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New York Regents French June 2009

28 pages, 33 questions, 19 questions with responses, 20 total responses,    0    0
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COMPREHENSIVE FRENCH The University of the State of New York REGENTS HIGH SCHOOL EXAMINATION COMPREHENSIVE EXAMINATION IN FRENCH Tuesday, June 23, 2009 9:15 a.m. to 12:15 p.m., only This booklet contains Parts 2 through 4 (76 credits) of this examination. Your performance on Part 1, Speaking (24 credits), has been evaluated prior to the date of this written examination. The answers to the questions on this examination are to be written in the separate answer booklet. Be sure to fill in the heading on the front of your answer booklet. When you have completed the examination, you must sign the statement printed at the end of the answer booklet, indicating that you had no unlawful knowledge of the questions or answers prior to the examination and that you have neither given nor received assistance in answering any of the questions during the examination. Your answer booklet cannot be accepted if you fail to sign this declaration. The use of any communications device is strictly prohibited when taking this examination. If you use any communications device, no matter how briefly, your examination will be invalidated and no score will be calculated for you. DO NOT OPEN THIS EXAMINATION BOOKLET UNTIL THE SIGNAL IS GIVEN. COMPREHENSIVE FRENCH Part 2 Answer all questions in Part 2 according to the directions for a and b. [30] a Directions (1 9): For each question, you will hear some background information in English once. Then you will hear a passage in French twice and a question in English once. After you have heard the question, the teacher will pause while you read the question and the four suggested answers in your test booklet. Choose the best suggested answer and write its number in the space provided in your answer booklet. Base your answer on the content of the passage, only. [18] 1 Who would be most interested in this announcement? (1) people who want to join a gym (2) people who are learning to drive (3) people who like outdoor activities (4) people who are traveling this summer 6 Which items would be most appropriate for an outing on Sunday? (1) boots and a heavy coat (2) sunglasses and a bathing suit (3) a raincoat and an umbrella (4) a warm sweater and long pants 2 Why did your friend call? (1) He lost the tickets to the game. (2) He decided to go to a different game. (3) He can give you a ride to the game. (4) He needs you to save seats for the game. 7 What is the desk clerk recommending? (1) buying a special museum pass (2) making reservations at a local restaurant (3) using the subway to get around the city (4) leaving your luggage at the reception desk 3 What does this tourist attraction feature? (1) prehistoric animals (2) sports memorabilia (3) folk art from Quebec (4) miniature reproductions 8 What does this announcement advise you to do? (1) prepare to board the plane (2) have your passport ready (3) confirm your return flight (4) go to the airline counter for further instructions 4 What is the purpose of this product? (1) to treat a wound (2) to soften the skin (3) to relieve a toothache (4) to prevent sunburn 9 What did your friend do this summer? (1) competed in a swim meet (2) learned to sail (3) went mountain climbing (4) took flying lessons 5 What is this advertisement about? (1) an offer from an airline company (2) an educational nature center (3) a store specializing in outdoor gear (4) a new attraction at an amusement park Comp. French June 09 [2] b Directions (10 15): For each question, you will hear some background information in English once. Then you will hear a passage in French twice and a question in French once. After you have heard the question, the teacher will pause while you read the question and the four suggested answers in your test booklet. Choose the best suggested answer and write its number in the space provided in your answer booklet. Base your answer on the content of the passage, only. [12] 13 Quand peut-on voir ce spectacle? (1) midi (3) le soir (2) le matin (4) l apr s-midi 10 De quel repas s agit-il? (1) du d ner (2) du go ter (3) du d jeuner (4) du petit d jeuner 14 Quel est le m tier de cette femme? (1) fleuriste (3) chanteuse (2) professeur (4) boulang re 11 Pour quelle raison donne-t-on ces renseignements? (1) pour viter les queues (2) pour obtenir un cadeau (3) pour permettre une visite agr able (4) pour acheter des v tements bon march 15 De quoi parle cet agent de voyage? (1) de billets prix r duits (2) du confort des passagers (3) de cuisine saine et fra che (4) de l expertise du personnel 12 Quel est l avantage de ce nouveau moyen de transport? (1) Il offre aux passagers plus de circuits. (2) Il pollue moins l environnement. (3) Il co te moins cher. (4) Il permet aux touristes un passage plus rapide. Comp. French June 09 [3] [OVER] Part 3 Answer all questions in Part 3 according to the directions for a, b, and c. [30] a Directions (16 20): After the following passage, there are five questions or incomplete statements. For each, choose the word or expression that best answers the question or completes the statement according to the meaning of the passage, and write its number in the space provided in your answer booklet. [10] Manu Dibango Emmanuel N Djok Dibango, connu sous le nom de Manu Dibango, n le 12 d cembre 1933 Douala au Cameroun, est un saxophoniste, vibraphoniste et chanteur camerounais. Il passe son enfance au Cameroun, en Afrique quatoriale. Son p re est issu de l ethnie Yabassi, sa m re est Douala. Cette diff rence est importante dans un pays qui vit selon les rites ancestraux. Son p re est employ du gouvernement. Manu est initi tr s t t la musique par sa m re qui s occupe d une chorale. la maison, le jeune Manu parle essentiellement le douala. Sa scolarit commence l cole du village o il apprend le fran ais. l ge de quinze ans, son p re l envoie faire ses tudes en