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New York Regents French June 2008

32 pages, 33 questions, 5 questions with responses, 5 total responses,    0    0
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COMPREHENSIVE FRENCH The University of the State of New York REGENTS HIGH SCHOOL EXAMINATION COMPREHENSIVE EXAMINATION IN FRENCH Tuesday, June 24, 2008 1:15 to 4:15 p.m., only This booklet contains Parts 2 through 4 (76 credits) of this examination. Your performance on Part 1, Speaking (24 credits), has been evaluated prior to the date of this written examination. The answers to the questions on this examination are to be written in the separate answer booklet. Be sure to fill in the heading on the front of your answer booklet. When you have completed the examination, you must sign the statement printed at the end of the answer booklet, indicating that you had no unlawful knowledge of the questions or answers prior to the examination and that you have neither given nor received assistance in answering any of the questions during the examination. Your answer booklet cannot be accepted if you fail to sign this declaration. The use of any communications device is strictly prohibited when taking this examination. If you use any communications device, no matter how briefly, your examination will be invalidated and no score will be calculated for you. DO NOT OPEN THIS EXAMINATION BOOKLET UNTIL THE SIGNAL IS GIVEN. COMPREHENSIVE FRENCH Part 2 Answer all questions in Part 2 according to the directions for a and b. [30] a Directions (1 9): For each question, you will hear some background information in English once. Then you will hear a passage in French twice and a question in English once. After you have heard the question, the teacher will pause while you read the question and the four suggested answers in your test booklet. Choose the best suggested answer and write its number in the space provided in your answer booklet. Base your answer on the content of the passage, only. [18] 1 What is this product used for? (1) personal grooming (2) animal care (3) school projects (4) food preparation 6 What is this message about? (1) something you left behind (2) your upcoming trip (3) a story in the news (4) your friend s new home 2 Why does your friend like his new rollerblades? (1) They were inexpensive. (2) They are easy to put on. (3) They can be used on ice as well as pavement. (4) They are the same brand as his brother s. 7 What does the guide say about this area of the city? (1) It features many modern homes. (2) Its historical importance has been lost. (3) It was flooded by the river. (4) Its original character has been preserved. 3 To whom is this offer especially directed? (1) families with children (2) someone who wants to start a business (3) people looking for seasonal jobs (4) someone who needs an interpreter 8 How did the girl spend her summer? (1) taking care of her new pet (2) recovering from an illness (3) volunteering in her town (4) reading about different careers 4 What must your friend do this summer? (1) work at a summer camp (2) visit relatives in Africa (3) help his parents at home (4) take an English class in England 9 What is the chef discussing? (1) kitchen cleanliness (2) cooking utensils (3) ingredient selection (4) fire prevention 5 What information is given about these products? (1) They are sugar-free. (2) They are available in fifty flavors. (3) They are delivered to your home upon request. (4) They are free to customers with a special coupon. Comp. French June 08 [2] b Directions (10 15): For each question, you will hear some background information in English once. Then you will hear a passage in French twice and a question in French once. After you have heard the question, the teacher will pause while you read the question and the four suggested answers in your test booklet. Choose the best suggested answer and write its number in the space provided in your answer booklet. Base your answer on the content of the passage, only. [12] 10 Qu est-ce qu il vous demande de faire? (1) de rentrer avant que la nuit tombe (2) de nourrir certains animaux du parc (3) de vous d placer en groupes (4) de respecter l habitat naturel 14 Qu est-ce qu on recommande? (1) de boire assez d eau tous les jours (2) de faire de l exercice trois fois par semaine (3) de consommer plus de fruits et de l gumes (4) de faire des jeux pour d velopper la m moire 11 De quoi parle-t-elle? (1) de responsabilit s dans la vie de famille (2) de pr cautions prendre au bord de la mer (3) de probl mes de circulation routi re (4) de mesures de s curit la piscine 15 qui s adresse ce programme? (1) ceux qui vont s tablir au Canada de fa on permanente (2) ceux qui voudraient obtenir la nationalit am ricaine (3) ceux qui traversent r guli rement la fronti re Canada-USA (4) ceux qui vont suivre un cours universitaire en commerce international 12 Qu est-ce qu elle recommande? (1) une excursion guid e de la r gion (2) une exposition sur un crivain c l bre (3) un spectacle son et lumi re (4) un livre sur l histoire de Paris 13 Quel cadeau est offert avec un abonnement au magazine? (1) un drapeau (3) un livre (2) un parapluie (4) un sac Comp. French June 08 [3] [OVER] Part 3 Answer all questions in Part 3 according to the directions for a, b, and c. [30] a Directions (16 20): After the following passage, there are five questions or incomplete statements. For each, choose the word or expression that best answers the question or completes the statement according to the meaning of the passage, and write its number in the space provided in your answer booklet. [10] La Haute-Sa ne Situ e pr s de la Bourgogne et de l Alsace, la Haute-Sa ne est un d partement fran ais proche de la Suisse et de l Allemagne. Presque la moiti du d partement est couvert de for ts aux arbres vari s tels que ch nes, acacias et sapins. Surnomm e l le verte , la Haute-Sa ne b n ficie aussi d un relief vari allant de la plaine au plateau jusqu la moyenne montagne. La Haute-Sa ne offre aux visiteurs toutes sortes d activit s particuli rement vari es. Pour les sportifs ou simplement les amoureux de la nature, il existe plus de mille kilom tres de chemins bien indiqu s et faciles suivre. Le parc naturel des Ballons des Vosges est r put pour la qualit de l air recherch e par les amateurs de ski alpin et