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New York Regents Earth Science June 2005

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PS/EARTH SCIENCE The University of the State of New York REGENTS HIGH SCHOOL EXAMINATION PHYSICAL SETTING EARTH SCIENCE Wednesday, June 22, 2005 9:15 a.m. to 12:15 p.m., only This is a test of your knowledge of Earth science. Use that knowledge to answer all questions in this examination. Some questions may require the use of the Earth Science Reference Tables. The Earth Science Reference Tables are supplied separately. Be certain you have a copy of the 2001 edition of these reference tables before you begin the examination. Your answer sheet for Part A and Part B 1 is the last page of this examination booklet. Turn to the last page and fold it along the perforations. Then, slowly and carefully, tear off your answer sheet and fill in the heading. The answers to the questions in Part B 2 and Part C are to be written in your separate answer booklet. Be sure to fill in the heading on the front of your answer booklet. You are to answer all questions in all parts of this examination according to the directions provided in the examination booklet. Record your answers to the Part A and Part B 1 multiple-choice questions on your separate answer sheet. Write your answers to the Part B 2 and Part C questions in your answer booklet. All work should be written in pen, except for graphs and drawings, which should be done in pencil. You may use scrap paper to work out the answers to the questions, but be sure to record all your answers on your separate answer sheet and in your answer booklet. When you have completed the examination, you must sign the statement printed at the end of your separate answer sheet, indicating that you had no unlawful knowledge of the questions or answers prior to the examination and that you have neither given nor received assistance in answering any of the questions during the examination. Your answer sheet and answer booklet cannot be accepted if you fail to sign this declaration. Notice. . . A four-function or scientific calculator and a copy of the 2001 Earth Science Reference Tables must be available for you to use while taking this examination. The use of any communications device is strictly prohibited when taking this examination. If you use any communications device, no matter how briefly, your examination will be invalidated and no score will be calculated for you. DO NOT OPEN THIS EXAMINATION BOOKLET UNTIL THE SIGNAL IS GIVEN. PS/EARTH SCIENCE Part A Answer all questions in this part. Directions (1 35): For each statement or question, write on your separate answer sheet the number of the word or expression that, of those given, best completes the statement or answers the question. Some questions may require the use of the Earth Science Reference Tables. 1 Which list of three planets and Earth s Moon is arranged in order of increasing equatorial diameter? (1) Earth s Moon, Pluto, Mars, Mercury (2) Pluto, Earth s Moon, Mercury, Mars (3) Mercury, Mars, Earth s Moon, Pluto (4) Mars, Mercury, Pluto, Earth s Moon 6 The diagram below represents the elliptical orbit of a moon revolving around a planet. The foci of this orbit are the points labeled F1 and F2. Moon Planet 2 If Earth s axis were tilted 35 instead of 23.5 , the average temperatures in New York State would most likely (1) decrease in both summer and winter (2) decrease in summer and increase in winter (3) increase in summer and decrease in winter (4) increase in both summer and winter F1 F2 (Drawn to scale) 3 Which star has a higher luminosity and a lower temperature than the Sun? (1) Rigel (3) Alpha Centauri (2) Barnard s Star (4) Aldebaran What is the approximate eccentricity of this elliptical orbit? (1) 0.3 (3) 0.7 (2) 0.5 (4) 1.4 4 Starlight from distant galaxies provides evidence that the universe is expanding because this starlight shows a shift in wavelength toward the (1) red-light end of the visible spectrum (2) blue-light end of the visible spectrum (3) ultraviolet-ray end of the electromagnetic spectrum (4) gamma-ray end of the electromagnetic spectrum 7 The coldest climates on Earth are located at or near the poles primarily because Earth s polar regions (1) receive mostly low-angle insolation (2) receive less total yearly hours of daylight (3) absorb the greatest amount of insolation (4) are usually farthest from the Sun 8 Compared to an inland location, a location on an ocean shore at the same elevation and latitude is likely to have (1) cooler winters and cooler summers (2) cooler winters and warmer summers (3) warmer winters and cooler summers (4) warmer winters and warmer summers 5 On which day of the year would the intensity of insolation at Kingston, New York, most likely be greatest? (1) March 21 (3) September 23 (2) June 21 (4) December 21 P.S./E. Sci. June 05 [2] Wire 200 feet long 9 The diagram below represents a Foucault pendulum swinging freely for 8 hours. 