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ICSE Class X Prelims 2025 : History and Civics (The New Cambridge English School ICSE, RPC Layout, Vijayanagar, Bangalore)

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Rithik Gowda
The New Cambridge English School ICSE, RPC Layout, Vijayanagar, Bangalore
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THE NEW CAMBRIDGE ENGLISH SCHOOL [ICSE], R.P.C.LAYOUT, BANGALORE Affiliated to the Council of Indian School Certificate Examinations II PREPARATORY EXAMINATION DECEMBER 2024 Class: X SUBJECT: BIOLOGY (Science Paper 3) ANSWER KEY Marks: 80 Time: 2hrs Instructions: Answer to this paper must be written on the paper provided separately. You will not be allowed to write during the 15 minutes. This time is to be spent in reading the question paper. The time given at the head of this paper is the time allowed for writing the answers. Attempt all the questions from Section A and any four questions from Section B The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given. SECTION A [Attempt all the questions from this section] Question 1 Choose the correct answers to the questions from the given options: [15] [Do not copy the question, write the correct option and answer only] (i) After mitotic cell division, a female human cell will have (a) 44 + XX chromosome (b) 44 + XY chromosome (c) 22 + X chromosome (d) 22 + Y chromosome (ii) A plant is kept in a dark cupboard for about 48 hours before conducting any experiment on photosynthesis to (a) Remove starch from the leaf to storage organs (b) Ensure that starch is not translocated from the leaves (c) Remove all living components from the leaf to the plant (d) Ensure synthesis of starch in leaf (iii) The medulla of the kidney has striped appearance due to the presence of (P) and (Q) . (a) P PCT Q- DCT (b) P PCT Q Bowman s capsule (c) P- Bowman s capsule Q - DCT (d) P Henle s loop Q Collecting duct 1 (iv) Assertion (A): Transpiration is higher during the night than during the day. Reason (R): Stomata are usually closed at night to conserve water. (a) (b) (c) (d) Both (A) and (R) are True Both (A) and (R) are False (A) is True but (R) is False (A) is false and (R) is true (v) During a biology lecture on cell cycle that encompasses a series of distinct events taking place within a cell, the teacher asked the students to name the phase during which synthesis of RNA and proteins occur Poonam said: GAP 1 phase Raj said: Synthesis phase Nia said: GAP 2 phase Who were correct? (a) Only Poonam (b) Poonam and Nia (c) Only Nia (d) Poonam and Raj (vi) The corpus luteum plays a crucial role in pregnancy by producing progesterone which is essential for maintaining the uterine lining and supporting the early stages of pregnancy. What happens to the corpus luteum if the pregnancy does not occur? (a) It starts producing lysozymes (b) It undergoes regression (c) It binds to the uterine membrane (d) It starts releasing oxytocin (vii) Tara and Tom are expecting their first child. Tara s father is unaffected by haemophilia, a genetic disorder that affects blood clotting but her mother is a carrier of the disorder. Tom has no family history of haemophilia but Tara is a carrier of the disease. What is the likelihood that Tara and Tom s child will have haemophilia? (a) 0% (b) 25% (c) 50% (d) 75% 2 (viii) Assertion (A): RBC s are biconcave in shape. Reason (R): The biconcave shape of RBC s increases their surface area for oxygen exchange. (a) (b) (c) (d) Both (A) are (R) are True Both (A) are (R) are False (A) is True but (R) is False (A) is false and (R) is true (ix) Assertion (A): Fertilization in humans occurs in the uterus. Reason (R): The uterus provides a suitable environment for the development of the fertilized egg. (a) Both (A) and (R) are True (b) Both (A) and (R) are False (c) (A) is True but (R) is False (d) (A) is false and (R) is true (x) First heart sound is heard as (a) LUBB at the end of ventricular systole (b) DUBB at the end of ventricular systole (c) LUBB at the beginning of ventricular systole (d) DUBB at the beginning of ventricular systole (xi) Assertion (A): The presence of vestigial structures in humans supports the theory of evolution. Reason (R): Vestigial structures are remnants of organs that had a function in ancestors. (a) Both (A) and (R) are True (b) Both (A) and (R) are False (c) (A) is True but (R) is False (d) (A) is false and (R) is true (xii) Meena went on a vacation to the sea coast and caught a fish. She kept the fish in a bowl filled with sea water. Upon returning home, she replaced the water in the bowl with tap water. To her surprise and disappointment, the fish died. The possible reason could be (a) Diffusion (c) Endosmosis (b) Plasmolysis (d) Exosmosis 3 (xiii) Blood leaving the liver and moving to the heart will have more concentration of (a) Bile (b) Oxygen (c) Glycogen (d) Urea (xiv) A normal human cell has 23 pairs of chromosomes, of which two chromosomes are sex chromosomes. Which of these cells will have sex chromosomes? P: a muscle cell Q: a cell from the testis