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ICSE Class X Prelims 2024 : English Paper 2 (English Literature) (Pawar Public School (PPS), Hadapsar, Pune)

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Shritej Ghule 亗
Pawar Public School (PPS), Hadapsar, Pune
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PAWAR PUBLIC SCHO0L, HADAPSAR, PUNE PRELIMINARY EXAMINATION (2023-24) SUBJECT - LITERATURE IN ENGLISH Std.: X Date: 03/01/2024 Max. Marks: 80 Duration: 2 h separately. Answers tothis paper must be written on the paperprovided minutes 15 first You will not be allowed to write duringquestion paper. the reading in This time is to be spent for writing the answers. allowed The time given at the head ofthe paper is the time This paper has four sections. A must be answered. Section A is compulsory. All questions in Section theSections B, Cand D and one other You must attempt one question from each of of your choice. question from any Section questions are given in brackets []. The intended marks for questions or parts of SECTION A (Attempt all questions from this section.) Question 1 response from the choices Read the following questions and choose the most appropriate in correct serial order the write out given below (Please do not copy the question - simply [16] appropriate word or phrase.) ()) In the poem, Nine Gold Medals' which event is mentioned? (a) The Special Lympics (b) The Olympics (c) The Paralympics (d) The Special Olympics (ii) What is the tone of the poem 'Abou Ben Adhem'? (a) Celebration (b) Didactic (c) Ironic (d) Reflective (iii) Which of the following poets was a Romantic Poet? (a) David Roth (b) William Wordsworth (c) Maya Angelou (d) Robert Browning This Paper consists of 7printed pages. Turn over device as the one in literary same lines containsthe entered, andthus I go!" (iv) Which of the following Robert Browning's, " ThusI (a) And builds a Heaven in Hell's despair. me a drop (b) Igave her the ocean, for she gave (c) All the world's a stage... (d) O my Love is like a red, rose That's newly sprung in June. (v) In the poem, 'IKnow Why the Caged Bird Sings', what does the phrase 'grave of dreams' symbolize? (a) A feeling of being powerful (b) A feeling of hopelessness (c) A place where humans are buried (d) A place where dreams are buried (vi) Choose the option that lists the sequence of events in the correct order. 1. She aimed at the reptile's eyes. 2. From boulder to boulder she came leaping like a rock goat. 3. Sibia came down alone to the stepping-stones. 4. Silence fell. (a) 1, 2, 3, 4 (b) 2, 4, 3, 1 (c) 3, 4, 1, 2 (d) 4, 4, 3, 2 (vii) How did the great jungle of Venus look like? (a) It was the colour of the sun. (b) It was the colour of rubber and ash. (c) Itwas the colour of rocks. (d) It was the colour of white butter. (viii) Which of these did the Little Match Girl see on striking the second match? (a) A great iron stove with polished brass knobs and brass ornaments. (b) A roast goose, stuffed with prunes and apples, steaming deliciously. (c) A large and lovely Christmas Tree. (d) Her old grandmother. (ix) Who is a 'sophomore'? (a) Astudent is yet to join the university. school or college. (b) Astudent inthefirst year of the high high school or college. of year final the in student (C) A of high school or college year second the in who student (d) A the neighborhood man in all ,..there was not a (x)What does this line imply, wine of life than he. "? precious more drank daily ofa precious wine every day. drank who man (a) He was the only life. precious (6) He drank (c) He valued and wine throughout his loved his life dearly. as (d) He was happy (xi) Select the option he could drink daily. relationship that shows the correct The (1)and (2) from between statements Merchant ofVenice away the ring on Bassanio giving represents a test of his 1. Portia's insistence faithfulness and loyalty to her. yet Bassanio serves as a playful from ring the for their 2. Portia's demand sincerity oftheir bond in and strength significant way to ensure the (a) marriage. for 1 2 is the explanation (b) 1is an example of2 (c) 1 is a reason of2 of 1 (d) 2 is a contradiction (xii) Who was Queen Dido's (a) Aeneid lover? (b) Aeneas (c) Aeson (d) Argil were in heaven? (xii) Why does Gratiano wish that his wife currish spirit. (a) To rely on personal resolve to change the (b) To entreat some power to change the currish spirit. (c) To impress Antonio and Bassanio. (d) To get rid of her constant nagging. these (X1V) Whichof letteraddressedto his in Antonio sentencesissajd by Bassanio? offers, use (a) Make no more no further means. your honourable wife. estateis verylow. to me my Commend eruel, grow (b) miscarried, my creditors all have ships (c) My come to road. (@) My ships are safely associate with Launcelot? you would following qualities (xv) Which ofthe 1. Fun-loving 2. Traitor 3. vain 4. artistic (a) Iand 2 (b) 2and3 (c) land 4 (d) land 3 line of the (xvi) Complete the consecutive song. 