France o il habite pendant quelques ann es. Manu fait ses d buts musicaux en grattant d abord la mandoline, puis en apprenant le piano. Pendant un s jour d t dans une colonie de vacances r serv e aux jeunes r sidents camerounais en France, il rencontre Francis Bebey, un jeune un peu plus g que lui. Gr ce Francis, Manu d couvre les grands musiciens du jazz noir am ricain Louis Armstrong et Duke Ellington. Les deux amis camerounais forment alors un petit groupe o chacun s essaie la pratique de son instrument favori. C est l que Manu d couvre le saxophone et qu il commence suivre des cours. La musique n est alors qu un passe-temps. Apr s le coll ge Jules Ferry SaintCalais, dans l ouest de la France, il continue ses tudes Reims puis Paris. D s 1953, l ge de vingt ans, Manu se consacre la musique, son unique passion. De France, il part pour la Belgique o il vit presque en permanence pendant cinq ans. C est Bruxelles qu il rencontre Coco, un mannequin, qui deviendra sa femme. Il fr quente les bo tes de jazz et s impose comme un excellent musicien. L , il joue avec les meilleurs musiciens belges et trangers. Il enregistre plusieurs disques sous des marques diff rentes. Mais c est surtout gr ce sa collaboration avec le grand chanteur Kabasele et l African Jazz que le public africain le conna t. Pour la premi re fois, en 1964, avec son groupe African Soul Quintet, un Africain enregistre du jazz. De retour en France, Manu se fait remarquer et accompagne les vedettes de la chanson fran aise. En 1973, Manu Dibango compose la chanson Soul Makossa qui Comp. French June 09 [4] remporte un succ s sans pr c dent et propulse l artiste sur la sc ne internationale. Manu triomphe au c l bre Apollo d Harlem et au Madison Square Garden. Soul Makossa devient le premier tube africain marcher aux tats-Unis. Plus de trente ans ont pass et la chanson continue d inspirer de nombreux artistes comme, par exemple, Michael Jackson, Jay-Z et Jennifer Lopez. De concerts en enregistrements d albums, Manu Dibango s enrichit chacun de ses voyages et chacune de ses rencontres musicales. Il n h site pas m langer jazz, musiques africaines ou jama caines au gospel et au rhythm n blues. C est la r ussite de ce m lange qui signe son succ s et lance ce type de musique originale que beaucoup appellent la World Music . Manu est consid r par beaucoup comme le pr curseur de la musique africaine moderne . Le 14 mars 1986, il re oit la m daille des Arts et des Lettres du ministre fran ais de la Culture. C est pour lui un tr s grand honneur. En 2004, Dibango est nomm Artiste de l UNESCO pour la Paix en reconnaissance de sa contribution exceptionnelle au d veloppement des arts, de la paix et du dialogue des cultures dans le monde. Il veut mettre son exp rience et sa c l brit au service de l universalit culturelle et b tir un pont plus vibrant entre les continents. Ses engagements humanitaires en Afrique sont galement remarquables. Il aide par exemple envoyer du mat riel m dical des pays riches des dispensaires en Afrique. De plus, Manu lance l initiative Afrique 2015 pour un d veloppement soutenu et une diminution des maladies infectieuses sur le continent d ici 2015. plus de 70 ans, et toujours aussi en avance sur son poque, Manu Dibango reste un artiste infiniment respectable dont on n a pas fini de d couvrir le g nie qu il apporte la musique. 19 D apr s le texte, que sait-on de la chanson Soul Makossa ? (1) Elle est devenue l hymne national du Cameroun. (2) Elle a t compos e par la femme de Manu. (3) Elle a incorpor de la musique classique. (4) Elle a influenc de nombreux musiciens. 16 O est n Manu Dibango? (1) en Afrique (3) Paris (2) en Belgique (4) Reims 17 Manu Dibango a commenc apprendre le fran ais (1) au bureau de son p re (2) chez des voisins (3) dans son pays d origine (4) par correspondance 20 Selon le texte, qu est-ce que Manu fait en plus de sa carri re musicale? (1) Il enseigne le douala aux enfants. (2) Il travaille pour des causes charitables. (3) Il produit des films sur les villages africains. (4) Il est docteur dans une clinique rurale. 18 Manu a fait la connaissance de Francis Bebey (1) au travail (2) pendant sa jeunesse (3) durant un match de foot (4) pendant une interview Comp. French June 09 [5] [OVER] b Directions (21 25): Below each of the following selections, there is either a question or an incomplete statement. For each, choose the word or expression that best answers the question or completes the statement according to the meaning of the selection, and write its number in the space provided in your answer booklet. [10] 21 Louez-les pour vos f tes! Le Morges et le Lavaux offrent un cadre id al et privil gi pour organiser v nements priv s et s minaires. Dans une ambiance feutr e et chaleureuse, ils peuvent accueillir 64 personnes dans leur restaurant au pont principal, 100 personnes sur le pont des jeux. Ces deux grandes nouvelles vedettes poss dent tout l quipement technique moderne adapt aux manifestations et sont l une et l autre des lieux d j tr s pris s pour les f tes. 21 What does this company offer? (1) whale watching tours (2) historical cruises of the city (3) boat rentals for private events (4) musical entertainment on the ship 23 22 Le Projet Cours la chance de gagner l un des 25 iPod Nano en compl tant le bon de participation qui est sur notre site Web Inscris tes coordonn es, la date, ainsi que le mot de passe du jour que tu trouveras dans toutes les boutiques Vagabond, Zab et Jeans Plus. Obtiens un bon de participation suppl mentaire pour chaque tranche d achat de 25$. Le 28 septembre 2000, le Canada a perdu un de ses parlementaires les plus respectables lors du d c s du tr s honorable Pierre Elliott Trudeau. Le soir m me, le conseil de la ville de Nepean a adopt une proposition visant perp tuer la m moire de l ex-premier ministre. Ce projet nous montre Pierre Trudeau v tu de son veston de daim sur les rives de la rivi re Outaouais, et le long du Sentier de la capitale. Du 14 ao t au 24 septembre, d pose ton bon de participation dans l une des boutiques participantes. Les gagnants seront avis s par courriel apr s le tirage. La statue repr sente l homme que cachait le politicien, soit un p re, un passionn de la nature, un philosophe spirituel ou cet homme solitaire et intellectuel que nous comm morons. 