R: a cell from the ovary (a) Only P (b) Only Q (c) Only Q and R (d) All- P, Q and R (xv) Heena was describing the characteristics of human ancestors. She tabulated them as follows: Human ancestors P Q Characteristics Perfect bipedalism. Range of cranial capacity is 450 to 600 cm3 (a) (b) Identify the correct option representing P and Q. (a) P Cromagnon, Q Australopithecus (b) P Homo habilis, Q Cromagnon (c) P Australopithecus, Q Homo erectus (d) P Homo erectus, Q Homo habilis Question 2 (i) Name the following: [5] (a) A special apparatus in which if a plant is rotated neutralizes the effect of gravity - Clinostat (b) Loss of water in the form of water droplets from the margins of leaves - Guttation (c) Cessation of menstruation in females - Menopause (d) The statistical study of the human population of a regionDemography (e) A constituent that causes pollution- Pollutant 4 (ii) Given below is the transverse of adrenal gland. Read the information below the diagram and fill in the blanks:[5] Adrenal gland also known as suprarenal glands are small, triangularshaped glands located on top of both kidneys. Adrenal glands produce hormones that help regulate our metabolism, immune system, blood pressure and response to stress. The outer region is called (a) and also the largest part of adrenal gland. The inner medulla secretes a hormone called (b) which prepares the body for any emergency situation for (c) . Adrenal glands produce hormones in response to signals from the (d) gland in the brain, which reacts to signalling from the (e) , also located in the brain. (a) Adrenal cortex (b) Adrenaline (c) Fight or Flight (d) Pituitary (e) Hypothalamus (iii) Arrange and rewrite the terms in each group in the correct order so as to be in a logical sequence beginning with the terms that is underlined: [5] (a) Afferent arteriole, Renal vein, Renal artery, Glomerulus, Efferent arteriole A. Renal artery, Afferent arteriole, Glomerulus, Efferent arteriole, Renal vein (b) Implantation, Ovulation, Childbirth, Gestation, Fertilization A. Ovulation, Fertilization, Implantation, Gestation, Child birth (c) Artery, Capillaries, Venule, Vein, Arteriole A. Artery, Arteriole, Capillaries, Venule, Vein (d) Australopithecus, Homo sapiens, Cro-Magnon man, Neanderthal man, Homo erectus A. Australopithecus, Homo erectus, Neanderthal man, Cro-Magnon man, Homo sapiens (e) Focusing of light on retina, Interpretation by brain, Formation of inverted real image, Entry of light rays, Transmission of nerve impulse from retina A. Entry of light rays, Focusing of light on retina, Formation of inverted real image, Transmission of nerve impulse from retina, Interpretation by brain 5 (iv) Given below is the cross section of the human ear. Match the structures marked (a) to (e) with their correct functions: Eg: (f) Guards the opening of the urethra. Urinary System in Man 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) [5] Functions Store urine temporarily. Osmoregulation. Carries urine from urinary bladder to outside of the body. Guards the opening of the urethra. Carries urine from kidney to urinary bladder. Carries oxygenated blood from the aorta to the kidneys. Osmoregulation. Carries urine from kidney to urinary bladder. Store urine temporarily. Carries oxygenated blood from the aorta to the kidneys. Carries urine from urinary bladder to outside of the body. (v) Read the explanations given below and name the structure: [5] (a) The individual flattened stacks of membranous structures inside the chloroplasts -Thylakoids/Granum (b) The blood vessel which has maximum amount of glucose -Hepatic portal vein (c) Knot-like mass of blood capillaries inside the Bowman s capsule - Glomerulus (d) The structure which connects the placenta and the foetus - Umbilical cord (e) The biological term of the bones in the middle ear- Ear ossicles SECTION B [Attempt any four questions from this section] Question 3 (i) Define natality. [1] A. Natality- Number of live births per 1000 people per year. (ii) Give reasons for the following: [2] (a) Foetus can only respire but cannot breathe. A. Foetus is completely dependent on placenta for the diffusion of Respiratory gases from mother hence only the cells undergo respiration but lungs of the foetus does not function. 6 (b) In summer urine is slightly thicker than in winter. A. We urinate fewer times in summer than in winter and urine passed is generally thicker because in summer we lose a considerable part of water through perspiration and the kidneys have to reabsorb more water from the urine making it more concentrated. (iii) Kala has green eyes while her parents and brother have black eyes. Kala s husband Ravi has black eyes while his mother has green eyes and father has black eyes. (Black eyes are dominant) (a) What is the possible genetic makeup of Kala s brother s eye colour? A. BB or Bb (b) State the probability of the offspring of Kala and Ravi that will have green eyes with the help of a Punnett square. A. 50% of the offsprings have green eyes. [2] (iv) Study the given diagram carefully and then answer the questions that follow: [2] (a) Identify the phase and give a reason for your choice. A. Prophase. Nucleolus and nuclear membrane are disappearing. Centriole divides and moves to the opposite poles. Spindle fibres are formed. Chromatin fibres condense to form chromosomes. (b) Draw a neat labelled diagram to represent the stage that follows the given diagram. 