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LA MARTINIERE FOR BOYS, KOLKATA REHEARSAL EXAMINATION 2023-24 1 SUBJECT: MATHEMATICS Time: 3 hours + 15 mlns. Reading time CLASS:XII Full marks: 80 (Candidates are allowed additional 15 minutes for only reading the paper. They must NOT start writing during this time.) This Question Paper consists ofthree sections A, B & C Candidates are required to attempt all questions from Section A and all questions EITHER from Section B QB Section C. Sectio'! A: biternal choice has been provided in two questions o/lHIO marks each, two questions of/our marlcs and two questions ofsix marks each. Section B: Internal choice has been provided in one question oftwo marks and one question offour marks. Section C: Internal choice has been provided in one question oftwo marks and one question offour marks. All workings, including rough works, should be done on the same sheel as, and adjacent to the rest ofthe answer. The intended marks for questions or parts ofquestions are given in braclcels [ J. Matl,ematical tables and grap!, papers are provided. SECTION 65MARKS Q uestiool /. a " ,1 h . h b In subparts (i) to (x), choose_the co"ect options and ,n t e su ,parts ,x,/ to 1xv/. answer I e questions as instructed. (i). If [- 16 -2~ (a) (-2, 0) J -r1 (b )(2, O) +a then a is equal to (ii).lf xsinxdx = -xcosx ' \ (a) sinx + c (b) cosx + c (iii). . - 1 (tan(-6)) is The principal value of tan (a)-6 (1) is a skew-symmetric matrix, then (x, y) = 6 (c)(-2, 1) (c) c (c)6 - 2rr (b)2rr I 2-!'thlllflllllln -Ill (UI B) (d)(2,-1). (1) (d) none of these. (l I (d) 6.