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ICSE Prelims 2017 : Biology

12 pages, 181 questions, 61 questions with responses, 64 total responses,    0    0
Riyesh Rahate
Abhinav Vidyalay, Dombivli, Thane
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MAHESH TUTORIALS I.C.S.E. ICSE X SUBJECT : BIOLOGY Last Minute Revision Q.1. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. Name the following : Condition caused due to blockage of coronary arteries. Natural anti-coagulant present in blood. The vein joining anterior vena cava bringing deoxygenated blood directly from the head. Branch of aorta supplying oxygenated blood to the liver. Largest circulating and active WBC involved in phagocytosis. Stable compound of haemoglobin in blood. Instant supply of oxygenated blood to head and brain is done by artery named. Mineral required for coagulation of blood. Process of blood cell formation in the bone marrow is known as. Blood clot in coronary artery is known as. Narrowing of coronary arteries is mainly due to deposition of. Condition caused due to difference in the Rh factor of mother and foetus. An abnormal decrease in RBC number during malaria. Transition state of Monocyte, at site of infection for engulfing pathogens. The blood cell whose number usually rises during allergies. The core chlorophyll molecule. Mineral required for synthesis of chlorophyll in plants. Form of energy used during biosynthetic phase. Name the process that results in yellowing of leaves due to nutrient deficiency. First stable compound of photosynthesis during dark reaction. CO2 acceptor during dark reaction. Yellow colour of urine is due to presence of Disease responsible to cause uremia. Haematuria is one of the diagnosis during which fever. Frequent urination and thirst results in A type of excretion where guanine is the chief excretory product. The organic component in urine other than urea and uric acid. A tuft of blood capillaries found in the Bowman s capsule. Automatic self-regulation of salt and water within the body. A funnel-shaped structure in kidney. Depression seen in the concave portion of kidney. Blood vessel involved in dialysis. Process in which ammonia is released in Liver. Vitamin required for blood coagulation. The command for heart beat starts at. ... 2 ... 36. The connecting duct from eye to nose. 37. The bridge of fibres connecting the brain and spinal cord acting as a relay centre. 38. Relay centre of brain for pain and pressure in cerebrum. 39. Receptors of taste. 40. Receptor of smell. 41. Nutritive layer of eye. 42. The structure that has a sensory organ called Organ of Corti . 43. A bony socket in which eye is well protected. 44. The system which causes dilation of blood vessels and slowing of heart beat. 45. The cavities of brain are called. 46. The fluid filled in tympanic chamber. 47. The cell division which occurs in androecium of flowers. 48. A defect caused due to genetic deficiency of iron. 49. The largest phase of a normal cell cycle. 50. The shortest phase of mitosis. 51. The phase of cell cycle in which replication of DNA occurs. 52. The chromosomes which do not take part in sex determination. 53. The process by which the diploid condition of chromosomes. 54. The colouration produced by xanthophyll. 55. The form of energy in which radiant energy is converted into during photosynthesis. 56. The scientist who proposed the Biosynthetic phase. 57. The muscles in the human eye which are concerned with the focusing of objects at different distances. 58. The passage connecting middle ear with pharynx. 59. The cells in the retina of a vertebrate eye. 60. The structure which helps to penetrate the egg membrane of the ovum. 61. The cells which secrete testosterone. 62. The permeability of placenta. 63. Artificial anti coagulants. 64. Two sexually transmitted diseases. 65. Virus that can cross placenta. 66. The nature of all hormones mostly is. 67. Mode of excretion in fishes is 68. Network of blood capillaries around nephron. 69. Name two hormonal contraceptive pills. 70. Algal bloom over water body is known as. 71. Chernobyl incident was due to leakage of. 72. Chemical fertiliser responsible for bio magnification. 73. Thymine in RNA is replaced by. 74. Trisomy 21 is known as. 75. Presence of extra fingers is called. 76. Other name of golgi complex in plants. 77. Process by which the plant gains dry weight. 78 Process by which plants absorb water during summers. ... 3 ... Q.2. Diagram based questions 1. Given below is a diagrammatic sketch of blood vessels: (i) Label the parts 1 to 8. (ii) What is the difference in the quality of blood contained in 1 and 5? 2. The given diagram refers to the ear of a mammal: 4 3 10 2 5 7 1 6 9 (a) Label the parts 1 to 10 to which the guideline points. (b) Which structure: (i) Converts sound waves into mechanical vibrations? (ii) Converts vibrations into nerve impulses? (iii) Responds to change in position? (iv) Transmits impulses to the brain? (v) Equalizes the atmospheric pressure and pressure in the ear? 3. The given figure shows the structure of a mammalian eye. (i) Label the parts 1-9. (ii) State the function of part 1, 2, and 7. (iii) What special advantage do human beings derive in having both eyes facing forward? 