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ICSE Class X Sample / Model Paper 2025 : Geography

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Samriddha Som
The BSS School, Ballygunge, Kolkata / Calcutta
Nursery to 10th Science
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Name : ................................................................ Code No. : ........................................... GEOGRAPHY ICSE - X : 2024 25 (H.C.G. PAPER 2) Mock Test 2 Maximum Marks : 80 Time allowed : Two hours Answer to this paper must be written on the paper provided separately. You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes. This time is to be spent in reading the question paper. The time given at the head of this Paper is the time allowed for writing the answers. Part I is compulsory. All questions from Part I are to be attempted. A total of five questions are to be attempted from Part II. The intended marks for every part of the questions are given in brackets [ ]. To be supplied with this Paper : Survey of India Map Sheet No. G43S7 and 20 cm of twine. Note : (i) In all Map Work, make wise use of arrows to avoid overcrowding parts of the map. (ii) The extract of Survey of India Map Sheet No. G43S7 must not be taken out of the examination hall. It must be handed over to the Supervising Examiner on completion of the Paper. (iii) The Map given at the end of this question paper must be detached, and after marking, must be fastened to your answer booklet. (iv) All sub-sections of each questions must be answered in the correct serial order. (v) All working, including rough work should be done on the same answer sheet which is used to answer the rest of the paper. Note : [Outline Map of India with Question Paper] Turn Over ICSE X : 2024 25 Geography : Mock Test 2 QUESTION PAPER PART I (30 MARKS) (Attempt all questions from this Part.) Question 1. Study the extract of the Survey of India map (G43S7) and answer the following questions : (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (a) Give the six figure grid reference of 208. (b) Write the meaning of 'Sluice' in the grid 2502, how Sluice is related to Aqueduct in the same grid? [2] (a) State the difference in the drainage pattern between grid squares 2606 and 2806. (b) Calculate the length of the embankment from grid square 2303 to 2502 in Km. (a) Sabina is an architect who left her native place Panthawada (2611) in the year 2014 and she has returned there recently. She is very delighted as Panthawada appears to be an important site now-a-days. Give two reasons for Sabina's delight. (b) What is the compass direction of Ganodara from Santarwada? (a) How does the river bed of Sipu indicate that it flows through a region receiving seasonal rainfall? (b) Which landforms are indicated by the sandy brown conventional signs in the grid square 2210? (a) How can you conclude that Kotda (3005) is a small rural settlement where animal rearing is practised. (b) A group of people has returned to their residing place Panswala (2809) from Mahudi Nani (2504) after completing their temporary occupational activities. As they are temporary workers, so they want to be; engaged in suitable occupations in Panswala again. What could be the occupation that the temporary workers may choose in Panswala? [2] [2] [2] [2] Question 2. On the outline map of India provided : (i) Mark and label Satpura range [1] (ii) Mark and label the coast in Southeast India which is not affected by winter monsoon. [1] (iii) Mark using a dot and name the city which is the cultural capital of India. [1] (iv) Mark and name oldest oil field in India. [1] (v) Mark and show the direction of wind for which Burst of Monsoon Occurs. [1] (vi) Mark and label Karakoram range. [1] (vii) Mark and label Gulf of Kutch. [1] (viii) Shade and label an alluvial soil region in north. [1] (ix) Shade and label a densely populated region in South West. [1] (x) [1] Mark and name a famous tributary of Krishna river. Question 3. Choose the correct answers to the questions from the given options : [10] (Do not copy the question, write the correct answers only) (i) (ii) Mango Shower occurs in _______ (a) Kerala Karnataka (b) Kerala Goa (c) Kerala Maharashtra (d) Maharashtra Goa In desert areas, trees are _______ in nature (a) Autophytic (iii) (b) Xerophytic (c) Phytic (d) Saprophytic Sal : Biodergadable plates (a) Babul : Desert (b) Sundari : Boat making (c) Rose wood : Tropical Evergreen (d) Deforestation : Cutting down of trees 2 ICSE X : 2024 25 (iv) (b) Manipur (c) Mizoram (d) Ladak (c) Haematite (d) Anthracite What type of coal is called superior coal? (a) Peat (vi) QUESTION PAPER Which one of the following is the least irrigated state of India ? (a) Meghalaya (v) Geography : Mock Test 2 (b) Lignite Assertion (A) : Millets are called dry crops. Reason (R) : Millets can withstand drought and can be grown in dry climate. (a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A (b) Both A and R are true but R does not explain A (c) A is true but R is false (d) A is false but R is true (vii) Rearing of silk worm is called (a) Silvi culture (b) Sericulture (c) Segreculture (d) Silkworm culture (c) Natural gas (d) Geothermal energy (viii) Which of the following is not a fossil fuel? (a) Coal (b) Minaral oil (ix) Rail transport is called lifeline of India s economy, why? (x) (a) Journey is cheaper in long run (b) Provides employment to millions of people (c) Centralised Operation (d) Perishable goods can be transported Which of the following methods of waste management is shown in the picture given below? (a) Collection (b) Dumping (c) Segregation (d) Deposition PART II (50 MARKS) (Attempt any five questions from this Part.) Question 4. (i) (ii) India's climate is dominated by summer monsoon on which agricultural prosperity of India depends. West Bengal & Assam also get rainfall and agricultural benefit from Kalbaisakhi. Both the winds are very uncertain and Indian farmers some times suffer for this uncertainty Source : [2] (a) Differentiate between (Two points) the above mentioned winds. (b) What is the sultry weather condition in the month of October called? Name the source of [2] (a) Snowfall in Himachal Pradesh in winter. (b) Disturbed weather condition in Odisha and Andhra Pradesh in October - November. 3 ICSE X : 2024 25 (iii) (iv) Geography : Mock Test 2 QUESTION PAPER Give reason for each of the following : [3] (a) Mangalore experiences rainy season from June to September while Chennai experiences rainy season from June to January. (b) Jodhpur has high diurnal range of temperature. (c) Ooty in Peninsular India is a popular hill resort in summer. On the basis of above climatic data answer the questions for station X. Month Jan Temp ( C) 25 R. F. (cm) 20.4 [3] Feb March April May June July Aug Sept Oct 26 1.3 32 30 11.3 11.9 28 30.6 28 1.4 31 1.8 33 3.8 34 4.5 31 8.7 (a) Name the driest month. (b) Suggest a name for the station, give reason to support your answer. (c) What is the name of the coast on which the station is located. Nov Dec 26 30 25 28.1 Question 5. (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) John and Arup visited Northern Plains and Deccan Plateau last year and observed two different types of fertile soils there having different characteristics. [2] (a) Mention the soil types observed by John and Arup in the above mentioned places respectively. (b) How the soil type observed in northern plains different from that of Deccan plateau according to origin? With reference to red soil answer the following questions : (a) Productivity of red soil is low. (b) Red soil is thin and gravelly in uplands. With reference to Indian soil, answer the following : (a) Mention two advanced techniques of soil conservation in hilly areas . (b) Name two main crops grown on laterite soil. (c) What is soil erosion? Give reasons for the following : (a) More lime concentration in soil makes it unsuitable for farming (b) Soil exhausting crops grow on black soil. (c) Humus enhances soil fertility. [2] [3] [3] Question 6. (i) (ii) Himalayan region has dense forest cover. Every year number of visitors from different states of India enjoy the beauty of snow covered Himalayan region and observe dense natural vegetation. Last year a group of students went to the mentioned place for Geography excursion and were surprised to see different types of trees found in different altitudes. [2] (a) Why in the Himalayan ranges different types of forests are found at varying heights? (b) How do you utilise the wood of Chirpine tree which is an important variety of mountain forest? (a) State two ways by which mangrove vegetation has adapted itself to the coastal environment. (b) As a student of geography why do you think protection of mangrove forest is important? [2] 4 ICSE X : 2024 25 (iii) (iv) Geography : Mock Test 2 QUESTION PAPER Imagine you have come to visit Tropical evergreen forests in North East India. You can observe two different characteristics of forest floor, i.e., growth of herbs and grasses is not encouraged and undergrowth of cane bamboo and climbers is there. (a) What can be the causes for the above mentioned characteristics? (b) Why the trees of a particular species are scattered in the forest ? (c) Why the leaves of the trees of desert vegetation are modified into spines? (a) How do you co-relate forest and climate? (b) Why the wood of teak tree is used for ship building and furniture making? (c) What is the forest conservation method which is the intermediate stage between agriculture and forestry called? [3] [3] Question 7. (i) Farmers in Uttarpradesh do well irrigation to increase the productivity of crops. Many farmers face difficulty as well water turns brackish and ground water table decreases for over use of well. Why well irrigation is preferred in Uttar Pradesh? Suggest another method of irrigation which can replace well irrigation in UP. [2] (ii) Why tube well irrigation is considered to be modern method of irrigation? 