de fond, de v lo tout terrain (VTT) et de parapente. Cette r gion permet aux touristes de d couvrir une belle diversit de milieux naturels. En Haute-Sa ne, vous trouverez d agr ables vall es, d troites gorges et une multitude d tangs romantiques. Pour les amateurs de tourisme fluvial, la Sa ne figure parmi les plus belles rivi res de la France et l une des plus accessibles la navigation de plaisance. Des minicroisi res, avec ou sans repas bord, sont organis es au d part de plusieurs villes. Comme il y a peu d cluses franchir en Haute-Sa ne (17 sur 110 km), la navigation sur la Sa ne se fait un rythme lent et reposant et l on peut encore y admirer une faune aviaire, riche et abondante, en toute libert : h rons, alouettes, gros-becs, canards, poules d eau, faucons. Et comme la Haute-Sa ne est situ e sur l axe de migration Rhin-Rh ne, on peut observer le balbuzard p cheur voler au-dessus des tangs et des rivi res de la r gion. Quant la gastronomie, elle est aussi bonne que la r gion est belle. Ne quittez pas la r gion sans avoir savour les plats locaux, et en particulier la Pochouse , une soupe de poissons de rivi re. Prenez le temps de faire une halte dans les sympathiques fermesauberges pour go ter d autres produits du terroir comme la fameuse cancoillotte, un fromage r gional. Si vous n tes pas press s, peut- tre que vous serez tent s par un voyage en roulotte, une sorte de caravane tir e lentement par un cheval. Le centre touristique de FontenoisComp. French June 08 [4] la-Ville saura vous accueillir et mettre votre disposition une roulotte pr vue pour quatre personnes, enti rement quip es, avec r frig rateur, vier, ustensiles de cuisine, couverts, draps et couvertures, et bicyclette sur demande. Quel que soit votre itin raire, vous aurez toujours la possibilit de vous arr ter pour p cher dans les tangs, visiter une verrerie o l on souffle le verre, ou go ter au fromage dans une coop rative d emmenthal. Pour un prix raisonnable, vous pourrez prendre vos repas la grande table d h te de l auberge du village et le soir, vous serez convi s une veill e avec musique et danse, o les gens du pays vous conteront des histoires. La Haute-Sa ne r serve bien d autres richesses. Il y a de nombreux ch teaux visiter comme ceux de Filain et Malans. Du sommet de la fameuse colline de la Motte, la petite chapelle de Notre-Dame offre un splendide panorama sur les monts du Jura et les sommets des Alpes. Et si vous avez la chance d tre dans la r gion pendant le premier week-end de juillet, ne manquez pas la F te de la cerise Fougerolles, une petite commune situ e au nord de la Haute-Sa ne. Depuis tr s longtemps, les villageois f tent ce petit fruit succulent en go tant, en chantant, en mangeant, bref, en s amusant. De quoi vous donner envie de d couvrir cette r gion, pied, en VTT, en bateau, ou m me en roulotte! 16 D apr s le texte, qu est-ce qui caract rise la Haute-Sa ne? (1) la vie urbaine (2) la beaut naturelle (3) l industrie technologique (4) le climat aride 19 Quel est l un des avantages de voyager en roulotte? (1) On est toujours accompagn d un guide de la r gion. (2) On d ne gratuitement dans les auberges de la r gion. (3) On se d place rapidement sur les routes de la r gion. (4) On peut s arr ter pour profiter des attractions de la r gion. 17 Selon le texte, qu est-ce qu on observe au bord de la Sa ne? (1) de nouveaux immeubles (2) des fleurs tropicales (3) une ruine gallo-romaine (4) une variet d oiseaux 20 Selon le texte, les villageois de Fougerolles organisent chaque t une f te pour c l brer (1) un produit agricole (2) une tradition litt raire (3) un peintre naturaliste (4) une victoire militaire 18 Qu est-ce que c est que la Pochouse ? (1) un arbre indig ne (2) un ch teau m dieval (3) une sp cialit r gionale (4) une boisson c l bre Comp. French June 08 [5] [OVER] b Directions (21 25): Below each of the following selections, there is either a question or an incomplete statement. For each, choose the word or expression that best answers the question or completes the statement according to the meaning of the selection, and write its number in the space provided in your answer booklet. [10] Me nu che ne t 21 ge Place Saint Arnould Rue du Colle Boulevard Quai du R empa rt Heynen Pont de Liege France Corbion Tunnel Pont de France 21 According to this advertisement, tourists visiting Bouillon by train will (1) receive a free meal (3) depart at noon (2) learn about the sites (4) need to bring identification Comp. French June 08 [6] 22 Randonn es pour tous Le GR20 : parcours difficile pour les plus sportifs et les plus ambitieux, d conseiller aux moins de 15 ans, pour des raisons physiques aussi bien que psychologiques. Dur e : 15 jours. Possibilit cependant de ne faire que quelques tapes ou de parcourir Corse uniquement le tron on nord ou le tron on sud. Sachez en outre que le sens sud/nord, s il est moins populaire, permet toutefois une mise en jambe plus douce sur les premi res tapes. Ouvert de mai octobre; juin et septembre sont deux mois id als pour s assurer calme et beau temps. Cinq sentiers interm diaires : deux Mare e Monti (mer et montagne) et trois Mare a Mare (mer mer). Dur e : entre 8 et 10 jours. Sept randonn es de village : faciles et circulaires. Id als pour les familles avec enfants. Dur e : 3 5 heures chacune. Balades sur la c te et l int rieur des terres : tout niveau. Dur e : entre 1 et 5 heures chacune. 22 The GR20 would be of most interest to people who (1) hike with very young children (2) prefer winter outings 23 (3) desire a challenging trail (4) want to camp by the sea Plusieurs milliers de foyers taient priv s d lectricit dimanche soir dans le Jura et le Doubs o la circulation sur le r seau routier secondaire demeurait d licate apr s les fortes chutes de neige enregistr es dans le massif des Vosges au cours de la nuit. Seule la Route des Cr tes restait ferm e la circulation en fin d apr s-midi, a-t-on appris du Centre national d information routi re. L acc s au Ballon d Alsace a t rouvert dans la journ e, apr s avoir t ferm en raison de l tat des routes, enneig es et verglac es. Les quipes d lectricit de France pensaient r tablir le courant pour la plupart des 15.000 foyers priv s d lectricit par des ruptures de lignes dans le Jura et le Doubs avant la fin de la journ e. 18h, 300 foyers restaient priv s d lectricit dans le Jura et 2.500 dans le Doubs. Selon EDF, ce chiffre ne devait plus beaucoup voluer dans la soir e. EDF esp re d sormais r tablir le courant dans la journ e de lundi. 