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Sahil Meher
St. Anne's Convent School (SACS), Sonepur, Subarnapur
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.-\ar ST. ANNE,S CONVENT SCHOOL, SONEPUR HALF-YEARLY EXAMINATION 2014 3,. Give one FM-100 CLASS-X SUB- BIOLOGY word for the following [10] (50 MARKS) a, The tiny pores on leaves through which transpiration occurs' b. An apparatus to compare the rate of transpiration in cut shoots' c. The energy currency of the cell. d. A chemical used to test starch. e. Site of light reaction. f. g. h. the $rowflsubstance present in a chloroplast' An oxygen carrying pigment in blood pressure. Contraction of heart chambers. i. j. Circulation between heart and lungs. An instrument used to record blood pressure. 2. a. Tick the correct (4)) The water is transported up the leaves through I ) Cortex cells iii)Xylem b. choice ii) Parenchyma iv) Phloem Potometer is used to study in Plants. Respiration ii) Photosynthesisiii) Rate of uptake of water iv) Rate of photosynthesis Oxygen evolved during photosynthesis comes from I ) co2 ii) H2O lll) Co2 and H2o I) c. d. lv ) Salts Part of brain associated with thinking and reasoning is i) 3. Cerebellum ii) Pons iii) Cere brum iv) Medulla oblongata Give one function of the following. (10) a. Bowman's capsule b. Renal pelvis c. d. e. 4. Ureters Kidneys Urinary bladder Write true or False (6j a. Veins have a large lumen. b. Biscuspid valve is present between c. Lymphocytes right atrium and right ventricle. are phagocytic in Function. d. Coronary circulation refers to circulation e. Dark reaction takes place in dark f. Lymph flows tissues to heart in the heart.

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