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ICSE Prelims 2017 : Computer Applications Must know Questions(Chatrabhuj Narsee Memorial School (CNM), Mumbai)

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Sanchit Modi
Bhaktivedanta Swami Mission School (BSMS), Mumbai
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Shri Vile Parle Kelavani Mandal s C.N.M.School & N.D.Parekh Pre-Primary School Academic Year 2016 17 Std. X Subject: Computer Applications (Group III) Section A Q1. Write one word/keyword answer of the following: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) Stores the address of the currently calling object. A Package that contain scanner class. Convert a variable into a constant. A package that is invoked by default. Pass the control to the calling method. Used for allocating memory to an array Indicates that a method has no return type. Unit of the class gets called, when the object of the class is created. Distinguishes between instance variable and class variables. Q2. Answer the following: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) 15) 16) 17) 18) 19) 20) 21) 22) What is a compound statement? Give an example. Give the prototype of a function search which receives a sentence sentnc and a word wrd and returns 1 or 0? State the difference between Constructor and Method. What is meant by an infinite loop? Give one example. How is implicit conversion different from explicit conversion? Differentiate between static and non-static data members. What is the difference between an object and a class? Differentiate between private, public and protected visibility modifiers. Define Instance Variable. Give an example of the same. Why class is also known as object factory? State the difference between entry controlled loop and exit controlled loop. Write differences between Linear Search and Binary Search. Differentiate between actual parameter or argument and formal parameter or parameter. Give default values of different data types. What are library classes? Give an example. Define wrapper class with an example. Why is an object called as instance of a class? What is meant by precedence of operators? Explain four OOP s principle with an example. Differentiate with an example of a primitive data type and composite data type. Differentiate between call by value or pass by value and call by reference or pass by reference. Describe the function of following keywords: Identifier, return, Operator, new, Literal, Comment, this, Token, Expression, break and continue, void, operand, 23) Write the corresponding expression for the following mathematical operations: 1. (b2-4ac) 2. Z=x4 + y4 xy/y 24) State the purpose and return data type of the following String functions: indexOf ( ) replace( ) replace( ) compareTo ( ) length( ) valueOf() substring(n,n1) substring( ) trim( ) charAt( ) equals( ) Section B 1. Write a program to accept 10 integers in a single dimension array and sort in ascending order using selection sort technique. 2. Write a program to accept a number and check whether number is an neon number or not. (, if sum of all the digit of square of a number is equals to the number itself. Example 1) Input : 9 - It s square = 81 = 8+ 1 = 9 (so 9 is a neon number) 2) Input : 25- It s square = 625 = 6+2+5 = 13 (so 25 is not a neon number) ) 3. Write a program to accept names and temperature of 10 cities and find the city which has the maximum temperature. 4. Write a menu driven program to perform following task as per user choice: i) Check for Prime number. vii) Check for Palindrome Number ii) Check for Perfect Number. viii) Check for DISARIUM number (11 + 32 + 53 =135) iii) Check for Armstrong Number. ix) Print Fibonacci series till n iv) Check for Special Number: (145- 1!+4!+5!) x) Check for Prime Palindrome Number (101) v) Print factors of accepted number. xi) Check for Emirp Number (13 and 31) vi) Print factorial of accepted number. 5. A paper roll manufacturing company offers discount to the dealer and retailer based on the length of the paper roll as per the following criteria: Length of the paper Dealer Retailer Upto 10 meters 10% 8% 11 meters and up to 20 meters 15% 10% More than 20 meters 20% 15% Write a program to input the length of paper roll and the mount of purchase. Use menu driven approach having choices (D) for dealer and (F) for retailer to find and print the amount to be paid to the company after discount. 6. Write a program to accept a sentence from the user and create a new word formed out of the first letter of each word and convert the new word into Uppercase. Example: Input: Mangoes are delivered after Midday Output: MADAM 7. Crate a class stock as given: Class name : stock Data members/variables : bname (String type data for book name), qty (integer as quantity of book) price (double data as unit price of book), total (double data as total cost) discount (double data as discount), netprice (double data to find net price) Members function of class: i) stock () A constructor to declare instance variables empty. ii) void accept() to accept book name,quantity, and price of book. iii) void calculation() to calculate total cost and discount as 20% on total cost if quantity of book is more than 30 otherwise no discount. Find the net price excluding discount. iv) void printAmount() to display product name, price, quantity, total cost, discount, net price to be paid. Write a main method to create an object of a class and invoke all methods. 8. Write menu driven program to find the sum of the following series depending on the user choosing: 1. S=1/4+1/8+1/12 .. up to n terms. 2. S=1/1! + 2/2! + 3/3! . up to n terms. Where! stands for factorial of the number and the factorial value of a number is the product of all integers (from 1 to that number, e.g.: 5! = 1*2*3*4*5. 9. Design a class to overload a function compare ( ) as follows: (a) void compare (int, int) to compare two integer values and print the greater of the two integers. (b) void compare (char, char) to compare the numeric value of two character with higher numeric value (c) void compare (String, String) to compare the length of the two strings and print the longer of the two. **********ALL THE BEST************

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