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New York Regents Italian June 2005

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COMPREHENSIVE ITALIAN The University of the State of New York REGENTS HIGH SCHOOL EXAMINATION COMPREHENSIVE EXAMINATION IN ITALIAN Friday, June 17, 2005 1:15 to 4:15 p.m., only This booklet contains Parts 2 through 4 (76 credits) of this examination. Your performance on Part 1, Speaking (24 credits), has been evaluated prior to the date of this written examination. The answers to the questions on this examination are to be written in the separate answer booklet. Be sure to fill in the heading on the front of your answer booklet. When you have completed the examination, you must sign the statement printed at the end of the answer booklet, indicating that you had no unlawful knowledge of the questions or answers prior to the examination and that you have neither given nor received assistance in answering any of the questions during the examination. Your answer booklet cannot be accepted if you fail to sign this declaration. The use of any communications device is strictly prohibited when taking this examination. If you use any communications device, no matter how briefly, your examination will be invalidated and no score will be calculated for you. DO NOT OPEN THIS EXAMINATION BOOKLET UNTIL THE SIGNAL IS GIVEN. COMPREHENSIVE ITALIAN Part 2 Answer all questions in Part 2 according to the directions for a and b. [30] a Directions (1 9): For each question, you will hear some background information in English once. Then you will hear a passage in Italian twice and a question in English once. After you have heard the question, the teacher will pause while you read the question and the four suggested answers in your test booklet. Choose the best suggested answer and write its number in the space provided in your answer booklet. Base your answer on the content of the passage, only. [18] 1 What is your friend inviting you to? (1) his graduation from eighth grade (2) his brother Pino s school dance (3) his parents anniversary dinner (4) his dog Luciano s birthday party 6 What is your host inviting you to do? (1) to go to a dance (2) to see a show (3) to watch a soccer match (4) to go shopping 2 What is new about this type of hamburger? (1) It has a variety of flavors. (2) It has a different texture. (3) It has a special shape. (4) It has a new label. 7 What was the purpose of the telephone call? (1) to say that Anna cannot give Gina a ride (2) to tell Gina that Anna does not feel well (3) to invite Gina to Anna s birthday party (4) to ask Gina to take a walk with Anna 3 How does this person prefer to travel? (1) plane (3) train (2) car (4) bus 8 What is being announced? (1) The store is going out of business. (2) The store is relocating. (3) The store is closing for the day. (4) The store is having a special sale. 4 What did the exchange student say about her teacher in Italy? (1) The teacher has an unusual accent. (2) The teacher lacks patience. (3) The teacher speaks too fast. (4) The teacher is inexperienced. 9 According to your friend, why is this caf so popular? (1) It offers a complete menu. (2) It has air-conditioning. (3) It has flavored coffees. (4) It is conveniently located. 5 What does the doctor say about children who want to play sports? (1) They should begin at a young age. (2) They should wait until they have stopped growing. (3) They should begin when they are in middle school. (4) They should wait until they are in high school. Comp. Italian June 05 [2] b Directions (10 15): For each question, you will hear some background information in English once. Then you will hear a passage in Italian twice and a question in Italian once. After you have heard the question, the teacher will pause while you read the question and the four suggested answers in your test booklet. Choose the best suggested answer and write its number in the space provided in your answer booklet. Base your answer on the content of the passage, only. [12] 10 Qual la professione di questo signore? (1) Fa il medico. (3) Fa il professore. (2) Fa l avvocato. (4) Fa l ingegnere. 13 Cosa vuole fare Salvatore? (1) abitare in Italia (2) cucinare piatti complicati (3) invitare i parenti in America (4) telefonare alla mamma 11 Che problema ha il tuo amico? (1) Le scarpe sono un po piccole. (2) Preferisce un colore diverso. (3) Non ha abbastanza soldi. (4) Il venditore non accetta la carta di credito. 