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New York Regents French June 2002

19 pages, 34 questions, 3 questions with responses, 3 total responses,    0    0
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The University of the State of New York REGENTS HIGH SCHOOL EXAMINATION COMPREHENSIVE EXAMINATION IN FRENCH Friday, June 21, 2002 9:15 a.m. to 12:15 p.m., only This booklet contains Parts 2 through 4 (76 credits) of this examination. Your performance on Part 1, Speaking (24 credits), has been evaluated prior to the date of this written examination. The answers to the questions on this examination are to be written in the separate answer booklet. Be sure to fill in the heading on the front of your answer booklet. When you have completed the examination, you must sign the statement printed at the end of the answer booklet, indicating that you had no unlawful knowledge of the questions or answers prior to the examination and that you have neither given nor received assistance in answering any of the questions during the examination. Your answer booklet cannot be accepted if you fail to sign this declaration. DO NOT OPEN THIS EXAMINATION BOOKLET UNTIL THE SIGNAL IS GIVEN. Part 2 Answer all questions in Part 2 according to the directions for a and b. [30] a Directions (1 9): For each question, you will hear some background information in English once. Then you will hear a passage in French twice and a question in English once. After you have heard the question, the teacher will pause while you read the question and the four suggested answers in your test booklet. Choose the best suggested answer and write its number in the space provided in your answer booklet. Base your answer on the content of the passage, only. [18] 1 What does Simon do while he is living in Toulouse? (1) He enjoys going to see plays. (2) He is studying to be a teacher. (3) He works at the post office. (4) He is developing a computer program. 6 What is being advertised? (1) a movie with subtitles (2) a language class (3) a guided city tour (4) a museum exhibit 7 What does your friend want you to do? (1) have an original birthday party (2) choose a new computer (3) obtain a new credit card (4) look for a gift 2 What does this facility offer that is unique? (1) international art films (2) the opportunity to see the newest films (3) the feeling of being in the film (4) special films for children 8 Why is the spectator upset? (1) He disagrees with the referee. (2) His team is losing. (3) People are blocking his view. (4) The tickets are too expensive. 3 What does your friend suggest that you do? (1) eat at a new restaurant downtown (2) go camping in the mountains (3) try out his new car (4) help with environmental cleanup 9 What feature of this product is being promoted? (1) It is easy to repair. (2) It is easy to keep clean. (3) It is easy to carry. (4) It is easy to program. 4 What is the employee telling you about? (1) a way to conserve resources (2) a new room-service menu (3) a new pool and fitness center (4) a safe place for your money 5 To which audience is this program directed? (1) sports fans (2) music lovers (3) nature lovers (4) talk show fans Comp. French June 02 [2] b Directions (10 15): For each question, you will hear some background information in English once. Then you will hear a passage in French twice and a question in French once. After you have heard the question, the teacher will pause while you read the question and the four suggested answers in your test booklet. Choose the best suggested answer and write its number in the space provided in your answer booklet. Base your answer on the content of the passage, only. [12] 10 De quoi s agit-il? (1) un parc th me (2) un festival d anciens films (3) un concert de rock (4) un terrain de camping 13 Quel est son probl me? (1) Le billet est trop cher. (2) Son train est d j parti. (3) Il a peur de manquer son train. (4) L employ est tr s impoli. 11 Qu est-ce que ton amie va tudier? (1) le tourisme (2) la mode et le marketing (3) l informatique (4) les langues trang res 14 De quoi s agit-il? (1) de la production d nergie (2) du manque de pluie (3) d une inondation (4) des co ts de construction 12 D apr s cet athl te, comment est-ce que l quipe peut gagner? (1) avec l effort de tous les joueurs (2) avec plus d argent pour les joueurs (3) avec de nouveaux joueurs (4) avec un joueur particulier 15 Pourquoi les voisins aiment-ils tant ce lieu de vacances? (1) Il est ouvert en toute saison. (2) Il s accommode toute la famille. (3) Il offre des pistes cyclables. (4) Il est pr s de la plage. Comp. French June 02 [3] [OVER] Part 3 Answer all questions in Part 3 according to the directions for a, b, and c. [30] a