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ICSE Class X Board Specimen 2022 : Physical Education [Semester 1]

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ICSE SEMESTER 1 EXAMINATION SPECIMEN QUESTION PAPER PHYSICAL EDUCATION Maximum Marks: 50 Time allowed: One hour (inclusive of reading time) ALL QUESTIONS ARE COMPULSORY. The marks intended for questions are given in brackets [ ]. Select the correct option for each of the following questions. __________________________________________________________________________________ Question 1 Physical growth and development is called: 1. Readiness. 2. Maturation. 3. Heredity. 4. Mobility. [1] Question 2 [1] What is a Tennis elbow injury? 1. It is an inflammation of the tendon that joins the muscle of the forearm to the outside of the elbow. 2. It is a disorder involving the muscles, nerves, and bones of the back. 3. It is inflammation of the bursa at the part of the hip called the greater trochanter. 4. It is a traumatic injury to the brain that alters mental status. Question 3 [1] What does Mesomorph refer to? 1. They gain weight easily, lose weight slowly. 2. They gain and lose weight easily. 3. It is hard to gain weight. 4. It is difficult to gain muscles. 1 Question 4 Which physical fitness test is used to assess cardiovascular endurance? 1. Push- ups test. 2. Sit and reach test. 3. Sit-ups test. 4. Cooper run test. [1] Question 5 To prevent an injury, one should always: [1] 1. Warm up properly. 2. Have appropriate fitness levels before playing. 3. Wear the appropriate equipment. 4. All of the above. Question 6 The ability to maintain equilibrium when stationary or moving: 1. Accuracy. 2. Flexibility. 3. Balance. 4. Agility. [1] Question 7 The influence of peer group is more in: 1. Adulthood Stage. 2. Adolescence Stage. 3. Infancy Stage. 4. Childhood Stage. [1] 2 Question 8 It is the ability to use the senses together with body parts during movement: 1. Power. 2. Agility. 3. Speed. 4. Coordination. [1] Question 9 The systematic planning of athletic or physical training is called: 1. Periodization. 2. Specificity. 3. Frequency. 4. Variance. [1] Question 10 Factors that influence human growth and development are: 1. Heredity. 2. Environment. 3. Gender. 4. All of the above. [1] Question 11 What is the most common symptom of an ACL injury? 1. Pain, swelling along the inner part of the leg. 2. A loud pop or a popping sensation in the knee with severe pain. 3. Pain on the bottom of the foot near the heel. 4. Tenderness when you touch the ankle. Instability in the ankle. 3 [1] Question 12. Which of the following statements is correct? [1] 1. Language acquisition is faster in girls in their teens. 2. Skills like catching, jumping, throwing are slower in boys. 3. Girls don t grow taller. 4. Gender does not influence growth and development. Question 13. __________ is essential for the healthy development of the child. 1. Proper nutrition. 2. Recreation. 3. Fibrous food. 4. Exertion [1] Question 14. Which among the following are the objectives of physical education? 1. Physical development and psychological development. 2. Social development, emotional development. 3. Neuro-muscular development, mental development. 4. All of the above. [1] Question 15. If someone has a broken bone, which of the following statements is true? 1. If we do not support the limb, it may cause further injury and pain. 2. If we do not support the limb, the person will be able to move the limb more easily and reduce the pain. 3. If we do not support the limb, it doesn t matter. 4. None of the above. 4 [1] Question 16. Which is not the psychological development objective of physical education? 1. To develop self-confidence and self-esteem. 2. To develop the ability to use one s body to express one s ideas, attitudes and [1] emotions. 3. To develop the ability to plan, implement and evaluate decisions. 4. To develop alertness of mind, deep concentration through various physical activities. Question 17. The best way to prevent sports injuries is: 1. Stay calm. 2. Good warming up and stretching. 3. Not to do too much effort. 4. Not to play at all. [1] Question 18. The risk for shin splint injury is more if you: 1. Cycle for a longer duration. 2. Have flat feet or very rigid foot arches. 3. Swim a lot. 4. Have a collision in football. [1] Question 19. The process by which a child learns to interact with others around them is called: 1. Physical development. 2. Psychological development. 3. Emotional development. 4. Social development. 5 [1] Question 20. Which of the following is the Psychological Development objective of Physical [1] Education? 1. To develop organ systems such as the muscular system, digestive system properly. 2. To develop understanding and appreciation of the culture which is worldwide. 3. To develop the ability to deal with success and failure with equanimity. 4. To develop alertness of mind, deep concentration through various physical activities. Question 21. The physical makeup of a person's body is called their __________. 1. Size. 2. Height. 3. Shape. 4. Body type. [1] Question 22. What does the principle of variance suggest? [1] 1. Major changes in training helps in sports performance. 2. Minor changes in training helps in sports performance. 3. No changes in training helps in sports performance. 4. None of the above. Question 23. Mesomorph tends to have metabolism. 1. Slow metabolism. 2. Average to Fast metabolism. 3. Medium metabolism. 4. High metabolism. 6 [1] Question 24. Which of the following statement is true with respect to Growth: 1. It stops when maturity has been attained. 