14 Che cosa devi portare tu alla festa? (1) del pane (3) dei dolci (2) della musica (4) delle riviste 12 Dove vuole andare la tua sorella italiana? (1) in biblioteca (3) al cinema (2) in libreria (4) ad una festa Comp. Italian June 05 15 Che tipo di giornale ? (1) di pubblicit commerciale (2) di articoli letterari (3) di bollettini meteorologici (4) di notizie piacevoli [3] [OVER] Part 3 Answer all questions in Part 3 according to the directions for a, b, and c. [30] a Directions (16 20): After the following passage, there are five questions or incomplete statements. For each, choose the word or expression that best answers the question or completes the statement according to the meaning of the passage, and write its number in the space provided in your answer booklet. [10] Italia, Eterna Stagione In Italia sono i colori che segnano il cambio delle stagioni. La natura assume colori diversi in ogni stazione: il verde durante la primavera, colori vivaci durante l estate, rosso e giallo in autunno, e infine biancho e azzurro in inverno. Il turista che viene dall estero non ha bisogno di scegliere una stagione particolare per visitare il paese perch l Italia un unica, continua stagione. Per gli amanti della natura ci sono le meravigliose passeggiate tra i fiori alpini sulle dolci colline della Toscana che hanno un leggero profumo di fiori in primavera. Se si appassionato dello sport si pu praticare la vela nei nostri mari in estate. La natura ha tante stagioni colorate, ma le grandi citt e i paesini fanno dell Italia una terra di singola stagione . L Italia, con la sua arte e il suo modo di vivere, offre ogni giorno qualcosa di nuovo da scoprire. Nelle citt e nei paesini, la realt della vita di tutti i giorni, trova un atmosfera e uno spirito unico a ciascuno di loro. Venezia, ad esempio, con i suoi incantevoli canali e palazzi, vive dei suoi ristoranti, dei suoi camerieri affabili, della gente cordiale e gentile e dei gondolieri che cantano. Poi c Napoli con le sue splendide ville; Capri, decorata di case bianche tra fiori di molti colori, e Pompei dove c l eterna memoria della vita passata ai piedi del vulcano Vesuvio. Se preferite la citt pi commercialmente attiva e cosmopolita d Italia, visitate Milano. L potete ammirare il Duomo, un meraviglioso esempio di stile gotico, la Galleria, un luogo raffinato d incontro, e La Scala, uno dei pi grandi templi dedicati all opera lirica. Scendendo verso la valle dell Arno si attraversa la Toscana con Firenze, la culla delle arti, e Siena, la citt del famoso Palio, una corsa di cavalli che risale al medioevo. Potete continuare il vostro viaggio in Umbria che possiede le citt pi antiche e meglio conservate d Italia. Poi verso il Tirreno per conoscere meglio la citt , oltre ad essere la capitale d Italia stata per secoli un simbolo della sua grandezza, e cio Roma. Con le sue rovine, i suoi resti romani. Questa citt anche il luogo dello stato pi piccolo del mondo, la citt del Vaticano. chiaro, dunque, che non esiste una particolare stagione per visitare l Italia per godere le sue bellezze perch tutto fa parte della singola stagione italiana. Comp. Italian June 05 [4] 19 In quale regione d Italia si trovano le citt pi vecchie e ben mantenute? (1) Toscana (3) Umbria (2) Lazio (4) Veneto 16 Secondo il brano, che cosa offrono al turista le citt e i paesini italiani? (1) i negozi di moda italiana (2) i musei d arte italiana (3) le caratteristiche della vita italiana (4) la cucina tipica italiana 20 Secondo il brano, quali stagioni dovrebbe scegliere il turista per visitare l Italia? (1) l autunno e la primavera (2) l inverno e l estate (3) le stagioni calde (4) tutte le stagioni 17 Com la gente a Venezia? (1) cortese (3) interessante (2) famosa (4) indifferente 18 Secondo il brano, quale citt offre particolare interesse a chi si occupa d affari? (1) Roma (3) Napoli (2) Capri (4) Milano Comp. Italian June 05 [5] [OVER] b Directions (21 25): Below each of the following selections, there is either a question or an incomplete statement. For each, choose the word or expression that best answers the question or completes the statement according to the meaning of the selection, and write its number in the space provided in your answer booklet. [10] 21 MILANO (a.b.) In questo palazzo ci sono nato , ha raccontato con una punta di commozione Dario Fo, ex allievo di Brera, al pubblico di grandi e bambini che affollava ieri sera la sala IX della Pinacoteca, dove il Nobel ha illustrato il suo dipinto preferito: Il ritrovamento del corpo di San Marco del Tintoretto. La conferenza di Fo ha concluso una giornata memorabile per il museo milanese. Bambini al museo era lo slogan dell iniziativa, promossa dalla societ Art col ministero dei Beni culturali e il gruppo Espresso-Repubblica. Ingresso gratuito per i pi piccoli, e per gli adulti purch accompagnati da un bambino, 21 i musei statali coinvolti, per 5 domeniche. Ieri il debutto, nelle prime quattro citt . Tremila visitatori alla Pinacoteca di Brera, 750 al Museo Nazionale dell Aquila, 750 anche al Museo Nazionale di Ravenna, e 1200 all archeologico di Sassari, dove le presenze domenicali, di solito, sono poche decine. Un successo emozionante , commenta Marilena Ferrari, presidente di Art I musei vengono spesso percepiti come luoghi noiosi. La nostra scommessa rompere questi pregiudizi . Bambini al museo ritorna il 2 maggio a Palermo (palazzo Abatellis), Venosa (museo archeologico), Bologna (galleria d arte moderna) e a Trento (palazzo delle Albere). 