Directions (16 20): After the following passage, there are five questions or incomplete statements. For each, choose the word or expression that best answers the question or completes the statement according to the meaning of the passage, and write its number in the space provided in your answer booklet. [10] L t et manger dehors, a va ensemble. Et quand on part en pique-nique, l v nement fait la joie de tous. Un peu d organisation, et voil un repas que l on peut transformer en activit agr able et pas ch re. La base de tout pique-nique c est, bien s r, le pain! Plut t que de l utiliser pour les ternels sandwichs, d gustez-le tout seul. En variant les diff rentes sortes de pain, vous pourrez plaire tout le monde. Choisissez les petits pitas au bl entier, le pain belge, une bonne miche aux sept c r ales ou bien des baguettes. Et n ayez pas peur! Une tranche ne contient pas plus de calories qu un fruit. On aime bien prendre de la charcuterie, des p t s ou des viandes froides en piquenique parce que a ne n cessite pas de pr paration. Mais quelle est la valeur nutritive de ces produits? En g n ral, ce sont de bonnes sources de prot ines; cependant, ils contiennent peu de vitamines et de min raux, en plus d tre sal s et tr s gras. Optez donc pour les choix les moins sal s et moins gras: dinde roul e et jambon cuit. Un fromage p te molle, comme le brie, n est pas n cessairement plus gras qu un fromage p te ferme comme le cheddar. On ne peut pas d terminer la quantit de mati res grasses en regardant le fromage. Le moyen le plus s r est de v rifier le pourcentage de mati res grasses indiqu sur le paquet. Durant les belles journ es ensoleill es, il est important de surveiller la temp rature des aliments que l on transporte. Pour les conserver bien au frais, on conseille de pr parer le jour pr c dent des blocs de glace dans des sacs en plastique et de les placer c t des aliments. Si l on pr f re, on peut utiliser des petites bo tes de jus individuelles congel es avant le jour du pique-nique. On peut aussi prendre une bo te herm tique dans laquelle on d posera des cubes de glace avant de partir. Indispensables pour une sortie sans difficult s: sac ordures, serviettes de table, assiettes, verres, ustensiles, ouvre-bouteille, nappe, et beau temps. N oubliez pas l eau; elle est indispensable! Faites attention la possibilit de contamination, les oeufs, le poulet et la mayonnaise devraient rester la maison, moins que vous puissiez les garder bien au froid toute la journ e. Pour les salades, m langez la vinaigrette la derni re minute, juste avant de manger. Maintenant c est vous de trouver un joli coin et d inviter des amis. Amusez-vous bien! Comp. French June 02 [4] 19 Pour bien conserver les aliments, que devriezvous faire le soir avant votre d part? (1) ajouter de la vinaigrette aux salades (2) jeter les sacs en plastique (3) pr parer des gla ons (4) mettre les sandwichs dans un panier 16 Dans le passage, on vous propose (1) de couper le pain en tranches (2) de choisir une vari t de pains (3) de manger le pain avec les fruits (4) d envelopper le pain dans du plastique 17 Selon le texte, il est pr f rable (1) d ajouter la viande la salade (2) d acheter du rosbif (3) de garder la viande au chaud (4) de choisir de la charcuterie peu sal e et grasse 20 Quelle expression pourrait bien marquer la fin de cet article? (1) la prochaine. (2) Bon app tit! (3) Au secours. (4) D p chez-vous! 18 Qu est-ce que le texte sugg re au sujet du fromage? (1) Il faut lire la description sur le paquet. (2) Ils sont tous les m mes. (3) Les plus chers sont les meilleurs. (4) Les plus gras sont bons pour la sant . Comp. French June 02 [5] [OVER] b Directions (21 25): Below each of the following selections, there is either a question or an incomplete statement. For each, choose the word or expression that best answers the question or completes the statement according to the meaning of the selection, and write its number in the space provided in your answer booklet. [10] 21 23 La carte shopping vous offre de nouveau des rabais irr sistibles chez de nombreux marchands. D couvrez tous les mois de nouvelles entreprises participantes qui vous proposent des rabais vari s. Prenez note que les r ductions des mois pr c dents pour le salon Jacques Dessange, le resto-discoth que Crocodile, les v tements Ports International, le Club Ozone et les boutiques F lix Brown sont toujours en vigueur. Profitez-en! 21 This advertisement offers the opportunity to (1) start a a business (2) join a dinner-dance club (3) save money on purchases (4) travel at reduced fares 22 ET MON CHIEN ? Munissez-vous d un billet pour tous les transports d animaux familiers (sauf pour le titulaire de la carte Kiwi). Regardez vite les conditions respecter dans l encart prix . ATTENTION! Avant de vous installer, assurez-vous bien que les autres voyageurs acceptent la pr sence de votre ami . Vous ne pouvez pas le leur imposer contre leur gr ! Normalement, votre chien doit tre musel et pour voyager en voiture-lit avec lui vous devez disposer d un compartiment exclusif! 