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New York Regents French June 2010

32 pages, 33 questions, 2 questions with responses, 2 total responses,    0    0
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COMPREHENSIVE FRENCH The University of the State of New York REGENTS HIGH SCHOOL EXAMINATION COMPREHENSIVE EXAMINATION IN FRENCH Tuesday, June 22, 2010 1:15 to 4:15 p.m., only This booklet contains Parts 2 through 4 (76 credits) of this examination. Your performance on Part 1, Speaking (24 credits), has been evaluated prior to the date of this written examination. The answers to the questions on this examination are to be written in the separate answer booklet. Be sure to fill in the heading on the front of your answer booklet. When you have completed the examination, you must sign the statement printed at the end of the answer booklet, indicating that you had no unlawful knowledge of the questions or answers prior to the examination and that you have neither given nor received assistance in answering any of the questions during the examination. Your answer booklet cannot be accepted if you fail to sign this declaration. The use of any communications device is strictly prohibited when taking this examination. If you use any communications device, no matter how briefly, your examination will be invalidated and no score will be calculated for you. DO NOT OPEN THIS EXAMINATION BOOKLET UNTIL THE SIGNAL IS GIVEN. COMPREHENSIVE FRENCH Part 2 Answer all questions in Part 2 according to the directions for a and b. [30] a Directions (1 9): For each question, you will hear some background information in English once. Then you will hear a passage in French twice and a question in English once. After you have heard the question, the teacher will pause while you read the question and the four suggested answers in your test booklet. Choose the best suggested answer and write its number in the space provided in your answer booklet. Base your answer on the content of the passage, only. [18] 6 What is the purpose of this airline s announcement? (1) to page one of its employees (2) to cancel all flights today due to the weather (3) to promote its new reservation service (4) to make an offer to passengers on today s flight 1 What is this announcement encouraging listeners to do? (1) to be careful on New Year s Eve (2) to write to government representatives (3) to register for upcoming elections (4) to volunteer for community activities 2 What can you learn at this school? (1) how to manage your money (2) how to speak another language (3) how to renovate your kitchen (4) how to prepare ethnic dishes 7 What is being advertised? (1) a resort hotel (2) a music CD (3) a tourist discount card (4) a sightseeing cruise 3 What is your friend asking you to help him do? (1) choose new furniture (2) pack for a trip (3) move to his new apartment (4) paint his parents house 8 What information is given about this house? (1) It uses a renewable energy source. (2) It is made from recycled material. (3) It is made as a prefabricated building. (4) It can withstand hurricane-force winds. 4 According to the clerk, why do many people come to this region? (1) to learn about the Canadian government (2) to improve their language skills (3) to enjoy the scenic views (4) to find summer employment 9 What kind of merchandise is being advertised? (1) art (3) jewelry (2) clothes (4) shoes 5 What is the subject of this e-mail? (1) a bicycle race (3) an online game (2) a free trip to France (4) a summer school Comp. French June 10 [2] b Directions (10 15): For each question, you will hear some background information in English once. Then you will hear a passage in French twice and a question in French once. After you have heard the question, the teacher will pause while you read the question and the four suggested answers in your test booklet. Choose the best suggested answer and write its number in the space provided in your answer booklet. Base your answer on the content of the passage, only. [12] 13 Qu est-ce que ce village vous offre? (1) un festival de films (2) une course de chevaux (3) un concert de rock (4) un spectacle historique 10 D apr s le reportage, pourquoi est-ce qu il y a eu moins de touristes en juin et juillet? (1) Le dollar tait faible. (2) Le temps tait mauvais. (3) La SNCF tait en gr ve. (4) L essence tait trop ch re. 14 Pourquoi est-ce que ton amie est contente? (1) Elle a trouv un travail d t . (2) Elle a pass de bonnes vacances. (3) Elle a re u son dipl me. (4) Elle a re u son permis de conduire. 11 D apr s le passage, comment peut-on expliquer le grand succ s de cette entreprise? (1) Elle fait beaucoup de publicit la t l . (2) Elle r pond aux besoins des jeunes. (3) Ses produits se vendent dans tous les grands magasins. (4) Les prix de ses produits sont tr s bon march . 15 Qu est-ce qu on peut dire de ce restaurant? (1) On y trouve un menu tr s vari . (2) Il se sp cialise dans la cuisine v g tarienne. (3) Il se sp cialise dans la restauration rapide. (4) On y trouve un grand choix de fruits exotiques. 