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Satya Nikhit
K L University (KLU), Vijayawada
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Binary Logic Directions for questions 1 to 3: These questions are based on the following information In a country, three there are categories of persons Truth tellers, liars and alternators. Praveen met three persons Honey, Bunny, and Cherry from that country. Each of the three persons belongs to a different category. When asked about the details of the cites in the country, each of them made two statements. Honey: Bunny: Cherry: City X is 30 km to the North of City Y. I am a liar. City W is 50 km away to the west of City Z. City M is 50 km away to the south of city W. City Y is not to the west of city Z. Honey is a truth teller 1. In which direction is city X with respect to city M? (A) North - east (B) North - west (C) North (D) Cannot be determined 2. If the distance between city y and city Z is 10 km, then how far is city W from city X? (A) 40 km (B) 50 km (C) 30 5 km (D) 40 5 km 3. Who among them is a truth teller? (A) Honey (B) Bunny (C) Cherry (D) Either (B) or (C) Directions for questions 4 to 8: These questions are based on the following information. Four persons Pavan, Naveen, Madan and Sravan are the top four rankers in each of the subjects Maths, Physics, Chemistry and Commerce, not necessarily in the same order. No person got the same rank in any two subjects. When asked about their ranks in each of these subjects, they made the following statements. Pavan: Madan is the fourth ranker in Chemistry. Sravan is the fourth ranker in Physics. Naveen is the first ranker in Maths. Naveen: I am the first ranker in Commerce. Sravan is the first ranker in Chemistry. Madan is the first ranker in Physics. Madan: I am the first ranker in Commerce. Sravan is the fourth ranker in Chemistry. Pavan is the third ranker in Maths. Sravan: Pavan is the third ranker in Commerce. I am the fourth ranker in Maths. Naveen is the second ranker in Physics. It is known that, each of them made a true and a false statement alternately and in total, they made equal number of true and false statements. 4. Who is the third ranker in Chemistry? (A) Pavan (B) Naveen (C) Madan (D) Cannot be determined 5. What is the rank of Sravan in Physics? (A) 4 (B) 3 (C) 2 (D) Cannot be determined 6. In which subject did Naveen get a better rank than Madan but a worse rank than Pavan? (A) Maths (B) Commerce (C) Physics (D) Chemistry 7. What is the rank of Naveen in Commerce? (A) 2 (B) 3 (C) 4 (D) 1 8. In which subject did Pavan get a worse rank than both Naveen and Sravan? (A) Maths (B) Physics (C) Chemistry (D) Commerce Directions for questions 9 to 13: These questions are based on the following information. Four boys Abhay, Bharat, Chandu, and David are inhabitants of an island, studying in a different class among VII, VIII, IX and X, not necessarily in the same order. In that island, each person belongs to one of the categories: Truth-tellers (who always speak the truth), liars (who always lie) and alternators (who alternate between true and false statements, in any order). When asked about their studies and categories, they made the following statements. Abhay: David is not a truth-teller. Chandu is not studying in IX. I am studying in VII. Bharat: Chandu is not a truth-teller. Abhay is studying in VIII. David is not studying in IX. Chandu: Bharat is studying in VIII. Bharat is a liar. Abhay is not studying in X. David: Abhay is not an alternator. Bharat is studying in X. Chandu is not studying in VIII. 9. Who is studying class X? (A) Abhay (B) Bharat (C) Chandu (D) Cannot be determined 10. Who among them is/are (an) alternator (s)? (A) Only Abhay (B) Only Bharat (C) Only Chandu (D) Only David 11. How many of Abhay's statements are true? (A) 3 (B) 2 (C) 1 (D) 0 12. In which class did David study? (A) X (B) IX (D) VII (C) VIII 13. What is the difference between the total number of true and false statements? (A) 4 (B) 2 (C) 0 (D) Cannot be determined Directions for questions 14 to 17: These questions are based on the following information. Mahesh met four siblings of a family. When he asked them about their ages their replies were as follows. Tablo: I am the oldest. I am older than Hablo. Gable: Pablo is not the oldest. My age is less than 20 years. Hablo: Table is the youngest. The age of each one of us is a perfect square. Pablo: Hablo is the second oldest. The difference between the ages of any two consecutive siblings is not more than 10 years. Mahesh also knew that no two among them has the same age and that Pablo is younger than Gablo. Each of them made one true statement and one false statement. 