22 22 What is this person asking for in this e-mail? (1) financial aid for college (2) information about a new computer (3) at-home work opportunities (4) a refund for a product recently purchased 21 What is the purpose of this article? (1) to report the results of some scientific research (2) to promote travel within Italy (3) to publicize a proposed change in a law (4) to encourage children s attendance at museums Comp. Italian June 05 Vi scrivo perch ho disperatamente bisogno di aiuto. Io sono un disabile al 100%, e l unica risorsa che posso usare il computer: con questo io vorrei poter lavorare da casa mia perch , come potrete ben capire, molto difficile per me poter uscire. Io vorrei che voi mi aiutaste a trovare del lavoro di creazione e gestione di pagine Web. Vorrei qualche lavoro non solo per una questione finanziaria ma anche per far passare le giornate che sono molto lunghe quando uno non sa cosa fare tutto il giorno. Valerio P [6] 23 24 24 What is this advertisement asking you to do? (1) to participate in a cooking contest (2) to receive or send recipes (3) to go to a restaurant (4) to obtain information about nutrition 23 Who would be most likely to take advantage of this advertisement? (1) a businessperson who needs to travel at the lowest cost (2) a young person who wants to study overseas (3) a new teacher who is seeking employment (4) a student who is looking for housing Comp. Italian June 05 [7] [OVER] 25 25 What is included in this vacation package? (1) hotel and transportation (2) air fare Comp. Italian June 05 [8] (3) complimentary souvenirs (4) entertainment c Directions (26 30): After the following passage, there are five questions or incomplete statements in English. For each, choose the word or expression that best answers the question or completes the statement according to the meaning of the passage, and write its number in the space provided in your answer booklet. [10] Il Parco dei mostri Questa la storia della rinascita di un bizzarro museo all aperto nel bosco di Bomarzo, un paesino vicino a Viterbo. la storia di un giardino incantato, popolato da strane creature, che ha terrorizzato i contadini dell Alto Lazio per quattro secoli e oggi continua a sorprendere i visitatori moderni. La storia incomincia con Pier Francesco Orsini, duca di Bomarzo, che i familiari e la moglie Giulia chiamavano Vicino. L origine di questo nome un mistero come la sua motivazione a creare uno degli ambienti pi strani del mondo. I cronisti ci dicono che Vicino era un soldato, un sognatore, un poeta, un uomo romantico e un condottiero coraggioso. A 33 anni era ufficiale dell esercito del Papa. Si era gi fatto otto anni di guerre e tre di prigione. Dopo questo periodo di tristezza e malinconia il duca decide di popolare il bosco intorno al suo castello di personaggi fantastici, di animali di pietra colossali, di pesci immensi che diventavano sassi non appena uscivano dalle acque del torrente. D ordini ad architetti e boscaioli, scultori e contadini di dar vita agli alberi, alle rocce, alle radici contorte e al gioco delle acque per realizzare un giardino zoologico surreale nelle foreste del suo piccolo regno personale. Quest opera enorme il primo vero esempio di land art al mondo. facile immaginare Vicino Orsini che scende a cavallo nella sua foresta e al suo fianco cavalca l amico Pirro Ligorio, architetto e progettista. Ligorio era gi famoso nelle corti di Roma per il suo lavoro (dopo la morte di Michelangelo) sulla basilica di San Pietro e anche per la favolosa Villa a Tivoli per il Cardinale Ippolito d Este. Vicino sfida l architetto con il comando: Costruiscimi qualcosa di soprannaturale. E l architetto lo prende in parola. Nel 1552 l ambiente attorno a Bomarzo comincia a cambiare: diviene davvero irreale, mitologico, si trasforma in un mondo di strane creature che prendono forme dai disegni di Ligorio. La corte stessa di Vicino diventa un centro di solitudine per molti artisti e letterati che cercano un mondo di rifugio da Roma. Ma la pace rurale di Vicino Orsini interotta violentamente nel 1557 dalla morte dell amata moglie Giulia. Era una delle donne pi famose del periodo. Lui incomincia a disegnare per conto suo nuovi mostri per il suo giardino selvaggio. Ci vogliono quasi trent anni per costruire il Bosco sacro. Attorno al 1580 davvero uno zoo fantastico. Ci sono delle figure misteriose: un elefante che porta una torre Comp. Italian June 05 [9] [OVER] mobile, un drago cinese che combatte feroci cani da guardia, un immensa testa di orco con bocca aperta, un Ercole che ammazza Caco, una tartaruga che porta una colonna che si trasforma in una donna e molti altri mostri e personaggi mitologici. C anche una delle case pi strane d Italia: la casa pendente che fa perdere l equilibrio a chi entra. Pier Francesco Orsini muore nel 1585 a 62 anni. La sua famiglia non capace di proteggere il suo giardino e la propriet di Bomarzo venduta ai principi Lante della Rovere e poi ad altre famiglie nobili. La storia del bosco surreale vive solamente nelle leggende dei contadini vicini. Dopo molti anni rientra nella cultura popolare con visite dal famoso pittore spagnolo Salvador Dal ed altri artisti come il famoso regista cinematografico Michelangelo Antonioni. Dagli anni 2000 il giardino restaurato ed aperto al pubblico. 