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ICSE Class X Question Bank 2025 : Biology

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Saptaparna Ghosh
Delhi Public School (DPS), Newtown, Kolkata
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Formatting page ... BIOLOGY (SCIENCE PAPER-3) Maximum Marks: 80 Time allowed: Two hours Answers to this Paper must be written on the paper provided separately. You w;J/ not be allowed to write duringfirst 15 minutes. Thfa time is to be spent in reading the question paper. The time given at the head ofJhis Paper is the time allowed for writing the answers. Section A is compulsory. Atlempl a11yfour questions from Section B. The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets []. SECTION A (40 Marks) (Attempt all questions from this Sectio11.) Question 1 Select the correct answers to the questions from the given optioris. [15] (Do not copy the questions, write the correct answer: only). (i) The sex chromosome in a human ovum is: (a) X chromosome (b) Y chromosome (c) Both X and Y chromosomes (d) Either X or Y chromosome 1523 -.pyright reserved. This paper consists of 11 printed pages and 1 blank page. ' Tum Over (ii) Which one of the following is a biodegradable wasle? (a) Metal cans (b) E-waste (c) Plastic jftJ (iii) Flowers The heart sound 'Dup' is produced when: (a) Semilunar valves open (iv) (b) Atrio ventricular valves close (c) Semilunar valves close .W Atrio ventricular valves open Deplasmolysis occurs when a plasmolysed cell is placed in: (a) Concentrated salt solution (b) Tap water j!tf Concentrated sugar solution (v). Hypertonic salt solution Alpha cells of Pancreas secrete: (a) Glycogen (b) Glucose (c) Glucagon 5% Insulin (vi) Haploid number of chromosomes are found in: (a) Nephrons (b) Neurons T23 523 (c) Skin cells (d) Sperms 2 ,. (vii) (viii) (ix} The life span of an RBC is: (a) 120 days (b) 220 days (c) 20 days (d) 2 weeks The statistical study of human population is called: (a) Mortality (b) Demography (c) Natality (d) Equality urine is due to the pigment: The pale yellow . colour of nonnal human . (a) Melanin (b). Anthocyanin (x) (xi) T23 523 (c) Urochrome (d) Haemoglobin . Stimulation of the nerves of the sympathetic nervous system: (a) Accelerates heartbeat (b) Constricts pupil of eyes (c) Increases peristalsis ( d) Retards heartbeat The site of light reaction in the cells of a green leaf is: (a) Nucleus (b) Grana of chloroplast (c) Cytoplasm (d) Stroma of chloroplast 3 Turn Over (xii) (xiii) (xiv) The paper used to demonstrate unequal transpiration in a dicot leaf is: (a) Filter paper (b) Litmus paper (c) Starch paper (d) Cobalt chloride paper Vitreous humour is present between: (a) Cornea and Iris (b) Lens and Retina (c) lris and Lens, (d) Cornea and Lens Oxygenated blood_ to liver is supplied by: (a) Hepatic artery (b) Hepatic vein (cf Inferior venacava (d) (xv) Hepatic portal vein During the synthesis phase of the cell cycle, more of: (a) . RNA is synthesised TI3 523 (b) RNA and l?roteins are syntbesis d (c) DNA is synthesised (d) Glucose is synthesized 4 Question 2 (i) Name the following: [5] (a) The organelle that forms the aster during . cell. division. (b) A genetic disorder in which the blood does not clot. (c) The permanent stoppage of menstruation in human females around the age of 45 years. (d) The openings on the barks of trees through which transpiration occurs. (e) A gaseous plant hormone which promotes ripe ing of fruits. (ii) Arrange and rewrite the terms in each group in correct order to be in a logical [5] sequence beginn;ng with the term that is underlined: (iii) (a) Snake, Rabbit, Cabbage, Hawk. (b) Xylem, Soil water, Cortical cells, Root hair. (c) Receptor, Response, Effector, Spinal Cord (d) Fovea, Lens, Cornea, Conjunctiva. (e) Testis, Urethra, Sperm duct, Epididyrnis. , . Match the items given in Column I with most appropriate ones in Column II and [5] rewrite the correct matching pairs: Column Ii Column I T23 523 (a) Hyposecretion of Thyroxine in adults l. Diabetes insipidus (b) Hyposecretion of Insulin 2. Myxedema (c) Hypersecretion of Growth honnone in childhood 3. Dwarfism (d) Hyposecretion of ADH 4. Gigantisrn (e) Hypersecretion, of Thyroxine 5. Diabetes mellitus 6. Exophthalmic goitre 7. Cretinism 5- Turn Over (iv) Choose the odd one out from the following terms and name the category to which [5) the others belong: (v) (a) Used bandages, Pesticides, Face masks, Syringes. (b) Dust, Smoke, Carbon monoxide, Effluents {c) Uterus, Urethra, Urinary bladder, Ureter (d) Menstrual phase, Telophase, Follicular phase, Luteal phase {e) Malleus, Incus, Cochlea, Stapes State the exact location of the following structures: [51 (a} Thyroid gland (b) Dura mater (c) Amniotic fluid (d) Papillary muscles (e ) Islets of Langerhans SECTION B (40 Marks) (Attempt a11y four questions from Ihis Sectio11.) Question 3 (i ) Write the overall chemical equation for photosynthesis. [1] (ii) Mention any two functions of blood.. {2] (iii) Differentiate between Karyokinesis and Cytokinesis. [2] (iv) IJ,xcessive use offertilizers in agricullural.fields reduces the yield of crops. [2] Justify the statement. T23 523 ------------------------------ -- 6 (v) Study the diagram given below and answer the qucslions lhat follow: (a ) Name the phenomenon depicted by the shoot in the above diagram. (b) Which plant hormone plays an important role in the above movement? (c) Complete and rewrite the given statement by filling in the correct terms: [3] Shoots show positive ____ whereas, roots show positive ____ Question 4 (i ) Expand the abbreviation - DNA. [l) (ii) What is Active transport? [2] (iii) Mention the two pairs of nitrogenous bases which pair with each other with [2] hydrogen bonds. (iv) (v) State Mendel's 'Law of Segregation'. . . Draw a neat, labelled diagram of a human sperm. [2] [3] Toro Over Question 5 (i) Explain the term' Popul tion density'. [1] (ii) Name the two surgica1 methods of population control. [2] (iii) Mention two factors responsible for population explosion in India. [2] (iv) Name any two resources which come under pressure due to rising population. [2] (v) The diagram given below depicts.the climate change n planet Earth. [31 Answer the following questions: TI3 3 (a) Name the climatic phenomenon for the increase in Earth's temperature. (b) Mention one reason for.this warming. (c) What measure can be prevent this climate change? 8 Question 6 (i) Define the tem1 Transpiration. [l) (ii) State any two adaptations in plants to reduce transpiration. [2] (i i) Mention a 1y two functions of the human foetal placenta. [2] (iv) What is the significance of the human testes being located in scrotal sacs outside the [2) abdomen? (v) Draw a neat, labelled diagram of a Malpighian Capsule. [31 Question 7 (i) What is a Reflex action? [1] (ii) Renal corte,s has a dotted appearance and Renal medulla has a striped appearance. [2]. Explain. (iii) What are the two functions of cerebellum. [2] (iv) Disfrqguish between Semicircular canals and Utriculus based on the r function. (2] (v) A potted plant with variegated leaves was kept in dark for 24 hours and then placed (3] in bright sunlight. Answer the following questions. T23523 9 Turn Over (a) Which aspect of photosynthesis is being tested in the above diagram? (b) Why was the plant kept in dark for 24 hours? (c) the starch test what will be the colour of he yellow and green parts of the leaf? Give reasons to support your answer. Question 8 (i) Define the term Mutation. [1] (ii) A pure breeding red flower variety of pea plant (RR) is crossed with a pure breeding [ ] white flower variety of pea plant (rt). Draw a Punnett square to find out the Phenotypic and Genotypic ratios of the progeny belonging to e F2 generation. (iii) Leaves of certain plants rol1 up on a hot sunny day. [2] Explain by giving suitable reasons. (iv) W hat is a semi permeable mem brane? . ' (2] Name the semi permeable membrane present in a plant cell. (v) The diagram below depicts the human heart in one of its phases. Answer the questions that follow: TI3 523 [3] T23 523 (a) Which part of the heart is in the contraction phase? (b) Give a suitable reason to justify your answer in (a). (c) Distinguish between Systole and Diastole. 11

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