22 What does this advertisement encourage people to do? (1) enter a contest (2) attend a sports event (3) subscribe to a magazine (4) apply for a job Comp. French June 09 23 What is this article about? (1) the opening of an art gallery (2) the election of a new prime minister (3) a nature walk within the city limits (4) a memorial to a famous statesman [6] 24 H tel*** Les Trois Fr res Grenoble H tel Les Trois Fr res vous souhaite la bienvenue. T l phone Pour obtenir l ext rieur, composez le 1 puis votre num ro. Pour obtenir la r ception ou le service des petits d jeuners, composez le 0. Petits d jeuners de 7h 11h Pour tre servi dans votre chambre, passez votre commande en composant le 0. Pour tre servi dans la salle manger, passez votre commande l h tesse de la r ception. Vous pouvez galement lui demander des suppl ments votre choix : orange press e, jus de fruit, jambon, oeufs, fromage, yaourts. Prestations Pour profiter pleinement des prestations de notre h tel, adressez-vous la r ception Blanchissage Bureau de change Repassage (de 7h 15h) Salle de gym N cessaire de couture Coiffeur Acc s Internet Piscine Articles de toilette Location de voiture (brosse dents, rasoir, etc.) R servation de taxi 24 What does this hotel advertise? (1) low prices (2) a variety of services (3) a convenient location (4) late-night dinners 25 Faire blanchir cinq minutes un kilo d asperges vertes. Couper les pointes et les r server. Mettre dans une casserole une noix de beurre et une cuiller e de farine. M langer pendant cinq minutes. Ajouter un litre de bouillon ou d eau, en continuant m langer jusqu bullition. Ajouter les asperges au liquide. Assaisonner avec du sel et du poivre. Faire mijoter pendant trois quarts d heure. Passer au moulin l gumes. D layer avec du bouillon. Ajouter les pointes d asperges. Faire cuire un quart d heure. Servir chaud. 25 What is this recipe for? (1) a vegetable soup (2) a cheese fondue Comp. French June 09 (3) a low-calorie dessert (4) a main dish with meat [7] [OVER] c Directions (26 30): After the following passage, there are five questions or incomplete statements in English. For each, choose the word or expression that best answers the question or completes the statement according to the meaning of the passage, and write its number in the space provided in your answer booklet. [10] L athl te sauv des eaux Dans la Gr ce antique, de nombreuses statues de bronze ornaient les sanctuaires des cit s. La plupart de ces uvres ont t fondues pour devenir cloches ou canons, sauf celles qui ont t sauv es de la destruction humaine par un d sastre naturel qui les a pr serv es. Voici l histoire de la d couverte d une statue d un athl te qui, depuis plus de deux mille ans, reposait dans les profondeurs de la mer Adriatique au large de la Croatie. Un jour pendant une plong e de vacances en juillet 1996 aux les croates, un plongeur belge, Ren Wouters, se trouve face face avec un grand jeune homme en bronze tendu dans le sable 45 m tres sous l eau. mu, il s arr te pour pleurer dans son masque. Ren le comprend bien : il vient de faire ici la d couverte de sa vie ! Respectueux des lois de la mer, il ne touche rien, mais il n oublie pas de prendre des photos. De retour Bruxelles, il alerte aussit t le Grasp (Groupe de recherche arch ologique sous-marine post-m di vale) o Robert Stenuit travaille. Dans le bureau de M. Stenuit, Ren montre ses photos de la statue, mais malheureusement elles ne sont pas de bonne qualit : elles ont t prises de trop pr s, par mauvaise visibilit . La vie marine fix e sur le bronze d forme et camoufle la statue, mais sans aucun doute, c est une d couverte exceptionnelle. Est-ce peut- tre une statue antique grecque ou romaine ? Ou bien est-ce une copie tardive, de la Renaissance ou encore du XIXe si cle ? C est trop t t pour le savoir. M. Stenuit explique la situation l gale Ren . Cette statue de bronze appartient incontestablement la Croatie, pays o Ren a fait cette d couverte. Mais la statue repose dans une r gion tr s touristique, un lieu de vacances pour des clubs de plong e de toute l Europe. Il ne faut pas que d autres plongeurs moins honn tes que Ren mettent la main sur cette d couverte. La vente ill gale d un bronze antique sur le march noir serait tr s lucrative. M. Stenuit conseille Ren de faire une d claration au gouvernement croate pour pouvoir commencer au plus vite un travail arch ologique correct avec les autorit s locales. Pour cela, ils ont besoin de photos indiscutables et d un film de la statue. Comp. French June 09 [8] Avec Ren et deux amis s rs, Robert Stenuit organise une exp dition de reconnaissance. Ils d couvrent la beaut des les de la Croatie, ses petits ports pittoresques et ses jolis villages fortifi s. L Adriatique est une mer fabuleuse. Ren m ne alors l exp dition vers sa statue. Ils plongent et descendent doucement vers le tr sor sous-marin. Visibilit excellente : 25 m tres, un r ve. Le guide, Ren , s oriente. Il s carte un peu au nord puis il repart au sud. Soudain, d un geste, il appelle les plongeurs et leur montre un objet encore un peu loin. Robert Stenuit et les autres plongeurs s approchent. C est la statue d un athl te endormi, sans doute l depuis deux mille ans. Quel privil ge de voir ce chef-d uvre unique et secret, couch sur le sable dans son lit sous-marin ! 