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ICSE Class X Prelims 2024 : English Paper 1 (English Language) (Pawar Public School (PPS), Chandivali, Mumbai)

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Shreya Sarangi
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pATE310.2023 SH to this Answers Paper must be You (2023-2024) LANGUAGE -PAPER 1 MARK2 YARS will not be on TIME: written the paper provided to write The time given atThistime is toallowed during be separately. the head of thisspent in reading thethe first 15 minutes. is Paper the time question paper. The intended allowed for writing the all five Attempt marks for answers. Ou are or parts ofquestions. advised to spendquestions are not more questions given in brackets and 20 minutes in than 30 minutes in answering Question 1 answering 2. This Question Paper Question 1 consists of 6printed pages. Writea composition (300 - 350 words) on any one of the a) \arrate your following: of rescuing your cat (201 experience b)Wnte an original short story ending with found high up in a tree. chapter began, promising adventure and .as the sun dipped below the horizon, a new c) Fear of discovery." punishment enforces Express your viewseither fordiscipline. or against this d) You are a regular traveller in your school bus.statement. Describe what you see on your way home from school each afternoon. Give details of the familiar sights and sounds youexperience each day. e) Study the picture given below. a short story or Write the picture suggests to you. Your description or an account of what composition may be or you may take suggestions from it. Question 2 (Do not spend more than 20minutes on this question. Select one of the following: about the subject of the picture [10] a) Write a letter to your cousin, sharing your experience of attending the Career Guidance workshop organised by your school. Also, mention any two key pieces of advice given by the Speaker. b) Write a letter to the Municipal Ward ofticer of your locality requesting to installmore street lights. Specify two reasons and share a valuable suggestion. h a PPSC/23-24/1117 Question 3 Whe I n occasion of elocution competition onthe Children''s hosting an a) Your school is in the competition. participate to pupils inviting for the school notice board her to be the Guest of Honour him/ inviting author famous Write an e-mail to a snap Day. s p b) Question 4 follow: Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that My grandmother, like everybody's grandmother, was an old woman. She had been old and for the twenty years that I had known her. People said that she had once been young and pretty a wrink had even had a husband, but that was hard to believe. My grandfather'sportrait hung above the mantelpiece in the drawing room. He wore a big turban and loose-fitting clothes. FHislong white he covered the best part of his chest and he looked 5 at least a hundred years old. He did not look the sort of person who would have a wite or children.! looked as if he could only have lots and lots of As for my grandmother being young and pretty,grandchildren. the thought was almost revolting. She often told us the games she used to play as a child. That quite absurd and undignified on her part and we treated them like the fables of the prophets seemed she used to tell us. She had always been short and fat and slightly bent. Her 10 face a was of everywhere to No, we were certain she had criss-cross wrinkles running from always been as we had known her. Old, sc terribly old thateverywhere. she could not have grown older, and had could never have pretty; but she was alvways beautiful.stayed at the same age for twenty years. She hobbled aboutbeen the house in spotless white, with one hand resting on her balance her stoop and the other telling the 15 beads of her rosary. Her silver waist to over her pale, puckered face, and locks her beautiful. She was like the winter lips constantly in inaudible prayer.were scattered unti moved breathing. peace and contentment. landscape in the mountains, an expanse of pure Yes, she was My white serenity and I were good friends. My to live in the city and parents left me with her when they we were constantly ready for school. She said 20 She used to wake me up in went together. her the morning and ge morning prayer in a dressed me in the hope thatI would listen and get to know it by sing-song while she bathed and voice but never bothered to I heart. it. learn listened because I loved t washed and plastered with yellow Thenashe would fetch my wooden slate which she had alread carthen ink pot and a reed pen, tie chalk, tiny them all in a stale chapati with a little bundle and hand it to me. After a 25 butter and sugar spread on it, we went to chapatis with her for the breakfast of a tt grandmother monotonous My village dogs. school. She carried several sta went to school with me priestgrandmother taught us thealways because the school was