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New York Regents ELA (Common Core) January 2015

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REGENTS IN ELA (Common Core) The University of the State of New York REGENTS HIGH SCHOOL EXAMINATION REGENTS EXAMINATION IN ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS (Common Core) Monday, January 26, 2015 9:15 a.m. to 12:15 p.m., only The possession or use of any communications device is strictly prohibited when taking this examination. If you have or use any communications device, no matter how briefly, your examination will be invalidated and no score will be calculated for you. A separate answer sheet has been provided for you. Follow the instructions for completing the student information on your answer sheet. You must also fill in the heading on each page of your essay booklet that has a space for it, and write your name at the top of each sheet of scrap paper. The examination has three parts. For Part 1, you are to read the texts and answer all 24 multiple-choice questions. For Part 2, you are to read the texts and write one source-based argument. For Part 3, you are to read the text and write a text-analysis response. The source-based argument and text-analysis response should be written in pen. Keep in mind that the language and perspectives in a text may reflect the historical and/or cultural context of the time or place in which it was written. When you have completed the examination, you must sign the statement printed at the bottom of the front of the answer sheet, indicating that you had no unlawful knowledge of the questions or answers prior to the examination and that you have neither given nor received assistance in answering any of the questions during the examination. Your answer sheet cannot be accepted if you fail to sign this declaration. DO NOT OPEN THIS EXAMINATION BOOKLET UNTIL THE SIGNAL IS GIVEN. REGENTS IN ELA (Common Core) Part 1 Directions (1 24): Closely read each of the three passages below. After each passage, there are several multiplechoice questions. Select the best suggested answer to each question and record your answer on the separate answer sheet provided for you. You may use the margins to take notes as you read. Reading Comprehension Passage A 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Nine years ago Pyotr Sergeyitch, the deputy prosecutor, and I were riding towards evening in haymaking time to fetch the letters from the station. The weather was magnificent, but on our way back we heard a peal of thunder, and saw an angry black storm-cloud which was coming straight towards us. The storm-cloud was approaching us and we were approaching it. Then the first wave raced through the rye and a field of oats, there was a gust of wind, and the dust flew round and round in the air. Pyotr Sergeyitch laughed and spurred on his horse. It s fine! he cried, it s splendid! Infected by his gaiety, I too began laughing at the thought that in a minute I should be drenched to the skin and might be struck by lightning. Riding swiftly in a hurricane when one is breathless with the wind, and feels like a bird, thrills one and puts one s heart in a flutter. By the time we rode into our courtyard the wind had gone down, and big drops of rain were pattering on the grass and on the roofs. There was not a soul near the stable. What a crash! said Pyotr Sergeyitch, coming up to me after a very loud rolling peal of thunder when it seemed as though the sky were split in two. What do you say to that? He stood beside me in the doorway and, still breathless from his rapid ride, looked at me. I could see that he was admiring me. Natalya Vladimirovna, he said, I would give anything only to stay here a little longer and look at you. You are lovely to-day. His eyes looked at me with delight and supplication,1 his face was pale. On his beard and moustache were glittering raindrops, and they, too, seemed to be looking at me with love. I love you, he said. I love you, and I am happy at seeing you. I know you cannot be my wife, but I want nothing, I ask nothing; only know that I love you. Be silent, do not answer me, take no notice of it, but only know that you are dear to me and let me look at you. You say nothing, and that is splendid, said Pyotr Sergeyitch. Go on being silent. I felt happy. I laughed with delight and ran through the drenching rain to the house; he laughed too, and, leaping as he went, ran after me. Both drenched, panting, noisily clattering up the stairs like children, we dashed into the room. My father and brother, who were not used to seeing me laughing and lighthearted, looked at me in surprise and began laughing too. When I went to bed I lighted a candle and threw my window wide open, and an undefined feeling took possession of my soul. I remembered that I was free and healthy, that I had rank and wealth, that I was beloved; above all, that I had rank and wealth, rank and wealth, my God! how nice that was! Then, huddling up in bed at a touch of cold which reached me from the garden with the dew, I tried to discover whether I loved Pyotr Sergeyitch or not, and fell asleep unable to reach any conclusion. 1 supplication a humble plea Regents Exam in ELA (Common Core) Jan. 15 [2] 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 And what happened afterwards? Why nothing. In the winter when we lived in town Pyotr Sergeyitch came to see us from time to time. Country acquaintances are charming only in the country and in summer; in the town and in winter they lose their charm. When you pour out tea for them in the town it seems as though they are wearing other people s coats, and as though they stirred their tea too long. In the town, too, Pyotr Sergeyitch spoke sometimes of love, but the effect was not at all the same as in the country. In the town we were more vividly conscious of the wall that stood between us: I had rank and wealth, while he was poor, and he was not even a nobleman, but only the son of a deacon and a deputy public prosecutor; we both of us I through my youth and he for some unknown reason thought of that wall as very high and thick, and when he was with us in the town he would criticize aristocratic society with a forced smile, and maintain a sullen silence when there was anyone else in the drawing-room. There is no wall that cannot be broken through, but the heroes of the modern romance, so far as I know them, are too timid, spiritless, lazy, and oversensitive, and are too ready to resign themselves to the thought that they are doomed to failure, that personal life has disappointed them; instead of struggling they merely criticize, calling the world vulgar and forgetting that their criticism passes little by little into vulgarity. I was loved, happiness was not far away, and seemed to be almost touching me; I went on living in careless ease without trying to understand myself, not knowing what I expected or what I wanted from life, and time went on and on. People passed by me with their love, bright days and warm nights flashed by, the nightingales sang, the hay smelt fragrant, and all this, sweet and overwhelming in remembrance, passed with me as with everyone rapidly, leaving no trace, was not prized, and vanished like mist. Where is it all? My father is dead, I have grown older; everything that delighted me, caressed me, gave me hope the patter of the rain, the rolling of the thunder, thoughts of happiness, talk of love all that has become nothing but a memory, and I see before me a flat desert distance; on the plain not one living soul, and out there on the horizon it is dark and terrible. A ring at the bell. It is Pyotr Sergeyitch. When in the winter I see the trees and remember how green they were for me in the summer I whisper: Oh, my darlings! And when I see people with whom I spent my spring-time, I feel sorrowful and warm and whisper the same thing. Not knowing what to say I ask him: Well, what have you to tell me? Nothing, he answers. I thought of the past, and all at once my shoulders began quivering, my head dropped, and I began weeping bitterly. I felt unbearably sorry for myself and for this man, and passionately longed for what had passed away and what life refused us now. And now I did not think about rank and wealth. I broke into loud sobs, pressing my temples, and muttered: My God! my God! my life is wasted! And he sat and was silent, and did not say to me: Don t weep. He understood that I must weep, and that the time for this had come. Anton Chekhov excerpted from A Lady s Story The Schoolmistress and Other Stories, 1920 translated by Constance Garnett Chatto & Windus Regents Exam in ELA (Common Core) Jan. 15 [3] [OVER] 6 In line 65, the phrase flat desert distance is used by the narrator to describe her (1) physical location (3) foreseeable future (2) social mobility (4) unfeeling nature 1 The primary function of lines 1 and 2 is to (1) establish a setting of the story (2) present the central idea of the story (3) provide analysis of new characters (4) create a mysterious atmosphere 7 Why does Natalya not think about rank and wealth in line 78? (1) She has lost her father. (2) She has wasted her inheritance. (3) She has followed her conviction. (4) She has realized her mistake. 2 Pyotr s reaction to the storm in lines 7 and 8 reflects his (1) calm manner (3) excessive pride (2) unworthy character (4) carefree attitude 3 What is revealed about the narrator in lines 32 and 33? (1) She rarely reveals her intelligence. (2) She is usually a very serious person. (3) She does not want to alarm her father. (4) She is unwilling to act like an adult. 