23 What is the article about? (1) a highway accident (2) a power outage Comp. French June 08 (3) a price increase (4) a new law [7] [OVER] 24 25 Vendredi, le coll ge Fran ois-Rabelais a d cid , une fois encore, de lutter contre les maladies rares qui affligent les enfants. Cette lutte fait partie des objectifs de la Caisse nationale d assurance maladie, du minist re de la Jeunesse et des Sports et des services de l ducation nationale. Trois cents l ves du coll ge sont venus soutenir et remercier tous les donateurs en participant un cross solidaire. Je suis pr t parcourir les 2 754 m tres r serv s aux 5e , a affirm un gar on de 12 ans et demi. Sur la banderole bleue qui flottait au vent, on pouvait lire: Mets tes baskets et bats la maladie . Pour chaque cat gorie d ge, la distance et le d part se font de mani re distincte ont expliqu deux des professeurs charg s de l organisation de l v nement. Une vingtaine de prix ont r compens les meilleures performances. En voyant passer un camion poudreux devant son stand, en cl ture de cette journ e sportive, chacun a eu droit un g teau et une boisson. Des tee-shirts, stylos, et cassettes leur ont t distribu s. 25 What does this system use? (1) a number and a password (2) a special card (3) a fingerprint record (4) a lock and a key 24 What was the main reason students participated in this activity? (1) to compete in a soccer tournament (2) to complete a science project for school (3) to support a good cause (4) to earn money for a class trip Comp. French June 08 Un nouveau syst me de marquage pour lutter contre le vol vient d tre annonc . Selon la F d ration fran aise des usagers de la bicyclette (FUBicy), 40% des v los vol s ne peuvent tre rendus leurs propri taires car ils ne sont pas identifiables. C est pourquoi un nouveau dispositif, inspir du mod le danois et allemand, va entrer en vigueur dans sept villes: Chamb ry, Grenoble, Hagueneau, Nantes, Paris (d s septembre), Strasbourg et Toulouse. Le principe? Un num ro d identification est grav dans le cadre pour environ 5 . ce num ro correspond un mot de passe. En cas de vol, la victime porte plainte et se connecte au serveur de la FUBicy pour donner les coordonn es du commissariat joindre au cas o son v lo serait retrouv . [8] c Directions (26 30): After the following passage, there are five questions or incomplete statements in English. For each, choose the word or expression that best answers the question or completes the statement according to the meaning of the passage, and write its number in the space provided in your answer booklet. [10] La F te de la Musique D couvrant en 1982, l occasion d une tude sur les pratiques culturelles des Fran ais, que cinq millions de personnes, dont un jeune sur deux, jouent d un instrument de musique, Maurice Fleuret, Directeur de la Musique et de la Danse, imagine faire descendre la musique et les gens dans la rue. Et c est ainsi, en quelques semaines, que la F te de la Musique est lanc e, le 21 juin 1982, jour du solstice d t . Son slogan: Faites de la musique, F te de la Musique . Le succ s de l v nement est imm diat et correspond un formidable app tit de jouer et d couter. Les jeunes et les moins jeunes se passionnent pour l v nement avec chaleur et curiosit , disponibles toutes les aventures musicales qui leur sont offertes. En 1985, la F te commence s exporter. En s adaptant aux sp cificit s culturelles de chaque pays, elle est devenue une manifestation musicale internationale, c l br e aujourd hui dans plus de 130 pays et 400 villes sur les cinq continents. Depuis son d but, la F te a lieu chaque ann e le 21 juin. Les v nements organis s une autre date, m me proche du 21 juin, ne sont pas consid r s comme des v nements F te de la Musique . Comme il n y a pas d horaires sp cifiques pour la F te, les concerts peuvent avoir lieu tout au long de la journ e du 21 et se prolonger dans la nuit. C est une grande manifestation populaire, gratuite et ouverte tous les participants amateurs ou professionnels qui souhaitent s y produire. Les musiciens sont invit s se produire b n volement, et tous les concerts sont gratuits pour le public, qu ils aient lieu dans les salles ou en ext rieur. Son territoire privil gi est le plein air, les rues, les jardins et les places. La F te est une c l bration de la diversit des pratiques musicales, dans tous les genres de musique: nouvelles tendances musicales, musiques traditionnelles, jazz, musiques du monde, chorales, rap, techno La F te s adresse tous les publics, avec pour objectif de rendre la musique vivante plus accessible tous et de familiariser les gens de toutes conditions sociales toutes les expressions musicales. Elle offre la possibilit de d velopper les rencontres et les changes entre la ville et la banlieue et de proposer des concerts m me dans les h pitaux ou dans les prisons. Elle favorise ainsi la d mocratisation de l acc s aux pratiques artistiques et culturelles. Comp. French June 08 [9] [OVER] La r ussite de la F te de la Musique est d abord celle des nombreuses organisations qui s activent en pr vision du 21 juin et, gr ce au minist re de la Culture et de la Communication, il existe une coordination nationale et internationale de l v nement. L ADCEP (Association pour le D veloppement de la Cr ation tudes et Projets) a t charg e par le minist re de coordonner l ensemble de la F te en France et l tranger. Au niveau national et international, l ADCEP travaille en collaboration avec les relais institutionnels (municipalit s, ambassades, tablissements culturels fran ais l tranger, gouvernements...) et les professionnels (artistes, maisons de disques, organisateurs de spectacles...). En France, coles de musique, institutions musicales, mus es, radios, t l visions, salles de concerts, caf s, entreprises publiques ou priv es... participent la F te de la Musique et organisent leurs propres concerts. Le r le de l ADCEP est d aider ces groupes organiser les concerts (conseil artistique, logistique et technique) et d informer les m dias et le public de toutes ces initiatives. Mais dans le cadre de sa mission, l ADCEP n a pas d argent et ne peut pas financer les budgets des productions des musiciens. Donc, l organisateur de chaque initiative doit trouver les aides financi res sa r alisation. La vitalit de la F te compte aussi avec les nergies de tous les volontaires qui se mobilisent pour apporter cette journ e exceptionnelle sa part fondamentale de spontan it et de joie. L image de la F te de la Musique est aujourd hui meilleure qu sa naissance. La majorit des Fran ais consid rent qu il s agit d une bonne initiative. Chez les 15 19 ans, la F te est encore plus populaire qu ses d buts. Succ s international, ph nom ne de soci t , la F te r unit dans un grand moment de rencontre, de partage et de convivialit , les artistes tant amateurs que professionnels et les publics les plus divers. 