26 What is the subject of this article? (1) an aquatic competition (2) a naval battle (3) a historical discovery (4) a new invention 29 What did Robert Stenuit advise Ren to do? (1) organize an exhibit (2) make a map of the area (3) inform government officials (4) participate in a conference 27 What was the reason for Ren s trip to Croatia in July 1996? (1) a family reunion (2) a job opportunity (3) language lessons (4) leisure activities 30 According to the passage, what did Robert Stenuit decide to do? (1) contact a lawyer (2) explore the site (3) write a book (4) inform the media 28 How did Ren document what happened during his trip to Croatia in July 1996? (1) He took some pictures. (2) He interviewed tourists. (3) He collected samples. (4) He created a web site. Comp. French June 09 [9] [OVER] Part 4 Write your answers to Part 4 according to the directions below. Your answers must be written in your own words; no credit will be given for a response that is copied or substantially the same as material from other parts of this examination. [16] Directions (31 33): Choose two of the three writing tasks provided below. In your answer booklet, write your response to the two writing tasks you have chosen. For each question you have chosen, your answer should be written entirely in French and should contain a minimum of 100 words. Place names and brand names written in French count as one word. Contractions are also counted as one word. Salutations and closings, as well as commonly used abbreviations in French, are included in the word count. Numbers, unless written as words, and names of people are not counted as words. You must satisfy the purpose of the task. Be sure to organize your response and to include a beginning, middle, and ending. The sentence structure and/or expressions used should be connected logically and should demonstrate a wide range of vocabulary with minimal repetition. 31 Your pen pal has asked you about your favorite sport. In French, write a letter to your pen pal discussing your favorite sport. You may wish to include: what the sport is why you like this sport whether it is a team sport or an individual sport where this sport is played when it is played skills needed to play favorite players or team whether you play this sport cost of playing this sport future plans for playing this sport 32 Your school is preparing for Career Day. In French, write a journal entry describing your ideas about a career that interests you. You may wish to include: what profession or occupation interests you the most why you are interested in that kind of job what activities are involved in that occupation potential for earning money where to study or prepare for that career someone you know in that field work schedule where you will work personal qualities needed for that kind of work what other people think about that occupation Comp. French June 09 [10] 33 In French, write a story about the situation shown in the picture below. It must be a story relating to the picture, not a description of the picture. Do not write a dialogue. NOTE: The rubric (scoring criteria) for a Part 4 response receiving maximum credit appears below. Regents Comprehensive Examinations in Modern Languages Dimension A response receiving maximum credit: Purpose/Task Accomplishes the task; includes many details that are clearly connected to the development of the task, but there may be minor irrelevancies. Organization The extent to which the response exhibits direction, shape, and coherence Exhibits a logical and coherent sequence throughout; provides a clear sense of a beginning, middle, and end. Makes smooth transitions between ideas. Vocabulary Includes a wide variety of vocabulary that expands the topic, but there may be minor inaccuracies. Structure/Conventions Subject-verb agreement Tense N oun-adjective agreement Correct word order Spelling/diacritical marks Demonstrates a high degree of control of Checkpoint B (Regents level) structure/conventions: subject-verb agreement present, past, future ideas expressed as appropriate noun-adjective agreement correct word order spelling/diacritical marks (e.g., accents) Errors do n ot hinder overall comprehensibility of the passage. Word Count Comp. French June 09 C ontains 100 words or more. [11] COMPREHENSIVE FRENCH [12] COMPREHENSIVE FRENCH Comp. French June 09 The University of the State of New York REGENTS HIGH SCHOOL EXAMINATION F COMPREHENSIVE EXAMINATION IN FRENCH Teacher Dictation Copy Tuesday, June 23, 2009 9:15 a.m. to 12:15 p.m., only General Directions Before the start of the examination period, distribute one examination booklet, face up, to each student. After each student has received an examination booklet, distribute one answer booklet to each student. Then instruct the students to fill in the heading on the front of the answer booklet. After each student has filled in the heading of the answer booklet, begin the examination by following the directions for Part 2a, as given below. Directions for Part 2a: Instruct students to open their test booklets and read the directions for Part 2a. After students have read and understood the directions, say: There are nine questions in Part 2a. Each question is based on a short passage which I will read aloud to you. Listen carefully. Before each passage, I will give you some background information in English once. Then I will read the passage in French twice. After you have heard the passage for the second time, I will read the question in English once. The question is also printed in your test booklet. After you have heard the question, you will have about one minute before I go on to the next question. During that time, read the question and the four suggested answers in your test booklet. Choose the best suggested answer on the basis of the information provided in the passage, and write its number in the space provided in your answer booklet. You should not read the question and the suggested answers while you are listening to the passage. This will allow you to give all your attention to what you hear. I will now begin. Comp. French June 09 COMP. FRENCH continued Administer each of the items in Part 2a as follows: First, read the setting in English once; then read the listening comprehension stimulus (passage) in French twice in succession. Make every effort to read the passage in the way students would hear it in an authentic setting. Then read the question once. Pause for no more than one minute before proceeding to the next item. 1 You are watching television in Quebec and hear this announcement: Aimez-vous l aventure? Alors notre programme de sports d hiver est pour vous. Cette ann e, le Mont Tremblant vous offre l occasion de profiter de la neige. Partez l aventure en conduisant votre tra neau chiens, faites des randonn es en raquettes dans les bois ou des glissades sur tubes la montagne. Toute la famille peut participer aux activit s, m me les d butants. Les excursions guid es commencent dix heures et sont offertes toutes les deux heures, le samedi et le dimanche. Les enfants de moins de dix ans y participent gratuitement. Who would be most interested in this announcement? 