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ICSE Class X Sample / Model Paper 2025 : Chemistry

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Shreya Moitra
Stepping Stone Model School, Alipurduar, Jalpaiguri
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PREFACE With a growing emphasis on competency-based education globally, the educational landscape in India has also steered towards high-quality learning experiences that allow learners to incorporate critical thinking and problem-solving approaches. This approach goes beyond rote memorisation and focuses on developing the skills and knowledge that students need to apply in their real-world scenarios. The Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations (CISCE), as a national-level progressive examination board, has taken several steps to infuse competency-based education in CISCE schools through teacher capacity-building on item development for competency-based assessments and the incorporation of competency-focused questions at the ICSE and ISC levels from the examination year 2024. To further facilitate the adoption of competency-based assessment practices in schools and to support teachers and students towards the preparation for attempting higher-order thinking questions in future board examinations, Item Banks of Competency-Focused Practice Questions for selected subjects at the ICSE and ISC levels have been developed. This Item Bank consists of a rich variety of questions, both objective and subjective in categories, aimed at enhancing the subject-specific critical and analytical thinking skills of the students. In this Item Bank, each question is accompanied by the topic and cognitive learning domain/s that it intends to capture. The cognitive domains reflected in these questions include understanding, analysis, application, evaluation and creativity, along with some questions of the higher-order recall domain. The Answer Key at the end presents the possible answers to a given question, but it is neither limiting nor exhaustive. These practice questions are also meant to serve as teacher resources for classroom assignments and as samplers to develop their own repository of competency-focused questions. Apart from offering a good practice of higher-order thinking skills, engaging with these questions would allow students to gauge their own subject competencies and use these assessments for learning to develop individual learning pathways. During the development of this Item Bank, a large pool of questions was prepared by a team of experienced CISCE teachers. The questions that were finalised by the internal and external reviewers as being higher-order competency-focused questions have been collated in this item bank. I acknowledge and appreciate all the ICSE and the ISC subject matter experts who have contributed to the development and review of these high-quality competency-focused questions for CISCE students. We are hopeful that teachers and students will utilise these questions to support their teaching-learning processes. July 2024 Dr. Joseph Emmanuel Chief Executive & Secretary CISCE PREFACE With a growing emphasis on competency-based education globally, the educational landscape in India has also steered towards high-quality learning experiences that allow learners to incorporate critical thinking and problem-solving approaches. This approach goes beyond rote memorisation and focuses on developing the skills and knowledge that students need to apply in their real-world scenarios. The Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations (CISCE), as a national-level progressive examination board, has taken several steps to infuse competency-based education in CISCE schools through teacher capacity-building on item development for competencybased assessments and the incorporation of competency-focused questions at the ICSE and ISC levels from the examination year 2024. To further facilitate the adoption of competency-based assessment practices in schools and to support teachers and students towards the preparation for attempting higher-order thinking questions in future board examinations, Item Banks of Competency-Focused Practice Questions for selected subjects at the ICSE and ISC levels have been developed. This Item Bank consists of a rich variety of questions, both objective and subjective in categories, aimed at enhancing the subject-specific critical and analytical thinking skills of the students. In this Item Bank, each question is accompanied by the topic and cognitive learning domain/s that it intends to capture. The cognitive domains reflected in these questions include understanding, analysis, application, evaluation and creativity, along with some questions of the higher-order recall domain. The Answer Key at the end presents the possible answers to a given question, but it is neither limiting nor exhaustive. These practice questions are also meant to serve as teacher resources for classroom assignments and as samplers to develop their own repository of competency-focused questions. Apart from offering a good practice of higher-order thinking skills, engaging with these questions would allow students to gauge their own subject competencies and use these assessments for learning to develop individual learning pathways. During the development of this Item Bank, a large pool of questions was prepared by a team of experienced CISCE teachers. The questions that were finalised by the internal and external reviewers as being higher-order competency-focused questions have been collated in this item bank. I acknowledge and appreciate all the ICSE and the ISC subject matter experts who have contributed to the development and review of these high-quality competency-focused questions for CISCE students. We are hopeful that teachers and students will utilise these questions to support their teachinglearning processes. July 2024 Dr. Joseph Emmanuel Chief Executive & Secretary CISCE ICSE Class X Chemistry Table of Contents Type of Questions I. Multiple-Choice Questions II. Fill in the Blanks Pg. No 2 16 III. Match the Following 18 IV. One Word Answer 22 V. Structural Diagram 23 VI. IUPAC Names VII. Very Short Answer Questions 25 27 VIII. Short Answer Questions 28 IX. Long Answer Questions 32 Answer Key 37 ICSE Competency-Focused Practice Questions 1 ICSE Class X Chemistry COMPETENCY-FOCUSED