23 What type of product is being advertised? (1) a liquid vitamin (2) an antibiotic (3) a shampoo (4) a cough syrup 22 What restrictions apply to traveling with a pet? (1) Other passengers must agree to its presence. (2) Up-to-date vaccinations are required. (3) Certain size requirements must be met. (4) Identification tags must be worn. Comp. French June 02 [6] 24 Appareils-photos num riques Prendre des photos, les transf rer sur un ordinateur pour les retoucher, les recadrer, puis les imprimer via une imprimante couleur jet d encre, voil une belle opportunit de ma triser l ensemble de la cha ne photographique de son domicile ou du bureau. En effet, la photo num rique ne cesse d accro tre ses performances tout en restant une technologie tr s facile d acc s. Les nouveaux appareils, dont la r solution est de plusieurs millions de pixels, apportent aujourd hui une qualit au grand public qui tait, jusque-l , r serv e au monde professionnel. Ces mod les haute r solution permettent, en effet, d imprimer des photos 12 18 cm d une qualit parfaite. 24 What is the advantage of this technology? (1) its security features (2) its low cost (3) its speed (4) its ease of use 25 Dans un site de verdure unique, sur les rives du lac du Laouzas, le camping Rieu Montagn vous offre calme et nature au coeur du parc r gional du Haut Languedoc, une base de loisirs et des animations . Rieu Montagn 81320 Nages T l: 05 63 37 24 71 25 What is the main attraction at this location? (1) planned activities and excursions (2) relaxation in a natural setting (3) a wildlife preservation center (4) many amusement park rides Comp. French June 02 [7] [OVER] c Directions (26 30): In the following passage, there are five blank spaces numbered 26 through 30. Each blank space represents a missing word or expression. For each blank space, four possible completions are provided. Only one of them makes sense in the context of the passage. First, read the passage in its entirety to determine its general meaning. Then read it a second time. For each blank space, choose the completion that makes the best sense and write its number in the space provided in your answer booklet. [10] Dave King conna t le monde du hockey comme sa poche. Il a t entra neur-chef dans la Ligue nationale de hockey, il a dirig l quipe nationale canadienne, et il est actuellement adjoint de l entra neur des Canadiens de Montr al. En 1998 il a accept d tre entra neur de l quipe olympique du Japon pour les jeux de Nagano. Au Japon, il a travaill dans le m me (26) mais dans une (26) (1) sport culture diff rente. a lui a permis de comprendre ce (2) b timent (3) quartier (4) pays que vivent les joueurs europ ens lorsqu ils arrivent en Am rique du Nord. Toutes les quipes ont maintenant une grande composante europ enne. En 1977, plus de vingt pour cent des joueurs des ligues majeures de baseball n taient pas d origine am ricaine. Par contre, en 1957, les joueurs trangers taient moins de 11 pour cent. Quant au football, il y a longtemps qu il est touch par tous ces croisements comp titifs. Cette saison, sur les 220 joueurs de la English Premiere League, 90 sont n s l tranger; ils taient 11 en 1992. a serait bien de pouvoir croire que l internationalisation des sports na t d un nouvel amour universel de l humanit . Mais a ne serait pas la v rit , a serait (27) . C est un ph nom ne directement li aux lois d mographiques et (2) facile conomiques, et au march . Le bassin nordam ricain de bons joueurs de hockey diminue et les joueurs de base-ball des pays en d veloppement comme la R publique Dominicaine sont pr ts signer pour des salaires bien moindres. Comp. French June 02 (27) (1) faux [8] (3) utile (4) important Ce m lange de cultures, de langues et de personnalit s pourrait devenir probl matique dans ce contexte (28) . Cal Botterill, un professeur (3) comp titif (4) fictif (29) (1) amusantes (2) essentielles de psychologie sportive, dit: Pour supporter tout ce (28) (1) diminutif (2) na f (3) rares (4) diplomatiques (30) (1) journalistes (2) spectateurs (3) joueurs (4) directeurs que le sport exige sur le plan motif, une quipe est oblig e de travailler ensemble pour atteindre l objectif commun. Et le d fi de la coh sion revient l entra neur. Dans une saison, Dave Wallace, l ancien entra neur des lanceurs des Dodgers de Los Angeles, a compt parmi ses joueurs un lanceur japonais, Hideo Nomo. Dave nous