12 De quoi parle-t-elle? (1) des heures de cours de son fils (2) de l horaire de travail de son mari (3) du transport scolaire des enfants (4) des menus de la cantine Comp. French June 10 [3] [OVER] Part 3 Answer all questions in Part 3 according to the directions for a, b, and c. [30] a Directions (16 20): After the following passage, there are five questions or incomplete statements. For each, choose the word or expression that best answers the question or completes the statement according to the meaning of the passage, and write its number in the space provided in your answer booklet. [10] Le refuge d H l ne Sports, choix et engagement sont trois mots-cl s dans la vie d H l ne de la Ferri re. Elle est n e au Maroc, en Afrique du Nord. Pendant son enfance elle voyage partout en France avec ses parents. Puis, elle fait des tudes de musicologie Grenoble. Dipl m e, elle enseigne la musique dans un coll ge de la r gion. C est dans cette r gion qu elle se passionne de montagne. L t , pendant les vacances scolaires, elle aide sa s ur et son beau-fr re qui organisent des exp ditions dans l Himalaya. Quand ils partent, elle s occupe du bureau, ce qui lui donne le go t du tourisme sportif. En 1988, H l ne se lance dans un stage de reconversion professionnelle o elle apprend la comptabilit , la gestion et le commerce. la fin du stage, une occasion se pr sente dans le sud de la France. Elle trouve un travail dans un petit h tel rustique destin aux randonneurs et aux montagnards. Elle est contente mais un peu surprise car elle n a de l exp rience ni dans l h tellerie ni dans la restauration. H l ne restera dix-sept ans dans ce refuge de montagne avec son mari et leurs quatre enfants. Apr s la mort de son mari, elle ressent le besoin de changer de r gion et elle veut aller plus loin, plus haut dans les montagnes. l ge de 48 ans, H l ne part s installer dans les Hautes-Alpes, 1 822 m tres d altitude. Elle devient gardienne d un refuge pr s du petit village de Ceillac, en pleine nature. La r gion de Ceillac est parfaite. Les gens l acceptent bras ouverts. Son petit tablissement marche bien et elle gagne assez d argent pour faire vivre toute sa famille. H l ne explique que pour travailler dans ce type d activit , il faut tre capable de faire face des changements de rythme tr s importants. En haute saison, on travaille sept jours sur sept, seize heures par jour, et dans les p riodes creuses, il n y a pas beaucoup d activit . Deux l ments tr s importants aussi sont la rigueur et l organisation, notamment pour la cuisine. Acc der au refuge d H l ne n est pas facile. Depuis Ceillac, il faut marcher vingt minutes pour atteindre le refuge. En hiver, on a besoin de raquettes ou de skis de fond. Mais quel plaisir, d s l arriv e, d tre l , dans cette petite maison ancienne en pierre du pays, avec son int rieur tout en bois et son mobilier r gional! C est un petit refuge de 20 Comp. French June 10 [4] personnes dans lequel H l ne re oit les visiteurs avec joie et leur pr pare une vraie cuisine familiale. Pendant l hiver, il n y a pas de maisons habit es pr s de chez elle. Par contre, des skieurs hardis y passent la nuit. L t , il y a des clients qui font des randonn es p destres. H l ne aime mieux recevoir les personnes qui viennent passer plusieurs semaines au refuge au printemps ou en automme. Ces sportifs-l sont plus s rieux : les conditions sont plus difficiles car il ne fait pas toujours beau, et la montagne peut tre dangereuse. Comme elle est sportive elle-m me, elle comprend quel point il est n cessaire de se pr parer physiquement. Aujourd hui, elle vit seule avec sa plus jeune fille dans la montagne. Ses autres enfants font leurs tudes dans le sud de la France. Quand on lui parle de l isolation, elle r pond qu elle aime la solitude, les vieilles maisons et la montagne, mais en r alit elle n est pas souvent seule parce que son refuge est rarement vide. 16 Quelle tait la premi re profession d H l ne? (1) Elle tait r ceptionniste dans un mus e. (2) Elle tait professeur dans un coll ge. (3) Elle tait serveuse dans un restaurant. (4) Elle tait infirmi re dans un h pital. 19 Comment est-ce qu on arrive au refuge? (1) Il faut avoir un guide. (2) Il faut louer une motoneige. (3) Il faut prendre un v lo tout terrain. (4) Il faut monter pied. 17 Qu est-ce qu H l ne a tudi pour changer de carri re? (1) la psychologie (3) le commerce (2) la biologie (4) le dessin 20 Que fait H l ne en hiver? (1) Elle re oit des sportifs chez elle. (2) Elle passe ses vacances au Maroc. (3) Elle travaille mi-temps Grenoble. (4) Elle habite chez des amis de la famille. 18 D apr s H l ne, que faut-il savoir pour tre gardienne de refuge? (1) faire la cuisine (2) construire des maisons en bois (3) parler plusieurs langues (4) soigner les animaux de montagne Comp. French June 10 [5] [OVER] b Directions (21 25): Below each of the following selections, there is either a question or an incomplete statement. For each, choose the word or expression that best answers the question or completes the statement according to the meaning of the selection, and write its number in the space provided in your answer booklet. [10] 21 21 This person expresses his ideas through (1) dance (3) technology (2) sculpture (4) words 22 22 What do we learn about this boy? (1) He really likes cake. (2) He wants to be a little bit older. Comp. French June 10 (3) He loves to work with his grandmother. (4) He likes to cook. [6] 23 23 What is one feature of this tour? (1) The tour is available every day of the week. (2) One meal is included in the price of the tour. (3) Guides who speak multiple languages are available. (4) An overnight excursion is included to discover the surrounding areas. Comp. French June 10 [7] [OVER] 24 Adolescents Manger, tu le fais tous les jours, sans forc ment y penser. Pourtant, pour tre en forme, bien grandir, bien r fl chir, tre bien dans ta peau et ne pas grossir, il est important de choisir ce que tu d cides de mettre dans ton assiette C est compliqu ? Pas tant que a ! Faire les bons choix, c est manger de tout, soit un peu soit beaucoup, selon le type d aliments C est faire le plein de fruits, de l gumes, de produits laitiers et de f culents, sans renoncer pour autant aller de temps en temps au fastfood. C est diminuer les sucreries et les viennoiseries au quotidien, mais s accorder de temps en temps un bon g teau au chocolat C est aussi se bouger tous les jours, parce qu en restant toute la journ e derri re son ordinateur ou devant la t l , on ne se d pense pas assez, on a tendance grignoter, et on risque de grossir 24 According to this article, teenagers