11 The diagram below represents the Moon in its orbit, as viewed from above Earth s North Pole. Position 1 represents a specific location of the Moon in its orbit. Swing Key Lighted part of Moon Steel ball 02 Dark part of Moon Position 1 4 6 8 hours Floor North Pole The Foucault pendulum appears to gradually change its direction of swing due to Earth s (1) orbit around the Sun (3) tilted axis (2) curved surface (4) spin on its axis Sun s rays Earth Moon s orbit (Not drawn to scale) 10 The diagram below shows the noontime shadows cast by a student and a tree. Which phase of the Moon will be seen from Earth when the Moon is at position 1? (1) (2) (3) (4) 12 During nighttime cooling, most of the energy radiated by Earth s oceans into space is (1) ultraviolet rays (3) visible light rays (2) gamma rays (4) infrared rays If the time is solar noon and the student is located in New York State, in what direction is the student facing? (1) north (3) east (2) south (4) west 13 Landscapes with horizontal bedrock structure, steep slopes, and high elevations are classified as (1) plateau regions (3) lowland regions (2) plain regions (4) mountain regions P.S./E. Sci. June 05 [3] [OVER] 14 Which map view best represents the pattern of isobar values, in millibars, and the pattern of wind flow, shown by arrows, at Earth s surface surrounding a Northern Hemisphere low-pressure center? L 17 Which surface soil conditions allow the most infiltration of rainwater? (1) steep slope and permeable soil (2) steep slope and impermeable soil (3) gentle slope and permeable soil (4) gentle slope and impermeable soil 18 The map below shows a river emptying into an ocean, producing a delta. L 992 992 996 996 1000 (1) (3) a Delt 1000 Ocean Land R L L 1000 996 992 992 (2) Land (4) Which graph best represents the relationship between the distance from the river delta into the ocean and the average size of sediments deposited on the ocean floor? Average Sediment Size Deposited 15 An observer measured the air temperature and the dewpoint and found the difference between them to be 12 C. One hour later, the difference between the air temperature and the dewpoint was found to be 4 C. Which statement best describes the changes that were occurring? (1) The relative humidity was decreasing and the chance of precipitation was decreasing. (2) The relative humidity was decreasing and the chance of precipitation was increasing. (3) The relative humidity was increasing and the chance of precipitation was decreasing. (4) The relative humidity was increasing and the chance of precipitation was increasing. Distance from Delta Into the Ocean (1) (3) Average Sediment Size Deposited Distance from Delta Into the Ocean 16 Which two ocean currents are both warm currents that primarily flow away from the equator? (1) Guinea Current and Labrador Current (2) Brazil Current and Agulhas Current (3) Alaska Current and Falkland Current (4) Canaries Current and Gulf Stream Current P.S./E. Sci. June 05 Average Sediment Size Deposited 996 Average Sediment Size Deposited 1000 iver Distance from Delta Into the Ocean (2) [4] Distance from Delta Into the Ocean (4) 22 Which igneous rock, when weathered, could produce sediment composed of the minerals potassium feldspar, quartz, and amphibole? (1) gabbro (3) andesite (2) granite (4) basalt 19 Which process could lead directly to the formation of pumice rock? (1) precipitation of minerals from evaporating seawater (2) metamorphism of unmelted rock material (3) deposition of quartz sand (4) explosive eruption of lava from a volcano Base your answers to questions 23 and 24 on the photograph below. The photograph shows several broken samples of the same colorless mineral. 