26 Maurice Fleuret was inspired to create la F te de la Musique after learning that many people in France (1) listen to jazz (2) like writing music (3) play a musical instrument (4) attend three or more concerts per year Comp. French June 08 27 What does the passage state about la F te de la Musique ? (1) The public needs to pay for tickets in advance. (2) The date of the event is the same every year. (3) All concerts take place indoors. (4) Performers are required to be professional musicians. [10] 30 Which statement is best supported by the passage? (1) The event has become controversial. (2) The event has raised money for charities. (3) The event has been affected by the exchange rate of the Euro. (4) The event has made live music available to more people. 28 How has the association ADCEP been involved in the event? (1) It has financed all the performances of the event. (2) It has proposed making the day of the event a legal holiday. (3) It has worked with various groups in the planning of the event. (4) It has placed restrictions on the types of music performed in the event. 29 How has la F te de la Musique changed since its beginning? (1) Locations around the world now participate in the event. (2) Young people are now less interested in the event. (3) Prizes are now awarded during local event ceremonies. (4) Organizers of the event must now schedule performances to end by midnight. Comp. French June 08 [11] Part 4 Write your answers to Part 4 according to the directions below. Your answers must be written in your own words; no credit will be given for a response that is copied or substantially the same as material from other parts of this examination. [16] Directions (31 33): Choose two of the three writing tasks provided below. In your answer booklet, write your response to the two writing tasks you have chosen. For each question you have chosen, your answer should be written entirely in French and should contain a minimum of 100 words. Place names and brand names written in French count as one word. Contractions are also counted as one word. Salutations and closings, as well as commonly used abbreviations in French, are included in the word count. Numbers, unless written as words, and names of people are not counted as words. You must satisfy the purpose of the task. Be sure to organize your response and to include a beginning, middle, and ending. The sentence structure and/or expressions used should be connected logically and should demonstrate a wide range of vocabulary with minimal repetition. 31 You found a lost pet. In French, write a letter to your pen pal telling him or her about what happened. You may wish to include: the kind of animal when you found it where you found it who was with you when you found it what you did when you found it how you feel about the animal your plan for the animal your reason for that plan where the pet is now 32 Your family volunteered to host an exchange student last year. In French, write a letter to your pen pal telling him or her about this experience. You may wish to include: when and where the exchange student arrived how long the exchange student stayed where your family heard of this exchange student program where the exchange student was from a description of the student what preparations at home were made by your family what school arrangements had to be made what plans were made to celebrate the arrival of the exchange student what you did to make the exchange student feel welcome how you felt about hosting an exchange student Comp. French June 08 [12] 33 In French, write a story about the situation shown in the picture below. It must be a story relating to the picture, not a description of the picture. Do not write a dialogue. Bunny Hoest and John Reiner, Laugh Parade (adapted) NOTE: The rubric (scoring criteria) for a Part 4 response receiving maximum credit appears below. Regents Comprehensive Examinations in Modern Languages Dimension A response receiving maximum credit: Purpose/Task Accomplishes the task; includes many details that are clearly connected to the development of the task, but there may be minor irrelevancies. Organization The extent to which the response exhibits direction, shape, and coherence Exhibits a logical and coherent sequence throughout; provides a clear sense of a beginning, middle, and end. Makes smooth transitions between ideas. Vocabulary Includes a wide variety of vocabulary that expands the topic, but there may be minor inaccuracies. Structure/Conventions Subject-verb agreement Tense N oun-adjective agreement Correct word order Spelling/diacritical marks Demonstrates a high degree of control of Checkpoint B (Regents level) structure/conventions: subject-verb agreement present, past, future ideas expressed as appropriate noun-adjective agreement correct word order spelling/diacritical marks (e.g., accents) Errors do n ot hinder overall comprehensibility of the passage. Word Count Comp. French June 08 C ontains 100 words or more. [13] COMPREHENSIVE FRENCH [16] COMPREHENSIVE FRENCH Comp. French June 08 The University of the State of New York REGENTS HIGH SCHOOL EXAMINATION F COMPREHENSIVE EXAMINATION IN FRENCH Teacher Dictation Copy Tuesday, June 24, 2008 1:15 to 4:15 p.m., only General Directions Before the start of the examination period, distribute one examination booklet, face up, to each student. After each student has received an examination booklet, distribute one answer booklet to each student. Then instruct the students to fill in the heading on the front of the answer booklet. After each student has filled in the heading of the answer booklet, begin the examination by following the directions for Part 2a, as