attached to the alphabet and the morning prayer. temple. While the children sat in rows on either 30 side of the verandah singing the alphabet or the sat inside reading the grandmother together. This time the village dogs scriptures. When we had both prayer in a chorus, my finished, we would walk back growling and fighting each other forwould meet us at the temple door. When my parents the we threw to them. They followed us toour chapatis were in comfortably settled the city, they sent for us. turning point in to school with our friendship. Although we 3 the same room, my That was a and she took tome. Iused to go to an English shared school in a motor bus. Theregrandmother no longer As the years feeding in the sparrows by were no dogs in the rolled we saw less of courtyard of our city me ready for house. each school. When Icame back sheother. For some time, she would ask me what the continued to wake me up i hadtaught me. I ...3.. would tell her English words and little of the world being things Western science and principle, I university, was given a room of myround, etc. This made her learning, the snapped. My grandmother own. The spinning wheel to talk to accepted her seclusion with common link ofunhappy. friendship was anyone. From sunrise to sunsetresignation. She rarely left her she sat by her wheel, reciting prayers. Only in the the verandah spinning and 45 she relaxed for a afternoon the bread while to breaking feed the into little bits, veritable bedlam of chirruping. Some of little birds sparrows. While she sat in hundreds even sat on her head. She came and perched on her legs, collected round her, creating a law of gravity, hen Iwent up toArchimedes' on her half-hour of the day for her.smiled but never shoocd them away. It usedothers to be the shoulders. Some happiest When I decided to go abroad for 50 further I studies, was be away for five years, and at sure mygrandmother would be upset. Iwould even sentimental. She came toher age one could never tell. But my grandmother could. She was not leave me at the railway station but did not Her lips moved in prayer, her mind talk or show any emotion. was lost in prayer. Her fingers were busy rosary. Silently she kissed my forehead, the telling beads of her and when I left I cherished the moist 55 imprint as perhaps the last sign of physical contact us. But that was not so. Ater ive years lcame back home and was met by between her at the station. She did not look a day older. She still had notime for words, and while she clasped me in her arms I could hear her reciting her prayer. Even on the first day of my arrival, her happiest moments were with her sparrows, whom she fed longer and with frivolous rebukes. 60 ln the evening a change came over her. She did not pray. She collected the women of the neighbourhood, got an old drum and started to sing. For several hours she thumped the sagging skins of the dilapidated drum and sang of the homecoming of warriors. We had to persuade to her to stop avoid overstraining. That was the first time since I had known her that she did not pray. The next morning, she was taken ill. It was a mild fever and the doctor told us that. it would go. But my grandmother thought differently. 65 () For each word given below, choose the correct meaning (as used in the passage) from the options provided: 1. puckered (line 17) (a) flattened into lines (c) smooth skinned (b) contracted into wrinkles (d) dark circled 2. resignation (line 44) (a) resistence (c) defiance (b) forbearance 3. bedlam (line 48) ( choose the antonym ) (a) orderliness (b) commotion (c) uproar (d) disregard (ruckus (i) Answer the following questions briefly, in your own words: (a) Give a pen-picture of the narrator's grandfather as he appeared in the portrait. [2] (b) Why did the narrator's grandmother give the impression of 'winter landscape in the mountains'? (c) *The thought was almost revolting.' What was that thought? (d) How did the old grandmother keep herself busy in the city home? (e) Quote asentence from the passage that indicates the sudden yet complete break of intimacy between the old grandmother and the narrator. (ii)innot more than 50 words give an account of how the grandmother saw the narrator ofr at the station and then celebrated his homecoming. [21 (21 [2] [1] [8] shanges PPSC/23-24/UT/L0ENG.LANG./FPE c o r r eo cp t She wa word given in form of the correct blanks with the numbered order the word or phrase the () Fillin each of passage but writein correct serial Donot copythe br a c k e appropria Question 5 to the blank space. Example: (0) came overto London airport to collect l_(1)_(y) and (came) would turn out to be a The great day_(0) it there (arrive) (2) when I the ape. My one fear now was that escorted me to a room in the and me (meet) (3) dealer The chimpanzee after all. and the first thing I R.S.P.C.A. Animal Shelter. He (4)_(throw) openthe door, (5)_(see) was a couple of baby chimpanzees (6)_(sit) on