dit, Parce que Hideo ne parlait pas anglais, j avais sur moi une feuille de papier avec les expressions (29) : Garde la balle basse. ou Concentration! en japonais. Anders Hedberg, l adjoint du directeur-g rant des Maple Leafs de Toronto et un des premiers joueurs su dois de l Association mondiale du hockey dit, Je vois quel point nous nous sommes d velopp s au niveau international et je me dis que c est bon signe pour l avenir. Tout le monde ne r agit pas avec autant de satisfaction la nouvelle situation du march des sports. Luciano Nizzola, le pr sident de la ligue italienne de football, a dit qu il y avait trop de (30) trangers dans les s ries A. Mais Dave King dit: Selon moi, c est une bonne chose d avoir des gens de pays et de cultures diff rents dans une quipe. Je pense depuis toujours que la diversit donne une certaine force. Comp. French June 02 [9] [OVER] Part 4 Write your answers to Part 4 according to the directions for a and b. Your answers must be written in your own words; no credit will be given for a response that is copied or substantially the same as material from other parts of this examination. [16] a Directions: In your answer booklet, write one well-organized note in French as directed below. Choose either question 31 or 32. Write the number of the question you have chosen in the space provided in your answer booklet. Write a well-organized note, following the specific instructions given in the question you have chosen. Your note must consist of at least six clauses. To qualify for credit, a clause must contain a verb, a stated or implied subject, and additional words necessary to convey meaning. The six clauses may be contained in fewer than six sentences if some of the sentences have more than one clause. 31 Your French Club recently held a festival at your school. Write a note in French to a French-owned business that provided support for the festival to thank the business for its support. In your note you may wish to mention when the festival was held, what activities took place (such as games and movies), who attended, what the business provided and how it was used. Be sure to accomplish the purpose of the note, which is to thank the business for its support of the festival. Use the following: Salutation: Cher Monsieur/Ch re Madame Closing: tr s sinc rement, [your name] The salutation and closing will not be counted as part of the six required clauses. 32 You purchased a product from a French catalog company and now want to return it. Write a note in French to the company to return the product that you purchased. In your note, you may want to identify the product, mention how much it cost, and how you paid for it (cash or credit card). You may also wish to discuss why you want to return the product and/or suggest a solution to the problem (refund or exchange). Be sure to accomplish the purpose of the note, which is to return the product that you purchased. Use the following: Salutation: Monsieur/Madame Closing: [your name] The salutation and closing will not be counted as part of the six required clauses. Comp. French June 02 [10] [6] b Directions: In your answer booklet, write one well-organized composition in French as directed below. Choose either question 33 or 34. Write the number of the question you have chosen in the space provided in your answer booklet. Write a well-organized composition, following the specific instructions given in the question you have chosen. Your composition must consist of at least 10 clauses. To qualify for credit, a clause must contain a verb, a stated or implied subject, and additional words necessary to convey meaning. The 10 clauses may be contained in fewer than 10 sentences if some of the sentences have more than one clause. 33 In French, write a story about the situation shown in the picture below. It must be a story relating to the picture, not a description of the picture. Do not write a dialogue. 34 Your pen pal from France is writing an article for her school newspaper. The article is about what life is like for a teenager in the United States. Your pen pal has asked you to provide some information for the article. In French, write a letter to your pen pal providing information that could be used for a school newspaper article about what life is like for a teenager in the United States. You must accomplish the purpose of the letter, which is to provide information that could be used for a school newspaper article about what life is like for a teenager in the United States. In your letter you may wish to include: how American teenagers dress, afterschool and weekend activities, favorite foods, favorite music, family life, what a typical school day is like, and what your community is