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Jombap cotttsb chool, fRabtat PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT MATHEMATICS Grade Date : 10 Max. Marks :80 10 09 : No. of Printed sides No, of Questions :05.01.2024 Duration :2 hour 30 mins Answers to this Paper must be written on the paper provided separately. You will not beallowed to write during frst 15 minutes. This time is to be spent in reading the question paper. answers. The t me given at the head of this Paper is the time allowed for writing questions from Sectlon B. Atempt al questions from Sectlon A and anyfour be clearty shown, and must be Auworking, incuding rough work, must the rest of the anser. done on the same sheet as marks. Omisston of essential working will result in loss of given in brackets |] The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are Mathenmaticaltables are provided. SectlonA (Attempt allquestions from this Section.,) Question 1 Choose the correct answers to the questions from the given options. (Do not copy the question, write the correct answers only.) i) circle with centre The length of a tangent from an external point T on a Ois (a) (c) (d) ii) [15] always greater than 0T. equal to OT. always less than OT. insuficient data. Which of the following is a diagonal matrix? 1. 2. 3. 1 2 the slant and the with cylinder to of a of of a height is area the surtacecone curved height same vii) The ratio base 2:1 1:3 3:1 1:radius 2 (d) (c) (b) (a) same are two opposite line (7,6) and on the The of isk rectangle. value the of a then vertices y2x-k=0, 4 -1 0 0 equation? 0 of the following input of it to a amount and sold the 5000 18%, for 1s GSTdealer of a rate from the article If of 10 is () For the 3 2 gven i) value minimum the of sx and 1. 3. (d) (c) (b) (a) Only Onl3.y 2. Only 1. eW, x 5x, 1-2x 29- inequation, v) iv) -1 CoSTfor A customer is d) (c (b)z (a)x the () (c)900 (b) (shopkeeper a) (d) (c) (b) vertices x + xroot -4 2 (-1,-2) + 495 450shopkeeper 0 the at 2 a 4x+3= 2x-3=02x-3= of a lie 4x-5= proft purchased which The two (d) (c) (b) (a) points other vi) 3 respectively, and APQR AABC test? of ofPN the are following the medians byAM , which and ~ ~ APQN APQR then xii) If AABM AABC ofk is value The is k. the remainder x-2, kx + 4 is by divided +32-8 16 12 (c) (b) (a) When ) sum f n of AP is the term general the of an AP is n2 + 5n, then terms 5n of (b) (a) 2n-4 n+2 2n+4 () 10 1 (c) 10 (b) and 1 selected card i8 bag A in a 12 that are placed the probability cards and from bearing them a multple numbers at random. of 3 ibetweern s8 The an card i) (a) evenldentical is selected number of line isl P(8,3).Equation get the image 1 to the line in y"0 y3X5 1s reflected vii) (b) (a) P(2,3) x,12 order matrix of is an unit wher I and mean 900(d) 800(c) 400(b) 200(a) b. of of x = a 6 thvalue e G isthe b are are in in GPGP, then R R:If3, is is If a, true false G, (R): then false true are Rare R A and and Assertion(xv)A) (d) (c) (b) (a) Reason' both both A A is is Afalse,true, 14I, A? find -3 IfA-51 -5A- 2x2 a) 2 Question A 5:4 tangent the If 1s a is chord. ZAOB AB C circle AB, then elna of with a 400 centre of an isO angle the makesfgure, of and A(4,-1) where B(5,3)? AB join the divide X-aX0s what s.s,StestAAAteat ratio does xiv) xi) ACIn b) 1:3 InS.A.Stest(d) (c) atthe (d) 3:1() 4:(a)5 11 PQRR'QP. and R. Q' the get figure P, both l -1 COsA A+ cotA + A -1 identity: tan COsec on unit lcm the Prove foll wing + sin A secA as scale figurenamex-axis to get formed. of to R. Take question. P(3,1) paper the the P, P area geometrical Q,theinand for R of inQ(0,5) this y-exis the the graph H) axes. Use Reflect Reflect Plot FindWrite iy) b) 20cm BP. 4 AP and find l6cm, A AC ~ AAPB = and ABC If Prove AB = that i) of In shares i) After Mira proceeds students c) rupee the in 18and % at invested 20 twenty-five %discount. cachsh res year) 75 one proceeds. the salethe the atinvested 64% year (including charngeoriginal AC withgiven she premium. 