2 You are an exchange student in Belgium. Your friend leaves this message on your voice mail: coute, ma voiture a un pneu crev . Je vais t l phoner au garage parce que je ne sais pas comment le changer moi-m me. Sylvie et moi allons tre en retard pour le match. Est-ce que tu pourrais nous r server des places c t de toi? Je te rappellerai quand on arrivera et comme a on pourra se retrouver au gymnase. Garde ton portable allum ! Je suis vraiment d sol ! Why did your friend call? 3 You are watching television at your host family s home in France. A television announcer makes these comments about a tourist attraction: Tout pr s de Paris, le parc d lancourt rassemble la reconstitution de plus de 104 sites et monuments de France. Ces maquettes de petites dimensions reproduisent des lieux aussi divers que le ch teau de Chambord, le Stade de France, un port breton ou un village alpin. Des artistes c l bres ont reconstitu cinquante sc nes d int rieur comme le prestigieux restaurant Maxim s Paris. Ces magnifiques mod les r duits repr sentent quinze ann es de travail. What does this tourist attraction feature? Comp. French June 09 [2] COMP. FRENCH continued 4 You are listening to the radio in Bordeaux and hear this advertisement: La peau joue un r le de barri re protectrice. Lorsqu elle est bless e, c est la porte ouverte aux microbes et l infection. Mais une plaie bien lav e et bien d sinfect e est d j en voie de gu rison. Dermaspray est une solution adapt e la d sinfection des blessures. Utilisez-la deux trois fois par jour directement sur la plaie pour viter la p n tration et la multiplication des microbes. Avec Dermaspray, plus besoin de souffrir pour bien se soigner. Ce produit est un m dicament. Si les sympt mes persistent, consultez votre m decin. What is the purpose of this product? 5 While visiting Montreal, you hear this advertisement on the radio: Depuis son ouverture en 1992, le Biod me de Montr al a fait voyager des millions de personnes travers plusieurs cosyst mes du monde. Il offre un voyage ducatif et fascinant qui aide faire conna tre la nature au grand public et sensibiliser les gens l importance de prot ger l environnement. Sous un seul toit, le visiteur d couvre successivement la for t tropicale, la for t laurentienne, le Saint-Laurent marin et le monde polaire. On y trouve des milliers de plantes et d animaux vivant dans une repr sentation tr s r aliste de leur habitat naturel. Venez apprendre mieux conna tre la nature. Venez au Biod me aujourd hui. What is this advertisement about? 6 You are in France and you hear this weather forecast for Sunday on the radio: Une zone de pluie stagnera sur toute la France mais la vague de chaleur continuera. En cons quence, il y aura beaucoup de pluie et le ciel sera tr s nuageux partout. En fin d apr s-midi, le ciel restera couvert et il fera tr s chaud avec la possibilit de quelques orages. L ensemble de l Hexagone jouira de temp ratures sup rieures aux temp ratures saisonni res normales et les pr cipitations pluvieuses seront importantes partout. Which items would be most appropriate for an outing on Sunday? Comp. French June 09 [3] [OVER] COMP. FRENCH continued 7 When you are checking into your hotel in Montreal, the desk clerk tells you: Pour profiter pleinement de votre s jour dans cette ville, achetez la Carte Mus es Montr al . C est un v ritable passeport pour des mondes remplis de tr sors et de merveilles. Elle vous permettra de d couvrir 32 mus es montr alais. Pour seulement 45 dollars vous pourrez visiter en toute libert une grande vari t d expositions pendant votre s jour dans la ville. Vous pouvez acheter la carte ici la r ception de l h tel ou bien la billetterie du premier mus e que vous visiterez. What is the desk clerk recommending? 8 You are at the airport in Montreal. While waiting for your charter flight to leave for Paris, you hear this announcement: tous les passagers de ce vol charter destination de Paris : nous vous rappelons l importance de confirmer les coordonn es de votre vol de retour vingt-quatre heures avant le d part. Dans l ventualit d un changement d horaire, il est n cessaire de v rifier l heure de d part afin de ne pas manquer votre vol de retour. Merci de votre attention. What does this announcement advise you to do? 9 Your French friend is telling you about his summer vacation. He says: En ao t j ai pass quinze jours au bord de la M diterran e. J ai toujours voulu apprendre faire de la voile, alors j ai suivi un stage dans une cole pr s de Marseille. J ai pass de bonnes vacances tout en apprenant s rieusement la navigation maritime. Maintenant je sais orienter un bateau en fonction du vent et lire une carte marine. Les jours de beau temps, on s arr tait dans des criques pour nager un peu. Mais en fin de stage, la m t o a chang : le vent a augment , alors on a mis les cir s et on a pratiqu une voile plus sportive. La mer n tait pas du tout calme, mais c tait quand m me tr s bien. What did your friend do this summer? Comp. French June 09 [4] COMP. FRENCH continued Directions for Part 2b: Instruct students to read the directions for Part 2b. After students have read and understood the directions, say: There are six questions in Part 2b. Part 2b is like Part 2a, except the questions and answers are in French. I will now begin. Administer Part 2b in the same manner as Part 2a. 10 Your host parents in Paris are giving advice to their son before he