4. The figure refers a diagrammatic sketch of male urinogenital system of human: ... 4 ... (i) Label the parts 1-8. (ii) What is the importance of parts 2 and 5 in regard to excretory system? (iii) Name the corresponding structure of part (4) in female reproductive system. (iv) What is the role of part 7? 5. The give figure is the diagramatic representation of an experiment to demonstrate osmosis by carrot osmoscope: Carrot (raw) Carrot (boiled) Sugar solution Distilled water Beaker A B (i) What will happen in A and B after an hour or so? (ii) Give reason for the difference in observations made in A and B. (iii) What is the control experiment? What would happen if in A dilute sugar solution was placed inside the cavity of the carrot and strong sugar solution was kept in the beaker? 6. 7. (i) The given diagram is of a root hair. On the diagram, name the parts numbered 1 to 5. (ii) What role is played in the uptake of water into the root hair by the plants 1 numbered 1, 2 and 3? (iii) What would happen if living cells of a plant were placed first in a strong 2 solution of cane sugar and then in water? (iv) What is osmosis? Of what use is osmosis 4 to the growing plant? The apparatus shown is Garreau's potometer designed to demonstrate unequal transpiration from the two surfaces of a dorsiventral leaf. Before keeping the leaf in between the cups, anhydrous calcium chloride (CaCl 2) contained in two small vials were weighed and placed in both the cups. The ends of the cups were closed with corks through which two mercury 3 5 ... 5 ... manometers were connected. After a few hours CaCl 2, vials were taken out and weighed again. (i) What is the purpose of keeping CaCl2 vials inside the cup? (ii) After a few hours, CaCl2 vials were taken out and weighed again. Will you expect any difference in weight? If so, give reasons. (iii) What was the purpose of using a manometer? (iv) What do you mean by transpiration? 8. The diagram demonstrates the process of transpiration in a plant: (i) What does the arrow indicate? (ii) Give reason for your answer. (iii) How is transpiration different from evaporation? (iv) Give two beneficial effects of transpiration for the plants. (v) Which conducting tissue for the plant does the glass tubing represent xylem or phloem? 9. The diagram refers to an experiment in which the apparatus was set-up with the light source come away from the plant. After 15 minutes the number of bubbles evolved per minute from the cut slim was recorded. The light source was moved to 20 cm away from the plant, left for 15 minutes and the number of bubbles evolved per minute was again recorded. The experiment was again recorded. The experiment was repeated with the light source at distance of 40,60,80 and 100 cm away from the plant. The results obtained were recorded on the graph. Select the correct answer out of the available choices given under each question: ... 6 ... (a) From the graph it seems that the rate of bubbling per minute at 50 cm I would have been: (i) 2.0 (ii) 2.5 (iii) 3.0 (iv) 3.5 (v) 4.0 (b) The gas produced by the plant during the experiment was: (i) Air (ii) Oxygen (iii) Carbon dioxide (iv) Nitrogen (v) Hydrogen (c) The gas collected comes due to the breakdown of: (i) Glucose (ii) Starch (iii) Water (iv) Air (v) ATP (d) If ice cubes were added to the water the rate of bubble formation would: (i) Stay the same. (ii) Increase because more water is added. (iii) Decrease because the temperature drops. (iv) Decrease because water freezes. (v) Cannot tell from the information given. (e) If some sodium bicarbonate is added to the water the rate of bubble formation: (i) Increases because more respiration occurs. (ii) Increases because more photosynthesis occurs. (iii) Increases because the gas becomes less soluble. (iv) Decreases because carbon dioxide acts as a limiting factor. (v) Decreases because respiration decreases. 10. The diagram is set-up to demonstrate an experiment : ... 7 ... Pond weed was placed in five water filled tubes. The experiment was set-up as shown in the diagram. The tubes were then left for 24 hours. Write the correct answer out of the five available choices given under each question: (a) In which tube would you expect the greatest increase in dry weight of the pond weed? (i) 1 (ii) 2 (iii) 3 (iv) 4 (v) 5 (b) In which tube would you expect to find the plant with the least amount of starch? (i) 1 (ii) 2 (iii) 3 (iv) 4 (v) 5 (c) The tube in which most oxygen would be found is: (i) 1 (ii) 2 (iii) 3 (iv) 4 (v) 5 (d) The tube in which least carbon dioxide would be found is: (i) 1 (ii) 2 (iii) 3 (iv) 4 (v) 5 (e) The tube in which the plant would survive for the shortest length of time is: (i) 1 (ii) 2 (iii) 3 (iv) 4 (v) 5 11. The figure represents the vertical section of a leaf: (i) Name the parts 1 to 5. (ii) How many veins have been shown in the section? (iii) State the functions of part 4 and 5. ... 