24000 produced centre in number sold below, dividend her in these 7% annual meet 0. AB Find: of The hundred shares. shares of is at. the tangent dividend. income from P. atBthe first at diameter rupee the the chord circle figure and a) 3 Question theof 15 14 mode 13 2 3 4 41 18 17 16 distribution: following 6 5 3 12andthe median the Calculate years No of Age in b) 4] and OR= arePR. a at points and pointswhich which consumer at therate [3] the th State of for iameter the consumer article. circle 3 the, If are AE. which marks and || BC He 30000. for a intra-state Government. numbers and to cost QR it 3.5 of point 2PQR= sells MN. distance from of natural are and distanceMeasure of 6.5cm,equidistant sales theco-ordinates wholesaler price a two-digit has at the 5cm. P cuts from is = P. PR. andit POfrom 3.5cm where and 4y-intercept600,cm to on parallel (3] thei itrepresent and set solution the write ,xeIwhich inequation, the If sum. price. retailer a his from all a is above of its thethe AC marked terms find of by the below, 159% article A b) 5% of the In %, by4. GST 12 thediscount figure thedivisible BAC 500 = retailer is i)the thethe of 5Question GST Find price price paidby Mequidistant Hence, of thethepoints thefind buys paid article numberan marked amount given on a Construct Construct Construct 2 Mark also ) ii) ii)iv) theline FindtheX-AdS 2-3(:-7) line, QR Find N of from in of locus and a locus > APQR 7r of 2x-3y-7-0. following line. nunber the15- equation the Questlon 4 Solve a) b) a) 2 50 [41 alsoa Hence, diameter. is BE ACB 2 EDC BEC 2 prove Find i) i ) B 110-120 3 100-110 5 90-100 6 14 80-90 11 below: 70-80 given 60-70 number water. conical it withwhen that and filed axis such the completely oneestimate:find is on overweight,size 10kg its to is and cm = graph 2cmn 16 water immersed. considered height overweight. Take the the Use distribution, and into axis. just is lowered above are 12cm is other who it radiussides and given the quartile. the upper workers is the along 95kg of sphere the If vesseltouches the median. weighing of of workers A ogive 5 Draw 2cm= an workers No.of (kg) Weight 50-60 workers is 50 of weight The 6A0stlon A b) 16cm [5]) the ship[4] of area factorise ship. 2 the for account find: thethe of 14Henc ,of find volume maturity, length 160000m?, the deposit years. he the f 7uestion i) ii) A i) i) i i) 5x2-11x-the find of overlows. recurring time findis , 1:200 4m,ship 200 the a at is + the that is in model interest 2x3 scale model month of sphere. water of deckmodel. completely. expression given to the value. maturity the factor madethethe peras interest. thethe of 1800 the of of 900 a volume of of fraction is length is r dius of area of ship deck deposits man Agetsrate (2x+7) them3. the in the a the the the of that If If If Show mode i) i) ind: significant b) L00120 8 b) A bag i) i) of angle 12 is flying flying TheAfter 141 (3] [3] 40-50 31 3] it its A.P. is which to of of 4 60 is round probability plane i added probability 80-100 step-deviation the are 2 at number. to 7 what is terms theheight correct 30-40 is 30;If histogram. If6 the thethe whole60-80 the the 1000, the bag 12 white answer distributi n by then bag,of on to find that nearest 20-30 are G.Pis P changes term, 20 a your from thetimes point km/h, 40-60 using 10 balls a third the express r ndom put of a elevation x of.600/3 data, from white to terns which 10-20 following be x. are tots Find 20-40 correct 12 will following and 8 plane drawn at a balls three of is ball added of speed equation out it white (i). theanswer angle part drawinga white a first 0-20 balls that of of is *=3 the 0-105 ball is 5 elevation mean probability theaat the7 iore in of your given and ball 18 mode horizontally of seconds, one If contains Frequency two white term Find the G.P. theGive pYoduct Students the Classes ofNo. flgures. the Marks Calculate If sOvd 8Questlon second method. Find 9Question The a) a) 8 Questlon 10 .If x= a) b) c) Vb+3a t Vb-3a Vb+3a-Vb-3a prove that 3ax? - 2bx +3=0 PerSon was given3000 for a tour 1f he extends his tour progre Saeys, he must cut dorn hie oily exnense by 20. Findthe miinba of days of his [3] tour programme. From the figure given below, Find: i) ii) the equation of AB. the equation of CD. A(-54) B(3 3) 3 o