8 Lines 81 and 82 develop a central idea by depicting a (1) sense of loss (2) lack of comfort (3) desire for memories (4) longing for attention 4 The reference to Pyotr s forced smile and sullen silence in line 50 reveals his (1) contempt for status (2) indifference to wealth (3) fear of commitment (4) lack of confidence 9 The author structures the text around references to (1) similar locations (2) changing seasons (3) family interactions (4) societal interferences 5 Lines 59 through 62 contribute to a central idea in the text by depicting the (1) passing of youth (2) uncertainty of love (3) futility of hope (4) intolerance of society Regents Exam in ELA (Common Core) Jan. 15 [4] Reading Comprehension Passage B ON LIVING I 5 10 15 20 Living is no laughing matter: you must live with great seriousness like a squirrel, for example I mean, without looking for something beyond and above living, I mean living must be your whole life. Living is no laughing matter: you must take it seriously, so much so and to such a degree that, for example, your hands tied behind your back, your back to the wall, or else in a laboratory in your white coat and safety glasses, you can die for people even for people whose faces you ve never seen, even though you know living is the most real, the most beautiful thing. I mean, you must take living so seriously that even at seventy, for example, you ll plant olive trees and not for your children, either, but because although you fear death you don t believe it, because living, I mean, weighs heavier. II 25 30 35 40 Let s say we re seriously ill, need surgery which is to say we might not get up from the white table. Even though it s impossible not to feel sad about going a little too soon, we ll still laugh at the jokes being told, we ll look out the window to see it s raining, or still wait anxiously for the latest newscast Let s say we re at the front for something worth fighting for, say. There, in the first offensive, on that very day, we might fall on our face, dead. We ll know this with a curious anger, but we ll still worry ourselves to death about the outcome of war, which could last years. Let s say we re in prison and close to fifty, and we have eighteen more years, say, before the iron doors will open. GO RIGHT ON TO THE NEXT PAGE Regents Exam in ELA (Common Core) Jan. 15 [5] [OVER] 45 We ll still live with the outside, with its people and animals, struggle and wind I mean with the outside beyond the walls. I mean, however and wherever we are, we must live as if we will never die. III 50 55 60 This earth will grow cold, a star among stars and one of the smallest, a gilded mote on blue velvet I mean this, our great earth. This earth will grow cold one day, not like a block of ice or a dead cloud even but like an empty walnut it will roll along in pitch-black space You must grieve for this right now you have to feel this sorrow now for the world must be loved this much if you re going to say I lived Nazim Hikmet Poems of Nazim Hikmet, 1994 translated by Randy Blasing and Mutlu Konuk Persea Books 10 The narrator s purpose in the first stanza is to (1) explain the importance of science (2) determine the reason people die (3) propose an attitude toward life (4) encourage an appreciation of nature 13 As used in line 50, the word mote is closest in meaning to a (1) globe (3) speck (2) vision (4) planet 14 Which lines best reflect a central theme in the text? (1) I mean living must be your whole life. / Living is no laughing matter: (lines 5 and 6) (2) you can die for people / even for people whose faces you ve never seen, (lines 13 and 14) (3) Let s say we re at the front / for something worth fighting for, say. (lines 31 and 32) (4) This earth will grow cold, / a star among stars (lines 47 and 48) 11 The words weighs heavier (line 21) imply that (1) aging is a challenge (2) family is a burden (3) the future is impossible to predict (4) life is a greater responsibility than death 12 Lines 38 through 46 illustrate the narrator s belief that prison (1) prevents the full understanding of life (2) confines the body but should not confine the spirit (3) demands many years but should not lead to death (4) leads to the acceptance of death Regents Exam in ELA (Common Core) Jan. 15 [6] Reading Comprehension Passage C 5 10 15 A few years ago the City Council of Monza, Italy, barred pet owners from keeping goldfish in curved fishbowls. The sponsors of the measure explained that it is cruel to keep a fish in a bowl because the curved sides give the fish a distorted view of reality. Aside from the measure s significance to the poor goldfish, the story raises an interesting philosophical question: How do we know that the reality we perceive is true? The goldfish is seeing a version of reality that is different from ours, but can we be sure it is any less real? For all we know, we, too, may spend our entire lives staring out at the world through a distorting lens. In physics, the question is not academic. Indeed, physicists and cosmologists are finding themselves in a similar predicament to the goldfish s. For decades we have strived to come up with an ultimate theory of everything one complete and consistent set of fundamental laws of nature that explain every aspect of reality. It now appears that this quest may yield not a single theory but a family of interconnected theories, each describing its own version of reality, as if it viewed the universe through its own fishbowl. This notion may be difficult for many people, including some working scientists, to accept. Most people believe that there is an objective reality out there and that our senses and our science directly convey information about the material world. Classical science is based on the belief that an external world exists whose properties are definite and independent of the observer who perceives them. In philosophy, that belief is called realism. Do Not Attempt To Adjust The Picture 20 25 30 35 40 The idea of alternative realities is a mainstay of today s popular culture. For example, in the science-fiction film The Matrix the human race is unknowingly living in a simulated virtual reality created by intelligent computers to keep them pacified and content while the computers suck their bioelectrical energy (whatever that is). How do we know we are not just computer-generated characters living in a Matrix-like world? If we lived in a synthetic, imaginary world, events would not necessarily have any logic or consistency or obey any laws. The aliens in control might find it more interesting or amusing to see our reactions, for example, if everyone in the world suddenly decided that chocolate was repulsive or that war was not an option, but that has never happened. If the aliens did enforce consistent laws, we would have no way to tell that another reality stood behind the simulated one. It is easy to call the world the aliens live in the real one and the computer-generated world a false one. But if like us the beings in the simulated world could not gaze into their universe from the outside, they would have no reason to doubt their own pictures of reality. The goldfish are in a similar situation. Their view is not the same as ours from outside their curved bowl, but they could still formulate scientific laws governing the motion of the objects they observe on the outside. For instance, because light bends as it travels from air to water, a freely moving object that we would observe to move in a straight line would be observed by the goldfish to move along a curved path. The goldfish could formulate scientific laws from their distorted frame of reference that would always hold true and that would enable them to make predictions about the future motion of objects outside the bowl. Their laws would be more complicated than the laws in our frame, but simplicity is a matter of taste. If the goldfish formulated such a theory, we would have to admit the goldfish s view as a valid picture of reality. Glimpses Of The Deep Theory 45 In the quest to discover the ultimate laws of physics, no approach has raised higher hopes or more controversy than string theory. String theory was first proposed in the 1970s as an attempt to unify all the forces of nature into one coherent framework and, Regents Exam in ELA (Common Core) Jan. 15 [7] [OVER] 50 55 60 65 70 75 in particular, to bring the force of gravity into the domain of quantum1 physics. By the early 1990s, however, physicists discovered that string theory suffers from an awkward issue: there are five different string theories. For those advocating that string theory was the unique theory of everything, this was quite an embarrassment. In the mid-1990s researchers started discovering that these different theories and yet another theory called supergravity actually describe the same phenomena, giving them some hope that they would amount eventually to a unified theory. The theories are indeed related by what physicists call dualities, which are a kind of mathematical dictionaries for translating concepts back and forth. But, alas, each theory is a good description of phenomena only under a certain range of conditions for example at low energies. None can describe every aspect of the universe. String theorists are now convinced that the five different string theories are just different approximations to a more fundamental theory called M-theory. (No one seems to know what the M stands for. It may be master, miracle or mystery, or all three.) People are still trying to decipher the nature of M-theory, but it seems that the traditional expectation of a single theory of nature may be untenable2 and that to describe the universe we must employ different theories in different situations. Thus, M-theory is not a theory in the usual sense but a network of theories. It is a bit like