should (1) eliminate foods that are low in nutritional value from their diets (2) track their eating habits by using computer software on Internet sites (3) participate in team sports for maximum health benefits (4) practice good decision-making skills while selecting foods Comp. French June 10 [8] 25 25 What do people do when they go to this place? (1) They participate in a television show. (3) They help prepare a meal. (2) They see an historical exhibit. (4) They meet an author. Comp. French June 10 [9] [OVER] c Directions (26 30): After the following passage, there are five questions or incomplete statements in English. For each, choose the word or expression that best answers the question or completes the statement according to the meaning of the passage, and write its number in the space provided in your answer booklet. [10] Carole Fredericks La musique contemporaine fran aise est plus riche aujourd hui, gr ce aux contributions d une chanteuse am ricaine, Carole Fredericks n e le 5 juin 1952 Springfield, Massachusetts aux tats-Unis. Carole vient d une famille de musiciens dou e: sa m re, chanteuse elle-m me dans un Big Band, son p re, pianiste et parolier, et son fr re a n , le c l bre bluesman Taj Mahal. Ses huit fr res et s urs sont galement artistes et musiciens. Elle grandit dans une ambiance de blues et de gospel et elle admire Aretha Franklin et les Beatles, qui restent ses plus fortes influences musicales. Pendant sa jeunesse, la musique joue un r le important. son glise, elle participe une chorale de gospel, et au lyc e, elle chante aussi apr s les cours. Pendant ses tudes secondaires, Carole se distingue par sa voix inoubliable et elle d cide alors de devenir la meilleure chanteuse de blues du monde. Apr s avoir re u son dipl me en 1972, elle d m nage San Francisco o elle travaille comme chanteuse dans le studio de son fr re; elle y enregistre trois albums avec lui. Le week-end, elle chante avec un trio dans le bistro La Belle H l ne , dont les propri taires sont fran ais. Apr s chaque spectacle, les clients et le propri taire lui sugg rent r guli rement: Carole, notre pays aimerait beaucoup une chanteuse comme toi. Pourquoi ne vas-tu pas Paris ? Suivant leurs conseils, elle rentre Springfield, sa ville natale, o elle travaille pendant un an et conomise assez d argent pour un billet d avion. En janvier 1979, elle prend l avion pour la France. Et l ge de 27 ans, elle d barque Paris sans conna tre un seul mot de fran ais. Mais elle r ussit se d brouiller parce qu elle s entoure de culture fran aise, surtout au contact de musiciens fran ais. En tant que membre du groupe Fredericks Goldman Jones, l un des groupes fran ais les plus c l bres, Carole infuse rythme et blues, soul et gospel dans la musique fran aise contemporaine. Elle perfectionne son fran ais, et sa voix et son talent deviennent de plus en plus appr ci s. C est la musique qui lie tous les aspects de la vie de Carole. Elle offre volontiers son talent et son enthousiasme de nombreux projets humanitaires en donnant par exemple des concerts b n voles. Son pays adoptif la consid re comme une star et une vedette humanitaire. Comp. French June 10 [10] Le 7 juin 2001, la fleur de l ge, elle meurt pendant une tourn e au S n gal. Elle venait de donner un concert au b n fice d un h pital d enfants Dakar. cause de son d sir d am liorer la vie des sans-abri, des personnes maltrait es, et des affam s, les Europ ens et les Africains lui accordent un respect total. Sa mort cr e un vide dans le monde musical, dans le coeur de ses amis et de ses millions de fans. Au moment de sa mort, elle avait v cu en France 22 ans et parlait fran ais couramment. Son r pertoire musical comprend des albums solo en fran ais et en anglais. Elle est enterr e au cimeti re historique de Montmartre, Paris, c t de nombreux Fran ais c l bres. 29 What was the purpose of Carole Fredericks last concert? (1) to raise money for a medical facility (2) to provide housing for the elderly (3) to provide nutritious meals for the homeless (4) to raise funds for environmental causes 26 In the text, Taj Mahal refers to (1) a type of music (2) a famous monument (3) Carole s childhood nickname (4) Carole s older brother 27 According to the passage, Carole Fredericks went to France to (1) become a model (3) further her career (2) study painting (4) work as a guide 30 According to the text, what was one of Carole Fredericks contributions to French music? (1) She started a school of music. (2) She introduced rap and hip-hop music. (3) She helped popularize rhythm and blues music. (4) She wrote a book about the history of music. 28 How did Carole get the money to go to France? (1) She won a scholarship. (2) She saved money from her job. (3) She sold CDs of her music. (4) She took out a loan. Comp. French June 10 [11] [OVER] Part 4 Write your answers to Part 4 according to the directions below. Your answers must be written in your own words; no credit will be given for a response that is copied or substantially the same as material from other parts of this examination. [16] Directions (31 33): Choose two of the three writing tasks provided below. In your answer booklet, write your response to the two writing tasks you have chosen. For each question you have chosen, your answer should be written entirely in French and should contain a minimum of 100 words. Place names and brand names written in French count as one word. Contractions are also counted as one word. Salutations and closings, as well as commonly used abbreviations in French, are included in the word count. Numbers, unless written as words, and names of people are not counted as words. You must satisfy the purpose of the task. Be sure to organize your response and to include a beginning, middle, and ending. The sentence structure and/or expressions used should be connected logically and should demonstrate a wide range of vocabulary with minimal repetition. 