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ICSE Class X Mid-term 2022 : Computer Applications (Father Leblond School, Darjeeling)

9 pages, 50 questions, 26 questions with responses, 26 total responses,    2    0
Koustav Chakraborty
Baba Siddhnath College Of Education, Muthra
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FATHER LEBLOND SCHOOL SESSION 2021-22 HALF YEARLY EXAMINATION CLASS X SUBJECT COMPUTER APPLICATIONS F.M 50 TIME 1 HOUR This paper comprises of 10 questions. All are in MCQ format. Students need to attend all the questions from all the sections. Students need to show the rough work parallel to the answers (whenever required) in the answer script. Students need to write the answers in the separate answer script. The time allotted in the question paper includes reading time and writing time. Section A (30 Marks) Attempt all questions Question 1 i) Identify the incorrect type of java program: a) Stand Alone b) Java Applets c) Java Internet d) All of the above ii) The position of the cursor in System.out.println( ) a) changes after execution b) execute and then changes c) Remains in the same position unless next printing statement executes d) None of the above iii) 1.0E-03 is an example of a) integer literal b) real literal c) invalid d) String literal iv) Identify the valid variable name from the list a) public b) Public c) both a and b d) none of the above v) Identify the proper hierarchy of the data types in ascending order i) long ii) char iii) byte iv) short a) iii, ii, iv, i b) iii, iv, ii, i c) i, ii, iii, iv d) i, iii, ii, iv KCH/X/HALF THIS PAPER COMPRISES OF 9 PRINTED PAGES [5*1] TURN OVER Question 2 i) The wrapper class method which allows to accept integer value from user a) Integer.valueOf( ) b) Integer.parseInt( ) c) Integer.toValueOf( ) d) All of the above ii) The keyword which is used to create object factory a) new b) static c) final d) class iii) The parameters inside the user defined are known as a) formal parameter b) actual parameter c) simple parameter d) none of the above iv) What is the value of x if double x = Math.abs (Math.ceil(-8.50) + Math.floor(-9.0)); a) 0.5 b) -17.50 c) 17 d) 17.0 v) Guess the term that represents the collection of pre-defined class in Java compiler. a) Modules b) Methods c) Packages d) Parameters Question 3 i) Identify the name of the method which has similar name as of class: a) Methods b) Wrapper class c) both a and b d) constructor ii) The return type of constructor is a) No return type b) void c) integer d) character iii) The alternate structure of switch case statement is a) if else structure b) nested if structure c) if else if .... else ladder d) nested if else ladder KCH/X/HALF 2 [5*1] [5*1] TURN OVER iv) v) Identify all the termed related to variables in a class i) class variables ii) behaviour iii) characteristics a) i, ii, iv b) i, ii, iii, iv c) only ii d) only i iv) member variables Identify the correct example to accept character value using Scanner class. a) c= sc.charAt(0); b) ); c) c= ),charAt(0); d) c=sc.nextCharAt(0); Question 4 Identify true or false for the following statement: i) In pass by value concept, any changes in formal parameter doesn t reflect in actual parameters a) True b) False ii) In method overloading, it is compulsion that all the return type and parameter must be same along with method name a) True b) False iii) + operator can be used for merging two or more string values a) True b) False iv) The output obtained from Math.rint( ) is of double data type. a) True b) False v) Following example is an valid example for explicit type of conversion int x = (double)(22/7); a) True b) False Question 5 Find the odd one out from the following topics i) a) Process b) Methods c) Objects d) Encapsulation ii) a) b) c) d) KCH/X/HALF [5*1] [5*1] + ++ / % 3 TURN OVER iii) a) b) c) d) \\ \u // \n iv) a) b) c) d) Math.rint( ) Integer.parseInt( ) ob.nextInt( ) Math.pow( ) v) a) b) c) d) ! != == >= Question 6 i) ii) iii) Give the output of the following If a=48 and b =13 then the value of a+= b++b* 5 / a++ + b is a) 36 b) 63 c) 33 d) 63 if ( a > b ) System.out.println(a+b); System.out.println (a*b); a) 12,35 b) 35 c) 35,12 d) 12 when a = 5 and b = 7 What will be the equivalent java expression for a) b) c) d) iv) [5*1] | | 2 + 2 + 2 2 Math.pow( ((Math.abs(-a)/2) + Math.sqrt((a*a+b*b))), 2) Math.pow(((-a/2) + Math.sqrt(((a*a+b*b))),2) Math.sqrt( ((Math.abs(-a)/2) + Math.sqrt((a*a+b*b))), 2) Math.pow( ((Math.abs(-a)/2) + Math.sqrt((a*a+b*b))), 1/2) Choose the correct syntax of SWITCH statement in Java below. a) switch(input) { case constant1: //statements; break; case constant2: //statements; break; default: //statements; }; KCH/X/HALF 4 TURN OVER b) c) switch(input) { case constant1: //statements; break; case constant2: //statements; break; default: //statements; } switch(input) { case constant1: //statements; break; case constant2: //statements; break; default