PRACTICE QUESTIONS ICSE - CLASS X Chemistry I: Multiple Choice Questions (1 Mark Each) S.No. 1. Questions [Analytical Chemistry] Ravi was asked to identify the cation present in the salt solution. He added one of the reagents given below and got a reddish-brown precipitate. The reagent that he used is: (a) (b) (c) (d) 2. Silver nitrate solution Barium chloride solution Ammonium hydroxide Calcium chloride solution [Understanding] [Study of Compounds] Which metal does not react with HCl to form a colourless, odourless gas which burns with a pop sound? (a) Ca (b) Mg (c) Cu (d) Zn 3. [Recall & Understanding] [Study of Compounds] Prateek added warm water to magnesium nitride, and a colourless gas evolved, which, when tested with phenolphthalein, turned it pink. The gas evolved is: (a) (b) (c) (d) Carbon dioxide Ammonia Nitrogen Hydrogen chloride ICSE Competency-Focused Practice Questions [Understanding] 2 ICSE Class X Chemistry S.No. 4. Questions [Organic Chemistry] Which of the following statements about ethane is false? (a) (b) (c) (d) 5. It is a saturated hydrocarbon. It undergoes a substitution reaction. It is a gas at ordinary temperatures. It has a triple bond between the carbon atoms. [Recall & Understanding] [Metallurgy] Thermite mixture is used to weld the broken ends of the iron girders. This mixture consists of ferric oxide and aluminium powder, which, when heated, produces molten iron. In this reaction, the aluminium powder acts as a/an _________ agent. (a) (b) (c) (d) 6. oxidising reducing dehydrating corroding [Application] [Electrolysis] The above diagram represents the electrolysis of acidulated water. The reaction occurring at the anode is: (a) (b) (c) (d) H2SO4 2H+ + SO42H2O H+ + OHH+ + e- H, 2[H] +2[H] H2 OH- - e- OH, [4OH] 2H2O + O2 ICSE Competency-Focused Practice Questions [Recall & Understanding] 3 ICSE Class X Chemistry S.No. 7. Questions [Period Properties and Variations of Properties] Group Numbers IA IIA IIIA IVA VA VIA VIIA VIIIA 1 2 Li 13 14 15 D A Mg B C E Si F G 16 17 18 O J Ne H K L With reference to the portion of the periodic table given above, identify the element having the largest atomic size: (a) Li (b) B (c) K (d) L 8. [Understanding] [Electrolysis] The picture given below shows an apparatus that a teacher used for demonstrating the properties of ionic substances. The teacher heats a sample of lead bromide in a crucible which contains two electrodes which are part of the circuit shown. The bulb does not light up. What is the best explanation for this? (a) The circuit is complete. (b) Molten lead bromide does not conduct electricity. (c) The sample of lead bromide was not heated up to the melting point by the teacher. (d) The DC power supply was set up correctly. [Analysis] ICSE Competency-Focused Practice Questions 4 ICSE Class X Chemistry S.No. 9. Questions [Period Properties and Variations of Properties] Element Y is in Group IIA of the Periodic Table. Y reacts with element Q to form an ionic compound. Which equation shows the process that takes place when Y forms ions? (a) (b) (c) (d) 10 Y + 2e- Y2+ Y 2e - Y2Y + 2e- Y2 Y 2e- Y2+ [Understanding & Application] [Electrolysis] The diagram below shows a circuit used to electrolyse aqueous sodium argento cyanide. Which arrow indicates the movement of the silver ions in the electrolyte and of the electrons in the external circuit? (a) (b) (c) (d) Silver ions Electrons 3 1 3 2 2 4 4 1 [Understanding & Application] 11. [Mole Concept and Stoichiometry] The relative atomic mass of nitrogen is 14, and that of hydrogen is 1. This means that (i)_______ of nitrogen has the same mass as (ii)________ of hydrogen. (a) (b) (c) (d) (i) An atom An atom A molecule A molecule Which words correctly complete the gaps? ICSE Competency-Focused Practice Questions (ii) 28 molecules 7 molecules 14 atoms 7 atoms [Analysis] 5 ICSE Class X Chemistry S.No. 12. Questions [Study of Compounds] A student reacts copper turnings with cold dilute nitric acid in a test tube. He tests the gas given off with moist red and blue litmus paper. What is the name of the gas that evolved and what is the final colour of the litmus paper? Gas Final colour of the litmus paper (a) NO No change in blue and red litmus paper (b) NO2 Blue litmus turns red and no change in red litmus (c) N2 No change in blue and red litmus paper (d) N2O No change in blue and red litmus paper [Understanding] 13. [Chemical Bonding] Which element forms a stable ion with the same electronic configuration as argon? (a) (b) (c) (d) Magnesium Fluorine Chlorine Sodium [Recall & Understanding] 14. [Organic Chemistry] The diagram below represents the molecule of an organic compound. What is the name of this compound? Pentanol Butanol Butanoic acid Pentanoic acid [Understanding] ICSE Competency-Focused Practice Questions 6 (a) (b) (c) (d) ICSE Class X Chemistry S.No. 15. Questions [Electrolysis] When a compound was electrolysed using inert electrodes, the gas released at the anode made a glowing splinter rekindle. The electrolyte that will not produce such gas observation at the anode is: (a) diluted solution of NaCl. (b) concentrated solution of NaCl. (c) diluted solution of copper sulphate. (d) acidified water. 16. [Application] [Organic Chemistry] Which of the following chains of hydrocarbons undergoes two steps of reactions to become saturated? | | (a) C C | | | | (b) C = C (c) | | C C \/ C (d) / \ C C / \ [Understanding & Analysis] ICSE Competency-Focused Practice Questions 7 ICSE Class X Chemistry S.No. 17. Questions [Study of Compounds] Given below are four different illustrations of preparing hydrochloric acid drawn by students. Which of these is the correct? [Evaluate] 18. [Organic Chemistry] When two organic compounds A and B react together in the presence of conc.H2SO4, a fruity smell evolved from one of the products. If A has the functional group [-O-H], which of the following stands for the functional group of B? H | (a) C = O | (b) C = O || (c) C OH (d) O [Application & Analysis] ICSE Competency-Focused Practice Questions 8 ICSE Class X Chemistry S.No. 19. Questions [Chemical Bonding] Given below are four covalent compounds. (A) H2O (B) CCl4 (C) Cl2 (D) NH3 Which of the following represents the correct order when they are arranged in their increasing number of covalent bonds? (a) (b) (c) (d) 20. B < D <A < C A<C<D<B C < D <A< B C <A< D < B [Recall & Application] [Electrolysis] The electrolytic cell used for the electrolysis of molten lead bromide is made of Silica. Which of the following properties of silica that is the reason for it not having much significance in the process of electrolysis? (a) Hard and strong (b) Non-conductor of electricity (c) Non- reactive (d) Withstands high temperature 21. [Understanding] [Organic Chemistry] A distinctive reaction that takes place when ethanol is treated with acetic acid in the presence of concentrated sulphuric acid to give a fruity smell. P: The reaction is called esterification. Q: The reaction is called hydration. (a) (b) (c) (d) 22. Only P Only Q Both P and Q Both P and Q are wrong [Understanding] [Study of Acids, Bases and Salts] The pH of the soil is tested, and for the better growth of crops, slightly alkaline soil is required. Which ion in the fertiliser will increase the alkalinity of the soil? (a) (b) (c) (d) Hydronium ion Hydroxyl ion Hydrogen ion Both hydroxyl and hydrogen ICSE Competency-Focused Practice Questions [Application] 9 ICSE Class X Chemistry S.No. 23. Questions [Chemical Bonding] Ramu makes a detailed study on the values of electronegativity and the formation of compounds. Accordingly, he draws the following conclusion: The larger the electronegativity (EN) difference between the combining atoms, the more ionic bonds will form. If the EN difference is negligible, covalent bonds will form. So, which of the following values refers to covalent bonds? P: 3.0 and 3.0 Q: 0.9 and 3.0 (a) (b) (c) (d) 24. Only P Only Q Both P and Q Neither P nor Q [Application & Analysis] [Mole Concept and Stoichiometry] 10g of magnesium carbonate reacts completely with excess dilute hydrochloric acid. What volume of carbon dioxide is formed at room temperature and pressure? [Mg=24, C=12, O=16] The equation for the reaction is: MgCO3 + 2HCl MgCl2 + H2O + CO2 (a) (b) (c) (d) 2.8 dm3 2.6 dm3 2.2 dm3 2.4 dm3 ICSE Competency-Focused Practice Questions [Application] 10 ICSE Class X Chemistry S.No. 25. Questions [Electrolysis] The diagram shown is a wrong attempt to electroplate a pan with copper: Which of the following could have been done to copper plate a pan? (a) (b) (c) (d) 26. To change DC to AC. To change the electrolyte from copper sulphate to cobalt sulphate. Connect the pan to the negative electrode. To induce a higher current. [Application] [Metallurgy] During the extraction of aluminium by Hall Heroult s process, the carbon rods are replaced continuously. This is because: (a) (b) (c) (d) It minimises heat loss by radiation. It enhances the mobility of ions. The carbon anode is consumed. It lowers the fusion point. ICSE Competency-Focused Practice Questions [Understanding] 11 ICSE Class X Chemistry S.No. 27. Questions [Study of Acids, Bases and Salts] Which of the following observations correctly shows the action of indicator on sodium hydroxide solution? Indicator methyl orange phenolphthalein (a) P orange to yellow remains colourless (b) Q orange to pink remains colourless (c) R orange to yellow colourless to pink (d) S remains orange remains pink [Application] 28. [Electrolysis] When electrolysis of molten lead bromide is carried out, the products formed at the respective electrodes are: At the positive electrode At the negative electrode (a) Bromine Lead (b) Bromine Hydrogen (c) Lead Bromine (d) Lead Oxygen [Application] ICSE Competency-Focused Practice Questions 12 ICSE Class X Chemistry S.No. 29. Questions [Organic Chemistry] The following are the structural diagrams of certain hydrocarbons: Which two structures are related to each other? (a) (b) (c) (d) 30. A and B B and C C and D A and C [Recall & Application] [Chemical Bonding] The electronic configuration of X is 2,8,6. It gains 'Y electrons into its valence shell to attain the nearest noble gas electronic configuration and gets converted to an ion Z. X, Y, and Z, respectively, are: (a) (b) (c) (d) Sodium, one, electropositive Beryllium, two, electronegative Oxygen, six, electronegative Sulphur, two, electronegative ICSE Competency-Focused Practice Questions [Understanding & Application] 13 ICSE Class X Chemistry S.No. 31. Questions [Periodic Properties and Variations of properties] Which of the following arrangements is INCORRECT as per the property stated against it? (a) (b) (c) (d) 32. Li > Be > N > O (Metallic character) CI > F > Br >I (Electron gain enthalpy) O2- > F -> Mg 2+ >Na+ (Ionic radii) I > Br > CI > F (Number of shells) [Analysis & Application] [Organic Chemistry] Baking soda (NaHCO3), when added to vinegar, evolves a gas. Which of these statements is true about the evolution of gas? 33. I. II. III. IV. It turns limewater milky. It extinguishes the burning splinter. It acts as a non-metallic oxide It has a pungent odour. (a) (b) (c) (d) I and IV I and II I, II and III III and IV [Recall & Understanding] [Electrolysis] The statements below show the results when three metal strips, P, Q, and R, are placed in blue copper sulphate solution. P- Solution turns green. Q- Solution becomes colourless. R- Solution remains blue. Which of the following metals could be P, Q, and R? (a) (b) (c) (d) P-Al, Q-Zn, R- Fe P-Zn, Q-Fe, R- Ag P-Fe, Q-Zn, R-Ag P- Zn, Q-AI, R Fe ICSE Competency-Focused Practice Questions [Application] 14 ICSE Class X Chemistry S.No. 34. Questions [Study of Compounds] Study the above diagram and choose the correct option related to the content given below: Compound X reacts with ammonia in the combustion tube, which leaves a residue Y. Identify X and Y, as well as the property Z of ammonia demonstrated in this particular reaction. (a) (b) (c) (d) 35. X= CuO, Y=black, Z = reducing property. X=PbO, Y = yellow, Z=oxidising property. X=CuO, Y =yellow, Z =oxidising property. X=PbO, Y=black, Z=reducing property. [Analysis] [Study of Compounds] Assertion (A): Few drops of dilute acid is added to a solution of zinc sulphide, a colourless gas is formed with a rotten egg odour. Reason (R): Gas formed does not turn moist lead acetate paper silvery black. (a) (b) (c) (d) 36. Both A and R are true. A and R are true, but R is the correct explanation of A. A is true, but R is not the correct explanation of A. Both A and R are false. [Recall & Understanding] [Metallurgy] Assertion (A): Hall Heroult s process is used to get pure aluminium from its oxide. Reason (R): Aluminium generally is not found in aluminium oxide