31 Your French-language club has decided to hire a French-speaking performer (or group) to come to your school for a show. In French, write a letter to this performer (or group) to request a show for your school. You may wish to include: information about your school (location, size) how you heard about the group information about the club (members, purpose, activities) amount of money that the club has for payment why you are inviting the performer (or group) where the performer (or group) will be entertaining date and time of performance how you will publicize the show how many people will attend your contact information 32 You recently arrived home after visiting France as an exchange student. In French, write a journal entry about your experience. You may wish to include: a description of your return trip your thoughts and feelings about leaving France your thoughts and feelings about being home a special memory of your stay with your French family an event that took place during an excursion you took while in France your interest in having the host family visit you how the time in France has influenced your life your plans to stay in contact with your host family Comp. French June 10 [12] 33 In French, write a story about the situation shown in the picture below. It must be a story relating to the picture, not a description of the picture. Do not write a dialogue. Bil Keane, The Family Circus (adapted) NOTE: The rubric (scoring criteria) for a Part 4 response receiving maximum credit appears below. Regents Comprehensive Examinations in Modern Languages Dimension A response receiving maximum credit: Purpose/Task Accomplishes the task; includes many details that are clearly connected to the development of the task, but there may be minor irrelevancies. Organization The extent to which the response exhibits direction, shape, and coherence Exhibits a logical and coherent sequence throughout; provides a clear sense of a beginning, middle, and end. Makes smooth transitions between ideas. Vocabulary Includes a wide variety of vocabulary that expands the topic, but there may be minor inaccuracies. Structure/Conventions Subject-verb agreement Tense Noun-adjective agreement Correct word order Spelling/diacritical marks Demonstrates a high degree of control of Checkpoint B (Regents level) structure/conventions: subject-verb agreement present, past, future ideas expressed as appropriate noun-adjective agreement correct word order spelling/diacritical marks (e.g., accents) Errors do not hinder overall comprehensibility of the passage. Word Count Comp. French June 10 Contains 100 words or more. [13] COMPREHENSIVE FRENCH Printed on Recycled Paper [16] COMPREHENSIVE FRENCH Comp. French June 10 The University of the State of New York REGENTS HIGH SCHOOL EXAMINATION F COMPREHENSIVE EXAMINATION IN FRENCH Teacher Dictation Copy Tuesday, June 22, 2010 1:15 to 4:15 p.m., only General Directions Before the start of the examination period, distribute one examination booklet, face up, to each student. After each student has received an examination booklet, distribute one answer booklet to each student. Then instruct the students to fill in the heading on the front of the answer booklet. After each student has filled in the heading of the answer booklet, begin the examination by following the directions for Part 2a, as given below. Directions for Part 2a: Instruct students to open their test booklets and read the directions for Part 2a. After students have read and understood the directions, say: There are nine questions in Part 2a. Each question is based on a short passage which I will read aloud to you. Listen carefully. Before each passage, I will give you some background information in English once. Then I will read the passage in French twice. After you have heard the passage for the second time, I will read the question in English once. The question is also printed in your test booklet. After you have heard the question, you will have about one minute before I go on to the next question. During that time, read the question and the four suggested answers in your test booklet. Choose the best suggested answer on the basis of the information provided in the passage, and write its number in the space provided in your answer booklet. You should not read the question and the suggested answers while you are listening to the passage. This will allow you to give all your attention to what you hear. I will now begin. Comp. French June 10 COMP. FRENCH continued Administer each of the items in Part 2a as follows: First, read the setting in English once; then read the listening comprehension stimulus (passage) in French twice in succession. Make every effort to read the passage in the way students would hear it in an authentic setting. Then read the question once. Pause for no more than one minute before proceeding to the next item. 1 You are listening to a French podcast and hear this public service announcement from a young French actress: J ai aujourd hui 18 ans. C est la premi re fois que je vais pouvoir participer aux lections. Je vais voter! Crois-moi, je vais saisir cette chance et je vais aller exprimer mon opinion. Je ne veux pas risquer de ne pas tre entendue. C est nous, les jeunes, qui pouvons cr er notre gouvernement parce qu en r alit , le pouvoir, il est entre nos mains! Donc je vais me bouger. Je peux voter parce que je me suis inscrite avant le 31 d cembre. Je ne veux pas manquer cette occasion. Avant le 31 d cembre, inscris-toi aussi. What is this announcement encouraging listeners to do? 2 You hear this advertisement on the radio about a special summer course: Cuisinez comme un chef! Notre cole vous offre des le ons de cuisine donn es par des professionnels de la restauration. Un chef dipl m de l cole Cordon Bleu va vous montrer son savoir-faire pendant que vous mettez la main la p te pour r aliser ses d licieuses recettes. Les th mes sont vari s: cuisine indienne, russe, qu b coise ou fran aise. Il y en a pour tous les go ts! Vous allez apprendre cuisiner dans une ambiance de joie et de bonne humeur, et vous repartirez avec les plats pr par s pendant la s ance. Quel r gal pour la famille et les amis! What can you learn at this school? 