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ICSE Class X Prelims 2024 : English Paper 1 (English Language) (Gopal Sharma International School (GSIS), Mumbai)

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GOPAL SHARMA INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL POWAIVIHAR, POWAI, MUMBAI 400 076. FIRST PRELIMINARY EXAMINATION 2023 - 2024 SUB: ENGLISH LANGUAGE STD: X DATE: 06/12/2023 (This question paper contains 6 printed pages) MARKS: 80 TIME : 2hr Answers to this paper must be written on the paper provided separately. You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes. This time is to be spent in reading the question paper. Thetime given at the head of this Paper is the time allowed for writingthe answers. Attempt all five questions The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets ||. You are advised to spend not more than 30minutes in answvering Question 1 and 20 minutes in answering Question 2. Question 1 Write a composition (300-350 words) on any one of the following: (i) Write a short story beginning with l woke up in an unrecognizable city that is at least 100 years more advanced in technology..". [20] () A corner of your house is your favorite spot. Describe how it appears to be, mention reasons that makes it special and the emnotional value of the spot. (ii) Narrate an experience about the help that you will never forget. (iv) Education should be free for everyone. Express your views either in favour or in against the given statement. (v Study the picture given below. Write a story ora descriptionor an account of what it suggests to you. Your composition may be about the subjectof the picture or you may take suggestions from it; however there must be a clear connection between the picture and your composition: Question 2 Sel t any one of the following: [10] TOur childhood friend is shifting to some other state Write a letter to nim, Teminiscing about the adventures and eyneriences vou shared during you early years. How you will miss him now? (ii) As a Student Council Member, write a him to allow you to start letter to the Principal of your requesting of the club, who can s Club. Write about the formation be the member ofReader' the the club and the club, other working benefits of having a Reader's paramneters o Club to the school students. Question 3 Your school is organizing an Write a notice informing Inter-school Management Campaign. students of gradeE-waste 8 to grade 10 about the same. [5] Write an email to the about the Inter-schoolPrincipal of your neighboring school informing E-waste Management Campaign that him/her organizing. your Request is to school him/her a send team of two in the event. students to participate [5] Question 4 Read the passage and answer the questions given below: And after all the weather was a garden-party if they had ideal. They could not have had a more perfect day for ordered it. Windless, warm, the sky Only the blue was veiled with without a cloud. a haze of light gold, as it is summer The gardener had been up since sometimes in early dawn, mowing the lawns and sweeping them, until the grass and the dark flat rosettes where the daisy plants had been seemed to shine.) As for the roses, you could not help feeling they understood that roses are the only flowers that impress people at garden-parties; the only flowers that everybody is certain of knowing. yes, Hundreds, literally hundreds, had come out in a single night; the green bushes bowed down as though they had been visited by archangels. Breakfast was not yet over before the men came to put up the marquee. "Where do you want the marquee put, mother?" "My dear child, it's no use asking me. I'm determined to leave everything to you children this year. Forget I am your mother. Treat me as an honoured guest." But Meg could not possibly go and supervise the men. She had washed her hair before breakfast, and she sat drinking her coffee in a green turban, with a dark wet curl stamped on each cheek.(Jose, the butterfly, always came down in a silk petticoat and a kimono jacket.) "You'll have togo, Laura; you're the artistic one." deliciousto have so It's Away Laura flew, still holding her piece of bread-and-butter.havingto arrange things; she loved an excuse for eating out of doors, and besides, than anybody else. she always felt she could do it so much better path. They on the garden slung on together Four men in their shirt-sleeves stood groupedand they had big tool-bags not got the carried staves covercd with rolls of canvas, that she had Laura wished now possibly throw their backs) They looked impressive. nowhere to put it. and she couldn't short-sigh ted as bread-and-butter, but there was even a little bit and severe look it away. She blushed and tried to she came up to them. that sounded so feartully But voice. mother's copying her Good mnorning," she said, little girl, "Oh--er-have you a like stammered and affected that she was ashamed, come-is it about the marquee?" and he men, a lanky, freckled fellow, "That's the of tallest the said down at her. "That's right, mniss," his straw hat and smiled back knocked tool-bag, shifted his about it. " What nice eyes he had, recovered) Laura that so friendly smiling His smile was so easy, blue)And now she looked at the others, they were workmen small, but such a dark to say. How very nice seemed smile their bite," must too. "Cheer up, we won't morning! She mustn't mnention the morning; she beautiful were! And what a be business-like. The marquee. Would thatdo?" "Well, what about the lily-lawn? bread-and hand that didn't hold the the with lily-lawn thrust out his And she pointed to the direction. A little fat chap the in stared butter. They turned, they frowned. under-lip, and the tall fellow a You see, with a thing like enough. conspicuous "Not somewhere "I don't fancy it," said he. "you want to put it way, easy his in Laura marquee," and he turned to me. slap in the eye, if you follow bang a you give it'll where whether it was quite respectful moment a for wonder her follow him. Laura's upbringing made eye. But she did quite her