26 What does the passage state about the nickname of Pier Francesco Orsini? (1) It describes his profession. (2) Its origin is unknown today. (3) Its meaning has family significance. (4) It was given to him at a young age. 29 What event interrupted the calm of Orsini s court? (1) the continued visits of artists and writers (2) his reentry into military service (3) Ligorio s inability to create (4) the death of his beloved wife, Giulia 27 According to the passage, when did Orsini create this fantastic environment? (1) after his family requested it (2) after he lost his fortune (3) after his participation in the war (4) after a competition with other aristocrats 30 What happened to Orsini s fantastic garden? (1) It was restored for the public to enjoy. (2) It was dismantled and taken to a new location. (3) It was recently destroyed and no longer exists. (4) It was maintained by his family for many generations. 28 According to the passage, what was used to create the monsters? (1) ceramics and glaze (2) reinforced concrete (3) a rudimentary form of plastic (4) materials found in the forest Comp. Italian June 05 [10] Part 4 Write your answers to Part 4 according to the directions below. Your answers must be written in your own words; no credit will be given for a response that is copied or substantially the same as material from other parts of this examination. [16] Directions (31 33): Choose two of the three writing tasks provided below. In your answer booklet, write your response to the two writing tasks you have chosen. For each question you have chosen, your answer should be written entirely in Italian and should contain a minimum of 100 words. Place names and brand names written in Italian count as one word. Contractions are also counted as one word. Salutations and closings, as well as commonly used abbreviations in Italian, are included in the word count. Numbers, unless written as words, and names of people are not counted as words. You must satisfy the purpose of the task. Be sure to organize your response and to include a beginning, middle, and ending. The sentence structure and/or expressions used should be connected logically and should demonstrate a wide range of vocabulary with minimal repetition. 31 You are running for president of your Italian club. Write a presentation to your Italian club explaining why you will make a good president. You may wish to include: an introduction how long you have studied Italian your language skills and abilities other qualities that will make you a good president what you plan to do as president why you want to do those things how you will carry out your plans 32 It is the end of the school year. Write a journal entry for your Italian class about the school year that is ending. You may wish to include: how you feel about the past school year your favorite subject and teacher extracurricular activities you participated in special school events that took place what you liked and disliked how well you did Comp. Italian June 05 [11] [OVER] COMPREHENSIVE ITALIAN 33 In Italian, write a story about the situation shown in the picture below. It must be a story relating to the picture, not a description of the picture. Do not write a dialogue. Bunny Hoest & John Reiner, Laugh Parade, Parade (adapted) [12] COMPREHENSIVE ITALIAN Comp. Italian June 05 The University of the State of New York REGENTS HIGH SCHOOL EXAMINATION I COMPREHENSIVE EXAMINATION IN ITALIAN Friday, June 17, 2005 1:15 to 4:15 p.m., only Teacher Dictation Copy General Directions Before the start of the examination period, distribute one examination booklet, face up, to each student. After each student has received a booklet, distribute one answer booklet to each student. Then instruct the students to fill in the heading on the front of the answer booklet. After each student has filled in the heading of the answer booklet, begin the examination by following the directions for Part 2a, as given below. Directions for Part 2a: Instruct students to open their test booklets and read the directions for Part 2a. After students have read and understood the directions, say: There are nine questions in Part 2a. Each question is based on a short passage that I will read aloud to you. Listen carefully. Before each passage, I will give you some background information in English once. Then I will read the passage in Italian twice. After you have heard the passage for the second time, I will read the question in English once. The question is also printed in your test booklet. After you have heard the question, you will have about one minute before I go on to the next question. During that time, read the question and the four suggested answers in your test booklet. Choose the best suggested answer on the basis of the information provided in the passage, and write its number in the space provided in your answer booklet. You should not read the question and the suggested answers while you are listening to the passage. This will allow you to give all your attention to what you hear. I will now begin. Comp. Italian June 05 COMP. ITALIAN continued Administer each of the items in Part 2a as follows: First, read the setting in English once; then read the listening comprehension stimulus (passage) in Italian twice in succession. Make every effort to read the passage in the way students would hear it in an authentic setting. Then read the question once. Pause for no more than one minute before