a map. To faithfully represent the entire Earth on a flat surface, one has to use a collection of maps, each of which covers a limited region. The maps overlap one another, and where they do, they show the same landscape. Similarly, the different theories in the M-theory family may look very different, but they can all be regarded as versions of the same underlying theory, and they all predict the same phenomena where they overlap, but none works well in all situations. Whenever we develop a model of the world and find it to be successful, we tend to attribute to the model the quality of reality or absolute truth. But M-theory, like the goldfish example, shows that the same physical situation can be modeled in different ways, each employing different fundamental elements and concepts. It might be that to describe the universe we have to employ different theories in different situations. Each theory may have its own version of reality, but according to model-dependent realism, that diversity is acceptable, and none of the versions can be said to be more real than any other. It is not the physicist s traditional expectation for a theory of nature, nor does it correspond to our everyday idea of reality. But it might be the way of the universe. Stephen Hawking and Leonard Mlodinow excerpted from The (Elusive) Theory of Everything Scientific American, October 2010 1 quantum a small, indivisible unit of energy 2 untenable indefensible Regents Exam in ELA (Common Core) Jan. 15 [8] 20 As used in line 45 of the text, what does the word coherent mean? (1) balanced (3) popular (2) indisputable (4) understandable 15 The authors anecdote about pet owners in Monza, Italy, serves to introduce a (1) proof of a universal world view (2) measure that is objectionable to scientists (3) central question about the way we see (4) philosophical question about what we value 21 The authors reference to a collection of maps (line 64) is used to help clarify (1) a complex theory (2) a historical concept (3) the representation of space (4) the limitations of previous theories 16 The primary purpose of lines 9 through 14 is to clarify the (1) need for a single theory (2) role of the senses in understanding (3) possibility of other life in the universe (4) origin of alternative theories 22 The function of lines 73 through 77 is to (1) argue for a specific theory (2) suggest that theories relate to expectations (3) describe the way differing theories should co-exist (4) evaluate theories based on specific needs 17 How do lines 17 through 19 develop a claim? (1) by providing details about a philosophical challenge faced by scientists (2) by showing how scientists should handle alternate realities (3) by arguing for an approach that scientists have always followed (4) by explaining how scientists should view a philosophical approach 23 With which statement would the authors most likely agree? (1) The perception of the universe can never be questioned. (2) There is a single, agreed upon theory of reality. (3) There are multiple realities that are possible to prove. (4) The understanding of the universe continues to change. 18 The reference to The Matrix in lines 20 through 24 is used to emphasize the questioning of our (1) virtues (3) education (2) perception (4) ideals 19 The references to goldfish in lines 33 through 42 contribute to the authors purpose by suggesting that (1) people s theories are influenced by their viewpoints (2) nature s mysteries are best left undiscovered (3) reality can only be determined by an outside perspective (4) light must be viewed under similar circumstances Regents Exam in ELA (Common Core) Jan. 15 24 The authors attempt to engage the audience through the use of (1) absolute statements (2) real world examples (3) detailed descriptions (4) simple questions [9] [OVER] Part 2 Argument Directions: Closely read each of the four texts provided on pages 11 through 17 and write a source-based argument on the topic below. You may use the margins to take notes as you read and scrap paper to plan your response. Write your argument beginning on page 1 of your essay booklet. Topic: Should extinct species be brought back into existence? Your Task: Carefully read each of the four texts provided. Then, using evidence from at least three of the texts, write a well-developed argument regarding whether extinct species should be brought back into existence. Clearly establish your claim, distinguish your claim from alternate or opposing claims, and use specific, relevant, and sufficient evidence from at least three of the texts to develop your argument. Do not simply summarize each text. Guidelines: Be sure to: Establish your claim regarding whether extinct species should be brought back into existence Distinguish your claim from alternate or opposing claims Use specific, relevant, and sufficient evidence from at least three of the texts to develop your argument Identify each source that you reference by text number and line number(s) or graphic (for example: Text 1, line 4 or Text 2, graphic) Organize your ideas in a cohesive and coherent manner Maintain a formal style of writing Follow the conventions of standard written English Texts: Text 1 3Qs: The Ethics of Species De-extinction Text 2 Bringing Them Back to Life Text 3 Case Against Species Revival Text 4 The Case Against De-Extinction: It s a Fascinating but Dumb Idea Regents Exam in ELA (Common Core) Jan. 15 [10] Text 1 3Qs: The Ethics of Species De-extinction 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Scientists are closing in on the capacity to clone extinct species using biotechnology and DNA samples from the ancient past, a process that is called de-extinction. The prospect of bringing back extinct species was discussed last week at a conference hosted by National Geographic and TEDx, in which many conservationists, geneticists, and biotechnologists supported the idea. We asked Ronald Sandler, a professor of philosophy at Northeastern and author of the new book The Ethics of Species, to share his take on what has been described as the mind-blowing idea of the year. Extinction occurs when there are no longer living members of a species. To say that the wooly mammoth, passenger pigeon, and thylacine1 are extinct is just to say that there are none left alive in the world. It is common in conservation biology and environmental ethics to claim that extinction is forever. This is thought to be part of what makes human-caused extinctions so bad extinction does not just involve the death of individual organisms, but the permanent elimination of a form of life. However, it now appears that it is possible to use biotechnology to create living individuals of species that have gone extinct, perhaps even species that have been extinct for hundreds or thousands of years (so long as useable DNA samples are available in preserved specimens). This is de-extinction. Part of what motivates those working on de-extinction are the scientific and technological challenges involved. It would be an incredible scientific accomplishment to be able to create organisms of a species that has been extinct for some time, such as the passenger pigeon or mammoth. (There have already been efforts to use established cloning techniques to bring back individuals of species that have been extinct for only a few years, such as the bucardo, a Spanish ibex.2) There is also a desire, on the part of many people, to see living examples of extinct animals (or plants), particularly charismatic or culturally valued ones, such as the ivory-billed woodpecker or thylacine. Some have claimed that bringing back species that were caused to go extinct by human practices would, to some extent, help make up for the wrong of the extinction. Finally, it may be that the biotechnologies and techniques involved can be used to help conservation biologists in their efforts to preserve highly endangered species. For example, it could help increase the genetic diversity of small populations or those in captive breeding programs. Finally, it is crucial that our approaches to species conservation can, as much as possible, scale to the extinction crises we face potentially thousands of species going extinct each year. The only way to do this is by aggressively reducing the causes of extinction, including habitat destruction, climate change, pollution, and extraction. De-extinction does not do this, and it is important that it not reduce the urgency with which we address the causes of extinction and that it not divert resources from efforts to conserve currently existing species. So while de-extinction would be scientifically amazing and there is nothing intrinsically wrong with it, it is important to keep it in proper perspective from a species conservation perspective. Angela Herring excerpted from 3Qs: The Ethics of Species De-extinction, March 25, 2013 1 thylacine large carnivore 2 ibex mountain goat Regents Exam in ELA (Common Core) Jan. 15 [11] [OVER] Text 2 Bringing Them Back to Life 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 The notion of bringing vanished species back to life some call it de-extinction has hovered at the boundary between reality and science fiction for more than two decades, ever since novelist Michael Crichton unleashed the dinosaurs of Jurassic Park1 on the world. For most of that time the science of de-extinction has lagged far behind the fantasy. Celia s clone is the closest that anyone has gotten to true de-extinction. Since witnessing those fleeting minutes of the clone s life, [Alberto] Fern ndez-Arias, now the head of the government of Aragon s Hunting, Fishing and Wetlands department, has been waiting for the moment when science would finally catch up, and