2. Is continuous throughout life. 3. Is a progressive series of changes. 4. Cannot be measured. [1] Question 25. What physical traits are associated with an Ectomorph? 1. Broad Shoulders. 2. Thin Build. 3. Large Frame. 4. Small Feet. [1] Question 26. What is physical fitness? [1] 1. Any physical activities that improve your ability to complete tasks. 2. The ability to do everyday tasks without getting tired. 3. The way your body adapts to the stress of exercise. 4. All of the above. Question 27. Which of the following is most likely to increase the risk of leg and foot fracture: 1. Gradual increase in intensity of training. 2. Warm up and cool down. 3. Stretching the leg muscle. 4. High arches and low flexibility of the lower body. 7 [1] Question 28. The progressive series of changes that occur in an orderly predictable pattern as a [1] result of maturation and experience is called: 1. Development. 2. Growth. 3. Both. 4. None. Question 29. How does a MCL injury occur? [1] 1. Falling on the outside of the hip or banging the hip on any hard surface. 2. Putting strain on calf muscle during repeated exercise or physical activity. 3. Car accident. 4. Improper landing after a jump. Question 30. The ability of your joints to move through a full range of motion is called: 1. Agility. 2. Co-ordination. 3. Flexibility. 4. Speed. [1] Question 31. What is the name of the fitness test for power? 1. 100 m run. 2. Standing broad jump. 3. Cooper Run test. 4. Zig zag test. 8 [1] Question 32. What is an ACL injury? [1] 1. It is a pain along the inside edge of the shin bone. 2. It is a tear or sprain of the anterior cruciate ligament. 3. It is the inflammation of the plantar fascia ligament. 4. It is a tear or sprain of the Medial Collateral ligament. Question 33. The years between the onset of puberty and beginning of adulthood is the stage of: 1. Adolescence. 2. Childhood. 3. Adulthood. 4. Infancy. [1] Question 34. Being able to change direction quickly in a game of basketball is a good example of [1] which skill related component? 1. Speed. 2. Coordination. 3. Agility. 4. Power. Question 35. The power of memory, thinking and decision making gets increased in which stage of Growth and Development? 1. Childhood stage. 2. Infancy. 3. Adulthood. 4. Adolescence. 9 [1] Question 36 Which somatotypes are at a greater risk of becoming obese? 1. Endomorph. 2. Mesomorph. 3. Ectomorph. 4. Athletic. [1] Question 37 According to the Principle of Continuity, training program should be: 1. Regular. 2. Irregular. 3. Once a week. 4. Once a month. [1] Question 38. The stage from the age of 19-65 years is called: 1. Childhood Stage. 2. Infancy Stage. 3. Adolescence Stage. 4. Adulthood Stage. [1] Question 39 What is a muscle strain? 1. [1] It is an inflammation of the tendon that joins the muscle of the forearm to the outside of the elbow. 2. It is an injury of muscles caused by the overstress or overstretch of muscles or due to violent pull. 3. It is a tear or sprain of the anterior cruciate ligament. 4. It is an inflammation of the bursa. 10 Question 40 The mnemonic RICE stands for: [1] 1. Rest, Innervate, Compression, Elevation. 2. Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation. 3. Rest, Ice, Contusion, Elevation. 4. Rest, Ice Contraction, Elevation. Question 41 The ability to move from one point to another in the shortest period of time: 1. Power. 2. Agility. 3. Speed. 4. Balance. [1] Question 42 The transmission of traits from parents to off-springs is called: 1. Environment. 2. Genes. 3. Heredity. 4. Biology. [1] Question 43 The ability of the muscle to exert maximum force is: 1. Muscular endurance. 2. Flexibility. 3. Agility. 4. Muscular strength. 11 [1] Question 44 Which of the following is NOT the objective of physical education? 1. Physical development. 2. Psychological development. 3. Neuro-muscular development. 4. Sedentary lifestyle. [1] Question 45 A stress fracture is a: [1] 1. It is a fatigue induced a tiny crack or a small sliver in a bone. 2. It occurs when the ligaments that support the ankle are stretched. 3. It is a traumatic injury to the brain that alters mental status. 4. It is the inflammation of the plantar fascia ligament. Question 46 What is cardiovascular endurance? [1] 1. It is the ability of a muscle or group of muscles to sustain repeated contractions. 2. It is the ability of the heart and lungs to supply oxygen-rich blood to the working muscle tissues. 3. It is the ability of muscles to overcome resistance and produce force. 4. It is the range of motion in a joint or group of joints or the ability to move joints effectively through a complete range of motion. Question 47 Following is the objective of psychological development in physical education: 1. To guide a person to make his body strong, well-shaped and good looking. 2. To develop positive thoughts, ideas, behaviour, attitude, conduct and responses. 3. To develop the ability to respect the attitudes and values of others. 4. To develop the ability to control various emotions like fear, pleasure, hope, anger. 12 [1] Question 48 In which part of the body can you suffer a Concussion : 1. Leg. 2. Elbow. 3. Head. 4. Knee. [1] Question 49 The cool-down period is designed to: [1] 1. Help reduce muscle stiffness and soreness. 2. Lower body temperature. 3. Redistribute pooled blood after exercise. 4. All of the above. Question 50 In which stage the physical growth is rapid? 1. Early childhood. 2. Adolescence. 3. Old age. 4. Infancy. [1] 13

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