proceeding to the next item. 1 You are talking with your Italian friend. He says: Vieni! Ti invito alla festa per il compleanno del mio cane, Luciano. La festa sar celebrata al ristorante Pino per l anniversario della sua nascita. Luciano compie due anni. La torta sar a forma di bistecca. Anche la tavola sar decorata. Un orchestrina suoner la canzoncina, Tanti auguri a te . What is your friend inviting you to? 2 You are listening to the radio and you hear this advertisement about hamburger: Una grande novit pronta per dare pi gusto alla vostra tavola. Con carni italiane selezionate, la nostra compagnia produce i nuovi hamburger. Sono preparati, freschi cos possiate gustare i loro vari sapori: agli spinaci, al formaggio, alla pizzaiola, alla cipolla e al naturale. Freschezza, qualit e ampia scelta: un sogno a forma di hamburger. What is new about this type of hamburger? 3 You are on a bus in Rome. You hear a conversation between two passengers. One of them says: Lavoro nel campo dell informatica per una ditta. La mattina esco di casa alle sette e rientro alle otto di sera. Molto spesso lavoro in posti diversi, quindi, preferisco andare in treno perch non mi piace fare lunghi viaggi in macchina. Mi piace leggere un libro o una rivista invece di guidare. Non parliamo degli aerei. Ne ho una paura matta. How does this person prefer to travel? 4 An exchange student is telling you about one of her teachers in Italy. The exchange student says: Sai, ho una brava professoressa che molto simpatica. Spiega tutto abbastanza bene ed anche paziente, ma tutti dicono che parla troppo rapidamente. Parla con estrema chiarezza, per , a volte cos veloce, che non riesco a capirla. What did the exchange student say about her teacher in Italy? Comp. Italian June 05 [2] COMP. ITALIAN continued 5 You are watching a television talk show. A pediatrician is talking about children s physical activities. The doctor says: meglio i bambini iniziano a muoversi fin da piccoli. Il gusto per l attivit fisica, il piacere per un certo tipo di esercizio muscolare, si imparano sopratutto da piccoli. I bambini non hanno l et per fare i professionisti dello sport, ma hanno sempre l et per fare movimento. Non esiste un et minima per cominciare un attivit sportiva. Pi piccoli sono, meglio . What does the doctor say about children who want to play sports? 6 Your Italian host invites you to join her and some friends. She says: Stasera vado con un gruppo di amici alla spiaggia. Perch non vieni con noi? L davanti al mare, c un palcoscenico, e si presenteranno vari complessi musicali, cantanti ed attori comici. Pensiamo di andarci verso le sette perch lo spettacolo gratis, e s aspetta molta gente. What is your host inviting you to do? 7 Anna calls her friend Gina and says: Ciao, Gina. Sono Anna. Mi dispiace tantissimo di chiamarti proprio adesso. Non posso venire a prenderti perch la mia macchina dal meccanico per delle riparazioni. Non so cosa fare. Perch non andiamo alla festa di compleanno di Giulia in autobus? Cosa ne pensi? What was the purpose of the telephone call? 8 As you are shopping in a department store in Siena, you hear this announcement: Siamo molto lieti di informare i nostri clienti che domani, in occasione della festa della mamma, offriamo prezzi speciali su tutti gli articoli di abbigliamento femminile. Ci saranno sconti dal venti al cinquanta per cento. Non perdete questa ottima occasione per risparmiare e celebrare la persona che vi sta a cuore. What is being announced? 9 You are with a friend at a caf in Rome. Your friend says: Quanta gente! Tutti vengono qui a prendere il caff dopo pranzo. In questo bar fanno un caff buonissimo, e come vedi, il locale piacevole e spazioso. Ma sai perch cos popolare questo bar? Ora d estate tutta la gente viene qui per l aria condizionata, cosa che non si trova in tutti i bar. According to your friend, why is this caf so popular? Comp. Italian June 05 [3] [OVER] COMP. ITALIAN continued Directions for Part 2b: Instruct students to read the directions for Part 2b. After students have read and understood the directions, say: There are six questions in Part 2b. Part 2b is like Part 2a, except the questions and answers are in Italian. I will now begin. 10 Adriana is telling her mother about her boyfriend s father. She says: L altra sera ho finalmente conosciuto il pap del mio ragazzo. una persona simpaticissima e tanto divertente. Siamo stati a parlare per molto tempo. Io gli parlavo dei miei studi universitari e dei miei interessi. Ho saputo che lui insegna lettere e filosofia alla mia stessa universit . Che sorpresa! Qual la professione di questo signore? 11 You are in an open-air market in Florence. Your friend is talking to the vendor about a pair of shoes he likes. He says: Senta, mi piacciono tanto queste scarpe. Hanno uno stile classico e sono bellissime. Il prezzo giusto e cercavo proprio questo colore qui. Ma ho bisogno di una misura pi grande. Queste mi stanno un po strette. Pu vedere se c un paio pi grande? Che problema ha il tuo amico? 