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ICSE Class X Prelims 2024 : Biology (Swami Vivekanand International School (SVIS), Borivali, Mumbai)

8 pages, 82 questions, 34 questions with responses, 34 total responses,    2    0
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Swami Vivekanand International School (SVIS), Borivali, Mumbai
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Swani Vvehanand lhternational Scbool, Grade:X PRELIMINARY EXAMINATION I (2023-24) Date: 08/12/2023 BIOLOGY (SCIENCE PAPER Marks 80 Time: 2 hrs 3) Answers teo this Paper must be written on the puper provided separately: l'on will not he allowed to write during the first 15 mintes. This time is to he spent in reading the question paper:. The time gien at the head of this paper is the time allowed for writing the answers Section Ais compulsory. Atempt any four questions from Section B. The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets | 1. SECTION A (Altempl all questions from this Section.) Question I Select the correct answvers to the questions from the given options. Do not copy the questions. |15| Which (ype of'cell division occurs in gamnetes? (1) (a) Mitosis. reductional division (b) Meiosis. reductional division (c) Mitosis. equational division (d) Meiosis. cquational division Transmission of genetic characlers from one generation to the next is known as (ii) (iii) (a) Heredity (b) Variation (c) Mutation (d) Assortment Assertion : In humans. male (or father) is responsible lor sex of the baby which is born. Reason: Y chromosomes are present in only male gametes or sperms. (a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A. (b) Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A. (C) A is true but R is false. (d) A is false but R is truc. S.V.I.S. 1/8 (X Biology/ Prel1m I Paper) (IV) (V) (vi) koown s Cutting aring to remove only cambium md plhlocm is (a) Layering (b) Blecding (C) Girdling (d) Guttatiom Most transpiration in herbaceous plunts like balam occus through (a) Stomata (b) Lenticels (c) Xylem (d) Phloem The optimum temperature for (a) 30 C (b) 32 C (c) 35 C (d) 33 C photosynthesis is: (vii) The organelle in cell responsible lor pholosynthesis. (b) chloroplast chlorophyll (c) slomata (d) lenticels (a) (vii) Seed dormancy is induced by: (ix) (a) ABA (b) cthylene (c) auxin (d) gibberellin The response by parts of' the plant towards stimulus is called as (a Nastie Movement (b) Iropism (c Tactic Mlovement (d) Senescence S.VIS (XBology/ relim I aet) (X) (xi) (xii) Lymphocytes make (a) Antibodies (b antigen (c) antibiotics (d) antitoxin Transfusion of blood of type A into a person with blood type B results in (a agglutination (b) compatibility (c) sensitization (d) dilution The valve between the right auricle and right ventricle is the (a) Bicuspid (b) tricspid (c) mitral (d) Semilunar imparts yellow colour to the urine. (xiii) (NiV) (N) a) creatinine (b) urochrome (c) bilirubin (d) bile pigments The blood vessel taking away deoxygenated blood fron the kidney is : (a) Renal vein (b) Dorsal aorta (C) Renal artery (d} Hepatic vcin The BS emission norms enforced for the entire country on April Ist 2017 were: () BS I|| (b) BS IV (c) BS V (d) BS VI SVIS 3/8 (Rinloay irelim I Pape: Question 2 (i) |5| Name the following: (a) Special pore bearing structures present on the margins of thc leal' to allow exudation. (b) Fascinating phenomenon exhibited by young sunlower heading towards the sun. The smallest WBC. (d) (c) (i ) The tuti of capillaries inside the bowman's capsule. A cellorganclle absent in a neuron. Mention whether the following statements are true or false. If the statement is false then rewrite it in the correct form. (a) Entire human population shows variations. (h) Meiosis produces identical offsprings. (c) (d) (e) (iii) Osmosis includes diffusion but not vice versa. Sunken stomata promotes transpiration from a green plant. During sunlight, the guard cells tun turgid to open the stomata. Choose the odd one out from the following terms and name the category to which the remaining terms belong. fibn (a) hepria. hirudin. thromboblastin. calcium (b cortex. medulla. loop of Henlc. hilum (c) dilation of' pupil. dilation of' bronchi. constriction of coronary artery. constriction of all blood veSsels (d) Detergents, Sewage, X-rays, Oil spills (e) thyroid gland. adrenal gland. piluitary gland. prostate gland (iv) Write the functional activity against