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ICSE Class X Prelims 2019 : Chemistry (Public School, Koraput)

11 pages, 106 questions, 81 questions with responses, 88 total responses,    2    0
St. Paul's School, Rourkela
ICSE Science
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Chemistry Std.10 Public School Jeypore 27.11.2018 Surajit Chatterjee SECTION I (50 Marks) Attempt all questions from this Section Question 1 (a) Choose the correct answer from the options given below: (i) [5] Which of the following ores are calcined? A. Limestone B. Calamine C. Siderite D. All of the above. (ii) Electron affinity is maximum in: A. Alkali metals B. Alkaline earth metals C. Halogens D. Inert gases (iii) The components of Type Metal are: A. Copper, Zinc and Lead B. Copper , Antimony and Tin C. Copper , Lead and Tin D. None of the Above (iv) The drying agent used to dry NH3 is: A. P2O5 B. Conc. H2SO4 C. CaCl2 D. CaO (v) Which of the following is not soluble in Ammonium hydroxide (b) A. Cu(OH)2 C. Zn(OH)2 B. AgCl D. Pb(OH)2 Write balanced chemical equations (with all conditions) for each of the following: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (c) Catalytic oxidation of ammonia Action of concentrated nitric acid on Phosphorus. Action of concentrated sodium hydroxide on Zinc oxide Reaction between acetic acid with ethanol in the presence of concentrated and hot H2SO4 Action of dilute hydrochloric acid on iron. State one observation (relating to colour) for each of the following: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (d) [5] [5] Dilute Hydrochloric acid is added to Silver Nitrate solution. Concentrated Nitric acid is added to Copper turnings. Ethyne gas is passed through bromine (dissolved in Carbon tetra chloride) A little amount of Ammonia gas is passed through copper sulphate solution NaOH solution is added to calcium nitrate solution. Rewrite the following statements which are false [5] (i) Magnesium Nitride reacts with water to liberate Ammonia. (ii) Lead bromide conducts electricity. (iii) Starch iodide paper turns blue black in the presence of Chlorine. (iv) Hydrogen chloride molecule contains a covalent bond. (v) The principal metal in Alnico is aluminium. (e) (i) Given: C2H6 + O2 CO2 + H2O [3+2] 2000 cc of O2 was burnt with 400 cc of C2H6. Calculate the volume of CO2 formed and unused O2 (ii) Find the number of moles and molecules present in 7.1 g of Cl2. (At. Wt. Cl = 35.5) (iii) Calculate the vapour density of ethene [ C =12 , H = 1] (f) (g) Identify the terms: (i) The energy required to remove an electron from valance shell of a neutral isolated gaseous atom. (ii) The method for the concentration of sulphide ores. (iii) The property by which carbon bonds with itself to form a long chain. (iv) A bond formed by a shared pair of electrons with both electrons coming from the same atom. (v) A substance that conducts electricity in molten or aqueous state. Arrange the following as per the instruction given in the brackets. (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (h) [5] (i) Li, F, N Na, Al , Cl O2, N2, Cl2 2+ + +2 Zn , Na , Cu Br , F , Cl [increasing order of Electronegativity] [increasing order of Ionization potential ] [increasing order of number of covalent bonds] [order of preference of discharge at the cathode] [Decreasing order of atomic radius] Draw the structural formula for each of the following 1. But-2-ene 2. Butanoic acid 3. 3-Methylhexan-1-al (ii) Draw the structural isomers of C4H10 (all possible isomers) [3+2] (i) When excess lead(II)nitrate solution is added to Sodium sulfate solution ,30.3 g of Lead sulphate is [5] precipitated . What is the mass of Sodium sulfate present in the original solution? Pb=207, N=14 ,O=16, Na=23, Avogadro's no= 6.023 x 1023. (j) Give balanced Chemical equations for the following:[5] Action of Conc. Sulfuric acid on (i) Carbon (ii) Phosphorus (iii) Copper (iv) Cane sugar (v) Hydrogen sulphide --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SECTION II (50 Marks) Attempt any five questions from this Section Question 2 (a) (b) (c) Write balanced equations for following conversions: [4] Ethanol-----A-------> Ethyl chloride -----B------->Ethene -----C-------> Ethanol-----D-------> Hydrogen + [3] Show the formation of H3O using the electron dot diagram. State the types of bonds present in it. Distinguish between the following pairs of compounds using the test given within the brackets. (i) Calcium sulphite and calcium carbonate (using dil. HCl) [3] (ii) Zinc nitrate and potassium nitrate (dry heating) (iii) Lead nitrate and Zinc nitrate (using an alkali) Question 3 Write balanced chemical equations for the following:- (any 