like. You may use any or all of the ideas suggested above or you may use your own ideas. Either way, you must provide information that could be used for a school newspaper article about what life is like for a teenager in the United States. Use the following: Dateline: le 21 juin 2002 Salutation: Salut [your pen pal s first name] Closing: Ton copain/Ta copine [your name] The dateline, salutation, and closing will not be counted as part of the 10 required clauses. Comp. French June 02 [11] [10] The University of the State of New York REGENTS HIGH SCHOOL EXAMINATION F COMPREHENSIVE EXAMINATION IN FRENCH Teacher Dictation Copy Friday, June 21, 2002 9:15 a.m. to 12:15 p.m., only General Directions Before the start of the examination period, distribute one examination booklet, face up, to each student. After each student has received an examination booklet, distribute one answer booklet to each student. Then instruct the students to fill in the heading on the front of the answer booklet. After each student has filled in the heading of the answer booklet, begin the examination by following the directions for Part 2a, as given below. Directions for Part 2a: Instruct students to open their test booklets and read the directions for Part 2a. After students have read and understood the directions, say: There are nine questions in Part 2a. Each question is based on a short passage which I will read aloud to you. Listen carefully. Before each passage, I will give you some background information in English once. Then I will read the passage in French twice. After you have heard the passage for the second time, I will read the question in English once. The question is also printed in your test booklet. After you have heard the question, you will have about one minute before I go on to the next question. During that time, read the question and the four suggested answers in your test booklet. Choose the best suggested answer on the basis of the information provided in the passage, and write its number in the space provided in your answer booklet. You should not read the question and the suggested answers while you are listening to the passage. This will allow you to give all your attention to what you hear. I will now begin. Comp. French June 02 [OVER] COMP. FRENCH continued Administer each of the items in Part 2a as follows: First, read the setting in English once; then read the listening comprehension stimulus (passage) in French twice in succession. Make every effort to read the passage in the way students would hear it in an authentic setting. Then read the question once. Pause for no more than one minute before proceeding to the next item. 1 An exchange student is telling you about his friend Simon. The exchange student says: Simon Legrand a 20 ans. Il est de Marseille mais actuellement il vit et tudie Toulouse pour devenir professeur. Il dit: Enseigner, c est difficile mais j aime a. Ses passions, ce sont les maths et l informatique. Du lundi au vendredi, Simon tudie tous les soirs mais le samedi, il va au cin ma avec son amie Sylvie qui veut devenir actrice. A la fin de ses tudes, Simon voudrait trouver un poste de professeur Marseille. What does Simon do while he is living in Toulouse? 2 You are visiting La D fense in Paris and you hear: Le D me Imax a une qualit de projection in gal e! Dans la salle, les si ges sont dispos s sur une forte d clivit et inclin s eux-m mes un angle de 35 degr s qui permettent tous, m me aux jeunes enfants, d avoir une vision parfaite. Plus large que le champ de vision humain, l cran h misph rique couvre 86 pour cent de la surface totale des murs et du plafond. Voici pourquoi vous vous sentez litt ralement envelopp par l image. Vous prouvez la sensation unique d tre assis dans le film . What does this facility offer that is unique? 3 Your friend is suggesting an activity for the weekend. He says: Si tu n es pas occup ce week-end, notre club de randonn e participera samedi au nettoyage des sentiers o on a fait tellement de promenades. Nous nous rendrons au Camp des 4 Saisons pour d gager les branches et ramasser les d bris. Un souper gratuit sera aussi offert tous les participants. Tu n as qu payer ton repas et le covoiturage. Qu en penses-tu? What does your friend suggest that you do? 4 You are staying in a hotel in Quebec. An employee says to you: Nous essayons de faire des conomies d eau et d nergie. Voici une carte sp ciale; si vous placez cette carte sur votre oreiller, nous ferons votre lit, mais sans changer les draps. Et en plus, si vous placez vos serviettes sur le porteserviettes, a signifie que vous les utiliserez nouveau. Si vous les laissez par terre, nous les remplacerons. Merci bien. What is the employee telling you about? Comp. French June 02 [2] COMP. FRENCH continued 5 While listening to the radio, you hear this description of an upcoming program: Chaque soir de 22h minuit, Marc Lavoine vous fera partager les plus belles chansons d amour de la plan te. Les chanteurs classiques y seront repr sent s ainsi que les plus modernes: de Jacques Brel Patricia Kaas! Passez deux heures romantiques tous les soirs avec nous, ici, sur Europe 2. Marc Lavoine vous fera sourire avec ses chansons. A ce soir! To which audience is this program directed? 