12 You are staying with a host family in Italy. Your host sister says to you: Senti, se non hai niente da fare, perch non vieni con me in centro? Sabato il compleanno di pap , e vorrei comprargli qualche libro perch a lui piace leggere. C una nuova libreria accanto al cinema Metropolitan. Forse l gli trover il regalo giusto! Dove vuole andare la tua sorella italiana? 13 Salvatore is from Italy and has lived in the United States for many years. He says to you: Quando posso, ritorno al mio paese, Mammola, in Italia. Ci vado il pi spesso possibile. veramente bello rivedere i parenti e la gente del paese dove sono nato. Quando sar vecchio ritorner a Mammola a vivere. I miei figli amano la Calabria, sono certo che anche loro vorranno venire a vivere in Italia. Cosa vuole fare Salvatore? Comp. Italian June 05 [4] COMP. ITALIAN concluded 14 You and your Italian friend are discussing plans for an upcoming party. He says to you: Allora, tutto a posto! Io e Michele porteremo le bibite, le ragazze prepareranno dei panini e Matteo mi ha detto che suo padre far delle pizze. Sai, abbiamo anche bisogno di un p di musica e, se vuoi, puoi portare dei cidd o delle cassette. Non ci mancher niente. Che cosa devi portare tu alla festa? 15 You are watching television in Italy and hear this commercial: Sui giornali di oggi leggiamo spesso notizie e articoli tristi. Ma noi abbiamo creato un giornale fatto solo ed esclusivamente di buone notizie. IDEE Positive, un giornale che stampa solo gli eventi pi belli della vita, e offre un po di serenit a tutti i lettori stanchi di leggere sempre notizie cattive. Che tipo di giornale ? When students have finished Part 2b, say: This is the end of Part 2. You may now go on to the rest of the examination. Comp. Italian June 05 [5] FOR TEACHERS ONLY The University of the State of New York REGENTS HIGH SCHOOL EXAMINATION I COMPREHENSIVE EXAMINATION IN ITALIAN Friday, June 17, 2005 1:15 to 4:15 p.m., only SCORING KEY Any clarifications or changes to this scoring key or this examination will be posted on the New York State Education Department web site at Check this web page before starting your scoring process and several times throughout the Regents examination period. Mechanics of Rating Use only red ink or red pencil in rating Regents examination papers. Do not attempt to correct the student s work by making insertions or changes of any kind. Use check marks [ ] to indicate incorrect or omitted answers in Parts 2 and 3. Do not place a check mark beside a correct answer. Record the credit for each part in the appropriate credit box on the student s answer booklet. Record the total examination score (the sum of the credits the student received for each part) in the appropriate space in the box in the upper right corner of the answer booklet. Check carefully for mechanical errors (e.g., addition). Using a calculator might be helpful. Write your initials clearly in the appropriate space on the answer booklet. Part 1 Record the credit for Part 1: Speaking, as previously reported to the building principal. Part 2 Allow a total of 30 credits, two credits for each of the following: a (1) 4 (2) 1 (3) 3 (4) 3 (5) 1 (6) 2 (7) 1 (8) 4 (9) 2 b (10) 3 (11) 1 (12) 2 (13) 1 (14) 2 (15) 4 Part 3 Allow a total of 30 credits, two credits for each of the following: a (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) 3 1 4 3 4 b (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) 4 3 2 2 1 c (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) 2 3 4 4 1 COMPREHENSIVE ITALIAN continued Part 4 In this part of the examination, students are asked to demonstrate the ability to write in the target language using the four functions of language (socializing, getting others to adopt a course of action, getting and providing information, and expressing personal feelings) as the vehicle for communication. Students are instructed to choose two of the three tasks provided and write a response of at least 100 words in the target language to achieve a specified communication purpose. A word is defined as a letter or collection of letters, surrounded by space, that in the target language is comprehensible and contributes to the development of the task. This definition applies even when words are grammatically incorrect. When counting words, please note that numbers, unless written as words, and names of people are not to be counted. Place names and brand names from the target culture count as one word (all other places and brand names are disregarded), and contractions are counted as one word. In addition, salutations and closings are counted, as well as commonly used abbreviations in the target language. Additional information concerning word count guidelines, how to apply the writing rubric, and use of the scoring rubric for students with disabilities who have a spelling exemption listed on an IEP or 504 plan is provided in the document, Comprehensive Regents Examination in Modern Foreign Languages Test Changes and Sampler Draft, which is available on the Department website at The responses to the Part 4 writing tasks must be written in the student s own words; no credit should be given for a response that is copied or substantially the same as material from other parts of the examination. Part 4 is worth a total of 16 credits. Each response is worth a maximum of eight