humans might gain the ability to bring back an animal they had driven extinct. I met Fern ndez-Arias last autumn at a closed-session scientific meeting at the National Geographic Society s headquarters in Washington, D.C. For the first time in history a group of geneticists, wildlife biologists, conservationists, and ethicists had gathered to discuss the possibility of de-extinction. Could it be done? Should it be done? One by one, they stood up to present remarkable advances in manipulating stem cells, in recovering ancient DNA, in reconstructing lost genomes. As the meeting unfolded, the scientists became increasingly excited. A consensus was emerging: De-extinction is now within reach. In Jurassic Park dinosaurs are resurrected for their entertainment value. The disastrous consequences that follow have cast a shadow over the notion of de-extinction, at least in the popular imagination. But people tend to forget that Jurassic Park was pure fantasy. In reality the only species we can hope to revive now are those that died within the past few tens of thousands of years and left behind remains that harbor intact cells or, at the very least, enough ancient DNA to reconstruct the creature s genome. Because of the natural rates of decay, we can never hope to retrieve the full genome of Tyrannosaurus rex, which vanished about 65 million years ago. The species theoretically capable of being revived all disappeared while humanity was rapidly climbing toward world domination. And especially in recent years we humans were the ones who wiped them out, by hunting them, destroying their habitats, or spreading diseases. This suggests another reason for bringing them back. Other scientists who favor de-extinction argue that there will be concrete benefits. Biological diversity is a storehouse of natural invention. Most pharmaceutical drugs, for example, were not invented from scratch they were derived from natural compounds found in wild plant species, which are also vulnerable to extinction. Some extinct animals also performed vital services in their ecosystems, which might benefit from their return. Siberia, for example, was home 12,000 years ago to mammoths and other big grazing mammals. Back then, the landscape was not moss-dominated tundra but grassy steppes. Sergey Zimov, a Russian ecologist and director of the Northeast Science Station in Cherskiy in the Republic of Sakha, has long argued that this was no coincidence: The mammoths and numerous herbivores maintained the grassland by breaking up the soil and fertilizing it with their manure. Once they were gone, moss took over and transformed the grassland into less productive tundra. 1 Jurassic Park park in science-fiction novel, Jurassic Park, where dinosaurs are brought back to life Regents Exam in ELA (Common Core) Jan. 15 [12] 40 45 De-extinction advocates counter that the cloning and genomic engineering technologies being developed for de-extinction could also help preserve endangered species, especially ones that don t breed easily in captivity. And though cutting-edge biotechnology can be expensive when it s first developed, it has a way of becoming very cheap very fast. Maybe some people thought polio vaccines were a distraction from iron lungs, 2 says George Church. It s hard in advance to say what s distraction and what s salvation. Carl Zimmer excerpted and adapted from Bringing Them Back to Life, April 2013 2 iron lung medical ventilator that enables a person to breathe Regents Exam in ELA (Common Core) Jan. 15 [13] [OVER] Text 3 Case Against Species Revival 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 In the movie Jurassic Park, a tree extinct for millions of years delights the paleobotanist. Then a sauropod eats its leaves. This movie later shows us how to re-create the dinosaur but not how to grow the tree, which at that size would be perhaps a hundred or more years old, or how to do so metaphorically overnight. To sustain even a single dinosaur, one would need thousands of trees, probably of many species, as well as their pollinators and perhaps their essential symbiotic fungi. De-extinction intends to resurrect single, charismatic species, yet millions of species are at risk of extinction. De-extinction can only be an infinitesimal part of solving the crisis that now sees species of animals (some large but most tiny), plants, fungi, and microbes going extinct at a thousand times their natural rates. But wait claim de-extinction s proponents. We want to resurrect passenger pigeons and Pyrenean ibex, not dinosaurs. Surely, the plants on which these animals depend still survive, so there is no need to resurrect them as well! Indeed, botanic gardens worldwide have living collections of an impressively large fraction of the world s plants, some extinct in the wild, others soon to be so. Their absence from the wild is more easily fixed than the absence of animals, for which de-extinction is usually touted. Perhaps so, but other practical problems abound: A resurrected Pyrenean ibex will need a safe home, not just its food plants. Those of us who attempt to reintroduce zoo-bred species that have gone extinct in the wild have one question at the top of our list: Where do we put them? Hunters ate this wild goat to extinction. Reintroduce a resurrected ibex to the area where it belongs and it will become the most expensive cabrito ever eaten. If this seems cynical, then consider the cautionary tale of the Arabian oryx, returned to Oman from a captive breeding program. Their numbers have declined so much that their home, designated as a UNESCO World Heritage site, was summarily removed from the register. In every case, without an answer to where do we put them? and to the further question, what changed in their original habitat that may have contributed to their extinction in the first place? efforts to bring back species are a colossal waste. De-extinction is much worse than a waste: By setting up the expectation that biotechnology can repair the damage we re doing to the planet s biodiversity, it s extremely harmful for two kinds of political reasons. Fantasies of reclaiming extinct species are always seductive. It is a fantasy that real scientists those wearing white lab coats are using fancy machines with knobs and digital readouts to save the planet from humanity s excesses. In this fantasy, there is none of the messy interaction with people, politics, and economics that characterizes my world. There is nothing involving the real-world realities of habitat destruction, of the inherent conflict between growing human populations and wildlife survival. Why worry about endangered species? We can simply keep their DNA and put them back in the wild later. The second political problem involves research priorities. I work with very poor people in Africa, Brazil, and Madagascar. Rich only in the diversity of life amid which they eke out their living, they generate no money for my university. Too many other universities equate excellence with funds generated, not with societal needs met. Over my career, molecular biologists flourished as university administrators drooled over their large grants and their expensive labs. Field-based biology withered. Many otherwise prominent universities have no schools of the environment, no ecology departments, no professors of conservation. It was all too easy to equate biology with molecules and strip faculty positions and facilities from those who worked in the field. De-extinction efforts can only perpetuate that trend. Regents Exam in ELA (Common Core) Jan. 15 [14] 50 Conservation is about the ecosystems that species define and on which they depend. Conservation is about finding alternative, sustainable futures for peoples, for forests, and for wetlands. Molecular gimmickry simply does not address these core problems. At worst, it seduces granting agencies and university deans into thinking they are saving the world. It gives unscrupulous developers a veil to hide their rapaciousness,1 with promises to fix things later. It distracts us from guaranteeing our planet s biodiversity for future generations. Stuart Pimm excerpted from Case Against Species Revival, March 12, 2013 1 rapaciousness greed Regents Exam in ELA (Common Core) Jan. 15 [15] [OVER] Text 4 The Case Against De-Extinction: It s a Fascinating but Dumb Idea 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 So what are the objections to an effort to start making amends for anthropogenic1 extinctions by trying to restore the victims to life? The soundest scientific reason, in my view, is misallocation of effort. It is much more sensible to put all the limited resources for science and conservation into preventing extinctions, by tackling the causes of demise: habitat destruction, climate disruption, pollution, overharvesting, and so on. Spending millions of dollars trying to de-extinct a few species will not compensate for the thousands of populations and species that have been lost due to human activities, to say nothing of restoring the natural functions of their former habitats. Resurrecting a population and then re-inserting it into habitats where it could supply the ecosystem services of its predecessor is a monumentally bigger project than recreating a couple of pseudomammoths to wander around in a zoo. The passenger pigeon is often mentioned as a target for de-extinction. Passenger pigeons once supplied people with abundant meat and likely helped to suppress Lyme disease. To create even a single viable population might well require fabricating a million birds or so, since the species apparently survived by a strategy of predator saturation. And if the swarm were synthesized, where could it be introduced? The vast forests