atable meditatively (7)_(chew) bananas. My heart(S)_(sink) and Ihad visions of havingto go back toJersey empty handed. (ii) Fillin the blanks with appropriate words. (a) The child dozed while Iwas reading to him. (b) The kidnapper is still large. (c) The President will preside the meeting. (d) He flew rage when he was challenged. (e) Truth always prevails the long run. (f) Hema is endowed intelligence and beauty. (g) The miser hankered money all the time. (h) Icame a good article in a magazine. sentences to make one complete sentence The fire was very massive. The fremen could not control it. without using and, but or so. (a) The fire was very (b) The fire was too massive, so the firemen could not control it. (c) The fire was verymassive for the firemen to control it. (d) The fire was so massive that the firemnen could not control it. massive that the firemen could Ilent you a book hardly control it. last week. Please return it. (iii) Join the following 1. 2. (a) Please return the book (b)Please return that bookthat I lent you last week. which Ilent you last week. (c) Please return the (d) Please return a book which I had lent you last week. book that I lent you last week. 3. Radhika is the seminar. She wants to (a) Radhika attending is attending the learn more about to learn more (b) Radhika will seminar about Artificial (c) Radhika is attend the seminar to learn more about (d) Radhika is attending the seminar to know more aboutArtificial attending the seminar to learn about Artificial 4. Aditya wants to Artificial play for his team Artificial Intel igence. Intelligence Intelligence. Intelligence Intelligence. today. He has high fever. (a) Though Aditya had (b) Though Aditya has high fever, he wants to play for his team today. fever, he wants to play for his (c) Though Aditya high wants to play for his team today, he team today. (d) Though Aditya had has high fever. high fever, he wanted to play for his team the next day. ( aP ) e (b) (c) opriatberackets. r/10/ENG.LANG/FPE ..5... following sentences according to the instructions given after each. Make that may be other Fanges necessary, but do not change the Ke-#Tite the meaning of each sentence. Choose the orTectoptions. She was cvidently trying to wam herself."'people said. (Begin: People said..) e) People said that she had bcen evidently trying to warm herself. (b)People saidthat she was evidently trying to warm herself. c People say that she was evidently trying to warm herself. d) People say that she had been evidently trying to warm herself. , Luzwas a little hotunder the collar about Hitler's ways, wasn't he? (End: ...ways?) (a) Wasn't Luz hot under the collar about Hitler's ways? b) Wasn't Lz a little hot under the collar about Hitler's ways? (e) Luz was a little hot under the collar about Hitler's ways? (d)Wasn't Luz was a little hot under the collar about Hitler's ways? into action. (Use: No s0oner) As soon as Sibia saw the Gujar woman in trouble. she sprang action. trouble when she sprang into (a) No sOoner did Sibia see the Gujar woman in trouble than she sprang into action. (b) No sOoner did Sibia see the Gujar woman in woman in tr uble, she sprang into action. (c) Nos0oner than did Sibia see the Gujar woman in trouble when she sprang into action. (d) Nosooner does Sibia see the Gujar to0) to be taken to the poor house. (Remove: helpless and sick too house. was Maggie poor the 4. to helpless that she could not be takentaken and sick hoase. so was poor Maggie the to (a) that she cannot be not be helpless and sick so was house. (b) Maggie helpless to be not be taken to the poor (c) Maggie was sick and helpless that she could be taken to the poor house. (d) Maggie was so sick and PPSCI23-24/IIT/1 0/ENG.LANG/FPE ..6.. populated city in India. (End: ...Mumbai) 5. Mumbai is the most populated as Mumbai. (a) None other city in India is as populated as Mumbai. as (b) Very few cities in India are populated as Mumbai. (c) No other city in India is as as Mumbai. Despite...) (d) No other city is as populated although the light was poor. (Begin: work to forced were men The 6. work. poor, the men were forced to (a) Despite of the light being men were forced to work. (b) Despite the light was poor, the the men were forced to work. (c) Despite the light being poor, poor, the men were forced to work. very being light the Despite (d) the train. (Use:Unless) 7. If we do not rush, we shall miss unless we do not rush. (a) We shall not miss the bus miss the train. (b) Unless we rush, we shall not shall miss the train. (c) Unless we do not rush, we the train. (d) Unless we rush, we shallmiss the Internet. (Begin: Salim..) 8. Father showed Salim how to use Internet. to use the (a) Salim had been shown by father how use the Internet by father. (b) Salim has been shown how to by father. (c) Salim is shown how to use the Internet use the Internet. (d) Salim was shown by father how to [8]

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