leaves for summer camp. Your host mother says: Je sais que tu vas tre tr s occup pendant ton s jour en colonie de vacances. Mais n oublie pas de bien t alimenter chaque jour, en particulier au d but de la journ e. Tu sais, le premier repas de la journ e est le plus important. Au r veil il faut refaire le plein d nergie. Tu dois choisir une boisson, un produit laitier, des c r ales et un fruit riche en vitamine C. Et tu peux aussi prendre des tartines avec du beurre et de la confiture. Mange bien le matin pour avoir de l nergie pour le restant de la journ e. De quel repas s agit-il? 11 At the entrance of an amusement park in France, a park employee is greeting the visitors. He says: Nous nous effor ons d offrir tous nos visiteurs une bonne exp rience et un environnement s r et confortable. Aidez-nous en restant courtois envers les autres visiteurs et en faisant preuve de respect l gard des autres. Nous vous demandons de ne pas utiliser de mots insultants et de ne pas adopter une attitude offensive. S il vous pla t, conformez-vous tous les avertissements et aux r gles de s curit . Une tenue correcte est exig e. Le port de chaussures et d une chemise est obligatoire. Pour quelle raison donne-t-on ces renseignements? 12 You are listening to the radio in Alsace and hear this report: Strasbourg met la disposition des touristes un nouveau type de transport: le bateau-mouche lectrique. But avou de ces bateaux: contribuer la protection de l environnement en r duisant la pollution et le bruit des moteurs. Autre avantage: ces embarcations sont accessibles aux personnes handicap es. Les riverains, quant eux, sont heureux de voir passer ces bateaux plus silencieux et moins polluants. Promenez-vous dans le port de Strasbourg de fa on originale! Quel est l avantage de ce nouveau moyen de transport? Comp. French June 09 [5] [OVER] COMP. FRENCH concluded 13 While on a tour in France, you hear this announcement on the radio: D s la tomb e de la nuit 22 heures, prenez place au coeur de l action! Le nouveau spectacle nocturne du Ch teau royal de Blois fait appel aux technologies les plus contemporaines du son et de l image pour vous montrer au clair de lune des merveilles de l architecture fran aise. Les 600 projecteurs, les effets sp ciaux et le syst me d images d filantes sur les fa ades du Ch teau font de ce son et lumi re un magnifique spectacle unique en Europe. Ce spectacle est pr sent chaque soir du 11 avril au 27 septembre. Quand peut-on voir ce spectacle? 14 You are listening to the radio in France and hear this interview with a woman from a village near Biarritz. She says: Je suis pratiquement n e sur la place du march ! Mon arri re-grand-m re tenait d j un tal aux halles de Biarritz dans les ann es 1890. Cinq g n rations plus tard, Janine, l une de mes trois filles, est install e au march . J aime le contact avec mes clients. Leurs regards souriants me plaisent beaucoup quand ils choisissent une botte de tulipes, de lilas ou de roses ou encore un arrangement floral. Je suis une des derni res horticultrices de mon village. C est dommage car c est une belle profession. Quel est le m tier de cette femme? 15 You are in Lyon talking with a travel agent for an airline company. The travel agent says: Nous avons r am nag tous nos avions internationaux et transam ricains avec de nouveaux si ges r pondant des exigences pr cises. Vous disposez pr sent de toute la place n cessaire pour travailler, vous d tendre ou vous allonger. Pour les vols de nuit, nous fournissons un v ritable oreiller, des draps en coton, une couverture pure laine et une couette moelleuse. Apr s une nuit d un sommeil profond, vous arriverez destination aussi frais et dispos que si vous aviez dormi dans votre lit. De quoi parle cet agent de voyage? When students have finished Part 2b, say: This is the end of Part 2. You may now go on to the rest of the examination. Comp. French June 09 [6] FOR TEACHERS ONLY The University of the State of New York REGENTS HIGH SCHOOL EXAMINATION F COMPREHENSIVE EXAMINATION IN FRENCH Tuesday, June 23, 2009 9:15 a.m. to 12:15 p.m., only SCORING KEY Updated information regarding the rating of this examination may be posted on the New York State Education Department s web site during the rating period. Check this web site and select the link Examination Scoring Information for any recently posted information regarding this examination. This site should be checked before the rating process for this examination begins and several times throughout the Regents examination period. Mechanics of Rating Use only red ink or red pencil in rating Regents examination papers. Do not attempt to correct the student s work by making insertions or changes of any kind. Use check marks [ ] to indicate incorrect or omitted answers in Parts 2 and 3. Do not place a check mark beside a correct answer. Record the credit for each part in the appropriate credit box on the student s answer booklet. Record the total examination score (the sum of the credits the student received for each part) in the appropriate space in the box in the upper right corner of the answer booklet. Check carefully for mechanical errors (e.g., addition). Using a calculator might be helpful. Write your initials clearly in the appropriate space on the answer booklet. Part 1 Record the credit for Part 1: Speaking, as previously reported to the building principal. Part 2 Allow a total of 30 credits, two credits for each of the following: a (1) 3 (2) 4 (3) 4 (4) 1 (5) 2 (6) 3 (7) 1 (8) 3 (9) 2 b (10) 4 (11) 3 (12) 2 (13) 3 (14) 1 (15) 2 Part 3 Allow a total of 30 credits, two credits for each of the following: a (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) 1 3 2 4 2 b (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) 3 1 4 2 1 c (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) 3 4 1 3 2 COMPREHENSIVE FRENCH continued Part 4 In this part of the examination, students are asked to demonstrate the ability to write in the target language using the four functions of language (socializing, getting others to adopt