the pigeons required are partly gone and badly fragmented at best, and one of the birds food sources, the American chestnut, is functionally extinct. The passenger pigeon s previous habitat is utterly transformed, and if humanity does not very quickly and substantially curb greenhouse gas releases, the pigeon s old homeland will likely be completely unrecognizable in less than a century. In practical terms, in the near future in which action is required, extinction is certainly forever. De-extinction thus seems far-fetched, financially problematic, and extremely unlikely to succeed on a planet continually being vastly transformed by human action. There are also risks beyond failure. Resurrected, previously benign organisms could become pests in new environments, might prove ideal reservoirs or vectors of nasty plagues, or might even harbor dangerous retroviruses in their genomes. But frankly, I think such problems will probably prove minor compared to the main problem, which is moral hazard. Moral hazard is a term invented by economists for a situation where one becomes more willing to take a risk when the potential costs will be partly borne by others. For example, if a person can get government flood insurance, she is more likely to build a beachfront home, worrying less about the risks of sea level rise. The problem is that if people begin to take a Jurassic Park future seriously, they will do even less to stem the building sixth great mass extinction event. We are already seeing species extinctions occurring at a rate at least an order of magnitude above prehistoric background rates (those outside of the past five mass extinction events), and that gives weight to the extreme seriousness of the current population extinction crisis. And while the critical problem of climate disruption tends to engross the attention of environmentally concerned people, the erosion of biodiversity is potentially equally crucial. The disasters to be caused by climate disruption could be resolved in a few hundred thousand years; recovery from a sixth mass extinction could easily take five or ten million years. Right now the biggest moral hazard on the environmental front is created by the folly of geoengineering the idea that, if humanity fails to limit the flux of greenhouse gases dramatically in the near future, overheating of the earth could be prevented by any one of a series of crackpot schemes. Biodiversity loss has not achieved the prominence of climate 1 anthropogenic resulting from human activity Regents Exam in ELA (Common Core) Jan. 15 [16] 45 disruption, and it may not do so. But I ve already had questions in classes and after speeches about the prospect of engineering biodiversity back into existence always implying that biodiversity is giant ground sloths, ivory-billed woodpeckers, and the like. Moral hazard is already there, and if people ever wake up to their connections to the rest of the living world, it is sure to grow. Paul R. Ehrlich excerpted from The Case Against De-Extinction: It s a Fascinating but Dumb Idea, January 13, 2014 Regents Exam in ELA (Common Core) Jan. 15 [17] [OVER] Part 3 Text-Analysis Response Your Task: Closely read the text provided on pages 19 and 20 and write a well-developed, text-based response of two to three paragraphs. In your response, identify a central idea in the text and analyze how the author s use of one writing strategy (literary element or literary technique or rhetorical device) develops this central idea. Use strong and thorough evidence from the text to support your analysis. Do not simply summarize the text. You may use the margins to take notes as you read and scrap paper to plan your response. Write your response in the spaces provided on pages 7 through 9 of your essay booklet. Guidelines: Be sure to: Identify a central idea in the text Analyze how the author s use of one writing strategy (literary element or literary technique or rhetorical device) develops this central idea. Examples include: characterization, conflict, denotation/connotation, metaphor, simile, irony, language use, point-of-view, setting, structure, symbolism, theme, tone, etc. Use strong and thorough evidence from the text to support your analysis Organize your ideas in a cohesive and coherent manner Maintain a formal style of writing Follow the conventions of standard written English Regents Exam in ELA (Common Core) Jan. 15 [18] Text 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived. I did not wish to live what was not life, living is so dear; nor did I wish to practise resignation,1 unless it was quite necessary. I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life, to live so sturdily and Spartan-like2 as to put to rout all that was not life, to cut a broad swath3 and shave close, to drive life into a corner, and reduce it to its lowest terms, and, if it proved to be mean,4 why then to get the whole and genuine meanness of it, and publish its meanness to the world; or if it were sublime, to know it by experience, and be able to give a true account of it in my next excursion. For most men, it appears to me, are in a strange uncertainty about it, whether it is of the devil or of God, and have somewhat hastily concluded that it is the chief end of man here to glorify God and enjoy him forever. Let us spend one day as deliberately as Nature, and not be thrown off the track by every nutshell and mosquito s wing that falls on the rails. Let us rise early and fast, or break fast, gently and without perturbation;5 let company come and let company go, let the bells ring and the children cry, determined to make a day of it. Why should we knock under and go with the stream? Let us not be upset and overwhelmed in that terrible rapid and whirlpool called a dinner, situated in the meridian shallows. Weather this danger and you are safe, for the rest of the way is down hill. With unrelaxed nerves, with morning vigor, sail by it, looking another way, tied to the mast like Ulysses. If the engine whistles, let it whistle till it is hoarse for its pains. If the bell rings, why should we run? We will consider what kind of music they are like. Let us settle ourselves, and work and wedge our feet downward through the mud and slush of opinion, and prejudice, and tradition, and delusion and appearance, that alluvion6 which covers the globe, through Paris and London, through New York and Boston and Concord, through church and state, through poetry and philosophy and religion, till we come to a hard bottom and rocks in place, which we can call reality, and say, This is, and no mistake; and then begin, having a point d appui,7 below freshet8 and frost and fire, a place where you might found a wall or a state, or set a lamppost safely, or perhaps a gauge, not a Nilometer, but a Realometer, that future ages might know how deep a freshet of shams and appearances had gathered from time to time. If you stand right fronting and face to face to a fact, you will see the sun glimmer on both its surfaces, as if it were a cimeter,9 and feel its sweet edge dividing you through the heart and marrow, and so you will happily conclude your mortal career. Be it life or death, we crave only reality. If we are really dying, let us hear the rattle in our throats and feel cold in the extremities; if we are alive, let us go about our business. Time is but the stream I go a-fishing in. I drink at it; but while I drink I see the sandy bottom and detect how shallow it is. Its thin current slides away, but eternity remains. I would drink deeper; fish in the sky, whose bottom is pebbly with stars. I cannot count one. 1 resignation patient acceptance 2 Spartan-like simply 3 swath long strip 4 mean inferior, lowly, of little value 5 perturbation disturbance 6 alluvion flood 7 point d appui point of support 8 freshet overflowing stream 9 cimeter sword Regents Exam in ELA (Common Core) Jan. 15 [19] [OVER] 40 45 I know not the first letter of the alphabet, I have always been regretting that I was not wise as the day I was born. The intellect is a cleaver; it discerns and rifts its way into the secret of things. I do not wish to be any more busy with my hands than is necessary. My head is hands and feet. I feel all my best faculties concentrated in it. My instinct tells me that my head is an organ for burrowing, as some creatures use their snout and fore-paws, and with it I would mine and burrow my way through these hills. I think that the richest vein is somewhere hereabouts; so by the divining rod and thin rising vapors I judge; and here I will begin to mine. Henry D. Thoreau excerpted from Walden, 1910 Thomas Y. Crowell & Co. Regents Exam in ELA (Common Core) Jan. 15 [20] REGENTS IN ELA (Common Core) Printed on Recycled Paper REGENTS IN ELA (Common Core) FOR TEACHERS ONLY The University of the State of New York REGENTS HIGH SCHOOL EXAMINATION CCE ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS (Common Core) Monday, January 26, 2015 9:15 a.m. to 12:15 p.m., only SCORING KEY AND RATING GUIDE Mechanics of Rating Updated information regarding the rating of this examination may be posted on the New York State Education Department s web site during the rating period. Check this web site at and select the link Scoring Information for any recently posted information regarding this examination. This site should be checked before the rating process for this examination begins and several times throughout the Regents Examination period. The following procedures are to be used for rating papers in the Regents Examination in English Language Arts (Common Core). More detailed directions for the organization of the rating process and procedures for rating the examination are included in the Information Booklet for Scoring the Regents Examination in English Language Arts (Common Core). Scoring the Multiple-Choice Questions For this exam all schools must use uniform scannable answer sheets provided by the regional scanning center or large-city scanning center. The scoring key for this exam is provided below. If the student s responses for the multiple-choice questions are being hand scored prior to being scanned, the scorer must be careful not to make any marks on the answer sheet except to record the scores in the designated score boxes. Marks elsewhere on the answer sheet will interfere with the accuracy of the scanning. Before scannable answer sheets are machine scored, several samples must be both machine and manually scored to ensure the accuracy of the machine-scoring process. All discrepancies must be resolved before student answer sheets are machine scored. When machine scoring is completed, a sample of the scored answer sheets must be scored manually to verify the accuracy of the machine-scoring process. Correct Answers Part 1 1 ......1...... 