14. Who is the oldest? (A) Tablo (B) Gable (C) Hablo (D) Cannot be determined 15. What is the age of the third oldest child? (A) 4 (B) 15 (C) 9 (D) 20 16. If Pablo is 16 years old, then what is the age of Tablo? (A) 25 (B) 15 (C) 4 (D) 9 17. Who is the youngest? (A) Tablo (B) Pablo (D) Cannot be determined (C) Hablo Directions for questions 18 to 20: These questions are based on the following information. While travelling in a train, I met four people, each one of them belongs to a different state among: Uttar Pradesh (U.P), Madhya Pradesh (M.P), Tamil Nadu (T.N) and Andhra Pradesh (A.P). When I asked them about the state to which they belonged, each one of them made two statements. At least one person among them is a truth-teller (who always speaks the truth). At least one person among them is a liar (who always lies). At least one among them is an alternator (who alternates between the truth and lie in any order). Their replies were as follows. Puneet: I am from A.P. Velu is from U.P. Volu: Navin is from M.P. Rajni is from A.P. Navin: I am from T.N. Puneet is from T.N. Rajni: I am from M.P. Velu is from M.P. It is also known that Puneet is from T.N. 18. How many true statements are made by the four together? (A) 3 (B) 4 (C) 5 (D) 3 or 4 19. The person from M.P. is a/an (A) truth-teller (B) liar (C) alternator (D) Either (A) or (B) 20. Who are the two people who made the same number of true statements? (A) Rajni and Navin (B) Punect and Velu (C) Velu and Rajni (D) Puneet and Navin Directions for questions 21 to 23: These questions are based on the following information. Five persons Rahul, Ajay, Sandeep, Dhanush and Madhav and sitting in row facing North. When their friend Charan called them, each of them made a statement about their seating positions. Rahul: Sandeep is sitting two places away to the right of me. Sandeep: I am sitting in the middle of the row. Ajay: Madhav is sitting to the right of Sandeep. Dhanush: Rahul is sitting two places away to the right of me. Madhav: I am not at any of the extreme ends. Charan knows that on any day, exactly one of his five friends lie, while others speak truth. 21. Who among them made a false statement? (A) Rahul (B) Sandeep (C) Dhanush (D) Cannot be determined 22. Who is sitting at the extreme right end of the row? (A) Rahul (B) Ajay (C) Dhanush (D) Cannot be determined 23. Who is sitting in the middle of the row? (A) Sandeep (B) Rahul (C) Madhav (D) Cannot be determined Directions for questions 24 to 27: These questions are based on the following information. While going on a road, I met three persons - Mona, Roma and Koma. Each of them belongs tJiff a different profession among Engineer, Doctor and Professor and Swift, Indigo each of them owns a different car among and Micra. Each of them made three statements as given below. Mona: Roma is a Doctor. I am an Engineer. Koma owns Micra. Roma: I am not a Professor. Mona owns Swift. Koma does not owe Indigo. Koma: Mona is not a Professor. I am an Engineer. Roma does not own Indigo. Among the three persons one of them is a truth teller who always speak truth; One is a lair, who always lie and the other person is an alternator, who alternates between truth and lie, in any order. 24. Who owns a Swift? (A) Mona (B) Roma (C) Koma (D) Cannot be determined 25. Who is an Engineer? (A) Mona (B) Roma (C) Koma (D) Cannot be determined 26. Who is the alternator? (A) Roma (B) Roma (C) Koma (D) Cannot be determined 27. Who is the liar? (A) Roma (B) Roma (C) Koma (D) Cannot be determined Directions for questions 28 to 32: These questions are based on the following information Five persons A, B, C, D and E who are form five different countries: Australia, England, New Zealand, West Indies and Zimbabwe, not necessarily in the same order, came to India. Amar knew that they came from these countries, but he does not know who came from which country. He asked them about the countries they are from. In reply, each of them made exactly three statements. Except one person, all the other four made at least one false statement. Except one person, all the other four made at least one true statement. Exactly one person alternates between true and false statements in any order i.e. the person's statements are true, false and true respectively or false, true, false respectively. The statements made by them are as follows. A: C is from West Indies. B is from New Zealand. E is from Zimbabwe. B: D is from Australia. E is from New Zealand. C is from England. C: D is from England. E is from New Zealand. I am from West Indies. D: A is from New Zealand. B is from Zimbabwe. E is from West Indies. E: B is from England. A is from Australia. D is from Zimbabwe. 28. Who is the Liar? (A) A (B) B (C) D (D) E 29. Who is the truth-teller? (A) A (B) C (C) D (D) E 30. Who is the alternator? (A) B (B) C (C) D (D) E 31. In all, how many true statements did they make? (A) 6 (B) 7 (C) 8 (D) 9 32. Who among the following is one of the persons, who is not a truth-teller or a liar or an alternator? (A) A (B) B (C) D (D) E Directions for questions 33 to 35: These questions are based on the following information. There were four people: Aja, Aka, Ama and Ala whom Mr. Bingo met in an unknown island. Mr. Bingo went to that island looking for four new spices A, B, C and D, each of which is available in a different region among: East, West, North, South of that island, not necessarily is that order. When he asked them about the where abouts of the spices, their replies were as follows: Ala: A is available in the Eastern region. B is available in the Western region. C is available in the Northern region. Aka: B is available in the Western region. C is not available in the Southern region. D is available in the Eastern region. Ama: C is not available in the Eastern region. B is available in the Eastern region. A is not available in the Western region. Ala: D is available in the Western region. A is not available in the Western region. D is available in the Southern region. Mr. Bingo was confused by the replies. He came to know that each one among them is an alternator (each of them alternates between true and false statements, in any order). 