case: //statements; d) }; switch(input) { case constant1: //statements; break; case constant2: //statements; break; default case: //statements; } v) n=1000; while (n>10) { n=n/10; } System.out.println(n); a) b) c) d) How many time the loop is executed and what is the output? Loop is executed 2 times and the output is 100 Loop is executed 3 times and the output is 10 Loop is executed 2 times and the output is 10 Loop is executed 3 times and output is 100 Section B (20 Marks) Attempt all questions Question 7 [10*1] The following program is based on the specification given below. Fill in the blanks with appropriate java statements. Define a class taximeter having the following description: Data members/instance variables int taxino - to store taxi number String name - to store passenger's name int km - to store number of kilometres travelled KCH/X/HALF 5 TURN OVER Member functions: taximeter() -- constructor to initialize taxino to 0, name to and b to 0. input() - to store taxino,name,km calculate() - to calculate bill for a customer according to given conditions kilometers travelled(km) Rate/km 1 km Rs 25 1< km 6 Rs 10 km> 6 Rs 15 display()- To display the details void main( ) - to create an object of the class and invoke the functions of the class class (i)____________ { int taxino, km, bill; String name; (ii)_______________( ) // default constructor { taxino = 0, km=0; name= ; } void input( ) { Scanner sc = _(iii)____________________________; taxino = sc.nextInt( ); km = sc.nextInt( ); name = _(iv)__________________________ } void calculate( ) { if( km < =1) bill = 25; else if (__________________(v)____________) bill = 10; else bill = 15; } void display( ) { System.out.print( Taxi no + taxino); System.out.print( Name + name); System.out.print( kilometer + km); System.out.print( bill + bill); } KCH/X/HALF 6 TURN OVER public static void main( ) { ____(vi)__________ = new ______(vii)______( ); _______(viii)_______; __________(ix)_____; ________(x)_________; } } i) a) b) c) d) TAXIMETER taximeter static public ii) a) b) c) d) taximeter( ) Taximeter( ) void taximeter( ) int taximeter ( ) iii) a) b) c) d) new Scanner( new scanner( New Scanner( New Scanner( iv) a) b) c) d) sc.nextString( ); sc.nextCharacter( ); sc.NextLine( ); sc.nextLine( ); v) a) b) c) d) km >1 && km < = 6 km > = 1 && km < = 6 1 < km < = 6 km < = 1 && km < = 6 vi) a) b) c) d) Taximeter tc tc Taximeter tc new Taximeter( ) new tc Taximeter( ) vii) a) b) c) d) new Taximeter( ) new taximeter( ) Taximeter new( ) taximeter new ( ) KCH/X/HALF 7 TURN OVER viii) a) b) c) d) taxi.input( ) input( ).taxi tc.input( ) ) ix) a) b) c) d) taxi.calculate( ) calculate( ).taxi tc.calculate( ) ) x) a) b) c) d) taxi.display( ) display( ).taxi tc.display( ) ) Question 8 [5*1] The following program segment calculates the norm of a number, norm of a number is square root of sum of squares of all digits of the number. Example: The norm of 68 is 10 6 6 + 8 8 = 36+64 = 100 square root of 100 is 10. Fill in the blanks with appropriate java statements. void norm ( int n) { int d, s =(i)______; while ( (ii)_________) { d = n%10; s = (iii)________________; n=_(iv)__; } System.out.println( Norm = + (v)_____________); } i) a) b) c) 1. 0 0.0 1 ii) a) b) c) n>0 n<0 n>1 iii) a) b) c) s+d*d s*d+d s*s+d KCH/X/HALF 8 TURN OVER iv) a) b) c) n/10 n*10 n+10 v) a) b) Math.sqrt(s) Math.SQRT(s) Math.sqrt(n) c) Question 9 [5*1] Read the paragraph given below and answer the questions given below: Case study 1 Decision control statements are used to check for condition and execute the statements based on the condition. The two decision control statements in java are if and switch, switch is also called as multiple branching statement. An if statement within another if statement is termed as Nested if Statement. Repetitive execution of a set of statements is termed as looping. The two types of looping statements are entry controlled and exit controlled loops. Both while and for are termed as entry-controlled loops. A for loop is used when the number of iterations is known. A while is used when the set of statements are executed as long as the condition is true, it is executed when the number of iterations are not known i) What are the two decision control statements in java? a) if and switch b) for and while c) ternary and logical ii) An if statement within another if statement is termed as a) Nested b) Nested while c) Nested if iii) Name given for repetitive execution of set of statements. a) Looping b) Decision Control c) Assignment iv) Which one of the following does not execute even once? a) for(k = 1; k<=100;k++); b) for(k=10;k<1;k++); c) for(k=1;k>=1;k++); v) Which of the condition is known as fall through statement? a) When the loop runs endlessly b) When loop terminates suddenly due to break statement c) When all the cases execute due to no break statements. KCH/X/HALF 9 END

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