6 ......3...... 10 . . . . . . 3 . . . . . . 15 . . . . . . 3 . . . . . . 20 . . . . . . 4 . . . . . . 2 ......4...... 7 ......4...... 11 . . . . . . 4 . . . . . . 16 . . . . . . 4 . . . . . . 21 . . . . . . 1 . . . . . . 3 ......2...... 8 ......1...... 12 . . . . . . 2 . . . . . . 17 . . . . . . 1 . . . . . . 22 . . . . . . 3 . . . . . . 4 ......1...... 9 ......2...... 13 . . . . . . 3 . . . . . . 18 . . . . . . 2 . . . . . . 23 . . . . . . 4 . . . . . . 14 . . . . . . 1 . . . . . . 19 . . . . . . 1 . . . . . . 24 . . . . . . 2 . . . . . . 5 ......1...... The University of the State of New York THE STATE EDUCATION DEPARTMENT Albany, New York 12234 ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS (Common Core) Rating of Essay and Response Questions (1) In training raters to score student essays and responses for each part of the examination, follow the procedures outlined below: Introduction to the Tasks Raters read the task and summarize it. Raters read the passages or passage and plan a response to the task. Raters share response plans and summarize expectations for student responses. Introduction to the Rubric and Anchor Papers Trainer reviews rubric with reference to the task. Trainer reviews procedures for assigning holistic scores (i.e., by matching evidence from the response to the language of the rubric and by weighing all qualities equally). Trainer leads review of each anchor paper and commentary. (Note: Anchor papers are ordered from high to low within each score level.) Practice Scoring Individually Raters score a set of five practice papers individually. Raters should score the five papers independently without looking at the scores provided after the five papers. Trainer records scores and leads discussion until raters feel comfortable enough to move on to actual scoring. (Practice papers for Parts 2 and 3 only contain scores, not commentaries.) (2) When actual rating begins, each rater should record his or her individual rating for a student s essay and response on the rating sheets provided in the Information Booklet, not directly on the student s essay or response or answer sheet. Do not correct the student s work by making insertions or changes of any kind. (3) Both the 6-credit essay and the 4-credit response must be rated by at least two raters; a third rater will be necessary to resolve scores that differ by more than one point. Teachers may not score their own students answer papers. The scoring coordinator will be responsible for coordinating the movement of papers, calculating a final score for each student s essay or response, and recording that information on the student s answer paper. Schools are not permitted to rescore any of the open-ended questions on any Regents Exam after each question has been rated the required number of times as specified in the rating guide, regardless of the final exam score. Schools are required to ensure that the raw scores have been added correctly and that the resulting scale score has been determined accurately. Regents Exam in ELA (Common Core) Rating Guide Jan. 15 [2] Regents Exam in ELA (Common Core) Rating Guide Jan. 15 [3] x x x x -present ideas clearly and accurately, making effective use of specific and relevant evidence to support analysis -present ideas fully and thoughtfully, making highly effective use of a wide range of specific and relevant evidence to support analysis -demonstrate control of conventions with essentially no errors, even with sophisticated language -establish and maintain a formal style, using sophisticated language and structure -exhibit skillful organization of ideas and information to create a cohesive and coherent essay -demonstrate control of the conventions, exhibiting occasional errors only when using sophisticated language -establish and maintain a formal style, using fluent and precise language and sound structure -exhibit logical organization of ideas and information to create a cohesive and coherent essay -demonstrate proper citation of sources to avoid plagiarism when dealing with direct quotes and paraphrased material -demonstrate thorough analysis of the texts, as necessary to support the claim and to distinguish the claim from alternate or opposing claims -demonstrate in-depth and insightful analysis of the texts, as necessary to support the claim and to distinguish the claim from alternate or opposing claims -demonstrate proper citation of sources to avoid plagiarism when dealing with direct quotes and paraphrased material -introduce a precise and thoughtful claim, as directed by the task 5 Essays at this Level: -introduce a precise and insightful claim, as directed by the task 6 Essays at this Level: -demonstrate partial control, exhibiting occasional errors that do not hinder comprehension -establish and maintain a formal style, using precise and appropriate language and structure -exhibit acceptable organization of ideas and information to create a coherent essay -demonstrate proper citation of sources to avoid plagiarism when dealing with direct quotes and paraphrased material -demonstrate appropriate and accurate analysis of the texts, as necessary to support the claim and to distinguish the claim from alternate or opposing claims -present ideas sufficiently, making adequate use of specific and relevant evidence to support analysis -introduce a precise claim, as directed by the task 4 Essays at this Level: An essay that addresses fewer texts than required by the task can be scored no higher than a 3. An essay that is a personal response and makes little or no reference to the task or texts can be scored no higher than a 1. An essay that is totally copied from the task and/or texts with no original student writing must be scored a 0. An essay that is totally unrelated to the task, illegible, incoherent, blank, or unrecognizable as English must be scored as a 0. Control of Conventions: the extent to which the essay demonstrates command of conventions of standard English grammar, usage, capitalization, punctuation, and spelling Coherence, Organization, and Style: the extent to which the essay logically organizes complex ideas, concepts, and information using formal style and precise language Command of Evidence: the extent to which the essay presents evidence from the provided texts to support analysis Content and Analysis: the extent to which the essay conveys complex ideas and information clearly and accurately in order to support claims in an analysis of the texts Criteria -do not demonstrate analysis of the texts -do not introduce a claim 1 Essays at this Level: -demonstrate little use of citations to avoid plagiarism when dealing with direct quotes and paraphrased material -demonstrate emerging control, exhibiting occasional errors that hinder comprehension -establish but fail to maintain a formal style, using primarily basic language and structure -use language that is predominantly incoherent, inappropriate, or copied directly from the task or texts -are minimal, making assessment of conventions unreliable -demonstrate a lack of control, exhibiting frequent errors that make comprehension difficult -are minimal, making assessment unreliable -exhibit little organization of ideas and information -lack a formal style, using some language that is inappropriate or imprecise -exhibit inconsistent organization of ideas and information, failing to create a coherent essay -exhibit some organization of ideas and information to create a mostly coherent essay -do not make use of citations -present ideas inconsistently and/or inaccurately, in an attempt to support analysis, making use of some evidence that may be irrelevant -present ideas briefly, making use of some specific and relevant evidence to support analysis -demonstrate inconsistent citation of sources to avoid plagiarism when dealing with direct quotes and paraphrased material -present little or no evidence from the texts -demonstrate confused or unclear analysis of the texts, failing to distinguish the claim from alternate or opposing claims -introduce a claim 2 Essays at this Level: -demonstrate some analysis of the texts, but insufficiently distinguish the claim from alternate or opposing claims -introduce a reasonable claim, as directed by the task 3 Essays at this Level: New York State Regents Examination in English Language Arts (Common Core) Part 2 Rubric Writing From Sources: Argument THE STATE EDUCATION DEPARTMENT / THE UNIVERSITY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK / ALBANY, NY 12234 Anchor Paper Part 2 Level 6 A Regents Exam in ELA (Common Core) Rating Guide Jan. 15 [4] Anchor Paper Part 2 Level 6 A Regents Exam in ELA (Common Core) Rating Guide Jan. 