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ICSE Class X Prelims 2024 : English Paper 1 (English Language) (R. B. K. School (RBK), Mira Road)

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Shahina Iqbal
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RBK SCHOOL RBK School Managtty Babta Kaak Fonda Corle MA069 PRELIMINARY EXAM 2 2023-24 Grade: 10 Subject: ENGLISH LANGUAGE Date: 15/01/24 Max. Marks: 80 Dur.: 2 Hours Number of printed pages :6 Time allowod: Two hours Answers to this Paper must be written on the paper provided separately. You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes. This time is to be spent in reading the question paper. The time given at the head of this Paper is the time allowed for writing the answers. Attempt all five questions. The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets J. You are advised to spend not more than 30 minutes in answering Question 1 and 20 minutes answering Question 2. Question 1 (Do not spend more than 30 minutes on this question.) Write a composition (300-350 words) on any one of the following: a. Write an original story that begins with, 'My parents bought me a new friend...." [20] b. Your house is near a river. Everyday, you see people using sailboats to go across or riding for fun. You got an opportunity to learn how to sail using a sailboat. Narrate your experience. e Old Age Homes: A blessing or a curse. Express your views for or against the statement. d. Recently, while on a vacation in a coastal town. You witnessed a distressing incident that resonated deeply with the article on Global Warming which you had recently read in the NASA Guide. VWrite a description of the incident. What did you see, hear and feel? e. Study the picture given below. Write a story or a description or an account of what the picture suggests to you. Your composition may be directly about the subject of the picture or may take suggestions from it, but there must be some clear connection between the picture and the composition. RBK School 1CSE -Grade 1-10 &isC -Grade 11-12 www.rbkschool org inlo@rbkschool org Question 2 (Do not spend more than 20 minutes on this question.) Select ONE of the following: (10] |i. You want to sell your cricket set. You think a friend of yours might like to buy it from you. Write a letter to your friend. Explain why you are selling the cricket set. Describe the set and suggest a date when your friend can come and see it. OR ii. As someone who enjoys cycling, you would like other students to experience its benefits. Write a letter to the Principal of your school, requesting her/thin to organise a Cyclothon Competition for our students. Give specific reasons for your request and details of your idea. Question 3 [5+5] a. You are the Secretary of the Literary Club in your school. Write a notice for your school notice board inviting students from classes VIlIl to X to participate the Inter-school Photography Competition. b. Write an email to the Principal of a neighbouring school students to participate in the event. requesting him/her to send a team of Question 4 Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow: The Lord was the creator of good [20] teachers. It was his sixth day of 'overtime' and he knew that this a was tremendous responsibility, for teachers would the lives of so many children. An angel appeared to him and said, "You aretouch impressionable young a long time to fiqure this one out." taking "Yes," said the Lord, "but have you read the specifications on this order?"m Teacher: Teacher must stand above all students yet be at their level. He/She must be able to do 180 additional things which are not related to their taught subject. Teacher must have to run on coffee. He/She must be able to communicate as per his vital to all knowledge students daily. Teacher must have more time for others than for himself/herself, besides being supportive. "Six pairs of hands," said the Angel, "that's impossible" "Well." said the Lord," it is not the hands that are the problem. It is the three pairs of eyes that are presenting the most difficulty!" The Angel looked incredulous, "Three pairs of eyes.... on a standard model2" The Lord nodded his head, "One pair is to see whether a student is doing or not what others have labelled them. The second pair is the pair of eyes is at which the back of the teacher's head to watch what should not be seen, but what must be known. The third pair is to look at the child and 'act the eyes in the front which is only out' in order to reflect, "| understand and Istill believe