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ICSE Class X Prelims 2023 : Physics (W. W. A. Cossipore English School (WWA CES), Kolkata)

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Saikat Paul
W. W. A. Cossipore English School (WWA CES), Kolkata
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SUBJECT-MATHEMATICS CLASS-X Chapter:-Quadratic Equation In One Variable Assignment:-3 Example1 Solve x2-4x+1=0. Ans. Comparing this equation with ax2+bx+c=0,we get a=1,b=-4,c=1 By using S.A formula x= x= ,we obtain =2 3 Hence, the roots of the equation are 2+ 3, 2- 3. Example2 Solve 3x2-4x-4=0. Ans. Comparing this equation with ax2+bx+c=0,we get a=3,b=-4,c=-4 By using S.A formula x= x= ,we obtain =2,-2/3 Nature of the roots of a quadratic equation Discriminant D=b2-4ac. If D>0,then we get two real and distinct roots. If D<0,then we get no real roots. If D=0,then we get two equal real roots. HOME WORK-Solve the equations Q1.x2-5x-10=0 Q2.5x(x+2)=3 Q3.Discuss the nature of the roots x2-4x-1=0 Q4.Find the value of k for which the equation has equal roots 9x2+kx+1=0 Class-X, EVS, Ch-3, Home Assignment..... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 What does urban environment mean? Why does urban environment need attention? How does urban environment affect health? What includes under urban environment health? What are the criteria commonly used to define degree of urbanisation? What could be responsible for an unorganised urban environment? What are the benefits of urban development? Why is sustainability important in urban areas? How can we achieve urban sustainability? What are the positive and negative effects of urbanization? What are the problems of cities? What is the impact of urbanization? Class X 21.04.2020 History The First World War The First World War began in Europe, in the year 1914. Its extent was over the entire world including Asia, Africa, and the Pacific. This period witnessed innovations in the methods of destruction and defence, which in turn termed the period as the First World War . The war was fought on the land and in the air, on the sea and under it, with all the resources of the world mobilised for military purposes. Causes of the First World War Militant Nationalism This was the result of Aggressive Nationalism, Economic Competition and International Tension, which emerged in Europe in the second half of the 19th century. Aggressive nationalism basically meant the immense love and interest for one s own country and hatred towards the other countries. Fierce economic competition meant cut-throat commercial ambitions of the European nations, which ended up with an armed conflict amongst all the other nations, further leading to international tension and problems across the world. Race for Armaments The mad race for armaments which began soon after the Franco-Prussian War was one of the reasons, which led to the First World War.There was a great competition amongst Britain, Germany, France and Africa for increasing its armaments, in the name of self-defence and preservation of peace. But in reality, it filled the atmosphere with fear, apprehension and mutual hatredness. Division of Europe into Two Hostile Groups In Europe, there were two kinds of States, first was Single nation States likeFrance, Holland and Germany, which were based on common languages and common traditions that they shared.And the other kind were the Imperial States consisting Austria-Hungarian empire and the Russian empire, who spoke different languages and had different cultural traditions. Thus Europe was divided into two major camps on one side were England, France and Russia known as Triple Entente and on the other side Germany, Austria Hungary, Italy and Turkey known as Triple Alliance was formed. The suspicions ,fears, rivalry and enmity between the two camps was a major step towards World War I. Scramble for new Colonies France,Spain,Portugal and Engalnd had established colonies in various parts of the world. With Germany emerging as a powerful industrial nation, there was a great rivalry among the European nations to set up and control colonies. Sarajevo Crisis (Immediate