8 ... 12. Given diagram is a schematic representation of the circulatory system in man. Study the same and answer the questions that follow: (i) Label the parts I to 4 indicated in the diagram. (ii) Give one difference between the parts 1 and 2 based on: (1) their structure (2) the nature of blood flowing through them. (iii) What is the specific name of the type of blood circulation that takes plan between the heart and the lungs ? (iv) Name the valve found at the begining of the part labelled 3. 13 Following is the diagram to show the physiology of blood clotting : (i) Fill in the blanks I, II and III with suitable terms. (ii) What happens if the body of a person loses the power of clotting ? (iii) What do you understand by blood transfusion? 14. Given below is the diagram to show the movement of blood in the vein towards the heart: ... 9 ... (i) Label the parts 1-4. (ii) How does the structure labelled 4 differ from artery in its location? (iii) Name the various layers present in the walls of arteries and veins. 15. In a certain species of animals, black fur (B) is dominat over brown fur (b). Predict the genotype of the offspring when both parents are Bb or have heterozygous black fur. B = Represent black fur b = Brown fur B > b Bb = Heterozygous black fur 16. The figure shows sex dtermination in humans : (i) What are the right substitutes for the figures 1 to 6? (ii) What is the sex of individuals represented by the figures 3, 4, 5 and 6? (iii) Who is responsible for the sex of offspring, male or female? Why? ... 10 ... 17. Given below is the figure of in the uterus. 1 5 6 2 3 4 (i) Label the parts marked 1 to 6 (ii) What is the function of the part marked S ? (iii) Name any two substances transported by the part labelled 2 to the foetus. (iv Name a hormone produced by the part labelled 1 . 18. Given below is an diagram of eye and formation of image of an object inside the eye. Study name the and then answer the questions that follow: 1 2 5 4 3 (i) Label the parts marked 1 5 (ii) Write the place where image of the object is being formed and why? (iii) Name the defect of eye drawn here. (iv) How can this defect be corrected? 19. Given below is the diagram of an experimental set-up to study the process of osmosis in plants. Study the same and then answer the question that follows: (i) Name the process. (ii) Where does this process occur in plants? Elastic based (iii) What solution is placed inside the dialysis tubing? (iv) What happens to the level of solution in Water the capillary tube? 5 mm (v) Define the process mentioned in above. daliysis tubing ... 11 ... 20. The following diagram represents the liver of a mammal and its blood supply. A Liver Small inesine CB D E (i) Name the blood vessels A, B, C, D and E. (ii) About two hours after a meal which blood vessel would be loaded with food material in solution? (iii) Which vessels supplies oxygenated blood to the liver? (iv) From the diagram have do you know that vessel E is an artery? 21. A diagram is given of a certain stage in cell division in a cell with four chromosomes. Study the same and answer the questions that follows: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) Name Name Name Name the the the the parts of the chromosomes labelled A and B. structure C. What is its functions? types of division. Give a reason. stage before and the stage after shown in the diagram. 22. The diagram below shows some capillaries in close contact with a group of cells. (i) Name the blood vessel X and Y (ii) State the changes taking place in the blood as it passes from X to Y through a group of cells. (iii) Name the liquid present between the cells and the capillaries. (iv) State one structural difference between X and Y . ... 12 ... Q.3. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Answer the following questions : What is census? What are IUDs ? How are test tube babies formed? Account for the following: Twins may or may not be identical. Insulin is injected into the body of a highly diabetic patient and is not given orally. Explain. 6. What are antagonistic hormones? 7. What is the cause of developing facial hair in some women? 8. Give biological reasons : People living in hilly regions usually suffer from simple goitre. 9. Explain briefly : 1. Old persons are unable to perceive taste easily. 2. While reading a line from a printed page you have to move your eyes from word to word. 3. The outer portion of the brain appears gray while the inner portion white. 4. The brain is ordinarily free from shock. 5. Injury to medulla oblongata results in sudden death. 6. Brain and spinal cord are considered as the central nervous system. 10. Where is heart located? 11. Explain the following: 1. Weeds can be killed by adding salt to it. 2. The raisins swell up when kept in water. 3. Grapes shrink when kept in sugar solution. 4. Pickles can be preserved by adding salt to it. 12. The sex of the child depends upon its father. Explain. All the Best

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