a course of action, getting and providing information, and expressing personal feelings) as the vehicle for communication. Students are instructed to choose two of the three tasks provided and write a response of at least 100 words in the target language to achieve a specified communication purpose. A word is defined as a letter or collection of letters, surrounded by space, that in the target language is comprehensible and contributes to the development of the task. This definition applies even when words are grammatically incorrect. When counting words, please note that numbers, unless written as words, and names of people are not to be counted. Place names and brand names from the target culture count as one word (all other places and brand names are disregarded), and contractions are counted as one word. In addition, salutations and closings are counted, as well as commonly used abbreviations in the target language. Additional information concerning word count guidelines, how to apply the writing rubric, and use of the scoring rubric for students with disabilities who have a spelling exemption listed on an IEP or 504 plan is provided in the document, Comprehensive Regents Examination in Modern Foreign Languages Test Changes and Sampler Draft, which is available on the Department web site at The responses to the Part 4 writing tasks must be written in the student s own words; no credit should be given for a response that is copied or substantially the same as material from other parts of the examination. Part 4 is worth a total of 16 credits. Each response is worth a maximum of eight credits and must be rated according to the writing rubric for Part 4, which is provided on the next page. This writing rubric measures five dimensions: purpose/task, organization, vocabulary, structure/conventions, and word count. The dimensions of purpose/task, organization, vocabulary, and structure/conventions are measured on a zero to four scale; the dimension of word count is measured on a zero to two scale. A writing checklist is also provided for use in rating student responses. The writing checklist requires reference to the full writing rubric for the definitions of each dimension at each level and is not intended as a substitute for the writing rubric. After rating the student s response for each dimension, the scores for the five dimensions must be added, resulting in a total raw score for the response. The conversion chart must be applied to that total raw score so that the proper credit is given to the student for the question. For example, if a student received a performance level score of 3 on the dimension of purpose/task, a score of 3 on the dimension of organization, a score of 2 on the dimension of vocabulary, a score of 3 on the dimension of structure/conventions, and a score of 2 on the dimension of word count, the student s total raw score would equal 13 (the sum of the five performance level scores). According to the conversion chart, a raw score of 13 represents a converted score of 6 credits for the question. The conversion chart for Part 4 is shown below. Part 4 Conversion Chart Total Raw Score Total Credits 17 18 15 16 13 14 11 12 8 7 6 5 8 10 6 7 4 5 2 3 0 1 4 3 2 1 0 After each of the two questions has been scored, the two converted scores must be added together to determine the total Part 4 score. This total Part 4 score should be entered in the last box on the last page of the student answer booklet and also under the Credit Earned section for Part 4, on the upper right corner of the first page of the student answer booklet. [2] COMPREHENSIVE FRENCH continued The writing rubric for Part 4 is shown below. Part 4 Writing Rubric Note that a zero can be given in any of the dimensions when the student s performance falls below the criteria described for the performance level of 1. Performance Level 4 3 2 1 Purpose/Task Accomplishes the task; includes many details that are clearly connected to the development of the task, but there may be minor irrelevancies. Accomplishes the task; includes some details that are generally connected to the development of the task, but there may be some irrelevancies. Accomplishes the task; includes few details, some of which may be only loosely connected to the task. There are many irrelevancies. Attempts to accomplish the task; makes some reference to it but provides few or no supporting details. Organization The extent to which the response exhibits direction, shape, and coherence Exhibits a logical and coherent sequence throughout; provides a clear sense of a beginning, middle, and end. Makes smooth transitions between ideas. Exhibits a logical sequence; provides a beginning, middle, and end. Attempts to provide a logical sequence and/or the beginning or ending is abrupt or unclear. Exhibits little order; provides a series of separate sentences and/or disconnected ideas. Vocabulary Includes a wide variety of vocabulary that expands the topic, but there may be minor inaccuracies. Includes a variety of vocabulary related to the topic. Includes basic vocabulary; some vocabulary may be inaccurate or unrelated to the topic. Includes limited vocabulary and/or most vocabulary is inaccurate or unrelated to the topic. Structure/ Conventions Subject-verb agreement Tense Noun-adjective agreement Correct word order Spelling/diacritical marks Demonstrates a high degree of control of Checkpoint B structure/conventions: subject-verb agreement present, past, future ideas expressed as appropriate noun-adjective agreement correct word order spelling/diacritical marks Demonstrates some control of Checkpoint B structure/conventions: subject-verb agreement present, past, future ideas expressed as appropriate noun-adjective agreement correct word order spelling/diacritical marks Demonstrates some control of Checkpoint B structure/conventions. Errors do hinder overall comprehensibility and/or there are numerous Checkpoint A errors. Demonstrates little control of Checkpoint A or B structure/conventions: subject-verb agreement