10) a) c) e) g) i) k) Dehydration of oxalic acid b) Action of cold and dilute nitric acid on copper turnings Lab preparation of ethane d) Lab preparation of ethyne . Lab preparation of HCl f) Lab preparation of ammonia Reduction of alkyl halides h) Dehydrohalogenation reaction Fischer Speier reaction j) Hydration of ethene Ammonia and Chlorine (excess Cl) l) Passing ethene through Baeyer's reagent [10] Question 4 (a) Identify the gas /vapours evolved in each of the following cases: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) (viii) (ix) (x) [10] A colorless gas liberated on decomposition of nitric acid. Charcoal is heated with conc. sulfuric acid Dilute hydrochloric acid is added to Zinc sulphide. Dilute nitric acid is added to Iron and heated . Sodium metal is added to water. Chlorine water is exposed to sunlight Ethyl acetate is heated with caustic soda in presence of CaO. At anode during electrolysis of molten lead bromide. At anode in Hall Herault's process (mention only the major gaseous product) In the Pyrites burner --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Question 5 Copy and complete the following table: (THE TABLE MUST BE COPIED) Name of the Catalyst Temperature Equation for the process Catalyzed reaction [10] Final product Haber s Process --------------- -------------- -------------- Ammonia Contact Process --------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- --------------- -------------- -------------- Sulfuric Acid Nitric acid Question 6 1. A white crystalline solid 'A' on heating evolves steamy vapours and left behind a residue 'C' which is yellow when cold. This residue dissolved readily in hot caustic soda to produce a colorless solution 'D' . On heating A gases X and Y were also produced. Gas 'X' is reddish brown in color and turns acidified ferrous sulfate solution brown and gas 'Y' rekindled a glowing splint. From the observation above answer the following questions:i) Identify the cation in A. ii) Identify the anion in A. iii) Give a confirmatory of test of gas 'X' other than the one mentioned above. iv) The evolution of 'steamy vapors' indicates a certain property of the salt . Name it. v) Which gas other than gas 'Y' can also rekindle a glowing splint. vi) Give a confirmatory test of gas 'Y' other than the one mentioned above. vii) Write an equation for the reaction between 'C' and hot caustic soda. viii) Name the product formed when gas 'X' is dissolved in water in prescience of gas 'Y' ix) Write a balanced chemical equation for the action of heat on crystals of 'A'. x) Write a balanced chemical equation for the formation of 'D' Question 7 (a) (i) Name the chief ore of Aluminum and the process of concentration of the ore. [6] (ii) Write balanced equations for the conversion of the above ore of aluminum to pure alumina. (iii) Name one alloy of Aluminum (b) (i) A compound gave a following data: C = 57.82%, O = 38.58% and the rest hydrogen. Its relative molecular mass is 166 Find its empirical formula and molecular formula. [C =12, O = 16, H = 1] [4] (ii) How is Ammonia separated from unreacted Nitrogen and Hydrogen in Haber's process? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Question 8 (a) Name the gas/gases (do not mention water vapour even if it is evolved)evolved in the following cases. [4] (i) Sulphur is heated with conc. HNO3 (ii) Aluminium is heated with Conc. Sulfuric acid. (iii) Ammonium nitrite is heated. (iv) Ammonium carbonate is heated (b) Give appropriate scientific reasons for each of the following statements. (i) Nitric acid prepared in the lab has a pale yellow colour (ii) Although copper is a good conductor of electricity it is a non-electrolyte. (iii) Nitric acid stains the skin yellow. [3] (c) Mention the property of conc. H2SO4 exhibited in each of the following reactions with: (i) Sugar (ii) Metallic chloride (iii) Non-metal such as carbon Question 9 (a) Answer the following questions pertaining to laboratory preparation of HCl gas (i) Write an equation for the laboratory preparation of Hydrogen Chloride gas. (ii) Name the drying agent used. (iii) Name the method of collecting Hydrogen Chloride gas. (iv) Give a confirmatory chemical test to identify the gas [4] (b) following: Give reasons for each of the (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) Aluminium is a corrosion resistant metal. All glass apparatus is used in the laboratory preparation of HNO3. Pure alumina is not used in the extraction of Aluminum by Hall-Herault's process. Conc. HNO3 renders metals like Iron and aluminium passive. Potassium is a better reducing agent than Sodium. A low current is used for electroplating. [6]

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