3 Your French friend calls you, asking for a favor. He says: Je vais commencer des tudes l universit dans une semaine et je n ai personne pour m aider d m nager dans mon nouvel appartement. Est-ce que tu peux venir chez moi samedi? J ai une douzaine de cartons de livres et d affaires personnelles, deux chaises, un bureau et une petite commode. Le reste est d j sur place. a ne va pas prendre tr s longtemps, parce que je vais habiter seulement 30 minutes de chez mes parents. What is your friend asking you to help him do? Comp. French June 10 [2] COMP. FRENCH continued 4 You are at the tourist bureau in Jonqui re, Canada. The clerk says: Il y a toutes sortes de gens qui viennent au Saguenay chaque t . Des jeunes, des profs, des retrait s viennent de tout le Canada pour prendre des cours d immersion au coll ge. Ils sont log s dans des familles de la r gion. Pour nous, les saguen ens, c est toujours amusant de les entendre au d panneur, dans les restaurants et dans les magasins. Ils font des efforts pour bien parler et puisque nous sommes en grosse majorit francophones, c est l endroit id al pour pratiquer la langue. M me le premier ministre y est venu il y a quelques ann es. According to the clerk, why do many people come to this region? 5 Your French teacher has just received an e-mail and tells the class about it: Je viens de recevoir un message de mon ami fran ais. Il m a invit participer un grand jeu d t . Il s agit d un tour de France virtuel. Le jeu est divis en tapes sur les r gions de France. D abord on passe un petit examen, r gion par r gion, et on gagne des points. Chaque fois qu on revient jouer sur le site pour compl ter un parcours ou une tape, on peut marquer des points. On peut jouer seul ou en quipe. Il y a des DVD et des CD et bien d autres prix gagner. J ai vraiment envie de le faire. What is the subject of this e-mail? 6 While waiting at the airport to check in your luggage you hear this announcement: Mesdames et Messieurs! Le vol Air France 203 destination de New York, pr vu pour aujourd hui, est complet. Il n y a pas assez de places dans l avion pour tous les voyageurs aujourd hui. C est pourquoi nous sommes la recherche de volontaires acceptant de c der leur si ge. En change nous vous offrons deux options: d un billet aller-retour sur toutes les destinations d Air France; ou d un ch que bancaire de 200 euros avec h bergement dans l un des h tels de l a roport, repas inclus. What is the purpose of this airline s announcement? Comp. French June 10 [3] [OVER] COMP. FRENCH continued 7 While staying in Paris you hear this advertisement on the radio: Les Bateaux-Mouches de Paris vous proposent un D jeuner-croisi re sur la Seine. Profitez de cette offre avantageuse pour toute la famille. Les bateaux partent 13h et la promenade dure deux heures. D gustez la cuisine de tradition fran aise pr par e bord par notre chef. Accord on et chansons fran aises accompagnent votre croisi re. Toutes nos tables sont dispos es pour permettre une vue imprenable sur le fleuve et sur les monuments de Paris. What is being advertised? 8 You are listening to a radio program about an architecture contest and hear: Une quipe d une quarantaine d tudiants de Montr al participera ce concurs avec un projet nomm Lumen-Essence. Il s agit de cr er une maison de 800 pieds carr s pour une famille de deux personnes. Cette maison sera aliment e uniquement l nergie solaire. Cette forme d energie passive est moins polluante et, contrairement aux autres nergies, elle ne produit pas de gaz effect de serre. Les propri taires b n ficieront aussi d une r duction de leur consommation d lectricit . What information is given about this house? 9 You are in a department store in Montpellier and hear this advertisement over the loudspeaker: Venez admirer les pi ces modernes et uniques de notre Espace bijoux. Bagues, boucles d oreilles, pendentifs, cha nes, colliers, montres sont expos s dans les vitrines de notre mini-boutique. Nous effectuons gratuitement le changement de piles de vos montres et le r glage de vos bracelets de montres. Nous assurons un service de r paration et d valuation de vos bijoux. Notre rayon vous attend au rez-de-chauss e du magasin. What kind of merchandise is being advertised? Comp. French June 10 [4] COMP. FRENCH continued Directions for Part 2b: Instruct students to read the directions for Part 2b. After students have read and understood the directions, say: There are six questions in Part 2b. Part 2b is like Part 2a, except the questions and answers are in French. I will now begin. Administer Part 2b in the same manner as Part 2a. 10 You are listening to the news in France and hear: Moins de touristes trangers sont venus en France en juin-juillet par rapport l an dernier. Luc Chatel, secr taire d Etat charg du tourisme, a d clar que ce changement tait caus par les mauvaises conditions m t orologiques qui ont r gn sur le pays. Il y a eu plus d inondations et plus de s cheresse que d habitude. Quelques r gions ont vu des feux de for t. La France est la premi re destination touristique dans le monde, avec 79 millions de visiteurs par an, et le tourisme repr sente 7% du produit int rieur brut. Le minist re esp re que la m t o sera plus favorable pour le reste de l t . D apr s le reportage, pourquoi est-ce qu il y a eu moins de touristes en juin et juillet? 