33. Which spice is available in the Eastern region? (A) A (B) B (C) C (D) D 34. In which region, is. A available? (A) East (B) West (D) South (C) North 35. Which of the following is true? (A) The first statement of Ama is false. (B) Two of the statements of Aka are false. (C) C is available in the western region, is false. (D) D is not available in the Southern region, is false. Directions for questions 36 to 38: These questions are based on the following information. Police Inspector D'Souza knew that names of the five suspects in a murder case brought to him, as Abdul, Basir, Chetan, Dhruv and Eknath. But he has to identify among the five, whose name is what. Inspector D'souza knew that each one of them either always speaks the truth or always lies and that exactly one of them is the murderer. Each of them made the following statements. First person: I am Dhruv. Abdul is a liar. I am a truth-teller. Second person: I am a truth-teller. I am Basir. Eknath is the murderer. Third person: I am Chetan. I am not the murderer. Basir is the murderer. Fourth person: Abdul is a truth-teller. Basir is not the murderer. I am dhruv. Fifth person: I am Abdul. Chetan is a liar. The murderer is a liar. 36. Who is the murderer? (A) Basir (B) Abdul (C) Eknath (D) Chetan 37. How many truth tellers are there? (A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) 4 38. Which of the following is not true? (A) Basir is truth-teller. (B) Dhruv is truth-teller. (C) Abdul is truth-teller. (D) Eknath is truth-teller. Directions for questions 39 and 40: Select the correct alternative from the given choice. 39. When I asked Mr. Bose about his age he said, "My age is neither a perfect square nor a perfect cube. My age is either less than 50 years or more than 80 years". What is Mr. Bose's age if it is known that Mr. Bose always lies? (A) 36 (B) 64 (C) 81 (D) Cannot be determined 40. Two friends Jia and Ria are playing a game of numbers. In the game, one has to guess a three-digit number depending on the reply given by the other person on the guess. The replies and their meanings are as follows. cat - means exactly one digit is in the correct position. rat - means exactly one digit is correct but not in the correct position. mat - means no digit is correct. When Jia was trying to guess the number, Ria's replies were as follows. 156 - mat 329 - cat 235 - rat 567 - cat 389 - mat 194 rat What is the number? (A) 427 (B) 736 (C) 254 (D) Cannot be determined Questions 41 - 43 One among three students Anand, Bharghav&Chandu is the top ranker in the class. Each one of them claims that he got the first rank. It was also known that among them there is one student who always speaks the truth, one who always speaks lies and another whose statement cannot be classified as true or false. The following are the statements made by them. Anand: I am not a liar. Bharghav: I am a liar. Chandu: I neither speak the truth nor do I speak lies. 41.Who got the first rank in the class? a.Anand b. Bharghav c. chandu d. cannot be determined. 42.Who is the liar? a.Anand b. Bharghav c. chandu d. cannot be determined. 43.Whose statement cannot be classified as either true or false. a.Anand b. Bharghav c. chandu d. cannot be determined. Questions 44 - 47 Four players A, B, C and D are from four different cities among Hyderabad, Mumbai, Delhi & Kolkata. Each of them plays a different game among chess, badminton, tennis & bridge and they are of different heights. Each of them give three statements to any question such that the three statements given by each person are alternatively true or false in any order. The second statement made by exactly two persons is true and A is one of them. When asked about them, the following were their replies. A: B is from Delhi. C plays Chess. D is not the tallest. B: A is from Kolkata. C is not the shortest. D plays Badminton. C: A is the second tallest. B plays tennis. D is from Delhi D: A plays Chess. B is from Mumbai. C is not from Hyderabad 44. Who is from Delhi? a. A b. B 45. Who is the Chess player? a. A b. B c. C d. D c. C d. Cannot be determined. 46. Who is the shortest person? a. Badminton player. c. The person from Delhi b. Chess player d. the person from Kolkata 47. Which two persons second statements are true? a. A & B b. B & C c. B & D d. A & D Questions 48 50 Among the four members of the family K, L, M & N there is one couple, their son and their daughter. When asked about their relationships, the following were their replies. K: N is my husband. M is my daughter. L: K is my mother. M is my son. M: K and L are of the same gender. L is my sister. N: L is of the same gender as I. M is my son. It was also known that only one of them always speaks the truth. 48. Among the four, who cannot be the truth teller? a. K b. L c. M d. cannot be determined. 49. Among them, if there are two persons who always speak lies, then who always speaks the truth. a. K b. M c. N d. cannot be determined. 50. Among them, if there are two persons who always alternate between the truth & lies, then who speaks the truth always. a. K b. L c. M d. cannot be determined. 5.Binary Logic KEY 1. D 2. B 6. D 7. A 11. A 12. B 16. D 17. D 21. C 22. D 26. A 27. A 31. B 32. A 36. C 37. C 41. A 42. C 46. B 47. D 3. B 8. D 13. A 18. B 23. A 28. C 33. D 38. D 43. B 48. B 4. B 9. C 14. B 19. C 24. A 29. D 34. C 39. B 44. D 49. C 5. C 10. D 15. C 20. D 25. C 30. A 35. C 40. A 45. C 50. D

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