credits and must be rated according to the writing rubric for Part 4, which is provided on the next page. This writing rubric measures five dimensions: purpose/task, organization, vocabulary, structure/conventions, and word count. The dimensions of purpose/task, organization, vocabulary, and structure/conventions are measured on a zero to four scale; the dimension of word count is measured on a zero to two scale. A writing checklist is also provided for use in rating student responses. The writing checklist requires reference to the full writing rubric for the definitions of each dimension at each level and is not intended as a substitute for the writing rubric. After rating the student s response for each dimension, the scores for the five dimensions must be added, resulting in a total raw score for the response. The conversion chart must be applied to that total raw score so that the proper credit is given to the student for the question. For example, if a student received a performance level score of 3 on the dimension of purpose/task, a score of 3 on the dimension of organization, a score of 2 on the dimension of vocabulary, a score of 3 on the dimension of structure/conventions, and a score of 2 on the dimension of word count, the student s total raw score would equal 13 (the sum of the five performance level scores). According to the conversion chart, a raw score of 13 represents a converted score of 6 credits for the question. The conversion chart for Part 4 is shown below. Part 4 Conversion Chart Total Raw Score Total Credits 17 18 15 16 13 14 11 12 8 7 6 5 8 10 6 7 4 5 2 3 0 1 4 3 2 1 0 After each of the two questions has been scored, the two converted scores must be added together to determine the total Part 4 score. This total Part 4 score should be entered in the last box on the last page of the student answer booklet and also under the Credit Earned section for Part 4, on the upper right corner of the first page of the student answer booklet. [2] COMPREHENSIVE ITALIAN continued The writing rubric for Part 4 is shown below. Part 4 Writing Rubric Note that a zero can be given in any of the dimensions when the student s performance falls below the criteria described for the performance level of 1. Performance Level 4 3 2 1 Purpose/Task Accomplishes the task; includes many details that are clearly connected to the development of the task, but there may be minor irrelevancies. Accomplishes the task; includes some details that are generally connected to the development of the task, but there may be some irrelevancies. Accomplishes the task; includes few details, some of which may be only loosely connected to the task. There are many irrelevancies. Attempts to accomplish the task; makes some reference to it but provides few or no supporting details. Organization The extent to which the response exhibits direction, shape, and coherence Exhibits a logical and coherent sequence throughout; provides a clear sense of a beginning, middle, and end. Makes smooth transitions between ideas. Exhibits a logical sequence; provides a beginning, middle, and end. Attempts to provide a logical sequence and/or the beginning or ending is abrupt or unclear. Exhibits little order; provides a series of separate sentences and/or disconnected ideas. Vocabulary Includes a wide variety of vocabulary that expands the topic, but there may be minor inaccuracies. Includes a variety of vocabulary related to the topic. Includes basic vocabulary; some vocabulary may be inaccurate or unrelated to the topic. Includes limited vocabulary and/or most vocabulary is inaccurate or unrelated to the topic. Structure/ Conventions Subject-verb agreement Tense Noun-adjective agreement Correct word order Spelling/ diacritical marks Demonstrates a high degree of control of Checkpoint B structure/conventions: subject-verb agreement present, past, future ideas expressed as appropriate noun-adjective agreement correct word order spelling/diacritical marks Demonstrates some control of Checkpoint B structure/ conventions: subject-verb agreement present, past, future ideas expressed as appropriate noun-adjective agreement correct word order spelling/diacritical marks Demonstrates some control of Checkpoint B structure/conventions. Errors do hinder overall comprehensibility and/or there are numerous Checkpoint A errors. Demonstrates little control of Checkpoint A or B structure/conventions: subject/verb agreement present, past, future ideas expressed as appropriate noun-adjective agreement correct word order spelling/diacritical marks Dimension Errors do not hinder Errors do not hinder overall comprehensibility overall comprehensibility of the passage. of the passage. Word Count [3] OR Demonstrates a high degree of control, but uses only Checkpoint A structure/conventions. Errors impede overall comprehensibility of the passage. Uses 100 or more comprehensible words in the target language that contribute to the development of the task. Uses 50 99 or more comprehensible words in the target language that contribute to the development of the task. [OVER] COMPREHENSIVE ITALIAN continued The writing checklist for Part 4 is shown below. Part 4 Writing