20 The rock shown below has a foliated texture and contains the minerals amphibole, quartz, and feldspar arranged in coarse-grained bands. Which rock is shown? (1) slate (2) dunite (3) gneiss (4) quartzite 21 The photograph below shows the intergrown crystals of a pegmatite rock. 23 Which physical property of this mineral is most easily seen in the photograph? (1) fracture (3) streak (2) hardness (4) cleavage 24 Which mineral is most likely shown in the photograph? (1) quartz (3) galena (2) calcite (4) halite 25 The large coal fields found in Pennsylvania provide evidence that the climate of the northeastern United States was much warmer during the Carboniferous Period. This change in climate over time is best explained by the (1) movements of tectonic plates (2) effects of seasons (3) changes in the environment caused by humans (4) evolution of life (Actual size) Which characteristic provides the best evidence that this pegmatite solidified deep underground? (1) low density (3) felsic composition (2) light color (4) very coarse texture P.S./E. Sci. June 05 [5] [OVER] 26 What is the inferred temperature at the boundary between Earth s stiffer mantle and outer core? (1) 2,500 C (3) 5,000 C (2) 4,500 C (4) 6,200 C Volcanic mountain range Trench Oceanic crust Upper mantle Number of C14 Atoms 28 The diagram below shows the interaction of two tectonic plates. C14 Time (years) (1) C14 Time (years) (2) Continental crust C14 Time (years) (3) C14 Time (years) (4) Upper mantle 32 Approximately what percentage of the estimated age of Earth does the Cenozoic Era represent? (1) 1.4% (3) 11.9% (2) 5.0% (4) 65.0% (Not drawn to scale) The type of plate boundary represented in the diagram most likely exists between the (1) Antarctic Plate and the African Plate (2) Antarctic Plate and the Indian-Australian Plate (3) South American Plate and the Nazca Plate (4) South American Plate and the African Plate 33 The geologic cross section below shows the geologic age of two rock layers separated by an unconformity. Silurian 29 When 1 gram of liquid water at 0 Celsius freezes to form ice, how many total calories of heat are lost by the water? (1) 1 (3) 80 (2) 0.5 (4) 540 Cambrian 30 The shore of which New York State body of water has large amounts of metamorphic bedrock exposed at the surface? (1) western shore of Lake Champlain (2) eastern shore of Lake Erie (3) southern shore of Long Island Sound (4) southern shore of Lake Ontario P.S./E. Sci. June 05 Number of C14 Atoms 27 Which color of the visible spectrum has the shortest wavelength? (1) violet (3) yellow (2) blue (4) red Number of C14 Atoms Number of C14 Atoms 31 Which graph best shows the radioactive decay of carbon-14? The unconformity at the bottom of the Silurian rock layer indicates a gap in the geologic time record. What is the minimum time, in millions of years, shown by the gap? (1) 13 (3) 101 (2) 47 (4) 126 [6] 34 The diagram below represents a map view of a stream drainage pattern. 35 Compared to a maritime tropical air mass, a maritime polar air mass has a (1) higher temperature and more water vapor (2) higher temperature and less water vapor (3) lower temperature and more water vapor (4) lower temperature and less water vapor Which underlying bedrock structure most likely produced this stream drainage pattern? (1) (3) (2) (4) P.S./E. Sci. June 05 [7] [OVER] Part B 1 Answer all questions in this part. Directions (36 50): For each statement or question, write on your separate answer sheet the number of the word or expression that, of those given, best completes the statement or answers the question. Some questions may require the use of the Earth Science Reference Tables. Base your answers to questions 36 through 38 on the map below, which shows sea-level air pressure, in millibars, for a portion of the eastern coast of North America. Points A, B, C, and D are sea-level locations on Earth s surface. Sea-Level Air Pressures 10 20 10 A 24 1028 North America Atlantic Ocean 102 4 B 10 20 12 10 101 C 996 6 1000 04 10 08 10 D 36 Which weather instrument was used to measure the air pressures? (1) thermometer (3) sling psychrometer (2) wind vane (4) barometer 37 Which location most likely recorded the highest wind speed? (1) A (3) C (2) B (4) D 38 The air pressure recorded at point D was most likely (1) 1014 mb (3) 1010 mb (2) 1012 mb (4) 1006 mb P.S./E. Sci. June 05 [8] Base your answers to questions 39 through 41 on the newspaper article shown below and on your knowledge of Earth science. Fossilized Jellyfish Found in Wisconsin Fossil hunters have unearthed the largest collection of fossilized jellyfish ever discovered, including the largest fossilized jellyfish ever found. The remains of soft-bodied animals such as jellyfish are relatively rare because they don t have bones, fossil dealer Dan Damrow, James W. Hagadorn of the California Institute of Technology and Robert H. Dott Jr. of the University of Wisconsin at Madison noted in describing the find in the journal Geology. About a half-billion years ago, during the Cambrian period, the quarry in Mosinee, Wis., where the deposits were found was a small lagoon. The jellyfish apparently died when they were washed up by a freak tide or storm, the researchers said. The jellyfish remains were probably preserved because of a lack of