in you", without so much as saying a word to the child." "Lord," said the Angel, "this is a very large project and I think you should work on it "Ican't," said the Lord, "for I have come very close to creating something much like tomorrow." one that comes to work when Myself. I have he/she is sick, teaches a a special place in his/her heart for children who are not class of children that do not want to learn, has his/her own, those who have difficulty and never takes the students for granted. understands the struggles of RBK School ICSE -Grade 1-10 & ISC-Grade 11-12 The Angel looked closely at the model the Lord was creating. "It is too soft-hearted," said the Angel. teacher can endure or do, If "Yes," said the Lord, "but also tough, you cannot imagine what this necessary." "Can this teacher think?" asked the Angel. Angel came closer to have a better "Not only think," said the Lord, "but reason and compromise." The look at the model and ran his finger over the teacher's cheek. Itold you that you were putting "Well, Lord," said the Angel, "Your job looks fine but there is a leak. will be placed upon the teacher." The too much into this model. You cannot imagine the stress that the teacher's cheek. It shone and glistened Lord moved in closer and lifted the drop of moisture from in the light. "It is not a leak," He said, "It is a tear." Lord replied with great thought, "It "A tear? What is that?" asked the Angel, "What is a tear for?" The the smallest task. It is done for the is for the joy and pride of watching a child accomplish even feelings of their parents. It loneliness of children who have a hard time to fit into the compassionate children and the disappointment those comes from the pain of not being able to reach some children and must say It comes often when a teacher has been with a class for a year feel in themselves. goodbye to those students and get ready to welcome a new class." "My," said the Angel, "The tear thing is a great idea... You are a genius!" The Lord looked sombre, "I didn't put it there." passage) from the i. For each word given below choose the correct correct meaning ( as used in the [21 options provided: 1. supportive A. favourable B. sympathetic C. sensitive D. caring 2. reflect A. absorb B. think deeply or carefully C. let something be forgotten D. not take into consideration i. Which word in the passage means the opposite of the word 'disagreement'? [1] A. compromise B. reason C. compassionate D. sombre ii. Answer the following questions briefly in your own words: a. When did God create teachers? Why is this creation a tremendous responsibility? 3 RBK School ICSE -Grade 1-10 &ISC- Grade 11-12 " info@rbkschool.orq (2) b. What are the specifications fora teacher? (2) (2) c. What is the teacher's tear for? d. What is presenting the most difficulty to God? Why has God been so careful while making the model of a teacher? (2) e. Mention one outstanding quality, that you admire in your teacher that enforces you to respect her. (1) iv. In not more than 50 words, describe how God envisioned 'creating a good teacher ? Question 5 (8) (20] i. Fillin each of the numbered blanks with the correct forn of the word given in brackets. Do not copy the passage but write in correct serial order the word or phrase appropriate to the blank: (4] example:were One night four college students (be) out partying late and did not study for the test scheduled for the next day. In the morning, they 1. with grease and dirt. Then they (think) of a plan. They (make) themselves look dirty 4 (say) they 5 _2 (go) to the Dean and (go) out to a wedding last night and on their way back the tyre of their car burst and they had to push the car all the way back. The Dean 6 (think) for a minute and said that they could have the re-test after three (thank) him and said they would be ready. On the day of the test, they were days. They to sit in separate rooms. They agreed as they (prepare) well in the 3 days. The Test consisted of only 2 questions with a total of 100 points. 1. Your Name (1 Point) 2. Which tyre burst? (99 Points) Options - (a) Front Left (b) Front Right (c) Back Left (d) Back Right. ii. Fill in the blanks with appropriate words: 1 Anil and Vinod, there were three other boys present. 2. The car slowed down [41 the curve. 3. My immunity to common cold is low, especially winter. Sunday evening. 5. The fog was so thick that it was like walking the clouds. 6. The major challenge for 'Vikram Lander and Pragyan Rover' was to come back 4. Please return my book action after surviving the chilling -200 degrees Celsius of temperature. climate change. 