'Tube well irrigation is mainly, confined to the fertile plains' give reason to support the statement. [2] (iii) (a) Why tank irrigation is done in areas of volcanic rocks? (b) Explain why there is less practice of canal irrigation in peninsular India and it is only prevalent over lower course of the rivers and coastal plains there. (c) What is the other name for inundation canal? (a) Why there is urgent need for conservations of water resource? (b) Which modern method of irrigation would you prefer for irrigation in Rajasthan? (c) Meghalaya gets heaviest rainfall but experiences lack of water even for domestic use Why? (iv) [3] [3] Question 8. (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) The Government of India has formulated an energy policy to ensure adequate energy supply, achieve self sufficiency and protect the environment from the adverse impact of utilizing energy resources unwisely. Govt of India gives emphasis on renewable sources of energy. (a) Why Indian Government has given emphasis on renewable sources of energy? (b) Why is bioenergy cost-effective? (a) Name a state benefits from Bhakra dam. (b) How is low grade iron ore utilised? (a) Mention one disadvantage of using coal as power resource. (b) How solar energy can be utilised in rural areas? (c) Give one reason for preferences of using natural gas in the place of coal. (a) How is tidal energy generated? (b) Name one copper producing centre in Jharkhand. (c) Why most of the oil refineries belong to public sector? [2] [2] [3] [3] 5 ICSE X : 2024 25 Geography : Mock Test 2 QUESTION PAPER Question 9. (i) Name the crop grown in the shaded region shown on the map. Why winter rain is required for the crop mentioned by you? [2] (ii) (a) How does the rainfall affect the growth and quality of sugar cane? (b) Why soil should be able to retain standing water in the field for the cultivation of rice? (iii) (iv) [2] India is a developing country dominated by food crop. Indian farmers grow a wide range of pulses and India is the largest producer and consumer of pulses in the world. (a) Write the importance of pulses in Indian agriculture. (b) Mention how Indian Government is trying to increase pulses production in the leading pulses producing states. (c) Name the main groundnut producing state of India. (a) Why mixed farming is preferred by Indian farmers? (b) Name the crop associated with the process retting . (c) In many remote villages of India broadcasting method to grow crops is preferred. If you are given choices between broadcasting and drilling method for crop cultivation which method would you prefer and why? [3] [3] Question 10. (i) Give one difference between forest based and mineral based industries by giving one example for each. [2] (ii) Name the private sector steel plant of India from where does this steel plant get its supply of coal and labourers? [2] 6 ICSE X : 2024 25 (iii) (iv) Geography : Mock Test 2 QUESTION PAPER Maidul and Ramesh are two friends living in Mumbai. They enjoy the climate of Mumbai. Many relatives of them live abroad and are very rich. Two friends are willing to set up an industry in Mumbai which can give them enough profit by taking help from their relatives. (a) Which agro based industry can be the best choice for them according to you? (b) On the basis of which two advantages Maidul and Ramesh can set up the industry mentioned by you? (c) Mention one problem related to petrochemical Industry in India. [3] Give one reason to explain each of the following : (a) Sugar Industry has migrated to South India from North India. (b) Silk Industry is among the category of small scale and cottage Industry. (c) Jinia and John are own sister and brother. Jinia wants to study medical science in future and John prefers to study branch of engineering which is related to the study of electricity. Name the industry related to John's future study and mention how it is helpful for medical science in India? [3] Question 11. (i) What are the two disadvantages of water transport? Why many people consider journey through water transport is comfortable. (one point) [2] (ii) Mrinal and Alice work in a Multinational Company and they have high potential for rapid career growth and advancement. They need to travel different states of India and prefer to avail air transport. Why airways is most preferred transport for Mrinal and Alice? (iii) (iv) (a) How does Indian railways binds the economic and cultural life of the country? (b) Why coal and iron ore are best transported by rail? (c) Write the extension of North-South corridor. Give a reason for each of the following : (a) Efficient means of transport is very significant in India. (b) Ganga and her tributaries are suitable for water transport. (c) Roadways are the best for the distribution of milk and fresh flowers. [2] [3] [3] Question 12. (i) (a) Write the impact of waste accumulation on landscape. (b) As an individual why do you think safe waste disposal is needed? [2] (ii) Why is dumping considered a harmful method of waste disposal? (iii) Waste is becoming a great danger to our planet. Every country in the world is facing a great problem in disposing waste, Governments are making different laws to treat the waste before dumping. We have to utilise greenwaste properly. Composting method is accepted largely by mass, we have to utilize urban waste properly. [3] (iv) (a) Why composting method of waste management is preferred by many? (b) How can urban waste be useful? (c) Mention one Government measure to reduce waste. (a) Give reason for (I) [2] Plant more trees (II) Use rechargeable batteries (b) As Indian citizen what measures you can incorporate on the road to protect the environment. [3] 7 ICSE X : 2024 25 Geography : Mock Test 2 QUESTION PAPER Name ..................................................................................... Code No. ............................. (This map, if used, must be fastened with all other answers) Outline Map for Question No. 2 (This map, if used, must be intended with all other answers) Outline Map for Question No. 2 ONLY FOR THE EXAMINER a 1 b 1 c 1 d 1 e 1 f 1 g 1 h 1 i 1 j 1 8

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