6 While visiting Paris, you hear this announcement: Le circuit, d une fr quence r guli re, est comment en fran ais et en anglais. Certains tours sont galement comment s en espagnol, en italien et en allemand. La visite dure environ deux heures, avec neuf arr ts pr vus. Le billet s ach te bord du bus. Il est valable deux jours et vous permet de descendre un arr t Parisbus et de remonter plus tard. What is being advertised? 7 Your friend asks for your help. She says: Allons la Place Laurier. Je dois chercher un cadeau d anniversaire pour mes parents et on y trouve un nouveau service tout fait original. C est le choix de cadeau par ordinateur. Il para t qu on re oit le cadeau le jour m me de l achat et d j emball . Et je peux tout payer avec ma nouvelle carte de cr dit. What does your friend want you to do? 8 You are watching a soccer match in France. The spectator next to you is upset. You hear him say: Non, mais il exag re, l arbitre. Il ne voit pas que les autres donnent des coups de coudes et des coups de pieds. Ce n est tout de m me pas du football am ricain! Il pourrait au moins leur donner une carte jaune! Mais regardez a! Ils touchent le ballon avec leurs mains! Mais il est aveugle, l arbitre. C est pas juste! Why is the spectator upset? 9 You are shopping for a VCR with a friend. The clerk says: Cet appareil pr sente tous les avantages de la technologie la plus r cente. Pour enregistrer des missions, il a une console dix touches qui rend ultra simple la programmation de quatre missions sur deux semaines. La s lection du jour, de l heure, de la cha ne, tout est clair et group sous vos doigts. C est la facilit par excellence! What feature of this product is being promoted? Comp. French June 02 [3] [OVER] COMP. FRENCH continued Directions for Part 2b: Instruct students to read the directions for Part 2b. After students have read and understood the directions, say: There are six questions in Part 2b. Part 2b is like Part 2a, except the questions and answers are in French. I will now begin. Administer Part 2b in the same manner as Part 2a. 10 You are listening to the radio and you hear this announcement: Vous passez vos vacances dans la r gion, tout pr s du Futuroscope? Profitez des journ es les plus longues de l ann e pour d couvrir toutes les images de demain, tous les spectacles exclusifs du Futuroscope. Pendant tout l t , les attractions restent ouvertes jusqu la tomb e de la nuit! Rendez-vous au Futuroscope pour r ver, imaginer, Le parc vous r serve d inoubliables motions avec les nouvelles techniques de l image! Un billet d une journ e 20 euros les adultes, 15 euros les jeunes! Profitez-en! De quoi s agit-il? 11 Your friend is telling you about her plans to attend a special high school next fall. She says: Tu sais que j adore faire des achats et que je suis tellement attir e par le monde de la mode. Alors en septembre, je vais assister au c gep Marie-Victorin, la seule cole de mode au Qu bec. L , je peux faire le programme de design ou la commercialisation de la mode. Dans le deuxi me, j apprendrai des strat gies de mise en march , de vente et de promotion dans le commerce. Qu est-ce que ton amie va tudier? 12 A hockey player is talking about his team to a reporter from Quebec. He says: Nous ne pouvons pas gagner avec un seul joueur. Mark est bien s r le meilleur, mais, au salaire que nous recevons, nous devrions tre en mesure de gagner sans lui en jouant tous ensemble. Nous avons une meilleure quipe que l an dernier. Nous avons bien jou avant toutes les blessures. Notre fin de saison ne donne pas une bonne id e de ce que nous avons accompli. D apr s cet athl te, comment est-ce que l quipe peut gagner? Comp. French June 02 [4] COMP. FRENCH concluded 13 While you are at a railroad station in Switzerland, a person says to you: C est absurde! Regardez-moi a, toutes ces personnes qui attendent pour acheter un billet et il y a seulement un guichet ouvert et le distributeur de billets qui ne marche pas. Mon train va partir dans trois minutes et je n ai pas encore mon billet. Et vous savez que d habitude les trains sont l heure. Si je ne prends pas ce train, je devrai attendre une heure. Quel est son probl me? 14 You hear this