of bangs slap in the of a workman to talk to going to be in one suggested. "But the band's she tennis-court," "A corner of the Corner." workmen. He was pale. He the of another said you?" are tennis-court. What was he "Hm, going to have a band, the scanned eyes his dark had a haggard look as thinking? The Garden Party Katherine Mansfield For each word given below choose the correct passage) from the options provided: conspicuous 1) unnoticeable 2) casily seen 3) hidden 4) important 2) 4) partly in place precisely in place slap in the eye 1) slightly in place 3) b) c) in meaning(as used relatively in place the word 'smiled'? [1] the of opposite Which word in the passage means the frowned 1) friendly 2) blushed 4) 3) Cheer up Answer the following questions: When did the gardener wake up? What was he doing? Li Which sentence in the passage states that the workmen's smile talked to Laura? ( Y (iy (yY (2] [2] [2] What did the workmen carry? Who is Jose? What was her regular attire? Imagine you areplanning a garden party for your mother, what care / precaution youwill take to make the party memorable for her? In not more than 50 words of your own describe the weather in the passage. [2] [1] [8] Question 5 Fillin each of the numbered blanks with the correct form of the word given in brackets. Do not copy the passage but write in correct serial order the word or the phrase appropriate to the blank space. [41 Example: (0) realized. I (1) (know) one of the two men by sight, and (3) (seek) me out on (2) (spend) a few seconds thinking why he (0) (realize) that I (4) (walk) a Sunday afternoon. During this pause, three small boys (5) (thread) a way around me, up the passage from the house behind (6) (climb) like cats up into me and the two men outside, and silently three figures (7) a tree in the middle of the lawn outside. There, the (8) (lie) on their stomachs, deep in a secret (rest), became immobile, game. Fillin the blankS using appropriate words: Ifinish talking. Don't clap (ii) (4] 1943. The Suhas have livcd in New Delhi She turned thegenerous offer made by the manager. going out in the farm. The mother prevented her child 4 his calculations. Raviwas accurate The public was cautione What a contrast Sujata stood pickpockets. the two siblingsl pass by. the river and saw the ship sentence without to make one complete sentences following [4] Join the option. correct the Choose using and but or so, (iii) The delegates arrived. The fa (b) (c) (d) meeting started immediately. started. than the meeting delegates arrive started. No sooner did the arrive, the meeting delegates the started. No sooner did than the meeting arrived delegates No sooner the meeting began. of the delegates, the On the arrival lost our luggage. We lost our ticket. We well as our luggage. lose our ticket as We (a) lost our luggage. lost our ticket, we Having (b) wellas our luggage. We lost our ticket as luggage. and we lost our ticket our lost (d) We flower show. displays them at the He orchids. flower show. He cultivates display them at the to orchids cultivates (a He cultivates orchids for displayed at the flower show. show. with at the flovwer (b) He play to orchids flower show. He cultivates them only at the (c) displays but cultivates orchids, (d) He coming. seen the Principal had He away. away. The boy ran Principal coming, he ran boy see the No sooner did the Principal coming. The boy ran to see the coming, the boy ran away. Principal the seeing By coming, the boy ran away. Principal the Seeing instructions given the to according sentences do not Re-write the following mnay be necessary, butoptions. that (iv) changes [8] after each. Make other Choose the correct sentence. each change the meaning of concert. (Begin: If..) the miss shall on time, we Unless the train arrives the concert. time, we shall miss on arrives concert. tr in we shall miss the (a) If the time, on arrive does not concert. Wb If the train we shall miss the time, on arrived concert. (c) If the train we shall miss the did not arrive on time, (a) (b) (c) i (d) If the train The Colonel said, "It gives me great pleasure to be here this evenB (Begin: The (a) (b) (c) (d) 3. Colonel.... ) The Colonel said that it was giving him great nleasure to be there thal evening. The Colonel said that it gives me great pleasure to be there uis evening. The Colonel said that it gave him preat nleasure tobe here this eveiig The Colonel said that it gave him great pleasure to be there Uia evening. He has applied many times. He has never been selected. (Begin: In (a) In spite of applying many times, he had never been selected. (b) In spite applying many times, he has never been selected. (d) sp1te....* ) In spite of applying many times, he has In spite never being selected, he has never been selected. applied many times. Very few managers are as honest as Jill. (End:. managers) (a) Jill is more honest than other managers. Jill is more honest than most (b) other managers. (c) Jill is honest than many other (d) Jill is most honest among othermanagers. managers. Iaccept your proposal. (Use: acceptable) (a) Your proposal is acceptable to me. (b) Your proposal was acceptable to me. (c) Your proposal is acceptable. (d) Your acceptable proposal came to me. As soon as she finishes her homework, she starts knitting. (Begin: Hardly... ) (a) Hardly her homework is finished, she starts knitting. (b) Hardly she finishes her homework, she starts knitting. (c) Hardly she has fnished her homework and she starts knitting. (d) Hardly does she finish her homework, when she starts knitting. My teacher gave me a pen. (Begin: A pen....) 8 (a) A pen had been given to me by my teacher. (b) (c) (d) A pen was given to me by my teacher. My teacher was gave me a pen. A pen was given by me to my teacher. Ihave never seen my father lose his temper. (Begin: Never..... ) Never I have seen my father lose his temper. (a) (b) (c) (d) Never did Isee my father lose his temper. Never have I seen my father lose his temper. Never ever did Isee my father lose his temper. ******* k********

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