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ICSE Class IX Sample / Model Paper 2024 : Computer Science

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Rakesh Sarkar
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COMPUTER APPLICATIONS Class IX QUESTION PAPER Maximum Marks: 60 Time allowed.: 1:15 hour Question 1 Choose the correct answer and write the correct option. [10] Which of the following is not a valid method of Scanner execution c) class complication d) All of these class? a) next()b) nextInt()c) nextLong()d) nextNumber() vii) Which of the following for loop will not be an infinite loop? ii) A data type which contains integer as well as fractional part a) for (; ;) b) for (a=0;a<1;a--) and occupies 32 bits space is c) for (a=0; ;a++) d) for(a=-1;a<1;a++) a) float b) char c) double d) byte viii) A __________ is a bug in a program that causes it to operate iii) A method which does not modify the value of variable is incorrectly but does not terminate abnormally. termed as a) impure method b) primitive method a) Syntax error b) runtime error c) pure method d) user defined method b) c) logical error d) no error iv) Which principle of op is used for hiding unnecessary details ix) Automatic conversion of a primitive data type into its from the external world. a)Encapsulation b) inheritance corresponding wrapper class object is called c) Abstraction d) polymorphism a) autoboxing b) unboxing v) What will be the result of x%y , if the value of x=5 and y=-2 c) explicit type conversion d) implicit type conversion a) 1 b) 0 c) 1.0 d) None of the above x) What will be the result of Math.ceil(4.75)+Math.floor(14.32) vi) What makes Java platform independent a)9.0 b) 11.0 c) 8.0 d)10.0 a) Advanced programming language b) It uses byte codes for i) Question 2 i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) Write a function prototype of a function search which receives Find the output of the following code segment [2] a double value and a character value and return true or false. int y=55; while(y>0){ [2] x=y%10; s=s+(x*10); y=y/10; } vii) what is infinite loop? Give example? [2] Write down java expression for i) em+2 ii) 4n+| a+n2| [2] viii) What is the purpose of return statement? [2] Evaluate following y=4, y+=++y * y-- + --y * 5 [2] ix) Find the ouput of the following code segment [2] Name the type of conversion in the following: [2] for(a=2,b=100;a<=21;a+=3,b-=2); a)Value 10 and 20.0 stored in int and double variables System.out.print(a+ +b); respedtively and their sum is stored in a float variable f. x) Write one similarty and difference between while and do while b)int x=32; value A stored in char ch to the added to x. loop. [2] Rewrite the following statement using suitable if statement int ans=res>365?500/10:300/10 [2] SECTION B (Answer any 3 questions ) Question 3 [10] Design a class to overload a function sum() as follows: i) int Sum (int n)- with an integer arguments(n) calculate and return sum of following series. 1/2+2/3+3/4+4/5 ..n terms ii) double sum(double N)- with one double argument (N) calculate and return the product of the following series.Sum=1.0x1.2x1.4x-----------xN iii)int sum(int n, double m)- with one integer argument(n) and one double argument(m) calculate and return sum of the following series (m+1)!+ (m+2)!+ (m+3)!......n terms Question 4:Write a program to accept a number and check whether it is an increasing number or not. Working from left to right if no digit is exceeded by the digit t o its left it is called and increasing number. For example 22344, 12345 etc. are increasing numbers where as 15422, 67587 are not. [10] [10] Question-6 [10] Blue Dart transport company charges for the parcels of its customers as per the following specifications given below Class name : transport Weight in Kg Charge per Kg Member variables Up to 10 kgs Rs.25 per Kg String name :- to store the name of the customer Next 20 kgs Rs. 20 per Kg int w- to store the weight to the parcel in kg Above 30 Kgs Rs. 10 per Kg int charge- to store the charge of the parcel Member function void accept() to accept the name of the customer weight of the parcel from the user(using scanner class) void calculate() to calculate the charge as per the weight of the parcel as per the following criteria A surcharge of 5% is charged on the bill void print()- to print the name of the customer, weight of the parcel, total bill inclusive of surcharge. Name Weight Bill amount Define a class with the above mentioned specifications, create a main method create an object and invoke the member function.


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