'It is engender'd in the eyes, (a) Let us all ring fancy's knell: I'Ilbegin it. (b) With gazing fed, and fancy dies (c) In the cradle where it lies. Tell me where is fancy bred. (d) Or in the heart or in the head. SECTION B DRAMA by William Shakespeare) Venice of Merchant (The this Section.) (Answer one or more questions from Question 2 answer the questions that follow: Read the extract given below and Lorenzo: this bank! How sweet the moonlight sleeps uponmusic sounds of Here will we sit and let the the night Creep in our ears: soft stillness and Become the touches of sweet harmony. What (i) To whom is Lorenzo speaking? does he want the person to see? Describe what he wishes to convey. [3| [3 influence of music over someone? (ii) How does Lorenzo justify the he does does Lorenzo have about Portia? How (ii) In an earlier scene, what opinion 31 express it? 4 of 7 (iv) What is 'manna'? What does have to dorelationship win (v) Discuss the dynamics of JessicaLorenzo and Lorenzo's in The Merchant (3] of Venice. How does their love story contribute to the overall themes of the (4] play? Question 3 Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow: Gratiano: Asecond Daniel, a Daniel, Jew! Now, infidel, I have you on the hip. Portia: Why doth the Jew pause? take thy forfeiture. Shylock: Give me my principal, and let me go. Bassanio: I have it ready for thee; here it is. Portia: He hath refused it in the open court: He shall have merely justice and his bond. (3] that I have thee on the hip'? ) Who is Daniel? What makes Gratiano say (3] with respect to the laws of Venice? (1) What penalty has Shylock incurred theme of prejudice and discrimination, (ii) How does the trial scene highlight the identity? (3) especially concerning Shylock's Jewish Portia ask for as tribute? (iv) On Bassanio's insistence, what does (3] How is she answered? for (v) How does his emotional conflict between his love Portia and his allegiance to Antonio manifest in this crucial scene? 14] SECTION C PROSE- SHORT STORIES (Treasure Trove -A Collection of ICSEPoems and Short Stories) (Answer one or more questions from this Section.) Question 4 Read the extract and answer the questions that follow: "Get away!" The boy gave her another push. "What're you waiting for?" Then, for the first time, she turned and looked at him. And what she was waiting for was in her eyes. "Well, don't wait around here!" cried the boy savagely. "You won't see nothing!" Her lips moved. "Nothing!" he cried. "t was allajoke, wasn't it?" He turned to the other children. "Nothing's happening today. Is it? "They all blinked at him and then, understanding, laughed and shook their heads. "Nothing, nothing!" was 'she' waiting for? ()) Who is 'she' in the extract? What What was going to happen that day? 'she'? (ii) Why was the event so significant for (ii) Recount what had happened a month ago with 3] (3) 'she'. (3] (3] What was the outcome of this incident? (iv) Why was 'she' resented by everyone else? does Bradbury use the (v) Examine the ending of "All Summer in a Day." How driven by resolution to convey a message about the consequences of actions jcalousy and regret? Question 5 Read the extract from The Blue Bead' given below and answer the questions that follow: Such thoughts did not trouble Sibia, however, as she skipped along with her sickle and homemade hayfork beside her mother. You could skip on the way out, but not on the way back when you ached with tiredness, and there was a great load to carry. () What kind of thoughts did not trouble Sibia? (i) In the bazaar what were the other wonders of the world that fascinated Sibia? (3] (3] (ii) How old was Sibia? Why does the author say that Sibia is 'marked for work'? 131 (iv) Name the other junglis' mentioned in the story. Describe their women and menfolk. (3] (v) The author has used terms such as 'antediluvian saurian', ferocious' and formidable' to describe the crocodile. Do you think this was true with respect to the crocodile? Support your answer with appropriate reasons. 14) SECTION D POETRY (Treasure Trove- ACollection ofICSEPoems and Short Stories) (Answer one or more questions from this Section) Question 6 Read the extract from the poem 'Nine Gold Medals' by David Roth and answer the questions that follow: The athletes had come from all over the country To r n for the gold, for the silver and bronze Many weeks and months of training All coming down to these games. (i) What kind of athletes were participating in this event? Which was the last event of the day? What does this line imply- "To run for the gold, for the silver and bronze? (ii) Describe what happens when the signal is given? (ii) What does the poet find so strange? (3] [3 [3) (iv) How does the race end? Why has the poet repeated the last two lines of [3) the poem? (v) What does one learm from this poem? If you had witnessed it, how would you have reacted? 6 of 7 [(4| Question 7 Read the extract from the poem The Patriot' and answer the questions that follow: Thus I entered, and thus I go! In triumphs, people have dropped down dead. "Paid by the World, -what dost thou owe Me?"-God might question; now instead, Tis God shall repay: I am safer so. ) Who is the speaker in the above mentioned extract? How was the speaker (i ) How different is the welcomed a year ago? welcome this year? (1) How do we know that the speaker had done a (iv) Where and how is the speaker being taken to? selfless public service? What happens on the way? (v) In the poem, the speaker is compared to a legend. Throw light on the comparison between the two. [3] [3] [3] [3] [4]

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