7. There are no borders in the fight 8. The boy is crazy football. i. Join the following sentences to make one complete sentence without using and, but or so. [4] 1. Rameshwari was a skilled Kathak dancer. Her mother wanted her to become a doctor. A. Rameshwari's mother wanted her to become a doctor yet Rameshwari was a skilled kathak dancer. B. Since Rameshwari was a skiled Kathak dancer, her mother wanted her to become a doctor. 4 RBK School ICSE-Grade 1-10 & ISC - Grado 11-12 COD OF P C. Her mother wanted her to become a doctor despite Rameshwari was a skilled Kathak dancer. D. Though Rameshwari was a skilled Kathak dancer, her mother wanted her to become a doctor. 2. Salim was thrown out of the community hall by the priest. His family protested outside the priest's house. A. Since Salim was thrown out of the community hall by the priest, his family protested outside the priest's house. B. Whenever Salim was thrown out of the community hal by the priest, his family protested outside the priest's house. C. Although Salim was thrown out of the community hall by the priest, his family protested outside the priest's house. D. While Salim was thrown out of the community hall by the priest, his family protested outside the priest's house. 3. She studied German for three years. Then she moved to Berlin. A. B. C. D. After she had studied German for three years, she moved to Berlin. After she moved to Berlin, she studied German for three years. After having studied German for three years she moved to Berlin. After having studied German for three years, she moved to Berlin. 4. A cottager and his wife had a hen. The hen laid an egg everyday. A. Everyday, a hen laid an egg for a cottager and his wife. B. Acottager and his wife had a hen wha laid an egg every day. C. The cottager and his wife had an egg every day because they had a hen. D. Acottager and his wife had a hen which laid an egg everyday. iv. Rewrite the following sentences according to the instructions given after each. Make other changes that may be necessary. but do not change the meaning of each sentence. Choose the correct options. 1. The house needs a thorough cleaning again. (Use: thoroughly) A. The house needs a thoroughly cleaning again. B. The house needed a cleaning thoroughly again. C. The house needs to be cleaned thoroughly again. D. The house needed to be thoroughly clean yet again. 2. Nithin is more talented than most of the professional musicians I know. (Use:few) A. Professional musicians | know have few talents as Nithin. B. Few professional musicians I know are as talented as Nithin. C. Few professional musicians I know are not as talented as Nithin. D. Professional musiciansI know do not have as few talents as Nithin. 3. "I am going to watch my friend's play tomorrow," she said. (Begin with: She said...) A. She said that She is going to watch her friends play the following day. 5 RBK School ICSE-Grade 1-10 &ISC- Grade 11-12 [8) B. She said that she was going to watch her friend's play the following day. C. She said to me that she was going to play and watch her friends play the following day. D. She said that she was going to watch her friend's play the day before. 4. The sheep ate a lot. (Begin with: Alot) A. A lot was eaten by the sheep. B. Alot had been eaten by the sheep. C. A lot is eaten by the sheep. D. A lot is being eaten by the sheep. 5. The only personI didn't see was Geeta. (Use: except) A. I saw no one except Geeta. B. Isaweveryone except Geeta. C. Except Geeta, Isaw nothing. D. Except Geeta, I saw something. 6. To the best of my knowledge, he is a vegetarian. (Begin with: As far...) A. As far my knowledge, he is a vegetarian. B. As far my knowledge, he is not a vegetarian. C. As far as Iknow, he is not a vegetarian. D. As far as Iknow, he is a vegetarian. 7. As soon as he reaches home, his friends call him. (Begin: Hardly...) A. Hardly does he reach home when his friends call him. B. Hardly had he reached home when his friends called him. C. Hardly, he reaches home, his friends call him. D. Hardly when he reaches home than his friends call him. 8 If the boys do not go for a haircut, they will be penalised.(Use: Unless) A. Unless the boys go for a haircut, they will be penalised, B. The boys will be penalised unless they go for a haircut. C. Unless the boys do not go for a haircut, they will be penalised. D. Unless the boys are penalised, they will not go for a haircut. 6 RBK School ICSE-Grade 1-10 & ISC - Grade 11-12

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