each of the following. (a) Leal spines (b) |5] Xylem Lenticels (d) Platelets (e) Potassium hydroxide S.V.I.S 4/8 (X Biology/ Preltm IPape) (v) |5] Fill in the blanks with the most appropriate answer. (a birth. hormone is responsible for the contraction of uterine muscles during child (b) is the junction between two nerve cells. is a blood disease caused by gene mutation. their shape and size on a white Is the arrangement of chromosomes according to (d) chart. hormone stimulates svmpathetic nervous syslem. (e) SECTION-B Section.) (AMempt any four questions fron this Question3 (i) (i) Define Mtagens. Muwtation Name the stage of cell division to the following condition: division spindle (a) Separation of chromatids and their movement to opposite poles of |2] 0ccurs in. (b) Chromosome arrange at the equatorial plate of division spindle at. (iii) (iv) (V) Give reason: efferent arteriole is narrower than the afferent arteriole. your answer. A large number of lish are dying near asea shore. give reason to support Given below is a diagram of the side view of human brain. Observe the diagram |2| carefullvy and answer the follow ing questions. |3| (a) I is the lower most and hinder part of the brain which continues below into the spinal cord. (b) lt is the largest part of' the brain which occupies more than 80% of the space. ic) It is a sheet of tibres connecting the tvocerebral hemispheres. SVIS 5/8 (X Biology/ Prel1n | Paper) Question 4 (1) Expand GMO, TH Why do potatocubes becone firnn and increase in size when placed in waler? (iii) (iv) (V) Dillerentiate between the following on thc basis of what is given in the brackets: (a) Stomata and lenticel (location in most plants) (b) A Windy day and a foggy day (rate of transpiration) Why is photosynthesis considered as a process supporting all life on carth? Given below is a diagranm showing the internal strueture of human heart. |2) Heart Anatomy Aorta Superior Pulmonary artery vena cava Pulmonary vein Right atrium Left atrium Tricuspid valve Mitral valve Pulmonary valve Aortic valve Right ventricle Septum Left ventricle Observe the diagram and write the nain functions of the following: |3 (a) Thrombocytes (b) Coronary artery (c) Valve Question 5 (i) (ii) (L) (I) () Name the cell division which brings about vegetative growth. In acertain species of animals. black fur (B) is dominant over brown fur (b). Predict genotype of the offspring uhen both parents are 'Bb or have heterozs gous black lur. What measures could be taken to minimise noise pollution:! State the signiticance of hepatic portal system and hepatic portal ein. Draw a well labelled diagram of longitudinal scetion of akidney S.V.l.S. 6/8 (X Biology/ Prelim I the |2| |2| |21 |31 Paper) Question 6 Ixpand NADP. 1) State two point of dillerence how mitosis in plunt cells ditler from mitosis in animal |2| cells. |2 Why ABA is known as sress hor0ne () (IV) Ixplain how pulmonary circulation is dillerent lron systemic circulatio). (V) Study the picture given below and answer the questions that follow: |2 (a) Nanme the categorv ofwaste that is being disposcd. (b) Give an example of such a waste. a suitable reason to justifv vour (c) Are thev hazardous lo humans and animals? Give answer. Question 7 |1| Define photophosphorylation. (i) (11) (iii) occurs Irom the lower surlace of Give suitable reason why more transpiration a dorsiventral leaf. |2| to 4. Complete the following table b filling the blanks numbered | |2) Gland Hornone secreted Regulates basal metabolism (2) Adrenal Eflect On body Thy roid stimulating Promotes growth and hormone dilerentiation. (4) Prepares for light and tlight situation S.V.L.S. 7/8 (X Biology/ Prelim I Paper) (iv) Define pruning. Name the plant hornone which is responsible lor the inhibition of apical dominance. |2 Observe the diagram and answer the following questions: |3| (V) (a) State two factors which hasten the rate of the above shown process. (b) Mention any lwo points of difference how the above shown process is diflerent from OSmOSis. Question 8 (1) Detine genes. |1| (i) State Mendel's second law of inheritance. 121 (iii) Enlist how turgidity is useful to plants. |21 (iv Give reason why during the starch test the leaf is: (a) Boiled in water (b) Boiled in methylated spirit (v) List any three adaptations in plants to reduce transpiralion. |3| -XXXXX S.V.I.S. 8/6 (X Biology/ Prelm I Paper)

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