form. (a) (b) (c) (d) Both A and R are correct. A is correct, but R is not a true explanation of A. A is correct, and R is a true explanation of B. Both A and R are incorrect. ICSE Competency-Focused Practice Questions [Understanding] 15 ICSE Class X Chemistry S.No. 37. Questions [Organic Chemistry] Assertion (A): Alkenes, alkynes and alkanes are examples of homologous series. Reason (R): Organic compounds of the homologous series have similar structures but different chemical properties. (a) (b) (c) (d) 38. Both A and R are true. Both A and R are false. A is true but R is not the correct explanation of A. A is false but R is true. [Recall & Understanding] [Mole Concept and Stoichiometry] Assertion (A): The atomic mass of oxygen is 16 a.m.u; therefore, its gram atomic mass is 16g. Reason (R): The atomic mass of an element expressed in grams is called gram atomic mass. (a) A is true, and R is the correct explanation of A. (b) Both A and R are true, but R is not a true explanation of A. (c) Both A and R are false. (d) R is false, but A is a true explanation. [Analysis & Application] II: Fill in the Blanks (1 Mark Each) S.No. 39. Questions [Mole Concept and Stoichiometry] Fill in the blanks by choosing the correct options given in the brackets: An aqueous solution of gas X turns red litmus blue, so it must contain (i)________ (hydrogen/ hydroxyl) ions. When this solution is added in excess to copper sulphate solution, it turns to (ii) ______ (deep blue/ pale blue) solution. Gas X is also a good (iii)_____(oxidising/reducing) agent, which in excess reacts with a greenish-yellow gas to form dense white fumes of (iv) _______ (hydrogen chloride/ammonium chloride). [Understanding & Application] 40. [Study of Compounds] Ammonia can convert heated copper oxide to copper. This shows that ammonia is a ____________ (reducing agent/oxidising agent). [Understanding] ICSE Competency-Focused Practice Questions 16 ICSE Class X Chemistry S.No. 41. Questions [Mole Concept and Stoichiometry] The number of hydrogen atoms present in 1 mole of sulphuric acid and 1 mole of sulphurous acid are (X) and (Y), respectively. Relationship between X and Y is ____________ (X=Y / cannot compare X and Y). [Application] 42. [Organic Chemistry] Hydrocarbon X decolourises bromine in carbon tetrachloride, and hydrocarbon Y does not decolourise bromine water. Both of the compounds burn with a sooty flame. The molecular formula of X and Y is ____________ (C5H12 and C4H8 / C5H8 and C4H10). [Understanding] 43. [Organic Chemistry] The number of chain isomers possible for an alkane with 5 carbon atoms are _______ (3 / 4). [Application] 44. [Chemical Bonding] Cations are ___________ (oxidised/ reduced) ions due to the _________(gain/loss) of electrons by the neutral atom. [Understanding] 45. [Organic Chemistry] If a hydrocarbon has the formula of C50H98, then it is likely to undergo ________a/an (addition/ substitution) reaction, and the hydrocarbon is a/an _____________ (saturated/ unsaturated hydrocarbon). [Application] 46. [Periodic Properties and Variations of properties] The atomic size of Boron is 0.88 A , and that of nitrogen is 0.70 A . Nitrogen lies to the ______ (left/ right) of Boron. [Application] 47. [Electrolysis] The ______ (higher/ lower) is the position of the cation in the electrochemical series, the greater the difficulty of it being discharged at the cathode. [Understanding] 48. [Study of Compounds] The correct order of increasing volatility of the acids is _______. (a) (b) (c) (d) HCl < CH3COOH < HNO3 CH3COOH < HCl < HNO3 HNO3 < HCl < CH3COOH HCl < HNO3< CH3COOH ICSE Competency-Focused Practice Questions [Understanding & Application] 17 ICSE Class X Chemistry S.No. 49. Questions [Metallurgy] Nikita wanted to gift her friend a decorative piece that is quite hard and strong, doesn t get corroded and can be polished. She selected a statue that matched her criteria as it was made of an alloy whose main constituent was _______. (a) (b) (c) (d) Cu Al Fe Zn [Recall & Application] III: Match the following (5 Marks Each) S.No. 50. Questions [Periodic Properties and Variations of Properties] Column A Column B (a) Alkali metals (i) Be, C, O, F c (b) Alkaline earth metals (ii) F, Cl, Br, I d (c) Atomic radius decreases (iii) P, Al, Na, S e (d) Non-metallic character decreases (iv) K, Na, Li, Rb a (e) Period 3 elements (iv) Ba, Ca, Sr, Rab [Recall] ICSE Competency-Focused Practice Questions 18 ICSE Class X Chemistry S.No. 51. Questions [Analytical Chemistry] Match the reactants in column A to their methods of preparation in column B. Column A Column B (a) Zinc Oxide + Sulphuric acid (i) Synthesis b (b) Iron + Chlorine (ii) Precipitation c (c) Barium chloride + Sodium sulphate (iii) Neutralization d (d) Magnesium + Hydrochloric acid (iv) Neutralization by titration e (d) Potassium hydroxide + Nitric acid (v) Displacement a [Understanding & Application] 52. [Study of Acids, Bases and Salts] Column A (a) Acidic oxide (b) (c) (d) (e) Column B (i) Metallic oxides that react with both acids and bases c Basic oxide (ii) Non-metallic oxides a Amphoteric oxide (iii) Non-metallic oxides that do not react with both acids and bases d Neutral oxide (iv) Amphoteric oxide e Aluminium oxide (v) Metallic oxide b [Analysis] 53. [Metallurgy] (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) Column A Element with atomic no. 19 Element with atomic no. 9 Sodium aluminate Sodium bisulphite Calcium fluoride (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) Column B Acid salt d Non-metal b Metal a Hall Heroult s process e Baeyer s process c [Understanding] ICSE Competency-Focused Practice Questions 19 ICSE Class X Chemistry S.No. 54. Questions [Mole Concept and Stoichiometry, Study of Compounds, Organic Chemistry] (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) Column A 64g of Oxygen gas 1 mole of Oxygen gas Ostwald s process Haber s process Esterification (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) Column B Platinum e Molybdenum d Alcohol e 44.8 Litresa 6.023x1023 Molecules b [Recall, Understanding & Application] 55. [Periodic Properties and Variations of Properties] Match the descriptions in Column A with a corresponding left-to-right order of arrangement of elements in Column B. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) Column A Increasing number of shells Increasing reactivity Decreasing electron affinity Decreasing electronegativity Decreasing metallic character Column B (i) F > Cl > Br d (ii) Cl > F > Br c (iii) Ca >Mg > Be e (iv) F < Cl < Br a (v) Br < Cl < F b [Analysis] 56. [Study of Compounds] Match the given processes in column A with the corresponding product formation steps in column B. Column A (a) Haber s process (b) (c) (d) (e) Column B (i) Dissolution of the gas in water d Ostwald process (ii) Condensation of the gas a Hall- Heroult s process (iii) Coating of metal on cathode e Contact process (iv) Molten metal collected from cathode c Electroplating (v) Is the solution of the gas in a non-aqueous solution b [Recall & Application] ICSE Competency-Focused Practice Questions 20 ICSE Class X Chemistry S.No. 57. Questions [Analytical Chemistry, Study of Compounds] Match the column A with column B: (Note: answers should not be repeated) (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) Column A Calamine Funnel arrangement An explosive Brown Ring test Non-volatile acid (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) Column B Ammonium nitrate c Nitrite radical Sulphuric acid e Hydrochloric acid b Zinc carbonate a Nitrate radical d [Recall & Understanding] 58. [Study of Compounds, Organic Chemistry] Match the column A with column B: Column A (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) Neon Methane Ammonia gas in water An ion with a lone pair of electrons A weak electrolyte Column B (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) Ammonium ion c Hydronium ion d Magnesium hydroxide e Non-polar covalent compound b Zero electron affinity a [Understanding & Application] ICSE Competency-Focused Practice Questions 21 ICSE Class X Chemistry IV: One Word Answer (1 Mark Each) S.No. 59. Questions [Analytical Chemistry] Name a positive non-metallic radical which is basic in nature. NH4+ 60. [Understanding] [Organic Chemistry] How many electrons are present in one molecule of CH4? 8 61. [Understanding] [Organic Chemistry] Identify the longest carbon chain and mention the number of carbons present in it. 6 [Analysis & Application] 62. [Mole Concept and Stoichiometry] Gas M occupies a volume of 1000 c.c and contains X molecules. How many molecules will be present in gas N occupying a volume of 250 c.c? X/4 [Understanding] 63. [Periodic Properties and Variations of Properties] Element X belongs to period 2 and group 1 of the periodic table. State the formula of the chloride of the element X. XCl [Understanding & Application] 64. [Study of Compounds] Anurag added dilute H2SO4 to a given sample X and heated the mixture. He observed that a gas was liberated which had a foul smell of rotten eggs and it turned moist lead acetate paper silvery black. Name the gas evolved in the above case. H2S 65. [Understanding] [Organic Chemistry] Name the alkyl component of acetic acid. CH3COO- ICSE Competency-Focused Practice Questions [Understanding] 22 ICSE Class X Chemistry S.No. 66. Questions [Mole Concept and Stoichiometry] 28g of nitrogen and 44g of carbon dioxide at the same conditions of temperature and pressure occupy the same amount of space. What term describes such space occupied by any gas? MOLAR VOLUME [Understanding] 67. [Study of Compounds] When copper reacts with a hot dilute solution, reddish-brown fumes are observed. Another compound, P, having the same anion that is present in the hot solution on heating, melts into a colourless liquid, releasing only oxygen gas without any coloured fumes. Identify P. NaNO3 [Recall & Application] 68. [Metallurgy] Calcite (CaCO3), a sedimentary rock, is found most abundantly in many geological environments. It has a perfect cleavage in 3 directions, which makes it the most difficult rock to cut, and moreover, the labour of cutting calcite is also very high. What term related to metallurgy will suitably describe Calcite in the context of extracting calcium from calcite? CALCINATION [Application] V: Structural diagram (1 Mark Each) S.No. 69. Questions [Organic Chemistry] Draw the structural diagram of the product obtained when ethene reacts with chlorine. [Application] 70. [Organic Chemistry] An organic acid on cooling below 16.5 C crystallises out in the pure form, forming a crystalline mass resembling ice. Draw the structural diagram of this carboxylic acid. [Understanding] 71. [Chemical Bonding] Magnesium ribbon is added to dilute HCl. A gas is liberated along with the formation of a compound. Draw an electron dot diagram to show the structure of the compound that is formed. [Application] ICSE Competency-Focused Practice Questions 23 ICSE Class X Chemistry S.No. 72. Questions [Organic Chemistry] Draw the chain Isomer for the following organic compound. H H H H H | | | | | H C==C C C C H | | | H H H [Application] 73. [Chemical Bonding] Calcium hydroxide dissolves in water and forms a positive ion and a negative ion. Draw the structure of the negative ion. [Recall & Application] 74. [Organic Chemistry] Draw the structure of the following organic compounds: 2 methyl butane 75. [Create] [Chemical Bonding] The equation given above represents the molecule formation of element X. Fill in the box with the electron dot structure of the molecule. [Understanding] 76. [Chemical Bonding] Draw an isomer of the given structure: H H H | | | H C C C H | | H H H C H | H [Understanding & Application] ICSE Competency-Focused Practice Questions 24 ICSE Class X Chemistry VI: IUPAC Names (1 Mark Each) S.No. 77. Questions [Organic Chemistry] Give the IUPAC name of the following organic compounds: 2METHYLBUTENE [Understanding & Application] 78. [Organic Chemistry] 3BROMOBUTANOIC ACID [Understanding & Application] 79. [Organic Chemistry] 2METHYLPROPAN-2-OL [Understanding & Application] 80. [Organic Chemistry] H CH3 H | | | H -C - C - C - OH | | | H H H 2METHYLPROPANAL ICSE Competency-Focused Practice Questions [Understanding] 25 ICSE Class X Chemistry S.No. 81. Questions [Organic Chemistry] BUTANOIC ACID [Understanding] 82. [Organic Chemistry] [Understanding] 83. [Organic Chemistry] Give the IUPAC name of the compound represented below: Where, C stands for Carbon, O for oxygen, X for hydrogen, for ethyl group [Understanding & Application] ICSE Competency-Focused Practice Questions 26 ICSE Class X Chemistry VII: Very Short Answer Questions (1 Mark Each) S.No. 84. Questions [Analytical Chemistry] Calcium hydroxide solution is used to detect the presence of carbon dioxide gas, while sodium hydroxide is NOT. Justify. [Understanding] 85. [Study of Compounds] Hydrogen chloride fumes in the air. Justify. 