given below. Directions for Part 2a: Instruct students to open their test booklets and read the directions for Part 2a. After students have read and understood the directions, say: There are nine questions in Part 2a. Each question is based on a short passage which I will read aloud to you. Listen carefully. Before each passage, I will give you some background information in English once. Then I will read the passage in French twice. After you have heard the passage for the second time, I will read the question in English once. The question is also printed in your test booklet. After you have heard the question, you will have about one minute before I go on to the next question. During that time, read the question and the four suggested answers in your test booklet. Choose the best suggested answer on the basis of the information provided in the passage, and write its number in the space provided in your answer booklet. You should not read the question and the suggested answers while you are listening to the passage. This will allow you to give all your attention to what you hear. I will now begin. Comp. French June 08 COMP. FRENCH continued Administer each of the items in Part 2a as follows: First, read the setting in English once; then read the listening comprehension stimulus (passage) in French twice in succession. Make every effort to read the passage in the way students would hear it in an authentic setting. Then read the question once. Pause for no more than one minute before proceeding to the next item. 1 While in a store in France, you hear a salesperson explaining a product. The salesperson says: La mousse coiffante structurante de Ren Furterer donne du volume et du corps la chevelure. Utilis e pendant le brushing, elle amplifie durablement le volume de la chevelure et aide modeler les boucles tout en prot geant les cheveux du dess chement et en leur apportant de la brillance. Elle s limine facilement au brossage sans laisser de r sidu. Conseil d utilisation: bien agiter, tenir l a rosol t te en bas et pr lever une noix de mousse, r partir la mousse sur l ensemble des cheveux s ch s, et puis proc der au coiffage. What is this product used for? 2 Your friend tells you about his new rollerblades. He says: Mon fr re est vraiment sympa. Pour mon anniversaire, il m a donn de l argent pour de nouveaux rollers. Ils taient chers, mais j ai d cid d acheter les rollers de la marque Rollerblade. Je les aime bien parce qu ils sont tr s faciles mettre. Il y a un syst me de c ble qui ferme rapidement le patin sur le pied. Les rollers sont l gers et stables parfaits pour un patineur interm diaire comme moi! Why does your friend like his new rollerblades? 3 You hear this advertisement on the radio: Dans neuf pays d Europe, 395 h tels et restaurants Campanile vous attendent dans une atmosph re familiale. Par exemple, venez l h tel Campanile, dans la ville de Lille. Capitale des distractions pour toute la famille, Lille vous propose de d couvrir son jardin zoologique, ses parcs et son mus e interactif pour les enfants. Sp cial promo week-end pour les familles: une r duction de cinquante pour cent pour la deuxi me chambre pour les enfants et petits d jeuners gratuits compris. C est dans la nature de Campanile et celle de ses quipes de vous faire plaisir. On vous re oit chez nous, c est a la diff rence! To whom is this offer especially directed? Comp. French June 08 [2] COMP. FRENCH continued 4 Your French friend is discussing his summer plans: Cet t je voudrais de tout mon coeur rendre visite des membres de ma famille en Alg rie. Mon oncle et ma tante m ont invit chez eux. Mais le probl me, c est qu il faut que j tudie en Angleterre cet t . Papa et Maman sont furieux de mes r sultats aux examens. Maintenant je dois faire un s jour linguistique en Angleterre dans un cours d anglais. Pendant que tu profiteras de tes vacances, moi, je serai enferm dans une salle de classe. What must your friend do this summer? 5 You hear this advertisement on a French radio station: Pr f rez-vous la nourriture sans substances chimiques ou artificielles? Go tez donc aux nouvelles glaces et sorbets bio du glacier Thiriet. Ces desserts glac s d origine biologique ont un go t tout fait classique. Il y a trois parfums d licieux: chocolat, vanille, fraise. Ces glaces sont faciles trouver; elles sont disponibles dans 150 magasins de France. Et pour ceux qui d testent sortir faire les courses, Thiriet vous livre les glaces domicile sur simple coup de t l phone! Alors, pour avoir les desserts glac s biologiques chez vous, il suffit d un appel t l phonique. What information is given about these products? 6 You receive this message on your answering machine from your friend in Paris: Salut! Je suis d sol e de te r pondre si tard. Ma famille et moi, nous n avons pas encore finalis nos projets pour les vacances d t . Si tu veux passer par Paris, nous pensons tre l pour te recevoir du 9 au 15 juillet. Mais si nous ne sommes pas l , tu peux rester chez ma tante pour visiter la ville. De toute fa on, je pense que pour se voir, ce serait mieux au d but de ton s jour, car le 16 juillet nous serons certainement la campagne. Alors, fais-moi savoir tes projets. Au revoir et bient t. What is this message about? 7 When you arrive in Quebec City, your tour guide explains the area: En 1977, quelques promoteurs et artisans ont sauv ce quartier historique d un sort injuste. Tous les l ments taient l pour restaurer ce quartier l gant au bord du fleuve: petites rues troites, maisons d une l gance ancienne On a su conserver son originalit et lui conf rer une ambiance chaleureuse. Le quartier reste un lieu vivant, avec ses personnes g es, ses enfants, ses chiens et ses chats. On y rencontre des artistes et des artisans dans leurs ateliers ou dans les rues, car les autos c dent la place aux pi tons, aux musiciens, aux clowns et aux jongleurs. What does the guide say about this area of the city? Comp. French June 08 [3] [OVER] COMP. FRENCH continued 8 You overhear two French teenage girls talking. One of them says: Oui, j ai eu un t super. J ai travaill comme volontaire au zoo de notre ville. a a t une exp rience vraiment int ressante. Tous les jours, j ai nourri les animaux et on m a m me demand de donner des renseignements aux visiteurs. Le plus grand serpent du parc zoologique est tomb malade, alors il a fallu s en occuper r guli rement. Je n ai pas re u de salaire mais a m a donn des id es de carri re. How did the girl spend her summer? 