11 While in Lyon, you are listening to a radio program about a successful company. You hear: Depuis un petit bout de temps, la marque Apple est reconnue pour sa force vendre des produits, m me chers, aux adolescents. L iPod est s rement le produit qui s est vendu le mieux parmi les jeunes. De nombreuses soci t s ont tent de copier le concept d Apple qui attire tellement les jeunes. Mais alors, comment expliquer le succ s d Apple aupr s des ados? D une part, bon nombre d adolescents ont d j t en contact avec des produits Apple, notamment l cole. D autre part, Apple con oit des produits adapt s leur mode de vie. L iPod et l iPhone sont deux excellents exemples de produits que les jeunes aiment. D apr s le passage, comment peut-on expliquer le grand succ s de cette entreprise? Comp. French June 10 [5] [OVER] COMP. FRENCH continued 12 While in Switzerland you overhear your host mother talking to a friend. She says: Mais c est incroyable qu on n ait pas d horaires plus flexibles pour les parents dans cette cole! Nicolas commence sa premi re ann e en septembre et il a classe de 9 heures 11 heures le matin et de 13 heures 15 heures l apr s-midi. a me sera impossible de travailler. Je vais devoir tre la maison pour son repas de midi et quand il rentre de l cole. Et payer quelqu un pour le garder serait beaucoup trop cher! De quoi parle-t-elle? 13 While staying with a host family in Normandy, you hear this advertisement on television: Soyez les bienvenus au Son et Lumi re de Montgothier, petit village normand o huit cents habitants vous accueillent pour vous faire partager leur passion et leur joie de vivre pendant deux heures. Avec cinq cents acteurs, quarante chevaux, trente chiens de meute et des d cors monumentaux, ils vont vous faire d couvrir l histoire de Normandie, de la naissance de Guillaume le Conqu rant jusqu au d barquement des forces alli es le 6 juin 1944. Venez revivre le monde du pass . Chaque samedi soir du 8 juillet au 26 ao t, la tomb e de la nuit. Qu est-ce que ce village vous offre? 14 You receive a telephone call from your Belgian friend. During the conversation she says: Un grand soulagement et une norme joie! C est ce que j ai ressenti quand j ai eu mon permis! C tait la troisi me fois que je me pr sentais alors j avais la pression. Surtout que a commen ait revenir cher! Je l ai f t le jour m me en famille, et le jour suivant avec tous mes amis. C est le symbole de l ind pendance et de la libert : pouvoir aller o je veux, quand je veux. D s qu il fera beau, je prendrai la voiture et en route pour les plages du Nord! Pourquoi est-ce que ton amie est contente? Comp. French June 10 [6] COMP. FRENCH concluded 15 A new Parisian restaurant is presenting its menu on television. You hear: Lorsqu on se rend au S billon lys es, on s vade de plusieurs fa ons. Par le doux m lange de client le internationale et parisienne et par les produits de nos provinces avec une pointe d innovation. L accueil des plus chaleureux vous installe confortablement dans un d cor la fois convivial et raffin . C t cuisines, le chef inspir vous concocte des alliances de saveurs susceptibles de ravir les plus fins gourmets. De quoi faire honneur aux g n reux poissons et viandes de belle origine. On y d guste aussi de d licieux fruits de mer et coquillages. Une adresse conna tre absolument, 66, rue Pierre-Charron, Paris. Parking en face. Qu est-ce qu on peut dire de ce restaurant? When students have finished Part 2b, say: This is the end of Part 2. You may now go on to the rest of the examination. Comp. French June 10 [7] Printed on Recycled Paper FOR TEACHERS ONLY The University of the State of New York REGENTS HIGH SCHOOL EXAMINATION F COMPREHENSIVE EXAMINATION IN FRENCH Tuesday, June 22, 2010 1:15 to 4:15 p.m., only SCORING KEY Updated information regarding the rating of this examination may be posted on the New York State Education Department s web site during the rating period. Check this web site and select the link Examination Scoring Information for any recently posted information regarding this examination. This site should be checked before the rating process for this examination begins and several times throughout the Regents examination period. Mechanics of Rating Use only red ink or red pencil in rating Regents examination papers. Do not attempt to correct the student s work by making insertions or changes of any kind. Use check marks [ ] to indicate incorrect or omitted answers in Parts 2 and 3. Do not place a check mark beside a correct answer. Record the credit for each part in the appropriate credit box on the student s answer booklet. Record the total examination score (the sum of the credits the student received for each part) in the appropriate space in the box in the upper right corner of the answer booklet. Check carefully for mechanical errors (e.g., addition). Using a calculator might be helpful. Write your initials clearly in the appropriate space on the answer booklet. Part 1 Record the credit for Part 1: Speaking, as previously reported to the building principal. Part 2 Allow a total of 30 credits, two credits for each of the following: a (1) 3 (2) 4 (3) 3 (4) 2 (5) 3 (6) 4 (7) 4 (8) 1 (9) 3 b (10) 2 (11) 2 (12) 1 (13) 4 (14) 4 (15) 1 Part 3 Allow a total of 30 credits, two credits for each of the following: a (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) 2 3 1 4 1 b (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) 4 1 2 4 2 c (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) 4 3 2 1 3 COMPREHENSIVE FRENCH continued Part 4 In this part of the examination, students are asked to demonstrate the ability to write in the target language using the four functions of language (socializing, getting others to adopt a course of action, getting and providing information, and expressing personal feelings) as the vehicle for communication. Students are instructed