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SECTION I (40 Marks) Question 1: (a) Name the following: [5 Mark] (1) The stage when sister chromatids separate from their paired condition. (2) The organ that produces urea. (3) The part of ovary that produces progesterone. (4) Chromosome with centromere at the extreme end. (5) Process by which homologous chromosomes exchange respective chromatid segments. (b) State whether the following statements are true or false. If false, rewrite the correct statements.[5 Mark] (1) Nephrons are basic unit of brain. (2) The Beta cells of pancreas secrete insulin. (3) Complementary base for adenine is cytosine. (4) Most active stage of cell cycle, in terms of gene action is metaphase. (5) During cell division spindle fibres are directly attached with chromatids. (c) Fill in the blanks: [5 Mark] (1) Mitosis occurs in . cells and help in growth and development. (2) are two small bodies of microtubules in the cytoplasm near the nucleus of animal cells. (3) The end product of photosynthesis is (4) A non-degradable pollutant is . (5) The basic unit of human brain is the . (d) Draw the diagram to show the meta-phase of mitotic cell division taking place in cell with two pairs of chromosomes and label the parts. [5 Mark] (1) Centromere (2) Centrosome (3) Chromatids (4) Cytosol (5) Microtubules (e) Match the items in column A with those which are most appropriate in column B. [5 Mark] Column A Column B (1) Beta cells of Pancreas (2) Meiosis (3) Protective covering of brain (4) Ciliary muscles (f) Explain the following terms: [5 Mark] (1) Antiseptic (2) Trophic Hormone (3)Guttation (1) Insulin (2) Meninges (3) Iris (4) 4 Cells (4) Mutation (5) Osmosis (g) Given below the five sets of terms .In each case, arrange and rewrite each set so as to be in logical sequence. [5 Mark] (1) Lens, Pupil, Conjunctiva, Yellow spot, Cornea. (2) Soil, water, root hair, Xylem, cortex, endodermis (3) Tympanum, stapes, malleus, incus, fenestra. (4) Graafian follicle, uterus, oviducal funnel, fallopian tube, ovum (5) Association neuron, effector, motor neuron, receptor, sensory neuron. (h) Choose odd one in each of the following series: [5 Mark] (1) Cholera, Whooping cough, Diphtheria, Measles (2) Insulin, Glucagon, Diabetes insipidus, Diabetes mellitus (3) Myopia, Hyperopia, Exophthalmia, Astigmatism (4) Ovary, Fallopian tube, Ureter, Uterus. (5) Cretinism, Myxoedema, Goitre, Scurvy SECTION 2 QUESTION 2: (a)Differentiate between the following pairs on the basis of what given in brackets:[5 Mark] (i) Red cells and Cone cells (Pigment) (ii) Lymphocytes and Neutrophils (structure of nucleus) (iii) Pure and Hybrid strains (definition) (iv) WHO and Red Cross (Any one function of each) (v) Simple goitre and Exophthalmic goitre (cause of the disorder) (b) A healthy croton plant bearing variegated leaves was kept in a dark cupboard to destarch it after which it was placed in sunlight for a few hours. One of the leaves was then plucked and on outline of the leaves marking the green and non- green region was drawn. The leaf was then tested for starch. Using the above information answer the following questions. [5 Mark] (i) State the aim of experiment. (ii) Name the chemical used for testing the presence of starch. (iii) Why is leaf boiled in water and alcohol before testing for the presence of starch? (iv)What change is seen in the leaf after starch test? (v) Give the chemical equation to represent the process of starch formation in plants. QUESTION 3: (a) Describe the following. [5 Mark] (i) Draw the neat diagram of single Malpighian corpuscle and label the following parts: Glomerulus, Bowman s capsule, Afferent, Arteriole, and Efferent arteriole. (ii) Name and explain the process that occurs in the Glomerulus. (b) Explain in detail. [5 Mark] (1i Mention three reason for the increase in population in India. (ii) Write the full form of NADP and BCH. (iii) State any three functions of WHO. (iv) Explain the term antibiotic. Give an example. QUESTION 4: (a)Give reason for the following: [5 Mark] (i) Plants begin to die when excess of soluble fertilizers are added to the soil. (ii) There is a need of check the present rate of urbanisation. (iii) Green leaves are thin and broad. (iv) Injury to the medulla oblongata results in death. (v) Gametes have a haploid number of chromosomes. (b) Explain in detail. [5 Mark] (i) Explain the term Plasmolysis. Give one application. (ii) Enumerate the steps involved in testing a green leaf for the presence of starch. (iii) State any three adaptations in plants to reduce transpiration. QUESTION 5: (a) Draw a labelled diagram of human eye. [5 Mark] (b) Write the function of the following. [5 Mark] (i) Cornea (ii) Iris (iii) Pupil (iv) Eye lens (v) Retina QUESTION 6: (a) Answer the following. [5 Mark] (i) From where to where do the following blood vessels carry blood? (1) Hepatic vein (2) Hepatic portal vein. (ii) State any four major activities of Red Cross Society. (iii) Define birth rate . (b) Differentiate between the following: [5 Mark] (i) Blood plasma and serum. (v) Antiseptic and disinfectant QUESTION 7: (a) (i) Where is the testis located? (ii) Name the hormone produced by testis. (iii) Why are sperms produced in large numbers? (iv) State the function of seminal vesicles (v)differentiate between prostate and Cowper s gland (b) Answer the given questions: [5 Mark] (i) Draw a neat labelled diagram of the membranes labyrinth found in inner ear. Name the part of structure that is responsible for static balance in human being. (ii) Name the tube which connects the cavity of middle ear with the throat. (iii) Name any two microbial diseases and vaccines used as preventive measures for each.

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Additional Info : Mock papers of an ICSE school
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