9 You are watching a cooking program on television in Luxembourg. The chef says: La cuisine est une des pi ces les plus importantes de la maison. Alors, il est essentiel de suivre quelques r gles d hygi ne afin de pr venir tous les risques ventuels des microbes. Pour viter les contaminations crois es, couvrez les restes, mettez-les au frigo le plus vite possible et mangez-les sans d lai. Nettoyez r guli rement l int rieur de votre r frig rateur. En suivant ces conseils, vous viterez de nombreux probl mes. What is the chef discussing? Directions for Part 2b: Instruct students to read the directions for Part 2b. After students have read and understood the directions, say: There are six questions in Part 2b. Part 2b is like Part 2a, except the questions and answers are in French. I will now begin. Administer Part 2b in the same manner as Part 2a. 10 While on a hiking trip in Quebec, a guide is giving some advice. He says: Pendant votre marche, il faut absolument faire attention la faune, la flore et leur habitat. Soyez un cotouriste mod le: d placez-vous calmement pour ne pas perturber le milieu naturel. Gardez une distance respectable des animaux pour ne pas les d ranger et surtout, ne les nourrissez pas! N entrez pas dans les zones interdites au public, respectez la signalisation et restez sur les chemins balis s que vous reconna trez aux couleurs peintes sur les arbres. Qu est-ce qu il vous demande de faire? Comp. French June 08 [4] COMP. FRENCH continued 11 You have just arrived at your host family s home in Nice. Your host mother says: Je voudrais que tu te sentes tout fait chez toi ici. Dans quelques jours nous irons la plage o tu pourras enfin te baigner. Mais attention! L eau est souvent froide en cette saison, alors ne plonge pas dans la mer. Vas-y doucement. Mets d abord les pieds dans l eau. Si tu entres trop vite dans la mer, tu risques de prendre froid. Une fois que tu seras dans les vagues, continue bouger et surtout, sors d s que tu commenceras avoir un peu froid. J esp re que tu as emport un pull parce que tu en auras certainement besoin apr s. De quoi parle-t-elle? 12 While at the tourist office in Paris, you hear a clerk talking about the city. She says: Si vous voulez d couvrir le monde fantastique de Jules Verne, allez voir l exposition Le roman de la mer au mus e national de la Marine. Vous vivrez une aventure passionnante au coeur du c l bre roman Vingt mille lieues sous les mers. Vous pourrez admirer les maquettes de sous-marins et de bateaux, voir des outils de navigation et m me quelques cr atures sous-marines! Le mus e pr sente aussi des photos de l auteur, des manuscrits originaux et des objets personnels. Qu est-ce qu elle recommande? 13 You are listening to the radio in France. You hear this advertisement for a magazine: Vous allez adorer ce gros cadeau. Ce fourre-tout extra-grand en toile de coton vous permet d emporter toutes vos affaires. Ses deux courroies en nylon sont assez longues pour vous permettre de le porter sur l paule ou la main. Vous pouvez l utiliser en pique-nique ou la plage. Il offre tout l espace pour transporter vos appareils lectroniques, vos v tements et de quoi manger. Mieux encore, ce fourre-tout est vous, en cadeau, lorsque vous vous abonnez notre magazine des tarifs plus avantageux par rapport au prix en kiosque. Quel cadeau est offert avec un abonnement au magazine? 14 You are in Quebec watching a health program on television. You hear: Buvez-vous la quantit d eau n cessaire chaque jour? Le manque d eau est la cause principale de la fatigue pendant la journ e. Une simple r duction de 2% d eau dans le corps humain peut provoquer une perte de la m moire court terme. Boire 5 verres d eau par jour peut galement diminuer le risque de certaines maladies. Donc, consommer de l eau est une chose importante que vous pouvez faire pour avoir un corps sain. Qu est-ce qu on recommande? Comp. French June 08 [5] [OVER] COMP. FRENCH concluded 15 While listening to the radio in Canada, you hear this announcement: NEXUS est un programme mis en place par les autorit s des douanes canadiennes et am ricaines qui facilite, gr ce des voies r serv es, l entr e de certains voyageurs au Canada et aux tats-Unis. Vous tes citoyen ou r sident permanent du Canada ou des tats-Unis? Vous passez souvent la fronti re? Vous n avez pas beaucoup de temps? Inscrivez-vous ce programme en visitant notre site web. qui s adresse ce programme? When students have finished Part 2b, say: This is the end of Part 2. You may now go on to the rest of the examination. Comp. French June 08 [6] FOR TEACHERS ONLY The University of the State of New York REGENTS HIGH SCHOOL EXAMINATION F COMPREHENSIVE EXAMINATION IN FRENCH Tuesday, June 24, 2008 1:15 to 4:15 p.m., only SCORING KEY Updated information regarding the rating of this examination may be posted on the New York State Education Department s web site during the rating period. Check this web site and select the link Examination Scoring Information for any recently posted information regarding this examination. This site should be checked before the rating process for this examination begins and several times throughout the Regents examination period. Mechanics of Rating Use only red ink or red pencil in rating Regents examination papers. Do not attempt to correct the student s work by making insertions or changes of any kind. Use check marks [ ] to indicate incorrect or omitted answers in Parts 2 and 3. Do not place a check mark beside a correct answer. Record the credit for each part in the appropriate credit box on the student s answer booklet. Record the total examination score (the sum of the credits the student received for each part) in the appropriate space in the box in the upper right corner of the answer booklet. Check carefully for mechanical errors (e.g., addition). Using a calculator might be helpful. Write your initials clearly in the appropriate space on the answer booklet. Part 1 Record the credit for Part 1: Speaking, as previously reported to the building principal. Part 2 Allow a total of 30 credits, two credits for each of the following: a (1) 1 (2) 2 (3) 1 (4) 4 (5) 3 (6) 2 (7) 4 (8) 3 (9) 1 b (10) 4 (11) 2 (12) 2 (13) 4 (14) 1 (15) 3 Part 3 Allow