86. [Application] [Metallurgy] During the extraction of aluminium bauxite, its principal ore is reduced by the electrolytic method. Why? [Understanding] 87. [Organic Chemistry] Why is pure acetic acid also called glacial acetic acid? [Understanding] 88. [Metallurgy] A fuse wire is an alloy made of tin and lead. It is a safety device that prevents the damage of electronic gadgets due to excessive flow of current. Can copper replace tin when making alloys? Justify your answer. [Application] 89. [Organic Chemistry] Ethyl alcohol is a colourless liquid. It is used as a major constituent in alcoholic beverages and also in the manufacture of many chemicals. When a Chemical Manufacturing Unit ordered ethyl alcohol, they were supplied with a purple-coloured alcohol instead of a colourless one. State the reason and the purpose of this colour change. 90. [Understanding] [Periodic Properties and Variations of Properties] Ionisation energies of 4 elements A, B, C and D are 496, 403, 520 and 419 KJ/mol, respectively. If these elements belong to the same group in the Periodic Table, which element will occupy the top position in the group? Justify your answer. [Understanding & Application] ICSE Competency-Focused Practice Questions 27 ICSE Class X Chemistry VIII: Short Answer Questions (2 Marks Each) S.No. 91. Questions [Study of Acids, Bases and Salts] Some general rules for the solubility of salts in water are listed. Carbonates are insoluble (except ammonium carbonate, potassium carbonate and sodium carbonate). Chlorides are soluble (except lead (II) chloride and silver chloride). Nitrates are soluble. Sulphates are soluble (except barium sulphate, calcium sulphate and lead (II) sulphate). Which substances produce an insoluble salt when aqueous solutions of them are mixed? Justify your answer. (a) (b) (c) (d) 92. Copper nitrate and magnesium chloride Zinc chloride and ammonium nitrate Silver nitrate and zinc chloride Potassium carbonate and sodium sulphate [Analysis] [Study of Compounds] Ammonia gas is passed into water as shown below: (a) When a red litmus paper was dropped into the resulting solution, it turned blue. Which ions in the solution would have resulted for the colour change in the litmus paper? (b) Why is the funnel kept in an inverted position? [Understanding] ICSE Competency-Focused Practice Questions 28 ICSE Class X Chemistry S.No. 93. Questions [Study of Compounds] In the Haber s process, the optimum yield of ammonia is obtained when a temperature of 450o C -500o C, a pressure of 200 atmospheres, an iron catalyst and promoter molybdenum are used. How and why would the yield of ammonia be affected if the temperature was raised to 600oC? [Application] 94. [Organic Chemistry] Give the structural formula and the name of the organic product formed when equal volumes of methane and chlorine react together. [Understanding] 95. [Organic Chemistry] Complete combustion of one mole of a hydrocarbon produced four moles of carbon dioxide and four moles of water only. (a) Write the equation for the combustion reaction. (b) Draw the structure of the hydrocarbon. [Understanding & Application] 96. [Study of Compounds] To the acid prepared by the contact process, Barium chloride solution is added. State one observation and write an equation for the reaction that occurs. [Recall & Understanding] 97. [Study of Compounds] Platinum catalyst is used in the catalytic oxidation of ammonia. (a) Write an equation for the reaction that occurs in the above case. (b) Why does the platinum continue to glow even after the heating is discontinued? [Recall & Understanding] ICSE Competency-Focused Practice Questions 29 ICSE Class X Chemistry S.No. 98. Questions [Study of Compounds] With reference to the reaction occurring in the given figure: - (a) Write an equation for the reaction. (b) State the property of sulphuric acid exhibited in the above case. [Application] 99. [Study of Compounds] Brown ring test is used for the identification of nitrate ions. (a) Why is freshly prepared Ferrous sulphate solution used in the above test? (b) What is the chemical name of the brown ring? [Understanding] 100. [Mole Concept and Stoichiometry] Ravi heated 367.5 g of KClO3 in a test tube. The decomposition of potassium chlorate took place according to the equation. 2KClO3 2KCl + 3O2 Find: (a) the volume of the colourless and odourless gas liberated during the experiment. (b) the weight of the residue left behind in the test tube. [Application] 101. [Metallurgy] For construction work the alloy of Aluminium i.e. Duralumin is used rather than pure Aluminium. Give two valid reasons. [Application] 102. [Mole Concept and Stoichiometry] Ram took 5 moles of carbon atoms in a container, and Krish took 5 moles of sodium atoms in another container of the same volume. (a) Whose container is heavier? (b) Which container has a larger number of atoms? [Understanding & Application] ICSE Competency-Focused Practice Questions 30 ICSE Class X Chemistry S.No. 103. Questions [Analytical Chemistry] A, B and C are three elements which undergo chemical reactions according to the following equations: A2O3 +2B B2O3 + 2A 3CSO4 + 2B B2(SO4)3 +3C 3CO + 2A A2O+3C Answer the following questions: (a) Which element is the most reactive? (b) Which element is the least reactive? 104. [Analysis & Application] [Electrolysis] PQ2 is a hard crystalline solid having high melting and boiling points. It is a good conductor of electricity in both molten and aqueous forms. (a) The conductivity of PQ2 is due to the presence of free ________ (ions, molecules, electrons) (b) During electrolysis of aqueous PQ2, if thickening of the cathode and thinning of the anode is observed, the anode material will be _______. (graphite, metal P) [Understanding & Application] 105. [Metallurgy] A student was asked to draw the flowchart for the extraction of zinc from zinc blende based on the principles of Metallurgy. What he drew is given below. 