Cause) One of the major causes of the First World War was the assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand, the heir to the throne of Austria-Hungary at Sarajevo, capital of Bosnia on 28th June, 1914. The assassination was planned and carried out by a secret society of the extremist Serbian nationalists called the Black Hand or the Union of Death. The assassin, Gavrilo Princep was nineteen year old Bosnian, the first student revolutionary to change the course of the history of Europe. Austria put the blame on the Serbian government for this crime and sent an ultimatum. As Serbia refused to comply with some conditions, because Russian instigated her,so Austria declared a war against Serbia on July 28,1914. Home work 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. What was the immediate cause of the First World War? Name the countries that formed the Allied Powers. Explain any three causes of the First World War. What do mean by militant nationalism? When First world war was started? DREAMLAND SCHOOL BIOLOGY - CLASS 10 (2020 2021) ASSIGNMENT CHAPTER ABSORPTION BY ROOTS BRIEF EXPLANATION Absorption is a physiological process of plants which enables uptake of water by roots to be used by the plant for various processes like photosynthesis, transpiration, transportation of various substances, giving mechanical support ( rigidity). Roots for absorbing water should have three basic characteristics1) Surface area of roots should be enormous 2) Root hairs contain cell sap of higher concentration than of surrounding water 3) Root hair have thin walls The water travels upward through the stem by 5 phenomenon 1) Diffusion free movement of molecules of a substance from Region of higher concentration to region of lower Concentration when the two are in contact. 2) Osmosis - movement of water molecules from higher to Lower concentration across a semi permeable membrane 3) Imbibition absorption of water by surface attraction. 4) Passive transport - similar to diffusion. 5) Active transport passage of substance ( salt or ion) from Lower to higher concentration using energy. Endosmosis inward diffusion of water through semi permeable Membrane when surrounding solution is less concentrated ( solute concentration less and water concentration more) Cell tends to swell up. Exosmosis - outward diffusion of water through semi permeable membrane when surrounding solution is more concentrated ( solute concentration more and water concentration less).cells shrink. Osmotic pressure it is the minimum pressure that must be exerted to prevent the passage of pure solvent into the solution when the two are separated by a semi permeable membrane. Tonicity relative concentration of the solution that determine the direction and extent of diffusion is called tonicity. It is of three types 1) Isotonic same concentration on both the sides. 2) Hypotonic - solution outside has a low solute concentration and high water concentration causing water to move inside ( endosmosis). Outside means outside the cell. 3) Hypertonic solution outside the cell has a higher solute concentration and low water concentration causing water to move out of the cell. ( exosmosis). When the cell reaches a state where it cannot accommodate any more water , it is called turgid. Turgor pressure - it is the pressure the cell contents apply on the cell wall. Wall pressure - it is the pressure the cell wall applies on the cell content. When a cell is placed in pure water then it remains in fully distended condition and shows turgidity. When the cell is placed in 5% salt solution the water moves out of the cell as the water concentration inside the cell is higher than the water concentration in the solution by the process of exosmosis. Due to this the cytoplasm and plasma membrane will shrink away from the cell wall resulting in plasmolysis & the condition is known as flaccidity. Again when the cell will be placed back in pure water then water will move into the cell resulting in deplasmolysis. Turgidity is required for the following1) Provides rigidity. 2) Helps push through hard ground. 3) Build up root pressure. 4) Helps in opening and closing of stomata. 