15 [5] Anchor Paper Part 2 Level 6 A Regents Exam in ELA (Common Core) Rating Guide Jan. 15 [6] Anchor Level 6 A The essay introduces a precise and insightful claim, as directed by the task, noting that while the fantasy of de-extinction is soon to become a reality, de-extinction might not be the best idea, and de-extinction is not favorable to the human society of today. The essay demonstrates in-depth and insightful analysis of the texts, as necessary to support the claim and to distinguish the claim from alternate or opposing claims, stating that it is morally unjust to recreate these creatures specifically for the purpose of research and entertainment, and releasing them back into the wild will just create problems for the creatures and the environment. The essay presents ideas fully and thoughtfully (Since ecosystems have evolved with the creatures that live there, it is doubtful to think that the revived species would even survive there in the first place, with new predators and prey; there is always the possibility that some new disease or illness might spread and will further destroy the world s ecosystem; Simply recreating a species takes away from what was originally the problem), making highly effective use of a wide range of specific and relevant evidence to support analysis (Bringing extinct species back to life will potentially cause many different problems, including the mutation of ecosystems, the revitalization of archaic diseases, and the increase of apathy towards currently endangered species). The essay demonstrates proper citation of sources to avoid plagiarism when dealing with direct quotes and paraphrased material (in Text 2, lines 31-39 and in Text 3, lines 34-37). The essay exhibits skillful organization of ideas and information to create a cohesive and coherent essay, declaring opposition to deextinction, identifying areas of concern, addressing identified claims put forth in support of de-extinction, and then countering them through a discussion of the health of our environment, the world s ecosystem, the psychological impacts that come with de-extinction. The essay establishes and maintains a formal style, using sophisticated language and structure (People have often dreamed about bringing extinct creatures back to life, as is often seen in futuristic sci-fi movies, books, and other media and the issue of reviving species also begs the question of the negatives that are brought along with it) with few exceptions (miraculousity and similarily). The essay demonstrates control of conventions with essentially no errors, even with sophisticated language. Regents Exam in ELA (Common Core) Rating Guide Jan. 15 [7] Anchor Paper Part 2 Level 6 B Regents Exam in ELA (Common Core) Rating Guide Jan. 15 [8] Anchor Paper Part 2 Level 6 B Anchor Level 6 B The essay introduces a precise and insightful claim, as directed by the task (Though it may seem to be an incredibly heroic venture, bringing back extinct species is just another example of humans attempting to control and manipulate the world. De-extinction is an irresponsible idea that will only create more environmental issues). The essay demonstrates in-depth and insightful analysis of the texts, as necessary to support the claim and to distinguish the claim from alternate or opposing claims [Furthermore, some believe that bringing back species that were made extinct due in part to human actions would make up for the wrong done upon the species (Text 1, lines 25-26). Surely anyone who could succesfully execute this plan would be hailed as a genius and a hero, but scientists are so blinded by this, they fail to recognize how unrealistic it is]. The essay presents ideas clearly and accurately, making effective use of specific and relevant evidence to support analysis [However, many of their natural habitats and food sources no longer exist (Text 3, lines 17-20) and Finally, spending money and time on this would compete with the efforts to prevent extinction and otherwise preserve our natural world (Text 3, lines 40-44)]. The essay demonstrates proper citation of sources to avoid plagiarism when dealing with direct quotes and paraphrased material [(Text 4, lines 13-15)]. The essay exhibits skillful organization of ideas and information to create a cohesive and coherent essay, first stating that this attitude that mankind is free to manipulate the world in its favor has become detrimental to the environment, then presenting information to show how de-extinction is irresponsible, unrealistic, and problematic, and concluding by stating that it is our responsibility to stop interfering with nature, rather than constantly trying to fix it. The essay establishes and maintains a formal style, using sophisticated language and structure (Since the beginning of time, humans have been strategically shaping the world so that they may not only survive, but also prosper). The essay demonstrates control of conventions with essentially no errors, even with sophisticated language. Regents Exam in ELA (Common Core) Rating Guide Jan. 15 [9] Anchor Paper Part 2 Level 5 A Regents Exam in ELA (Common Core) Rating Guide Jan. 15 [10] Anchor Paper Part 2 Level 5 A Regents Exam in ELA (Common Core) Rating Guide Jan. 15 [11] Anchor Paper Part 2 Level 5 A Anchor Level 5 A The essay introduces a precise and thoughtful claim, as directed by the task (Species have grown and developed so much that bringing back past life forms wouldn t help those currently living or those de-extincted to move on or create new life). The essay demonstrates thorough analysis of the texts, as necessary to support the claim (However, there s no evidence that bringing these animals back will help their ecosystems today. They ve changed since these animals have gone extinct) and to distinguish the claim from alternate or opposing claims [As Text 1 states, species conservation not de-extinction is the most effective way to address the problem of extinction (lines 30-38)]. The essay presents ideas fully and thoughtfully (With the way our world is changing we can t just bring back an old species and expect them them to fit right in back to their normal routine. They would change with the worlds changes just like they did before to produce new organisms and other species), making highly effective use of a wide range of specific and relevant evidence to support analysis (if we do bring back extinct animals, and put them back in their natural habitats, will they just be hunted to extinction again? and If we bring them back just to be extinct again, then aren t we just wasting time and money?). The essay demonstrates proper citation of sources to avoid plagiarism when dealing with direct quotes and paraphrased material [(Text 1, lines 24-26) and Text 3 also raised (lines 26-27)]. The essay exhibits logical organization of ideas and information to create a cohesive and coherent essay, first introducing the claim against de-extinction, proposing conservation instead. The first supporting paragraph addresses the opposing claim and the second and third supporting paragraphs analyze and support conservation as preferable to deextinction. The essay concludes with a strong repetition of the claim (conservation, not de-extinction, should be the way to move our world forward). The essay establishes and maintains a formal style, using fluent and precise language and sound structure (The best way to move our society forward is through conservation, not de-extinction). The essay demonstrates control of the conventions exhibiting occasional errors (florished; perserve; Or drastically change the way other animals live today?; that as well; worlds changes) only when using sophisticated language. Regents Exam in ELA (Common Core) Rating Guide Jan. 15 [12] Anchor Paper Part 2 Level 5 B Regents Exam in ELA (Common Core) Rating Guide Jan. 15 [13] Anchor Paper Part 2 Level 5 B Regents Exam in ELA (Common Core) Rating Guide Jan. 15 [14] Anchor Paper Part 2 Level 5 B Regents Exam in ELA (Common Core) Rating Guide Jan. 15 [15] Anchor Level 5 B The essay introduces a precise and thoughtful claim, as directed by the task (having a Jurassic Park mentality when it comes to resurrecting dead species is both naive and shortsided). The essay demonstrates thorough analysis of the texts, as necessary to support the claim (Resources and organisms go hand in hand and when reintroducing species to formerly unknown environments, the extinction of existing organisms is put at risk) and to distinguish the claim from alternate or opposing claims (De-extinction makes scientists and government officials seem like heroes that are bettering the world, however, in their efforts they are simply putting a small band-aid on an already huge wound). The essay presents ideas clearly and accurately, making effective use of specific and relevant evidence to support analysis [it will also be thrown into a transformed habitat that will be completely unrecognizable in less than a century (text 4 line 20) because of human s pollution and deadly greenhouse gases and De-extinction will reduce the urgency with which we address the causes of extinction (text 1 lines 34-35)]. The essay demonstrates proper citation of sources [(text 1, line 4) and (text 3 lines 15-16)] to avoid plagiarism when dealing with direct quotes and paraphrased material. The essay exhibits logical organization of ideas and information to create a cohesive and coherent essay, starting with an introductory paragraph that defines deextinction and states a claim and counterclaim. Each of the three supporting paragraphs addresses an aspect of the counterclaim and then refutes it (The idea that one can simply bring a species back from the dead and face no reprecussions