2 steps out of the 5 were incorrect. Identify and correct them. [Understanding & Application] ICSE Competency-Focused Practice Questions 31 ICSE Class X Chemistry S.No. 106. Questions [Organic Chemistry] C2H4 200 a X Given above is the representation of the conversion of ethene to a saturated hydrocarbon X, where a stands for the catalyst. (a) Identify a . (b) Give the complete chemical equation for the conversion of C2H4 to X. [Understanding] 107. [Organic Chemistry] The description of an organic compound is as follows: (a) Molecular formula is C3H8O. (b) Functional group is attached to the first carbon atom. (c) Reacts with sodium at room temperature with brisk effervescence, releasing hydrogen gas. Identify the compound and draw its structure. [Understanding] IX: Long Answer Questions (3 Marks Each) S.No. 108. Questions [Metallurgy] With respect to the Hall Heroult process related to the extraction of aluminium, justify the following: (a) Powdered Coke is sprinkled over the electrolytic mixture undergoing electrolytic reduction. (b) Graphite anodes are continuously replaced during the electrolysis. (c) Cryolite and fluorspar must be added to the electrolytic mixture. [Recall & Understanding] ICSE Competency-Focused Practice Questions 32 ICSE Class X Chemistry S.No. 109. Questions [Study of Compounds] Write complete and balanced equations for the reactions occurring in the following cases: (a) Passing dry ammonia gas over heated lead oxide placed in a combustion tube to produce a silvery grey metal. (b) When concentrated nitric acid is reacted with zinc to produce a reddish-brown gas. (c) When concentrated sulphuric acid oxidises sulphur to produce a gas which turns acidified potassium dichromate paper green. [Understanding] 110. [Analytical Chemistry] Give balanced equations for the conversions A, B and C. A B C Zn ZnCl2 Zn(OH)2 ZnSO4 [Understanding & Application] 111. [Electrolysis] Rohan wants to electroplate a spoon with nickel. (a) To which electrode should he connect the article to be electroplated? (b) Write the equation for the reaction that will occur at the cathode. (c) What should the anode be made up of? [Understanding & Application] 112. [Mole Concept and Stoichiometry] Amit found that 30g of a gas occupied 1000 c.c at STP. (a) What will the gram molecular weight and the vapour density of this gas be? (b) How many molecules of this gas will be present in 44.8 l of it? [Understanding] 113. [Study of Acids, Bases and Salts] An element X combines with oxygen to form an oxide X2O3. This oxide is a good conductor of electricity and can be reduced to its metal only by electrolysis. (a) Write the equation for the reaction formed when the oxide (X2O3) combines with hydrochloric acid. (b) How many valence electrons are present in the outermost shell of X? (c) Will element X undergo oxidation or reduction? [Understanding & Application] ICSE Competency-Focused Practice Questions 33 ICSE Class X Chemistry S.No. 114. Questions [Analytical Chemistry] Observe the reactions given below and answer the following questions: (a) Identify compound P. (b) Give the chemical formula of Z. (c) Write the reaction taking place between the identified compound P and sulphuric acid. (d) Name compound Y. [Understanding & Application] 115. [Periodic Properties and Variations of Properties] Study the information given in the table below and answer the questions that follow. (Note- the letters do not represent the actual symbols of the elements) (a) Explain why element X has highest ionisation energy. (b) To which period does Z belong? (c) Draw the electron dot structure of the compound formed between Z and oxygen. [Analysis & Application] 116. [Study of Acids, Bases and Salts] A student prepared a Potassium sulphite solution in the lab and added few drops of barium nitrate solution to it. He observed a white precipitate being formed in the test tube. On addition of dilute hydrochloric acid to the white precipitate and mixing it, he observed that the precipitate disappeared. (a) Name the white precipitate. (b) Write a balanced chemical equation for the reaction between dilute hydrochloric acid and the white precipitate. (c) Name the gas evolved in the above reaction. [Application] ICSE Competency-Focused Practice Questions 34 ICSE Class X Chemistry S.No. 117. Questions [Mole Concept and Stoichiometry] The empirical formula of a hydrocarbon is C2H3.The hydrocarbon has a relative molecular mass of 54. (At wt: H = 1, C = 12) (a) What is the molecular formula of the hydrocarbon? (b) Draw the structural formula of the hydrocarbon. (c) Give the general formula of the hydrocarbon. 118. [Application] [Electrolysis] Study the given figure and answer the given questions: (a) Identify the application of electrolysis demonstrated above. (b) Which metal is protected in the above process? (c) Why should the metal be protected? 119. [Application] [Organic Chemistry] Nita's father bought a basket of ripe mangoes. While opening it she found a small sachet containing a white crystalline powder along with the mangoes. She was told that it is a chemical that releases a gas when it comes in contact with moisture, that induces ripening of fruits. (a) Name the chemical powder in the sachet. (b) Name the gas. (c) Give a balanced chemical equation for the reaction that results in the evolution of this gas. [Understanding & Application] 120. [Periodic Properties and Variations of Properties] Atomic number of element M is 12 and it forms an ionic compound with element L. (a) Which of the following atomic numbers will match L? i. 14 ii. 10 iii. 8 (b) What is the name given to the members of the group to which element M belongs? (c) Draw the electron dot structure of the compound formed between M and L. [Understanding & Application] ICSE Competency-Focused Practice Questions 35 ICSE Class X Chemistry S.No. 121. Questions [Study of Compounds] When two dry gases, oxygen and X, are passed over heated platinum, reddish-brown fumes are seen in the receiving flask, as shown in the figure. (a) Name the gas X. (b) Give equation(s) for the reaction(s) that resulted in the formation of brown fumes. [Understanding & Application] ICSE Competency-Focused Practice Questions 36 ICSE Class X Chemistry Answer Key S.No. Expected Answers 1. (c) Ammonium hydroxide 2. (c) Cu 3. (b) Ammonia 4. (d) It has a triple bond between the carbon atoms. 5. (b) Reducing 6. (d) OH- - e- OH, [4OH] 2H2O + O2 7. (b) B 8. (c) The sample of lead bromide was not heated up to the melting point by the teacher. 9. (d) Y 2e- Y2+ 10. (d) 4, 1 11. (b) An atom / 7 molecules. 12. (a) NO. No change in blue and red litmus paper. 