5) Helps in turgor movement. Wilting drooping of leaves due to loss of turgidity. Four main forces in ascent of sap( upward movement of sap) 1) Root pressure- pressure developed in root for drawing up water and rise up the stem. 2) Cappilarity narrower the diameter of the xylem the water will move up more height exerting capillarity force. 3) Transpirational pull- tendency of water molecules to be pulled up the xylem to fill up the vaccum created by loss of water due to transpiration. Water moleculeshas a tendency to remained joined ( cohesion attachment of particles of same substance) 4) Adhesion it causes water to stick to the surface of cells thus drawing more water molecules from below when leaf cells lose water. Diffusion ASSIGNMENT 3 1) Define the following:a) Turgidity b) Plasmolysis c) Exosmosis d) Active transport e) Osmotic pressure f) Hypertonic solution 2) Differntiate between a) Isotonic & hypotonic solution ( definition) b) Plasmolysis & deplasmolysis ( direction of movement of water) c) Exosmosis and endosmosis ( definition) 3) Give reason a) We gargle in saline water in case of throat infection. b) A closed can of dried seeds burst open if some water enters it by accident. 4) What is tonicity? 5) Name the following :a) The pressure through which water can rise upto some feet b) The inward movement of solvent molecules through plasma membrane of a cell. c) Condition of cell in which cell contents are shrunken. d) Solutions which have the same osmotic pressure. Chemi st r yCl ass10 Chapt er3: Aci ds, BasesandSal t s Al l aci dscompul sor i l yhav ehy dr ogenast hei rconst i t uentel ementi nt hef or m of pr ot on. Acudaar edef i nedascompoundswhi chcont ai noneormor ehy dr ogenat oms andwhendi ssol v edi nwat erpr oducehy dr oni um, t heposi t i v el ychar gedi ons. Aci dscancl assi f i edi ndi f f er entway s. Dependi ngont hei rsour cei tcanbecl assi f i edi nt o or gani caci ds( aci dswhi char eobt ai nedusual l yf r om pl ant s, cont ai ncar bonat om aswel l ashy dr ogenat om)i nor gani caci ds( aci dsobt ai nedusual l yf r om mi ner al s, donotcont ai n car bon) . Dependi ngont hei rconcent r at i oni tcanbecl assi f i edi nt oconcent r at edaci d( aci dwhi ch cont ai nsav er ysmal l amountofwat erornowat er )di l ut eaci d( aci dwhi chcont ai nsf ar mor eamountofwat ert hani t sownmass) .Concent r at i onofanaci dt el l sust heamount ofwat erpr esenti nt heaci d. St r engt hofanaci di st hemeasur eofconcent r at i onof hy dr oni um i onsi tpr oducesi ni t saqueoussol ut i on. Dependi ngont hei rbasi ci t yaci dscanbecl assi f i edi nt omonobasi caci d( aci dwhi chon i oni sat i oni nwat erpr oduce1hy dr oni um i onpermol ecul eofaci d) , di basi caci d( aci d whi chi oni sei nt o2hy dr oni um i ons)andt r i basi caci d( aci dwhi chpr oduce3hy dr oni um i ons) [ Basi ci t yi sdef i nedast henumberofhy dr oni um i onst hatcanbepr oducedby i oni sat i onof1mol ecul eoft hataci di nwat er . ] Pr epar at i onofaci d: Bi nar yaci dscanbepr epar edbysy nt hesi s. I tcanbeobt ai nedby act i onofwat eronnonmet al l i coraci di coxi des( Eg: sul phurdi oxi der eact swi t hwat ert o gi v esul phur ousaci d) . I tcanbepr epar edbyt heoxi dat i onofnonmet al s( sul phurr eact s wi t hni t r i caci dt of or m sul phur i caci d, wat er , andni t r ogenoxi de) . I tcanbef or medby di spl acement . Nor mal sal t sofmor ev ol at i l eaci dsar edi spl acedbyl essornonv ol at i l e aci d. ( Eg: commonsal tr eact swi t hsul phur i caci dt of or m sodi um bi car bonat eand hy dr ochl or i caci d) Phy si calpr oper t i esofaci ds: Aci dshav easourt ast e. Someaci dsar esol i dsandsome ar el i qui dsatr oom t emper at ur e. Al l st r ongmi ner al aci dshav ecor r osi v eact i onont he ski nandcausepai nf ul bur ns. Theychanget hecol our sofi ndi cat or s, whi char ecompl ex subst ancest hatacqui r esepar at ecol our si naci di candbasi cmedi ums. Li t must ur nbl ue t or ed, met hy l or anget ur nsor anget opi nk, phenol pht hal ei nr emai ncol our l ess. Chemi calpr oper t i es: Aci dr eact swi t hact i v emet al st of or m sal tandhy dr ogen. Aci dr eact wi t hbaset ogi v esal tandwat er . Aci dr eact swi t hcar bonat es/ bi car bonat est of or m sal t , wat erandcar bondi oxi de. I nt hi scasei ft hesal ti si nsol ubl et hent her eact i ondoes notpr oceed. Aci dsr eact swi t hsul phi t e/ bi sul phi t et ogi v esal t , wat erandsul phur di oxi de. Aci dsr eactwi t hsul phi dest ogi v esal tandhy dr ogensul phi de. Chl or i dedonot r eactwi t hanydi l ut eaci ds. Chl or i desr eactwi t hconc. sul phur i caci donwar mi ngt o l i ber at ehy dr ogenchl or i de. Ni t r at esal sodonotr eactwi t hdi l aci ds, howev erl eadni t r at e sol ut i onr eact swi t hbot hdi l andconc. aci ds. ASSI GNMENT 1.Whatdoy ouunder st andbyt hest at ement ' acet i caci di samonobasi caci d' 2.Gi v eabal ancedequat i onf orr eact i onofni t r ogendi oxi dewi t hwat er 3.Leadcar bonat edonotr eactwi t hdi l . HCl . Expl ai n 4.Howi sanaci dpr epar edf r om anonmet al , sal t . Gi v eanequat i on 5.Def i net r i basi caci dwi t hex ampl e 6.Namet heposi t i v ei onf or medwhenaci di sdi ssol v edi nwat er . Gi v ei t sst r uct ur e. 7.Def i net heBasi ci t yofanaci d. 8.Gi v et heBasi ci t yofni t r i caci d, sul phur i caci dandphosphor i caci d 9.Def i nei ndi cat or s 10.Di f f er ent i at ebet weenor gani candi nor gani caci dswi t hexampl e Scanned by CLASS-X SUBJECT GEOGRAPHY CHAPTER-WATER RESOURCES (First Part) ASSESMENT-3 India is a land of rich natural resources, water being one of the most vital of all. India being essentially an agricultural country, we need water for agriculture as well as industry. The main sources of water are as follows Surface water Ground water Lagoons and backwater Surface water Rainfall is the main sources of fresh water in India. From precipitation along India receives 4000 km3 water. Surface water is available on the surface of the earth in the forms of rivers, lakes, ponds and canals. Ground water The part of rainwater that seeps through the cracks and crevices into the ground is called ground water. . It is India an important water source in India. Due to the highly variable nature of climate, ground water has become a popular alternative for irrigation domestic water use. The distribution of ground is very uneven in India. Irrigation: Irrigation refers to the process of providing water through artificial means to an area of land for cultivation of crops. Importance of irrigation in India: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Uncertainly and irregularity of monsoonal rainfall. Uneven distribution of rain across the country. Seasonal type of rainfall. HYV (High Yielding Variety) seeds need more water. Double or multiple cropping. Torrential rainfall. Methods of irrigation: Canal irrigation: Canal irrigation amount is about 40% of the total irrigated area in the country. This type of irrigation is more prevalent in the Northern part of the country where the rivers are perennial and flow through flat terrain. Types of canal Irrigation a)Inundation Canal: Advantages: 1. Easily and cheaply built. 2. Useful in controlling floods. Disadvantages: 1. Uncertainty of water supply. 2. Only can be used during floods. 3. Only low land can be irrigated. b)Perennial Canal: Advantages: 1. These canals serve throughout the year. 2. Cultivation of some crops can be carried round the year. Disadvantages: 1. Due to over flooding the soil become unsuitable for farming. 2. Sometimes due to water-logging the areas turn into swamps. 3. It is expensive to construct. Northern India is more suitable in canal irrigation than the South, reasons The rivers of northern plains are perennials as they are snow fed than southern India. The surface of the northern plains is flat and soft, but in the south the region become rocky. Due to the agricultural production the demand for irrigation is greater than southern India. II) Tank Irrigation: Tank irrigation is useful in the areas which are dependent on rainfall for their water supply. Tanks are used mostly in peninsular India, where the underlying hare rocks do not allow the water to seep through. Favorable Conditions for building tanks in Peninsular India: 1. In peninsular India area is uneven with many natural tanks. 