news report on a Paris radio station: A cause de la grave s cheresse qui frappe la France depuis plusieurs mois, le pays manque d eau. Il n a pas beaucoup plu ces derniers mois et le manque d eau se fait cruellement sentir. Dans certains d partements, les habitants n ont plus le droit d arroser leur pelouse, de laver leur voiture ou de remplir leur piscine. Plus d eau, plus d herbe: pour nourrir leurs vaches, certains agriculteurs sont oblig s d utiliser du foin qui devait seulement servir l hiver prochain. Cette s cheresse touche plus du tiers de la France. De quoi s agit-il? 15 Your neighbors are telling your family about their summer vacation plans. This is what you hear: Nous avons r serv un emplacement au Plateau 5 Etoiles Terrebonne, Qu bec. Le camping l -bas est sans doute le plus beau de la p riph rie de Montr al! Il est bon pour les gens de tout ge avec une piscine et un bain tourbillon pour les adultes et un parc d amusement pour les enfants. Tout est organis au mieux pour le bien- tre des campeurs et on peut y aller jusqu la fin septembre. Nous vous recommandons cet endroit. Pourquoi les voisins aiment-ils tant ce lieu de vacances? When students have finished Part 2b, say: This is the end of Part 2. You may now go on to the rest of the examination. Comp. French June 02 [5] FOR TEACHERS ONLY The University of the State of New York REGENTS HIGH SCHOOL EXAMINATION F COMPREHENSIVE EXAMINATION IN FRENCH Friday, June 21, 2002 9:15 a.m. to 12:15 p.m., only SCORING KEY Mechanics of Rating Use only red ink or red pencil in rating Regents examination papers. Do not attempt to correct the student s work by making insertions or changes of any kind. Use checkmarks [ ] to indicate incorrect or omitted answers in Parts 2 and 3. Do not place a checkmark beside a correct answer. Underscore student errors in Part 4. Record the credit for each part in the appropriate credit box on the student s answer booklet. Record the total examination score (the sum of the credits the student received for each part) in the appropriate space in the box in the upper right corner of the answer booklet. Check carefully for mechanical errors (e.g., addition). Using a calculator might be helpful. Write your initials clearly in the appropriate space on the answer booklet. Part 1 Record the credit for Part 1: Speaking, as previously reported to the building principal. Part 2 Allow a total of 30 credits, two credits for each of the following: a (1) 2 (2) 3 (3) 4 (4) 1 (5) 2 (6) 3 (7) 4 (8) 1 (9) 4 b (10) 1 (11) 2 (12) 1 (13) 3 (14) 2 (15) 2 Part 3 Allow a total of 30 credits, two credits for each of the following: a (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) 2 4 1 3 2 b (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) 3 1 4 4 2 c (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) 1 1 3 2 3 Part 4 Principles: In Part 4a, students are instructed to write one note (choice of one out of two) of at least six clauses for a total of six credits. In Part 4b, students are instructed to write either a narrative based on a picture or a letter. The narrative or letter must contain at least 10 clauses for a total of 10 credits. The answers to Part 4 must be written in the student s own words; no credit should be given for a response that is copied or substantially the same as material from other parts of the examination. [OVER] COMPREHENSIVE FRENCH continued In order to qualify for any credit, the note and the narrative/letter must achieve the stated purpose. The rating procedure described below provides for one credit for each clause: 2 3 credit for comprehensibility-appropriateness and 1 3 credit for form. The six clauses in the note (Part 4a) may be contained in fewer than six sentences, and the 10 clauses in the narrative/letter (Part 4b) may be contained in fewer than 10 sentences. For the purpose of rating, a clause must contain a verb, a stated or implied subject, and additional words necessary to convey meaning. The intent is to credit the ideas expressed, regardless of the number of sentences in which they are expressed. Comprehensibility is determined by the rater s visual inspection and judgment as to whether the clause would be understood by a literate native reader of French who knows no English, but is used to dealing with foreigners. Appropriateness is determined on the basis of the clause s contribution to the development of the note and narrative/letter. Form is adherence to conventional rules of grammar and orthography. Procedure: For rating Part 4, the student s answer booklet contains three columns labeled C (Comprehensibility), A (Appropriateness), and F (Form). For Part 4a, the columns are numbered 1 through 6 to correspond to the first six clauses in the note, and for Part 4b, the columns are numbered 1 through 10 to correspond to the first 10 clauses in the narrative/letter. 