13. (c) Chlorine 14. (b) Butanol 15. (b) concentrated solution of NaCl. 16. (c) | | C C 17. (a) 18. || (c) C OH ICSE Competency-Focused Practice Questions 37 ICSE Class X Chemistry S.No. Expected Answers 19. (d) C < A < D < B 20. (a) Hard and strong 21. (a) Only P 22. (b) Hydroxyl ion 23. (a) Only P 24. (b) 2.6 dm3 25. (c) Connect the pan to negative electrode. 26. (c) The carbon anode is consumed. 27. (c) R 28. (a) 29. (d) A and C 30. (d) Sulphur, two, electronegative 31. (c) O2- > F - >Mg2+ > Na+ (Ionic radii) 32. (c) I, II and III 33. (c) P-Fe, Q-Zn, R-Ag 34. (a) X= CuO, Y=black, Z = reducing property 35. A is true, but R is not the correct explanation of A. 36. (a) Both A and R are correct. 37. (c) A is correct but R is not the correct explanation of A. 38. (a) A is true, and R is the correct explanation of A. 39. (i) hydroxyl (ii) deep blue (iii) reducing agent (iv) ammonium chloride 40. Reducing agent 41. X=Y ICSE Competency-Focused Practice Questions 38 ICSE Class X Chemistry S.No. Expected Answers 42. C5H8 and C4H10 43. 3 44. Oxidised, loss 45. Addition, unsaturated hydrocarbon 46. Right 47. Higher 48. (d) HCl < HNO3< CH3COOH 49. (a) Cu 50. (a) iv (b) v (c) i) (d) ii (e) iii 51. (a) iii (b) i (c) ii (d) v (e) iv 52. (a) ii (b) v (c) i (d) iii (e) iv 53. (a) iii (b) ii (c) v (d) i (e) iv 54. (a) iv (b) v (c) i (d) ii (e) iii 55. (a) iv (b) v (c) ii (d) i (e) iii 56. (a) ii (b) i (c) iv (d) v (e) iii 57. (a) v (b) iv (c) i (d) vi (e) iii 58. (a) v (b) iv (c) i (d) ii (e) iii 59. Ammonium / NH4 + 60. 10 61. 6 62. X/4 63. XCl 64. Hydrogen sulphide gas ICSE Competency-Focused Practice Questions 39 ICSE Class X Chemistry S.No. Expected Answers 65. -CH3 (methyl) 66. Molar volume 67. Sodium nitrate / Potassium nitrate 68. Mineral 69. H H | | H-C-C-H | | Cl Cl 70. H O | || H- C- C - OH | H 71. 72. H | H C = CH CH CH3 | CH3 73. ICSE Competency-Focused Practice Questions 40 ICSE Class X Chemistry S.No. Expected Answers 74. 75. 76. Or 77. 2-methyl -1-butene 78. 3-bromobutanoic acid 79. 2-methyl propan-2-ol 80. 2-methyl propanol 81. Butanoic acid 82. 3-methyl hexane 83. Propanal 84. Carbon dioxide gas forms a white ppt with calcium hydroxide, while with sodium hydroxide, it does not. 85. Hydrogen chloride is highly soluble even in the minute traces of moisture present in the air. 86. The bond between aluminum and oxygen is very strong / aluminum oxide is very stable. It cannot be reduced by common reducing agents like carbon, carbon monoxide or hydrogen. ICSE Competency-Focused Practice Questions 41 ICSE Class X Chemistry S.No. Expected Answers 87. Pure acetic acid, on cooling below 16.5 C, crystallises out to form a crystalline mass resembling ice. 88. No, because the melting point of copper is very high. 89. A coloured dye is added to ethyl alcohol to denature it so as to prevent the misuse (consumption) of alcohol. 90. Element C will top the group because ionisation energy decreases down the group. 91. (c) silver nitrate and zinc chloride Silver chloride is formed, which is an insoluble precipitate, while for all others, no precipitate is formed 92. (a) OH ions/ hydroxyl ions (b) To prevent back suction of water or to increase area of absorption 93. As the forward reaction is exothermic (1) increasing the temperature will make the reaction to reverse and thereby decrease (1) the yield of ammonia. 94. Chloromethane / methyl chloride 95. (a) C4H8 + 6O2 4CO2 + 4H2O (b) 96. A white ppt. is formed H2SO4 +BaCl2 BaSO4 + 2HCl 97. (a) 4NH3 + 5O2 4NO+ 6H2O (b) The platinum continues to glow even after heating is discontinued because the reaction is exothermic. 98. (a) C12H22O11+conc. H2SO4 12C+11H2O (b) Conc. H2SO4 is a dehydrating agent ICSE Competency-Focused Practice Questions 42 ICSE Class X Chemistry S.No. 99. Expected Answers (a) If Ferrous sulphate is left exposed to air for some time, then it will be oxidised to ferric sulphate and it will not respond to the test. (b) Nitroso ferrous sulphate. 100. (a) KClO3 = 122.5 KCl = 74.5 245g of KClO3 liberates 67.2 l of O2 367.5g of KClO3 gives 67.2 x 367.5/245= 100.8 l of O2 (b) 2x122.5g of KClO3 forms 74.5g of KCl 367.5g of KClO3 forms 74.5 x 367.5/245=111.75g of KCl 101. Duralumin is light and strong, while aluminium is light and weak. It is also unaffected by moist air. It is corrosion-resistant and has high tensile strength. 102. (a) Krish s container is heavier (b) Both the containers have the same number of atoms. 103. (a) B (b) C 104. (a) Ions (b) Metal P 105. (a) Step 2: Froth floatation instead of leaching (b) Step 3: Roasting instead of calcination 106. (a) Nickel 107. Propanol Structure ICSE Competency-Focused Practice Questions 43 ICSE Class X Chemistry S.No. Expected Answers 108. (a) Prevents burning of carbon anodes in air or prevents heat loss by radiation. (b) Carbon anodes are oxidized and hence consumed (c) Lowers the fusion point of the mixture or enhances the conductivity of the mixture or enhances the mobility of the mixture. 109. (a) NH3 + 3PbO 3Pb + 2H2O + 2NO2 (b) Zn + 4HNO3 Zn (NO3)2 + 2H2O + 2NO2 (c) 2H2SO4 + S 3SO2 + 2H2O 110. (a) Zn +2HCl ZnCl2 + 2HCl (b) ZnCl2 + 2NaOH Zn (OH)2 + 2NaOH (c) Zn (OH)2 + H2SO4 ZnSO4 + 2H2O 111. (a) Cathode (b) Ni+2 + 2e Ni (c) Block of nickel 112. (a) 1000c.c of the gas weighs 30g So 22400c.c of the gas weighs 30 x22400/1000 = 672g Molecular weight of the gas = 672g (1) V.D of the gas = 672/2 = 336 (1) (b) 22.4litres of the gas contains 6.023x10 molecules So, 44.8 litres of the gas contain 6.023x10 x2 molecules = 12.046 x 10 molecules (1) 113. (a) X2O3 + 6HCl 2XCl3 + 3H2O (b) 3 (c) Oxidation 114. (a) (b) (c) (d) NaOH C2H5OH NaOH + H2SO4 Sodium plumbite Na2SO4 + H2O 115. (a) As the number of shells are less the attraction by the nucleus on the electrons is more so more energy is required to remove the electron from the outermost shell (b) Fourth period 116. (a) Barium sulphite (b) BaSO3 + 2HCl BaCl2 + H2O + SO2 (c) Sulphur dioxide ICSE Competency-Focused Practice Questions 44 ICSE Class X Chemistry S.No. 117. Expected Answers (a) C4H6 or (c) CnH2n-2 118. (a) Electroplating (b) Iron (c) To prevent from rusting. 119. (a) Calcium Carbide (b) (ethyne/acetylene) (c) CaC2 + 2H2O Ca(OH)2+ C2H2 120. (a) c) 8 (b) Alkaline earth metals 121. (a) NH3 ICSE Competency-Focused Practice Questions 45 Chemistry ICSE Competency-Focused Practice Questions ICSE Class X 46

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