2. The Deccan plateau consists of underlying hard, non-porous rocks. 3. In peninsular India tanks collect water during rainy season. Advantages of tank irrigation: 1. It is prevalent in Deccan plateau region where water is collected for irrigation. 2. It is cheaper than other irrigation. 3. Tank irrigation can be used in dry season. 4. Tank water can be used for domestic purpose. Disadvantages of tank irrigation: 1. Large amount of water is wasted through evaporation. 2. Tanks are non-perennial and may dry up during summer. 3. Tanks often have to be desilted. Areas-South India mostly in the states of Andhra Pradesh, Telengana, Tamil Nadu and Karnataka. ASSESMENT QUESTIONS: 1. Write the importance of irrigation. 2. Write two disadvantages inundation canal. 3. Northern India is more suitable in canal irrigation than south India give reason 4. In which states of India tank irrigation is common? 5. Write the advantages of tank irrigation. 6. Tank irrigation is common in peninsular India-give reason. DREAMLAND SCHOOL CLASS- X ENGLISH LANGUAGE HOME ASSIGNMENT 2 ACADEMIC YEAR- 2020-21 Fill in the blanks with suitable words. 1. The office closes at 5, so you should be back home ___ 6. 2. The next meeting will be held ____ Friday, 23rd June. 3. We were at Ooty ___ 15th ____ 22nd May. 4. Don t leave the room ___ I m back. 5. What happened ___ the teacher left the class? 6. As the cock crowed ___ dawn, I go out of the bed. 7. Mr. Williamson reaches here ___ Monday____ the evening and leaves ____ Wednesday morning. 8. I met Mukul ___ a cricket match. 9. She was born ___ Mathura ____ Uttar Pradesh. 10. The boat got stuck to something ____ the bridge. 11. Shalini s name was ___ the top of the list ____ Ashima s 12. The car and the bus collided____ the middle of the road. 13. There are very few trees ____ the top of the hill but many ___ the valley. 14. You should sign neither ___ nor___ the stamp but___ it. 15. A beautiful painting is hanging ___ the wall just___ the window. 16. She stood ____ the window and gazed at the clouds floating ___ the sky. 17. There is a huge playground ___ the school building and the hostel. 18. She took a key ___ her purse and opened the door. 19. The ball came ___ the window and fell ____ the dustbin. 20. The moon goes __ the earth. Write a notice for the school notice board, informing all the students about an upcoming blood donation camp which is going to be held in your school, also ask the students to participate in this event. Write an email to the Chief Medical Officer of the Uttarpara General Hostipal, inviting him to preside over the event of the blood donation camp which is going to be held in your school. PREPARED BYSANTANIL BHATTACHARYA ANUSUA SABUI CLASS-X SUBJECT-PHYSICS CHAPTER-3: MACHINES CLASS-X SUBJECT-PHYSICS ASSIGNMENT-3 CHAPTER-3: MACHINES (F.M.-25) Question-1 1. A machine can not be used as a force multiplier as well as speed multiplier -Why? 2. Which type of pulley is used to change the direction of effort in a convenient direction? 3. State the principle of lever. 4. For a machine velocity ratio ..but mechanical advantage .. [5 1=5] Question-2 [4 2=8] 1. We use machine to make job easier -Explain the statement. 2. Derive the relationship between mechanical advantage, velocity ratio and efficiency of a machine. 3. Give one example of a first class lever which is a force multiplier and another example which is a speed multiplier. 4. (i) In a single movable pulley, if the effort moves by a distance x upwards, by what height is the load raised? (ii) State one reason why is mechanical advantage less than velocity ratio for an actual machine. Question-3 [4 3=12] 1. Write the position of load, effort and fulcrum of a second class lever. Give an example of this type of lever. What is the value of mechanical advantage of this class of lever? How it differs from third class lever? 2. Figure below shows a wheel barrow of mass 15 kg carrying a load of 30 kgf with its centre of gravity at A. The points B and C are the centre of wheel and tip of the handle such that the horizontal distance AB=20cm and AC=40cm. Find: (i) the load arm, (ii) the effort arm, (iii) the mechanical advantage, and (iv) the minimum effort required to keep the leg just off the ground. 