erosion from sea water and wind, and a lack of scavengers, the researchers concluded. It is very rare to discover a deposit which contains an entire stranding event of jellyfish, Hagadorn said. These jellyfish are not just large for the Cambrian, but are the largest jellyfish in the entire fossil record. Washington Post, January 2002 39 These fossilized jellyfish were most likely discovered in which type of rock? (1) sandstone (3) pumice (2) granite (4) slate 40 Which two marine organisms most likely lived at the same time as these jellyfish? (1) crinoids and dinosaurs (3) brachiopods and gastropods (2) ammonoids and placoderm fish (4) amphibians and eurypterids 41 Which evidence would lead scientists to suspect that a tide or storm had washed up these jellyfish on a beach? (1) Primitive life existed on land 500 million years ago. (2) The rock containing the jellyfish fossils has distorted crystal structure. (3) Treeroot fossils appear to have been pitted and folded. (4) Large ripple marks were found in the fossil-containing rock layers. P.S./E. Sci. June 05 [9] [OVER] Base your answers to questions 42 through 44 on the topographic map below. Points A, B, C, D, and X represent locations on the map. Elevations are measured in feet. Lake Fish Cre ek B Ro ck 800 Mo un tai X n 00 C 15 900 00 0 90 10 A D Lake 900 N 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 miles 42 What is the highest possible elevation of point X on Rock Mountain? (1) 1,599 ft (3) 1,601 ft (2) 1,600 ft (4) 1,699 ft 43 What is the average gradient of the slope along straight line CD? (1) 100 ft/mi (3) 500 ft/mi (2) 250 ft/mi (4) 1,000 ft/mi P.S./E. Sci. June 05 [10] 1700 Elevation (feet) Elevation (feet) 44 Which cross section best represents the profile along straight line AB? 1500 1300 1100 900 700 A B 1700 1500 1300 1100 900 700 A 1700 Elevation (feet) Elevation (feet) 1700 1500 1300 1100 900 700 A B 1500 1300 1100 900 700 A B (4) (2) P.S./E. Sci. June 05 B (3) (1) [11] [OVER] Base your answers to questions 45 through 47 on the map below, which shows watershed regions of New York State. N 45 On which type of landscape region are both the Susquehanna-Chesapeake and the Delaware watersheds located? (1) plain (3) mountain (2) plateau (4) lowland 46 In which watershed is the Genesee River located? (1) Ontario-St. Lawrence (3) Mohawk-Hudson (2) Susquehanna-Chesapeake (4) Delaware 47 Most of the surface bedrock of the Ontario-St. Lawrence watershed was formed during which geologic time periods? (1) Precambrian and Cambrian (2) Ordovician, Silurian, and Devonian (3) Mississippian, Pennsylvanian, and Permian (4) Triassic, Jurassic, and Cretaceous P.S./E. Sci. June 05 [12] Base your answers to questions 48 through 50 on the diagram below, which represents an exaggerated view of Earth revolving around the Sun. Letters A, B, C, and D represent Earth s location in its orbit on the first day of each of the four seasons. A B North Pole North Pole North Pole D Sun North Pole C (Not drawn to scale) 48 Which location in Earth s orbit represents the first day of fall (autumn) for an observer in New York State? (1) A (3) C (2) B (4) D 49 Earth s rate of revolution around the Sun is approximately (1) 1 per day (3) 15 per hour (2) 360 per day (4) 23.5 per hour 50 Which observation provides the best evidence that Earth revolves around the Sun? (1) Stars seen from Earth appear to circle Polaris. (2) Earth s planetary winds are deflected by the Coriolis effect. (3) The change from high ocean tide to low ocean tide is a repeating pattern. (4) Different star constellations are seen from Earth at different times of the year. P.S./E. Sci. June 05 [13] [OVER] Part B 2 Answer all questions in this part. Directions (51 65): Record your answers in the spaces provided in your answer booklet. Some questions may require the use of the Earth Science Reference Tables. Base your answers to questions 51 through 53 on the cross section below, which shows a typical cold front moving over New York State in early summer. Direction of movement Cumulonimbus clouds Lightning mT cP Rain Cold, dry air Warm, moist air Cold front 51 Explain why the warm, moist air is rising at the frontal boundary. [1] 52 State one process that causes clouds to form in this rising air. [1] 53 Central Canada was the geographic source region for the cP air mass shown in the cross section. Identify the most likely geographic source region for the mT air mass shown in the cross section. [1] P.S./E. Sci. June 05 [14] Base your answers to questions 54 through 57 on the map below and on your knowledge of Earth science. The map shows the location of the epicenter, X , of an earthquake