putrid" conveys the sense of the readers. Fill in the blanks with the suitable a.Touch b. Colour to option. c. Smell1 d. Sound vii. The caged bird in the poem "I know why the caged bird sings", opens his throat to voice his a. Desperation in his state of captivity. b. Protest for his state of hunger. c. Protest for right to freedom. d. Sorrow at being clipped and tied to the cage. vii. "And afterward, what else?"--what does this line suggest in the poem "The Patriot'? a. What else did he want? b. What will he do afterwards? ofos c. Does he want anything afterwards? d. What does he think, next? ix. The caged bird's "fearful trill" is symbolic o f a. An attempt of striking fear in the hearts of the listeners. b. A forlorn refrain from a bird in captivity. c. The desire for equality and due democratic representation by the African Americans at any cost. d. An earnest plea to be set free. Page 2 of 6 x. Jesse Owens walked over to Luz Long's room and sat in his quarters, and talked for a. one hour. b.two hours. c.three hours. d.half an hour. xi.What is Shylock referring to when he calls Portia a "Daniel"? a.The New Testament. b.The Old Testament. c.A Christian judge. d.His lost son. xii.Portia says that music heard at night a.sounds much doleful than by day. b.sounds good. C.sounds horrible. d sounds much sweeter than by day. Bassanio say that, "That xiii. In Act 3 of "The Merchant of Venice", why does and universal thinks he hath done well in people's eyes, Hearing applause shout?" a. Bassanio feels that Portia and others are cheering for himn. and has done b. Bassanio feels that he has participated in a competition extremely well. c. Bassanio is dreaming that he has won the competition. and people a r e screaming a t d. Bassanio could n o t win the competition him. xiv. In Act 3 of "The Merchant of Venice", what does Salerio mean by the difference in Shylock and Jessica's flesh and blood? a. Shylock was cruel while Jessica was kind. iw b. Shylock hated Christians while Jessica liked them. c. Shylock looked after Jessica while Jessica betrayed him. ob b d. Shylock and Jessica liked different colours and wines. xv.Shylock compared Christians with Jews in Act 3 of "The Merchant of Venice". Which of the following comparisons does he NOT make? a. Both Jews and Christians bleed when cut. b. Both Jews and Christians die if poisoned. c. Both Jews and Christians treat each other with humility. d. Both Jews and Christians seek revenge when wronged. Page 3 of 6 Xvi. As Act 4 opens, Duke feel How does the to Antonio. the Duke speaks about Antonio's predicament? He doesn't seem to care at all. b. He is angry with Antonio. a. C. He hopes forfeiture of the bond. Antonio has to pay the d. He feels pity for him. SECTIONB Answer from this Section any one or m o r e questions Drama-- The Merchant of Venice Question 2. Read the given extract and answer the questions that follow: Lorenzo Or any air of music touch their ears, You shall perceive them make a mutual stand, Their savage eyes turn'd to a modest gaze By the sweet power of music: therefore the poet.. extract. Name the poet about whom Lorenzo has spoken of, in the given What effect did the music played by Orpheus have on objects in nature? a. b. Give the meaning of: Since naught so stockish, hard and full of rage, But music for the time doth change his nature. c. What has Lorenzo said earlier about the effect of trumpet sound on wild colts? What does Lorenzo say about the man who has no sense of music? d. What is referred to as "Erebus"? Why is it mentioned? e. Immediately after, what imagery does Portia use to explain the concept of good deed in a naughty world? How does she impress upon the idea of greater glory and lesser glory? o(3+3+3+3+4) Question 3. Read the given extract and answer the questions that follow: Portia: Now he goes, With no less presence, but with much more love, Than young Alcides, when he did redeem The virgin tribute paid by howling Troy To the sea monster. I stand for sacrifice; The rest aloof are the Dardanian wives, With bleared visages come forth to view The issue of the exploit. Go, Hercules! Live thou,I live: with much, much more Page 4 of 6 otdo Dismay I view the fight than thou mak'st the fray. a. Who is "he" in the first line of the extract? Where and why does he go therer sound,if he b. Who is young "Alcides"and "Hercules" here? How will music unsuccessful in his endeavour? C. Explain the reference to "Troy" and "Alcides" in the 1s extract. How does Portia equate it to the situation at hand?p aton 0 no d. Explain: i.Dardanian wives ii.bleared visagess iii.The issue of the exploit. What does she with much more dismay? e. Why will Portia view the fight Narrate briefly. ber (3+3+3+3+4) experience at the outcome of the fight? SECTION-- C questions from this Section) Stories) Treasure Trove--A Collection of Short (Answer any one or more Question 4. that follow. below and a n s w e r the questions Read the extract given shook their and laughed all blinked at him and then, understanding, "They heads." Whom do "they" blink at? Why? children done before witnessing the special b. What preparations had the o n Margot? How do the children take revenge o c c u r r e n c e of the day? these "they"? a. Who c. of What is the significance are t w o hoursP What do the children do during two hours? rain drops c a m e back again? d. How did they react when the Describe the silence children unlock the closet door silently? e. Why do the behind the closet door. (3+3+3+3+4) Question 5. Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow: her somethings to eat, there wait until we are done; then I will bring but her husband on the part of Mrs. Thompson, was an effort at indifference was and understood that the coldness had seen her through the window, introduce to the table, for his wife to assumed. Joe waited, after sitting down o n that silent their thoughts; but she kept the subject upper most in both of she said, reserve. At last minutes, and he maintained a like for "She can theme, many abruptly,-"What a. are you going to What sort of a do with that child?" lady was Mrs. Thompson? Why had to their house? b. Give examples to show that Maggie bringing Maggie was a Page 5 of 6 X-Fof:di Joe doubts about weak child. C. Describe the life that Maggie and her family led. d. What miserable work had nature done upon the three children? Why was their mother despised by the villagers? e. How was Maggie a blessing to the Thompsons? (3+3+3+3+4) SECTION-- D (Answer any one or more questions from this Section) Treasure Trove--A Collection of Poems Question 6. Read the given extract and answer the questions that follow: Exceeding peace had made Ben Adhem bold, And to the presence in the room he said, "What writest thou?"The vision raised its head, And with a look made of all sweet accord, a. What makes Abou Ben Adhem bold? How does he welcome the Angel? b. Explain: "a look made of all sweet accord". What is requested by Abou Ben Adhem? c. What is conveyed to him by the Angel? What is his reaction? d. What happens next night? Why do you think this incident happened? e. Throw light on the message conveyed by the poem. (3+3+3+3+4) of Question 7 obwo bad Read the given extract and answer the questions that follow: Then all nine runners joined hands and continued ow b s edt obo The one hundred metres reduced to a walk And the banner above that said "Special Could not have been nearer the mark. Olympics a. Why was the one hundred metres race reduced to a walk?3 b. Comment on the reaction of the spectators at the beginning of the one hundred metres race and the ending of the same race. c. Why did the athletes not compete in the race? d. What was the decision of the organisers? What is your opinion about the decision? e. Do you agree with the decision of the athletes? Give reasons. (3+3+3+3+4) --- Page 6 of 6 --

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