a total of 30 credits, two credits for each of the following: a (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) 2 4 3 4 1 b (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) 2 3 2 3 1 c (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) 3 2 3 1 4 COMPREHENSIVE FRENCH continued Part 4 In this part of the examination, students are asked to demonstrate the ability to write in the target language using the four functions of language (socializing, getting others to adopt a course of action, getting and providing information, and expressing personal feelings) as the vehicle for communication. Students are instructed to choose two of the three tasks provided and write a response of at least 100 words in the target language to achieve a specified communication purpose. A word is defined as a letter or collection of letters, surrounded by space, that in the target language is comprehensible and contributes to the development of the task. This definition applies even when words are grammatically incorrect. When counting words, please note that numbers, unless written as words, and names of people are not to be counted. Place names and brand names from the target culture count as one word (all other places and brand names are disregarded), and contractions are counted as one word. In addition, salutations and closings are counted, as well as commonly used abbreviations in the target language. Additional information concerning word count guidelines, how to apply the writing rubric, and use of the scoring rubric for students with disabilities who have a spelling exemption listed on an IEP or 504 plan is provided in the document, Comprehensive Regents Examination in Modern Foreign Languages Test Changes and Sampler Draft, which is available on the Department web site at The responses to the Part 4 writing tasks must be written in the student s own words; no credit should be given for a response that is copied or substantially the same as material from other parts of the examination. Part 4 is worth a total of 16 credits. Each response is worth a maximum of eight credits and must be rated according to the writing rubric for Part 4, which is provided on the next page. This writing rubric measures five dimensions: purpose/task, organization, vocabulary, structure/conventions, and word count. The dimensions of purpose/task, organization, vocabulary, and structure/conventions are measured on a zero to four scale; the dimension of word count is measured on a zero to two scale. A writing checklist is also provided for use in rating student responses. The writing checklist requires reference to the full writing rubric for the definitions of each dimension at each level and is not intended as a substitute for the writing rubric. After rating the student s response for each dimension, the scores for the five dimensions must be added, resulting in a total raw score for the response. The conversion chart must be applied to that total raw score so that the proper credit is given to the student for the question. For example, if a student received a performance level score of 3 on the dimension of purpose/task, a score of 3 on the dimension of organization, a score of 2 on the dimension of vocabulary, a score of 3 on the dimension of structure/conventions, and a score of 2 on the dimension of word count, the student s total raw score would equal 13 (the sum of the five performance level scores). According to the conversion chart, a raw score of 13 represents a converted score of 6 credits for the question. The conversion chart for Part 4 is shown below. Part 4 Conversion Chart Total Raw Score Total Credits 17 18 15 16 13 14 11 12 8 7 6 5 8 10 6 7 4 5 2 3 0 1 4 3 2 1 0 After each of the two questions has been scored, the two converted scores must be added together to determine the total Part 4 score. This total Part 4 score should be entered in the last box on the last page of the student answer booklet and also under the Credit Earned section for Part 4, on the upper right corner of the first page of the student answer booklet. [2] COMPREHENSIVE FRENCH continued The writing rubric for Part 4 is shown below. Part 4 Writing Rubric Note that a zero can be given in any of the dimensions when the student s performance falls below the criteria described for the performance level of 1. Performance Level 4 3 2 1 Purpose/Task Accomplishes the task; includes many details that are clearly connected to the development of the task, but there may be minor irrelevancies. Accomplishes the task; includes some details that are generally connected to the development of the task, but there may be some irrelevancies. Accomplishes the task; includes few details, some of which may be only loosely connected to the task. There are many irrelevancies. Attempts to accomplish the task; makes some reference to it but provides few or no supporting details. Organization The extent to which the response exhibits direction, shape, and coherence Exhibits a logical and coherent sequence throughout; provides a clear sense of a beginning, middle, and end. Makes smooth transitions between ideas. Exhibits a logical sequence; provides a beginning, middle, and end. Attempts to provide a logical sequence and/or the beginning or ending is abrupt or unclear. Exhibits little order; provides a series of separate sentences and/or disconnected ideas. Vocabulary Includes a wide variety of vocabulary that expands the topic, but there may be minor inaccuracies. Includes a variety of vocabulary related to the topic. Includes basic vocabulary; some vocabulary may be inaccurate or unrelated to the topic. Includes limited vocabulary and/or most vocabulary is inaccurate or unrelated to the topic. Structure/ Conventions Subject-verb agreement Tense Noun-adjective agreement Correct word order Spelling/diacritical marks Demonstrates a high degree of control of Checkpoint B structure/conventions: subject-verb agreement present, past, future ideas expressed as appropriate noun-adjective agreement correct word order spelling/diacritical marks Demonstrates some control of Checkpoint B structure/conventions: subject-verb agreement present, past, future ideas expressed as appropriate noun-adjective agreement correct word order spelling/diacritical marks Demonstrates some control of Checkpoint B structure/conventions. Errors