3. A pulley system with V.R.=4 is used to lift a load of 175 kgf through a vertical height of 15 m. The effort is required is 50 kgf in downward direction. (g=10 N/kg). Calculate: (i) Distance moved by the effort, (ii) Work done by the effort, (iii) M.A. of the pulley system, (iv) Efficiency of the pulley system. 4. From the figure below, answer the following questions: (i) What kind of pulleys are A and B? (ii) State the purpose of pulley B. (iii) What effort has to be applied at C just to raise the load L=20 kgf? ________________ CLASS-X SUBJECT-PHYSICS CHAPTER-4: REFRACTION OF LIGHT AT PLANE SURFACE CLASS-X SUBJECT-PHYSICS ASSIGNMENT-4 CHAPTER-4: REFRACTION OF LIGHT AT PLANE SURFACE (F.M.-25) Question-1 [5 1=5] 1. Refractive index can be less than 1 -When? 2. Write the name of one optical instrument by which you can find the position of minimum deviation of a prism. 3. Find the critical angle of water-air interface ( =4/3). 4. Which colour of light deviated by prism is least and which colour the most? 5. What is lateral displacement? Question-2 [4 2=8] 1. A boy uses blue colour of light to find the refractive index of glass. He then repeats the experiment using red colour of light. Will the refractive index be the same or different in the two cases? Give reasons to support your answer. 2. A coin is placed at the bottom of a beaker containing water of refractive index 4/3 to a depth of 28 cm. By what height the coin appears to be raised when seen from vertically above? 3. Write the factors on which deviation produced by prism depends. 4. What is meant by the statement critical angle for diamond is 24o ? Question-3 [4 3=12] 1. A ray of green light enters a liquid from air, as shown in the diagram below. The angle 1 is 45 o and angle 2 is 30o. (i) Find the refractive index of the liquid (ii) Show in the diagram the path of the ray after it strikes the mirror and re-enters in air. Mark in the diagram the angles wherever necessary. (iii) Redraw the diagram if plane mirror becomes normal to the refracted ray inside the liquid. State the principle used. 2. In the figure below, a ray of light PQ is incident normally on the face AB of an equilateral glass prism. (i) Complete the ray diagram showing its emergence into air after passing through the prism. Take critical angle for glass=42o. (ii) Write the angles of incidence at the faces AB and AC of the prism. (iii) Name the phenomenon which the ray of light suffers at the face AB, AC and BC of the prism. 3. (i) Why total internal reflection is better that normal reflection? (ii) What is optical fibre? Write the name of the principle on which optical fibre works. 4. For any prism prove that, [Where =refractive index of the material of the prism, A= angle of prism, m=angle of minimum deviation] Class X Subject- SUPW DATE 21.04.2020(Tuesday) Project Topic HANDKERCHIEF DESIGN Students I hope all of you are not so familiar with the work design of handkerchief so I am going to explain it to you. Basically handkerchief painting is a process of drawing something on an handkerchief and beautifully coloring it. First of all you have to take a clean white cotton handkerchief and in a beautiful way you should draw a design or a drawing of your own choice, then you have to color it with your imaginative power. The work should be done in a very neatly and cleanly way. After making this craft you have to write about this topic in your project file, Photographs of handkerchief design are to be pasted in your project and the photographs of materials used should also be passed in a neat way. The heading should be written in a black ball pen and the contains inside should be written in a blue ball pen, any type of ink or glitter should not be used. The Formation of your project should be:1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Preface Acknowledgement Topic Name(HANDKERCHIEF DESIGN) Introduction Materials Required Procedure Conclusion Bibliography Students I hope all of you will use your innovative ideas and enjoy doing this project.

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