is impractical and foolish and Lastly, and the most important reason to disagree with de-extinction is that it is a lazy solution to a consistent problem). The conclusion appropriately sums up the essay (although it seems like a good idea, extinct animals should stay extinct). The essay establishes and maintains a formal style, using fluent and precise language and sound structure (When determining the life of a certain organism, one has to keep in mind the many factors that affect it and Also, one can argue that preventing an animal from being free is hardly reason to de-extinct it at all). The essay demonstrates control of the conventions, exhibiting occasional errors (reprecussions; abscence; one they; world, however) only when using sophisticated language. Regents Exam in ELA (Common Core) Rating Guide Jan. 15 [16] Anchor Paper Part 2 Level 5 C Regents Exam in ELA (Common Core) Rating Guide Jan. 15 [17] Anchor Paper Part 2 Level 5 C Regents Exam in ELA (Common Core) Rating Guide Jan. 15 [18] Anchor Paper Part 2 Level 5 C Anchor Level 5 C The essay introduces a precise and thoughtful claim, as directed by the task (Not only would de-extinction help to preserve highly endangered species, but it would also help to protect smaller populations from going extinct). The essay demonstrates thorough analysis of the texts, as necessary to support the claim (This would help to ensure that the populations of endangered animals would stay high enough so that extinction would never occur in the first place and This would further benefit the ecosystem and help to repair what we have damaged as humans) and to distinguish the claim from alternate or opposing claims (Although some people may argue that the negatives outweigh the benefits; this is not true). The essay presents ideas clearly and accurately, making effective use of specific and relevant evidence to support analysis (Since we wiped many of the recent extincted animals out because of our own actions, it should be our responsibility to bring them back and restore what we have damaged ourselves and Among these are the restoration of natural wildlife and the restoration of natural wildlife diversity). The essay demonstrates proper citation of sources [(In Text 2, (lines 25-27) and (In Text 3, lines 26-27)] to avoid plagiarism when dealing with direct quotes and paraphrased material. This essay exhibits logical organization of ideas and information to create a cohesive and coherent essay, by first raising the question regarding the use of de-extinction, then providing evidence and analysis to support de-extinction, followed with a discussion of the opposing claims and concluding with a detailed summary of the argument (The benefits include the increasing of diversity and the resurrection of species that we caused to become extinct most recently and species that benefit us through medical purposes). The essay establishes and maintains a formal style, using fluent and precise language and sound structure (One could easily agree that extinct species should be brought back into existance and Although a great number of the species might die at first, certain ones will survive and reproduce). The essay demonstrates partial control, exhibiting occasional errors (existance, recent extincted animals, benefits; this is, This however is) that do not hinder comprehension. Regents Exam in ELA (Common Core) Rating Guide Jan. 15 [19] Anchor Paper Part 2 Level 4 A Regents Exam in ELA (Common Core) Rating Guide Jan. 15 [20] Anchor Paper Part 2 Level 4 A Anchor Level 4 A The essay introduces a precise and thoughtful claim, as directed by the task (The idea of being able to bring back extinct species is, although interesting, improbable and a waste of time). The response demonstrates appropriate and accurate analysis of the texts, as necessary to support the claim and to distinguish the claim from alternate or opposing claims (This be said, the use of de-extinction could potentially be used to preserve endangered species from extinction). The essay presents ideas sufficiently, making adequate use of specific and relevant evidence to support analysis (Instead of putting time and money toward de-extinction people should be working on trying to stop extinction from happening by preserving habitats and keeping pollution down). The essay demonstrates proper citation of sources to avoid plagiarism when dealing with paraphrased material [(Text 4, 3-5) and (text 3, 4-6)]. The essay exhibits acceptable organization of ideas and information to create a coherent essay with an opening paragraph that states the claim, followed by two body paragraphs focused on habitat destruction (If the habitat that they are meant to survive in does not exist then, there will not be survival) and habitat renewal (their habitat that they once lived in would also need to be created for them to live in and alot of these species may end up living in captivity). The conclusion addresses the counterclaim (the use of de-extinction could potentially be used to preserve endangered species from extinction) to further the claim by identifying it as a better use of resources. The essay establishes and maintains a formal style, using precise and appropriate language and structure (Not only would de-extinction be a waste of resources but, also the effects from it would be much more complicated than anticipated). The essay demonstrates partial control, exhibiting occasional errors (alot; extinction but; extinction people; anticipated for example) that do not hinder comprehension. Regents Exam in ELA (Common Core) Rating Guide Jan. 15 [21] Anchor Paper Part 2 Level 4 B Regents Exam in ELA (Common Core) Rating Guide Jan. 15 [22] Anchor Paper Part 2 Level 4 B Anchor Level 4 B The essay introduces a precise claim, as directed by the task (Bringing already extinct species back to life is not a good idea). The essay demonstrates appropriate and accurate analysis of the texts, as necessary to support the claim and to distinguish the claim from alternate or opposing claims (Article 2 lines 31-32 argues that some extinct animals performed vital services in their ecosystems. But their ecosystems can provide and function with out them). The essay presents ideas sufficiently, making adequate use of specific and relevant evidence to support analysis (De-Extinction poses many threats to the environment and to society. Organisms would not be able to adapt may carry horrible viruses; may need a new food source may be predators; De-extinction costs millions of dollars). The essay demonstrates proper citation of sources to avoid plagiarism when dealing with direct quotes and paraphrased material [(Text 4 Lines 24-25) and Article 2 lines 31-32 argues]. The essay exhibits acceptable organization of ideas and information to create a coherent essay, with an opening paragraph that states the claim, two paragraphs addressing the controversial issues related to deextinction and incorporating a counterclaim (de-extinction is not a good idea). The essay establishes and maintains a formal style, using precise and appropriate language and structure (The money and resources used to de-extinct a few species could be used to raise awareness and stop the extinction of thousands of species). The essay demonstrates partial control, exhibiting occasional errors (Text 3 The Case and Text 4 The Case idea, humans their body, source and, gaurenteed, revived then) that do not hinder comprehension. Regents Exam in ELA (Common Core) Rating Guide Jan. 15 [23] Anchor Paper Part 2 Level 4 C Regents Exam in ELA (Common Core) Rating Guide Jan. 15 [24] Anchor Paper Part 2 Level 4 C Regents Exam in ELA (Common Core) Rating Guide Jan. 15 [25] Anchor Paper Part 2 Level 4 C Anchor Level 4 C The essay introduces a precise claim, as directed by the task (Extinct species should be brought back into extistence and De-extinction can only further benifit the world and ecosystem). The essay demonstrates appropriate and accurate analysis of the texts, as necessary to support the claim and to distinguish the claim from alternate or opposing claims (Many people that are against de-extinction state that everything happens for a reason and that species die because their environment and food supply also die. The problem with this point is that species aren t naturally dying, humans are killing species by hunting and other methods). The essay presents ideas sufficiently, making adequate use of specific and relevant evidence to support analysis (another positive could be that the more species alive, the better balanced the ecosystem; Bringing back extinct species isn t all that de-extinction can do; De-extinction can benifit both extinct species and alive species). The essay demonstrates proper citation of sources to avoid plagiarism when dealing with direct quotes and paraphrased material [(text 1, lines 28-29) and (text 2, line 29)], although a citation is lacking in the first paragraph. The essay exhibits some organization of ideas and information to create a mostly coherent essay. The essay introduces the claim in the opening paragraph, provides two paragraphs supporting the claim with a brief reference to a counterclaim, and a conclusion reiterating the claim (Extinct species should most definetly be brought back into exsistence). The essay establishes but fails to maintain a formal style, using primarily basic language and structure (weigh out, much more positives, based off of). The essay demonstrates partial control, exhibiting occasional errors (propasition; benifit; dying, humans; text 3 possess; definetly) that do not hinder comprehension. Regents Exam in ELA (Common Core) Rating Guide Jan. 15 [26]

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