do hinder overall comprehensibility and/or there are numerous Checkpoint A errors. Demonstrates little control of Checkpoint A or B structure/conventions: subject-verb agreement present, past, future ideas expressed as appropriate noun-adjective agreement correct word order spelling/diacritical marks Dimension Errors do not hinder Errors do not hinder overall comprehensibility overall comprehensibility of the passage. of the passage. Word Count [3] OR Demonstrates a high degree of control, but uses only Checkpoint A structure/conventions. Errors impede overall comprehensibility of the passage. Uses 100 or more comprehensible words in the target language that contribute to the development of the task. Uses 50 99 or more comprehensible words in the target language that contribute to the development of the task. [OVER] COMPREHENSIVE FRENCH continued The writing checklist for Part 4 is shown below. Part 4 Writing Checklist Please refer to the full writing rubric for definitions of each level. Note that a zero can be given in any of the dimensions when the student s performance falls below the criteria described for the performance level of 1. Question No. _____ Dimension 4 Performance Level 3 2 1 Question No. _____ 0 4 3 2 1 0 Purpose/Task Accomplishes the task Includes details Connects ideas to task/purpose Organization Exhibits a logical and coherent sequence Has a beginning, middle, and end Makes smooth transitions Vocabulary Includes a variety of vocabulary Uses relevant and accurate words Structure (degree to which errors hinder overall comprehensibility) Subject-verb agreement Present, past, future ideas expressed as appropriate Noun-adjective agreement Correct word order Spelling/diacritical marks Word Count 100+ 50 <50 99 Comprehensible In target language 100+ 50 <50 99 This writing checklist is provided solely for the teacher s convenience. This form is not required to be completed and should not be returned to the State Education Department. In addition, when scoring Part 4 responses, no marks should be placed on the student s paper as such marks may interfere with the ability of the rater to properly apply the scoring rubric. [4] COMPREHENSIVE FRENCH continued If a student s response receives a performance level score of zero on the dimension of purpose/task, the entire response should receive a score of zero. Please note, however, that in order to receive a score of zero on the dimension of purpose/task, the student s response must be completely unrelated to the topic. A student s response must not be given a zero on the dimension of purpose/task if the response can be associated with the task in any manner whatsoever. In such an instance, the student s response must be rated on each of the dimensions of the writing rubric. Part 4 A sample of an 8-credit response for each question in Part 4 follows: 31 Ch re Jeanne, La semaine derni re j ai trouv un petit chat. J allais au lyc e quand j ai vu ce pauvre animal devant la boulangerie. J ai t l phon ma m re et elle a accept de le garder. Elle tait tr s heureuse car elle adore les chats. Nous avons d cid de l appeler F lix. Il est noir et blanc avec le nez rose. Demain nous irons chez le v t rinaire pour le vacciner. Cet t il partira en vacances avec nous. Nous avons un grand jardin, il sera tr s heureux. Ma petite soeur n aime pas beaucoup les chats parce qu elle a peur mais F lix est tr s gentil et je crois qu elle changera. Amiti s, Aude 32 Ch re Brigitte, a fait longtemps que je ne t ai pas crit mais je vais te dire pourquoi. Notre famille a d cid de participer dans un programme d change et cet t nous avons re u un Qu becois chez nous. G rard est arriv la fin ao t et il est rest pendant le premier semestre. C est un gar on sympa et sportif. Il est devenu tr s populaire parce qu il tait tr s dou sur le terrain de foot! C tait une tr s bonne exp rience pour tout le monde. Il a suivi les m mes cours que moi et bien s r il m a aid e en fran ais. la maison, il tait comme un membre de la famille, et mes parents et ma soeur l ont ador . Il a aid avec les t ches m nag res et a particip toutes les activit s familiales. Tu peux imaginer que nous tions tr s tristes au moment de son d part. Tout le monde pleurait mais on a promis de s crire souvent par courriel. Je continue recevoir de ses nouvelles et j esp re lui rendre visite Qu bec l ann e prochaine. Amiti s, Roseann [5] [OVER] COMPREHENSIVE FRENCH concluded 33 Aujourd hui, c est l anniversaire de Jacques. Hier, sa m re a pr par un grand g teau au chocolat pour le d corer avec de jolies bougies qu elle a achet es la semaine derni re. Pour c l brer son septi me anniversaire, sa m re a invit ses amis d cole et ses cousins pr f r s. Malheureusement, pendant que sa m re nettoyait la maison, Jacques, qui avait faim, a d cid de manger un morceau du g teau app tissant qu il a trouv dans la cuisine. Il est mont sur une chaise et il a pris un couteau et une assiette du placard. Quand il a mis le couteau dans ce g teau, sa m re est entr e dans la cuisine. Elle tait surprise de voir Jacques et lui a expliqu que le g teau tait pour la f te du soir. Regents Comprehensive Examinations in Modern Languages Map to Learning Standards Key Ideas Part of Test/Item Numbers Speaking Part 1, Speaking Test (administered prior to the written test) Listening Part 2, Listening Comprehension Items: 1 15 Reading Part 3, Reading Comprehension Items: 16 30 Writing Part 4, Writing Items: 31 33 Culture Embedded in each item of test Submitting Teacher Evaluations of the Test to the Department Suggestions and feedback from teachers provide an important contribution to the test development process. The Department provides an online evaluation form for State assessments. It contains spaces for teachers to respond to several specific questions and to make suggestions. Instructions for completing the evaluation form are as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Go to Select the test title. Complete the required demographic fields. Complete each evaluation question and provide comments in the space provided. Click the SUBMIT button at the bottom of the page to submit the completed form. [6]

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Additional Info : Refer : Teacher Dictation Copy (Page 17) and Scoring Key (page 25)
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