1. Read the note or the narrative/letter in its entirety to determine whether the stated purpose has been achieved. If the purpose has not been achieved, leave all boxes for that note or narrative/letter blank. 2. Proceed as follows if the purpose of the note or the narrative/letter has been achieved: Identify the first six clauses in the note or the first 10 clauses in the narrative/letter by slash marks as shown in the examples ( 1, 2, 3, etc.). Do not include the datelines, salutations, and closings supplied in the student s test booklet. Rate only the clauses you have identified by slash marks. Determine the comprehensibility-appropriateness of the first clause. If the clause is incomprehensible or inappropriate, leave all three boxes blank and go on to the next clause. If the clause is comprehensible and appropriate, place a checkmark [ ] in the C box and in the A box. Evaluate the form of the first clause by underlining ALL errors. Do not underline more than three diacritical marks in each note or narrative/letter. (The past practice of circling repeated errors has been discontinued.) If the clause contains no more than one error, place a checkmark in the F box (i.e., there is no penalty for one error per clause). If the clause contains more than one error, leave the F box blank. Rate the remaining clauses in the same manner. After rating the note and the narrative/letter, count the number of checkmarks. Write the total number in the blank next to Total Checks below the narrative/letter. Divide that number by three and round the result to the nearest whole number. Write that whole number in the Credit box for Part 4. The following table is provided for your convenience in converting the total number of checkmarks to credit for Part 4. COMPREHENSIVE FRENCH concluded Credit Total Checks Credit 48, 47 16 25, 24, 23 8 46, 45, 44 15 22, 21, 20 7 43, 42, 41 14 19, 18, 17 6 40, 39, 38 13 16, 15, 14 5 37, 36, 35 12 13, 12, 11 4 34, 33, 32 11 10, 9, 8 3 31, 30, 29 10 7, 6, 5 2 28, 27, 26 9 4, 3, 2 1 Total Checks a For each note, an example of a response worth six credits follows. The slash marks indicate how each sample note has been divided into clauses. 31 Cher Monsieur/Ch re Madame Je vous remercie des p tisseries fran aises pour notre festival./1 Les croissants et les clairs au chocolat taient d licieux./2 Beaucoup de gens ont achet des p tisseries/3 et on a gagn assez d argent/4 pour organiser notre excursion la ville de Qu bec au printemps./5 Tout le monde s est bien amus au festival./6 Vous tes tr s gentil. 32 Monsieur/Madame Je n aime pas le pull-over/1 que j ai re u./2 Je voudrais une autre couleur./3 Si vous n avez pas ce pull-over en bleu, ou en vert/4 vous pouvez m envoyer un remboursement./5 Je vous remercie d avance./6 b For each narrative/letter, an example of a response worth 10 credits follows. The slash marks indicate how each sample narrative/letter has been divided into clauses. 33 Mlle Lefleur a rendez-vous au garage/1 pour faire changer l huile de sa voiture./2 Quand Henri, le garagiste, regarde le moteur/3 il voit/4 qu il doit r parer beaucoup de choses./5 a va co ter 2000 euros./6 Mlle Lefleur panique un peu/7 parce que la voiture est tr s vielle/8 et t l phone ses parents./9 Mais ils lui r pondent/10 que c est son anniversaire dimanche et qu elle peut s acheter une nouvelle voiture, si elle veut. 34 Aux Etats-Unis les jeunes pr f rent s habiller en jean et en tee-shirt/1 parce que la vie est tr s active./2 Ils font du sport apr s les classes et le week-end./3 Ils s int ressent beaucoup la musique/4 et quand ils sortent avec leurs amis/5 ils vont souvent des matchs, des concerts ou au cin ma./6 Ils aiment la restauration rapide,/7 mais certains essayent de manger beaucoup de fruits et de salades./8 La journ e scolaire commence t t/9 et finit t t/10 et ils font leurs devoirs le soir, apr s le sport. En g n ral, les ados am ricains sont actifs et heureux.

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Additional Info : Refer : Teacher Dictation Copy (Page 12) and Scoring Key (page 17)
Tags : regents french, nysed regents exams, practice french regents, french regents review, french regents prep, regents 2002 exam, nysed regents exam, regents tests, nys regents tests, regents french tests, french regents tests, interactive learning, regents practise tests, french test, new york state regents exams, regents answer, papers, New York State, High School Regents, Examinations, Past exams, solvedTest Papers, Education, Assessment and Testing.  

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