to choose two of the three tasks provided and write a response of at least 100 words in the target language to achieve a specified communication purpose. A word is defined as a letter or collection of letters, surrounded by space, that in the target language is comprehensible and contributes to the development of the task. This definition applies even when words are grammatically incorrect. When counting words, please note that numbers, unless written as words, and names of people are not to be counted. Place names and brand names from the target culture count as one word (all other places and brand names are disregarded), and contractions are counted as one word. In addition, salutations and closings are counted, as well as commonly used abbreviations in the target language. Additional information concerning word count guidelines, how to apply the writing rubric, and use of the scoring rubric for students with disabilities who have a spelling exemption listed on an IEP or 504 plan is provided in the document, Comprehensive Regents Examination in Modern Foreign Languages Test Changes and Sampler Draft, which is available on the Department web site at The responses to the Part 4 writing tasks must be written in the student s own words; no credit should be given for a response that is copied or substantially the same as material from other parts of the examination. Part 4 is worth a total of 16 credits. Each response is worth a maximum of eight credits and must be rated according to the writing rubric for Part 4, which is provided on the next page. This writing rubric measures five dimensions: purpose/task, organization, vocabulary, structure/conventions, and word count. The dimensions of purpose/task, organization, vocabulary, and structure/conventions are measured on a zero to four scale; the dimension of word count is measured on a zero to two scale. A writing checklist is also provided for use in rating student responses. The writing checklist requires reference to the full writing rubric for the definitions of each dimension at each level and is not intended as a substitute for the writing rubric. After rating the student s response for each dimension, the scores for the five dimensions must be added, resulting in a total raw score for the response. The conversion chart must be applied to that total raw score so that the proper credit is given to the student for the question. For example, if a student received a performance level score of 3 on the dimension of purpose/task, a score of 3 on the dimension of organization, a score of 2 on the dimension of vocabulary, a score of 3 on the dimension of structure/conventions, and a score of 2 on the dimension of word count, the student s total raw score would equal 13 (the sum of the five performance level scores). According to the conversion chart, a raw score of 13 represents a converted score of 6 credits for the question. The conversion chart for Part 4 is shown below. Part 4 Conversion Chart Total Raw Score Total Credits 17 18 15 16 13 14 11 12 8 7 6 5 8 10 6 7 4 5 2 3 0 1 4 3 2 1 0 After each of the two questions has been scored, the two converted scores must be added together to determine the total Part 4 score. This total Part 4 score should be entered in the last box on the last page of the student answer booklet and also under the Credit Earned section for Part 4, on the upper right corner of the first page of the student answer booklet. [2] COMPREHENSIVE FRENCH continued The writing rubric for Part 4 is shown below. Part 4 Writing Rubric Note that a zero can be given in any of the dimensions when the student s performance falls below the criteria described for the performance level of 1. Performance Level 4 3 2 1 Purpose/Task Accomplishes the task; includes many details that are clearly connected to the development of the task, but there may be minor irrelevancies. Accomplishes the task; includes some details that are generally connected to the development of the task, but there may be some irrelevancies. Accomplishes the task; includes few details, some of which may be only loosely connected to the task. There are many irrelevancies. Attempts to accomplish the task; makes some reference to it but provides few or no supporting details. Organization The extent to which the response exhibits direction, shape, and coherence Exhibits a logical and coherent sequence throughout; provides a clear sense of a beginning, middle, and end. Makes smooth transitions between ideas. Exhibits a logical sequence; provides a beginning, middle, and end. Attempts to provide a logical sequence and/or the beginning or ending is abrupt or unclear. Exhibits little order; provides a series of separate sentences and/or disconnected ideas. Vocabulary Includes a wide variety of vocabulary that expands the topic, but there may be minor inaccuracies. Includes a variety of vocabulary related to the topic. Includes basic vocabulary; some vocabulary may be inaccurate or unrelated to the topic. Includes limited vocabulary and/or most vocabulary is inaccurate or unrelated to the topic. Structure/ Conventions Subject-verb agreement Tense Noun-adjective agreement Correct word order Spelling/diacritical marks Demonstrates a high degree of control of Checkpoint B structure/conventions: subject-verb agreement present, past, future ideas expressed as appropriate noun-adjective agreement correct word order spelling/diacritical marks Demonstrates some control of Checkpoint B structure/conventions: subject-verb agreement present, past, future ideas expressed as appropriate noun-adjective agreement correct word order spelling/diacritical marks Demonstrates some control of Checkpoint B structure/conventions. Errors do hinder overall comprehensibility and/or there are numerous Checkpoint A errors. Demonstrates little control of Checkpoint