present, past, future ideas expressed as appropriate noun-adjective agreement correct word order spelling/diacritical marks Dimension Errors do not hinder Errors do not hinder overall comprehensibility overall comprehensibility of the passage. of the passage. Word Count [3] OR Demonstrates a high degree of control, but uses only Checkpoint A structure/conventions. Errors impede overall comprehensibility of the passage. Uses 100 or more comprehensible words in the target language that contribute to the development of the task. Uses 50 99 comprehensible words in the target language that contribute to the development of the task. [OVER] COMPREHENSIVE FRENCH continued The writing checklist for Part 4 is shown below. Part 4 Writing Checklist Please refer to the full writing rubric for definitions of each level. Note that a zero can be given in any of the dimensions when the student s performance falls below the criteria described for the performance level of 1. Question No. _____ Dimension 4 Performance Level 3 2 1 Question No. _____ 0 4 3 2 1 0 Purpose/Task Accomplishes the task Includes details Connects ideas to task/purpose Organization Exhibits a logical and coherent sequence Has a beginning, middle, and end Makes smooth transitions Vocabulary Includes a variety of vocabulary Uses relevant and accurate words Structure (degree to which errors hinder overall comprehensibility) Subject-verb agreement Present, past, future ideas expressed as appropriate Noun-adjective agreement Correct word order Spelling/diacritical marks Word Count 100+ 50 <50 99 Comprehensible In target language 100+ 50 <50 99 This writing checklist is provided solely for the teacher s convenience. This form is not required to be completed and should not be returned to the State Education Department. In addition, when scoring Part 4 responses, no marks should be placed on the student s paper as such marks may interfere with the ability of the rater to properly apply the scoring rubric. [4] COMPREHENSIVE FRENCH continued If a student s response receives a performance level score of zero on the dimension of purpose/task, the entire response should receive a score of zero. Please note, however, that in order to receive a score of zero on the dimension of purpose/task, the student s response must be completely unrelated to the topic. A student s response must not be given a zero on the dimension of purpose/task if the response can be associated with the task in any manner whatsoever. In such an instance, the student s response must be rated on each of the dimensions of the writing rubric. Part 4 A sample of an 8-credit response for each question in Part 4 follows: 31 Ch re Am lie, Chaque jour, je vais m entra ner au volleyball apr s l cole. Le volleyball est mon sport favori parce que c est un sport non-violent et comp titif. Pour r ussir bien jouer, il faut s entra ner au moins cinq fois par semaine. Aussi, il faut couter les conseils de son entra neur. Le volleyball est un sport d quipe. Tous les joueurs doivent bien s entendre pour pouvoir gagner un match. Apr s la saison du lyc e, toutes mes amies et moi, nous nous entra nons dans un club de jeunes. On a des tournois chaque fin de semaine. Pour moi, le volleyball est un sport tr s important pour rester en forme et en m me temps passer du temps avec mes meilleurs amis. J esp re un jour continuer jouer l universit . Et toi, quel sport pr f res-tu? Amiti s, Michelle 32 Je voudrais tre docteur pour les enfants parce que je voudrais aider les enfants malades. Je sais que les tudes sont longues et que je dois beaucoup tudier. Mais je suis fort en sciences. Je crois que je vais aimer cette profession. Ma tante est m decin. Elle travaille Boston dans un h pital et je l admire beaucoup. Je suis all lui rendre visite et je l ai vue l h pital. Son travail est tr s int ressant, tr s triste aussi quelquefois quand les enfants sont vraiment malades. Je voudrais tre comme ma tante et avoir le meme travail. Un jour, je serai docteur mais d abord, je dois aller l universit . 33 Un jour, mes deux copains et moi, nous sommes arriv s l cole un peu en retard. Devant l cole, il y avait des centaines d l ves car il n y avait pas d lectricit . Apr s quelques minutes, le directeur a annonc que les classes taient annul es et que nous aurions un jour de cong . Quelle surprise et quelle chance ! Nous avions beaucoup de choses faire pour nos cours. Nous avons d cid d aller tout de suite la biblioth que pour commencer notre travail. Marc a crit un devoir pour son cours d histoire, Marie a fait des dessins pour le cours d art, et moi, j ai commenc lire des livres pour mon cours de litt rature. Nous sommes rest s la biblioth que pendant trois heures. Plus tard, nous sommes all s au cin ma pour voir un nouveau film. [5] [OVER] COMPREHENSIVE FRENCH concluded Regents Comprehensive Examinations in Modern Languages Map to Learning Standards Key Ideas Part of Test/Item Numbers Speaking Part 1, Speaking Test (administered prior to the written test) Listening Part 2, Listening Comprehension Items: 1 15 Reading Part 3, Reading Comprehension Items: 16 30 Writing Part 4, Writing Items: 31 33 Culture Embedded in each item of test Submitting Teacher Evaluations of the Test to the Department Suggestions and feedback from teachers provide an important contribution to the test development process. The Department provides an online evaluation form for State assessments. It contains spaces for teachers to respond to several specific questions and to make suggestions. Instructions for completing the evaluation form are as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Go to Select the test title. Complete the required demographic fields. Complete each evaluation question and provide comments in the space provided. Click the SUBMIT button at the bottom of the page to submit the completed form. [6]

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Additional Info : Refer : Teacher Dictation Copy (Page 13) and Scoring Key (page 21)
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