7 (v) The given diagram represents a male reproductive system. Study the diagram and answer the questions that follow: [3] (a) State the location of part 1. A. Tubular knot fitting like a cap on the upper pole of testis and continued by the side of the testis up to its back from where sperm duct arises. (b) Write the function of part 5. A. Production of sperms (spermatogenesis). (c) Why the testes are placed outside the abdominal region? A. Testes are present outside the body in scrotal sacs in order to escape from the body heat as a temperature of 2 -3 less than the body temperature is required for the production of sperms. Question 4 (i) What is thrombosis? [1] A. Thrombosis is the formation of blood clot inside the blood vessel obstructing the flow of blood in the circulatory system. (ii) What is urine? Mention the steps in the formation of urine. [2] A. The filtrate left behind after reabsorption and tubular secretion is called urine. The three steps in the formation of urine are: (a) Ultrafiltration (b) Reabsorption (c) Tubular secretion (iii) List two main reasons for population explosion in the world. [2] A. Main reasons for rise in population in the world are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Better health care for all age groups. Fewer deaths. Food shortage minimized; hence fewer deaths due to starvation. Large scale immunization against fatal diseases. Improved nutrition due to education. 8 (iv) Differentiate between: [2] (a) Tubectomy and Vasectomy [Gender and the part ligated] A. Vasectomy- In males, Vas deferens or Sperm duct is ligated. Tubectomy-In females, Oviduct or Fallopian tube is ligated. (c) Sperm maturation and Sperm production [Site of occurrence] A. Sperm maturation Epididymis Sperm production- Seminiferous tubules/Testes (v) Draw a neat labelled diagram of Malpighian capsule. [3] A. Question 5 (i) Explain the term root pressure. [1] A. The pressure developed in the roots due to continued inward movement of water through cell-to-cell osmosis which helps in the ascent of sap upward through the stem. (ii) Draw a neat labelled diagram of an experimental setup to show that oxygen is released during photosynthesis. [2] 9 (iii) Expand the following: (a) ACTH- Adreno cortico tropic hormone (b) AVN- Atrio ventricular node [2] (iv) Given below are diagrams showing different stages in the process of fertilization of an ovum in the female reproductive tract: [2] (a) Use the alphabet given below each diagram to show the correct order in the process of fertilization. A. D,C,B,A (b) Where in the female reproductive system does the process normally take place? A. Fallopian tube/Oviducal funnel (v) A pea plant which is homozygous for Green pods which are inflated [GGII] is crossed with a homozygous plant for yellow pods which are constricted[ggii]. Answer the following questions: [3] (a) Write the phenotype of F1 generation when these plants were cross pollinated? A. Phenotype All peaplants have green pods which are inflated. (b) Mention the phenotype and phenotypic ratio of F2 generation. A. Phenotype9 pea plants have green pods which are inflated. 3 pea plants have green pods which are constricted. 3 pea plants have yellow pods which are constricted. 1 pea plant has yellow pods which are inflated. Phenotypic ratio- 9:3:3:1 (c) Name and explain the law induced by Mendel on the basis of above observation. A. Law of Independent Assortment: When there are two pairs of characters, the distribution of the alleles of one character into the gametes is independent of the distribution of the alleles of other character. 10 Question 6 (i) Define implantation. [1] A. The process of fixing of the embryo to the wall of the uterus. (ii) Give reasons for the following: [2] (a) The blood in the artery flows in spurts. A. The blood in the arteries flow in spurts corresponding to ventricular systole. Arteries have thick, elastic muscular walls with narrow lumen and hence blood flows with a great force. (b) Fraternal twins are not identical. A. In rare cases both the ovaries produce one ovum each in the same month and when both the ova are fertilized by two different sperms fraternal twins which are not identical are produced. (iii) Differentiate between the following as indicated in brackets: [2] (a) Leaf and Liver [Form in which glucose is stored] A. Leaf Starch Liver - Glycogen (b) Chordae tendinea and Ciliary muscles [Location] A. Chordae tendinea -Arising from the muscular projections of the ventricle wall known as papillary muscles and connected to the apices of flaps of tricuspid and bicuspid valves. Ciliary muscles - At the junction of the choroid and iris. (iv) State two objectives of Swachh Bharath