Checklist Please refer to the full writing rubric for definitions of each level. Note that a zero can be given in any of the dimensions when the student s performance falls below the criteria described for the performance level of 1. Question No. _____ Dimension 4 Performance Level 3 2 1 Question No. _____ 0 4 3 2 1 0 Purpose/Task Accomplishes the task Includes details Connects ideas to task/purpose Organization Exhibits a logical and coherent sequence Has a beginning, middle, and end Makes smooth transitions Vocabulary Includes a variety of vocabulary Uses relevant and accurate words Structure (degree to which errors hinder overall comprehensibility) Subject-verb agreement Present, past, future ideas expressed as appropriate Noun-adjective agreement Correct word order Spelling/diacritical marks Word Count 100+ 50 <50 99 Comprehensible In target language 100+ 50 <50 99 This writing checklist is provided solely for the teacher s convenience. This form is not required to be completed and should not be returned to the State Education Department. In addition, when scoring Part 4 responses, no marks should be placed on the student s paper as such marks may interfere with the ability of the rater to properly apply the scoring rubric. [4] COMPREHENSIVE ITALIAN continued If a student s response receives a performance level score of zero on the dimension of purpose/task, the entire response should receive a score of zero. Please note, however, that in order to receive a score of zero on the dimension of purpose/task, the student s response must be completely unrelated to the topic. A student s response must not be given a zero on the dimension of purpose/task if the response can be associated with the task in any manner whatsoever. In such an instance, the student s response must be rated on each of the dimensions of the writing rubric. Part 4 A sample of an 8-credit response for each question in Part 4 follows: 31 Buon giorno, mi chiamo Giovanni e studio l italiano da cinque anni. Ho incominciato a studiarlo quando frequentavo la seconda media. Mi piace lo studio della grammatica, ma la lingua e la cultura italiana che sono diventate parte della mia vita. Io credo di essere un ottimo candidato per fare il presidente perch ho sempre fatto parte del club di questa scuola. Ho un grande progetto per l anno prossimo: voglio organizzare una serata all opera e vedere Rigoletto con Pavarotti. Questa serata sar un immensa esperienza culturale perch sar l ultima volta che il famoso Pavarotti canter qui a New York. La serata si concluder con una cena a un famoso ristorante italiano, dove potremo gustare i cibi preferiti. Voglio fare questa esperienza non solo per me, ma anche per dare molte opportunit a tutti gli studenti della scuola. Questo sogno si potr realizzare solo con il vostro aiuto e con l esperienza del nostro professore d italiano. 32 Questo stato un anno molto intenso per me. Ho seguito alcuni corsi divertenti e facili come musica, fotografia ed arte. Ma ho anche studiato matematica, inglese, storia, scienze e naturalmente italiano. I professori sono stati cortesi e comprensivi, mi hanno aiutato molto. Dopo scuola mi sono divertito moltissimo a giocare a calcio con i miei amici. Anche se la nostra squadra non ha vinto il campionato, stato bello giocare insieme. Ci alleneremo di pi e sono sicuro che vinceremo l anno prossimo. La festa di ballo di fine anno stata meravigliosa. Sono andato con la mia ragazza e ci siamo divertiti moltissimo. Abbiamo ballato, cantato, mangiato e abbiamo fatto tante foto insieme ad altri amici. stata una serata divertente! Sono contento che quest anno sia finito perch ho bisogno di riposarni durante queste vacanze estive. [5] [OVER] COMPREHENSIVE ITALIAN concluded 33 Luisa una brava ragazzina. Ha solo dieci anni e obbedisce sempre ai suoi genitori. Se la mamma dice Luisa, fai i compiti , Luisa li fa. Se il babbo dice Luisa, pulisci la tua camera , lei lo fa. Fa quasi sempre tutto quello che le dicono i suoi genitori. C solo una cosa che non piace a Luisa: non vuole andare a letto la sera. Preferisce guardare la tiv o giocare con le sue bambole o anche navigare su Internet, ma proprio non ha voglia di andare a letto. I genitori di Luisa hanno trovato un modo speciale per convincerla ad andare a dormine: a Luisa piacciono moltissimo i libri su Harry Potter. Ogni sera quando l ora di andare a letto la mamma o il babbo le leggono una delle storie di Harry Potter e Luisa va a letto felice e contenta. Regents Comprehensive Examinations in Modern Languages Map to Learning Standards Key Ideas Part of Test/Item Numbers Speaking Part 1, Speaking Test (administered prior to the written test) Listening Part 2, Listening Comprehension Items: 1 15 Reading Part 3, Reading Comprehension Items: 16 30 Writing Part 4, Writing Items: 31 33 Culture Embedded in each item of test [6]

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Additional Info : Refer : Teacher Dictation Copy (page 13) and Scoring Key (page 21)
Tags : , papers, New York State, High School Regents, Examinations, Past exams, solvedTest Papers, Education, Assessment and Testing.  

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