A or B structure/conventions: subject-verb agreement present, past, future ideas expressed as appropriate noun-adjective agreement correct word order spelling/diacritical marks Dimension Errors do not hinder Errors do not hinder overall comprehensibility overall comprehensibility of the passage. of the passage. Word Count [3] OR Demonstrates a high degree of control, but uses only Checkpoint A structure/conventions. Errors impede overall comprehensibility of the passage. Uses 100 or more comprehensible words in the target language that contribute to the development of the task. Uses 50 99 comprehensible words in the target language that contribute to the development of the task. [OVER] COMPREHENSIVE FRENCH continued The writing checklist for Part 4 is shown below. Part 4 Writing Checklist Please refer to the full writing rubric for definitions of each level. Note that a zero can be given in any of the dimensions when the student s performance falls below the criteria described for the performance level of 1. Question No. _____ Dimension 4 Performance Level 3 2 1 Question No. _____ 0 4 3 2 1 0 Purpose/Task Accomplishes the task Includes details Connects ideas to task/purpose Organization Exhibits a logical and coherent sequence Has a beginning, middle, and end Makes smooth transitions Vocabulary Includes a variety of vocabulary Uses relevant and accurate words Structure (degree to which errors hinder overall comprehensibility) Subject-verb agreement Present, past, future ideas expressed as appropriate Noun-adjective agreement Correct word order Spelling/diacritical marks Word Count 100+ 50 <50 99 Comprehensible In target language 100+ 50 <50 99 This writing checklist is provided solely for the teacher s convenience. This form is not required to be completed and should not be returned to the State Education Department. In addition, when scoring Part 4 responses, no marks should be placed on the student s paper as such marks may interfere with the ability of the rater to properly apply the scoring rubric. [4] COMPREHENSIVE FRENCH continued If a student s response receives a performance level score of zero on the dimension of purpose/task, the entire response should receive a score of zero. Please note, however, that in order to receive a score of zero on the dimension of purpose/task, the student s response must be completely unrelated to the topic. A student s response must not be given a zero on the dimension of purpose/task if the response can be associated with the task in any manner whatsoever. In such an instance, the student s response must be rated on each of the dimensions of the writing rubric. Part 4 A sample of an 8-credit response for each question in Part 4 follows: 31 Monsieur, Nous sommes des l ves du club de francais d une petit cole de New York. Nous voudrions vous inviter donner un concert dans notre cole pour tous les l ves qui prennent des cours de francais. Vous tes d excellents musiciens! Nous avons lu un super article sur vous dans le journal. Notre club a 250 dollars pour vous. Nous vous proposons ces dates: le 25 septembre, le 10 octobre, le 24 octobre et le 15 novembre. Est-ce que vous tes libres une de ces dates le soir? Le spectacle sera dans notre auditorium avec probablement 200 l ves. On peut vendre vos CD apr s le concert. a va tre une excellente soir e culturelle pour notre cole! Contactez nous au (555) 222-4321. 32 Mon voyage de retour tait tr s long, mais j avais du temps penser mon s jour. J tais triste de partir, mais heureuse de voir mes parents. J ai pass un s jour g nial et je n oublierai jamais la f te pour mon anniversaire. J ai re u beaucoup de bons cadeaux. Le visite Paris tait formidable et je montrerai tous mes photos mes amis. Ma famille fran aise m a enseign e prendre le bus mais je ne l aimais pas. Je me conduirai partout chez moi! Je voudrais rendre-visite mes amis et ma famille fran aise bient t! 33 Hier Marc et sa m re sant all s au centre commercial. Ils achetaient un cadeau pour Pierre, l ami de Marc. Marc voulait acheter un jeu-vid o pour son copain, mais il n avait pas assez d argent. Il a d cid de lui acheter un jouet. Aujourd hui Marc pr pare le cadeau et s habille bien en pantalon avec un blouson. Sa m re le conduira la f te dans le parc o les gar ons mangerons le g teau et la glace. Il s amuserons bien. Pendant la f te, les m res des gar ons parlerons de toutes sortes de choses et elles regarderons leurs enfants. Ce soir Marc se couchera t t car il sera tr s fatigu et Pierre jouera avec tous ses cadeaux. [5] [OVER] COMPREHENSIVE FRENCH concluded Regents Comprehensive Examinations in Modern Languages Map to Learning Standards Key Ideas Part of Test/Item Numbers Speaking Part 1, Speaking Test (administered prior to the written test) Listening Part 2, Listening Comprehension Items: 1 15 Reading Part 3, Reading Comprehension Items: 16 30 Writing Part 4, Writing Items: 31 33 Culture Embedded in each item of test Submitting Teacher Evaluations of the Test to the Department Suggestions and feedback from teachers provide an important contribution to the test development process. The Department provides an online evaluation form for State assessments. It contains spaces for teachers to respond to several specific questions and to make suggestions. Instructions for completing the evaluation form are as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Go to Select the test title. Complete the required demographic fields. Complete each evaluation question and provide comments in the space provided. Click the SUBMIT button at the bottom of the page to submit the completed form. [6] Printed on Recycled Paper

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Additional Info : Refer : Teacher Dictation Copy (Page 17) and Scoring Key (page 25)
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