Abhiyan. [2] A. To clean the streets, roads and infrastructure of the country s cities and towns. To eliminate open defecation through the construction of individual, cluster and community toilets. The goal is to make an ODF (open defecation free) Establish an accountable mechanism of monitoring latrine use. To achieve efficient solid and liquid waste management systems, 11 (v) The given diagram represents one of phase of the heart. Study the given diagram carefully and then answer the questions that follow: [3] (a) Identify the phase. Give a reason for your choice. A. Atrial diastole OR Ventricular Systole. Tricuspid and Bicuspid valves are closed. Pulmonary and Aortic semilunar valves are open. (b) State the location of part 2. A. Aorta- In between left ventricle and all the parts of the body. (c) Mention the structural difference between part 1 and part 3 with the help of neat labelled diagrams. Question 7 (i) Transpiration is more on a windy day. Give reasons. [1] A. On a windy day, the velocity of wind is more and the water vapour released by the leaves are removed faster and the leaves are not saturated with water. Thus, the rate of transpiration is more on a windy day. (ii) Anuj s father has been advised by a doctor to reduce his glucose intake; (a) Identify the disease he is suffering from and name the hormone whose deficiency causes it. A. Diabetes mellitus/Hyperglycemia. Insulin 12 (b) Explain how the time and amount of secretion of this hormone is regulated in human system. [2] A. As glucose level in blood rises after a meal, the beta cells of islets of Langerhans are stimulated to secrete insulin. As glucose level falls in blood, insulin secretion is reduced. (iii) State two functions of Auxins. [2] A. Promote cell elongation. Suppress the growth of lateral buds. Delay fall of leaves. Rooting in cut stems. Induces parthenocarpy. (iv) Explain the term gestation. What is the normal gestational period of the developing embryo? [2] A. The full term of the development of the embryo in the uterus is called gestation. 280 days. (v) Given below is a representation of a kind of representation of a kind of pollution. Study the same and answer the questions that follow: [3] List two sources of the pollution depicted alongside A. Industrial machines, Workshops, Trains, Automobiles, Jet aircrafts, Loud conversation, Radio and Television inside the house, Loud speakers and Music bands in public places etc. (b) Mention one harmful effect of this pollution on human health. A. Interferes in communication. Interrupts concentration of thought and disturbs peace of mind. Lowers efficiency of work. Disturbs sleep and leads to nervous irritability. Damages ear drum and prolonged noise can lead to deafness. Birds get disturbed by aircraft landing and taking off at airports. (c) State one measure to reduce this pollution. A. Prohibiting blowing of horns. Restriction on loud speakers, especially during night. Planting trees by the road side and keeping doors closed in houses. Not to burn fire crackers. 13 Question 8 (i) Define portal vein. [1] A. A portal vein is a vein which starts with capillaries and ends with capillaries. (ii) How are cytons and axons placed in the brain and spinal cord? [2] A. Spinal cord Outer cortex is made up of white matter due to the presence of axons of the neurons. Inner medulla is made up of grey matter due to the presence of cytons of neurons. Brain Outer cortex is made up of grey matter due to the presence of cytons of the neurons. Inner medulla is made up of white matter due to the presence of axons of neurons. (iii) Draw a neat labelled diagram of Membranous labyrinth. [2] (iv) Observe the diagram given below and answer the questions that follow: [2] (a) Identify the phenomenon. Which theory is explained by this phenomenon? A. Industrial melanism. (b) Explain what has caused the change from A to B. A. Natural selection acted through the agency of the birds and light coloured moth easily became the prey. So, the dark variety of moth survived better, left more offsprings and almost nearly replaced the light form. 14 (v) The figure given below is a diagrammatic representation of a part of the cross-section of the root. Study the same and answer the questions: that follow: [3] (a) A. (b) A. (c) A. Arrange with names the parts indicated as 1 to 5 in logical sequence. Soil water, Root hair, Epidermis, Cortical cells, Xylem. Name and Define the process responsible for the entry of water molecules from A1 and then to A2. Osmosis- The movement of water molecules from their region of higher concentration to their region of lower concentration through a semi permeable membrane. State and explain the pressure responsible for the movement of water in the direction indicated by arrows. Root pressure - The pressure developed in the roots due to continued inward movement of water through cell-to-cell osmosis which helps in the ascent of sap upward through the stem. ********************************************************************** 15

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