that occurred on April 20, 2002, about 29 kilometers southwest of Plattsburgh, New York. Plattsburgh, New York Earthquake on April 20, 2002 45 N New York 44.8 N Plattsburgh plai ham Keeseville eC Peru X Ausable Forks n 44.4 N Lak 44.6 N Burlington Lake Placid 44.2 N Vermont 44 N 74 W Middlebury 73.8 W 73.6 W 73.4 W 0 10 73.2 W 20 73 W 30 km 54 State the latitude and longitude of this earthquake epicenter. Express your answers to the nearest tenth of a degree and include the compass directions. [1] 55 What is the minimum number of seismographic stations needed to locate the epicenter of an earthquake? [1] 56 Explain why this earthquake was most likely felt with greater intensity by people in Peru, New York, than by people in Lake Placid, New York. [1] 57 A seismic station located 1,800 kilometers from the epicenter recorded the P-wave and S-wave arrival times for this earthquake. What was the difference in the arrival time of the first P-wave and the first S-wave? [1] P.S./E. Sci. June 05 [15] [OVER] Base your answers to questions 58 through 60 on the cross section of the bedrock outcrop shown below and on your knowledge of Earth science. Index fossils found in some of the rock units are shown. The rock units are labeled I through IX. Key I Igneous rock Contact metamorphism II III IV V VI VII VIII IX 58 In the space provided in your answer booklet, number the relative age of rock units VII, VIII, and IX from 1 to 3, with number 1 indicating the oldest rock and number 3 indicating the youngest rock. [1] 59 The fossil shown in rock unit VIII is a member of an extinct group of fossils. State two other index fossils that are also members of the same group of extinct fossils. [1] 60 Based on the fossils shown in the limestone and shale layers, state the type of environment in which these sedimentary rocks were deposited. [1] P.S./E. Sci. June 05 [16] Base your answers to questions 61 through 63 on the block diagrams below, which show three types of streams with equal volumes. Type 1 Straight channel Type 2 Flood plain Type 3 Winding channel Oxbow lake Meandering channel Levees Narrow, V-shaped valley Wider valley with sloping walls Broad valley with wide, swampy flood plain 61 Explain how the differences between the type 1 and type 3 stream channels indicate that the average velocities of the streams are different. [1] 62 Explain why the outside of the curve of a meandering channel experiences more erosion than the inside of the curve. [1] 63 Explain how the cobbles and pebbles that were transported by these streams became smooth and rounded in shape. [1] Base your answers to questions 64 and 65 on the station model below, which shows the weather conditions at Rochester, New York, at 4 p.m. on a particular day in June. 021 83 25\ 82 .50 64 What was the actual barometric pressure, according to the station model, to the nearest tenth of a millibar? [1] 65 The winds shown by this station model were blowing from which compass direction and at what wind speed? [1] P.S./E. Sci. June 05 [17] [OVER] Part C Answer all questions in this part. Directions (66 83): Record your answers in the spaces provided in your answer booklet. Some questions may require the use of the Earth Science Reference Tables. Base your answers to questions 66 and 67 on the data table below, which lists the apparent diameter of the Sun, measured in minutes and seconds of a degree, as it appears to an observer in New York State. (Apparent diameter is how large an object appears to an observer.) Apparent Diameter of the Sun During the Year Date Apparent Diameter ( ' = minutes '' = seconds) January 1 32'32'' February 10 32'25'' March 20 32'07'' April 20 31'50'' May 30 31'33'' June 30 31'28'' August 10 31'34'' September 20 31'51'' November 10 32'18'' December 30 32'32'' 66 On the grid provided in your answer booklet, graph the data shown on the table by marking with a dot the apparent diameter of the Sun for each date listed and connecting the dots with a smooth, curved line. [2] 67 Explain why the apparent diameter of the Sun changes throughout the year as Earth revolves around the Sun. [1] P.S./E. Sci. June 05 [18] Base your answers to questions 68 through 71 on the passage below and on your knowledge of Earth science. Watching the Glaciers Go Mountain glaciers and ice caps in tropical areas of the world are melting fast and may vanish altogether by the year 2020. That was the chilling news last year from Lonnie Thompson, a geologist at Ohio State University s Byrd Polar Research Center who has been studying icy areas near the equator in South America, Africa, and the Himalayas for two decades. It doesn t take a glacier scientist to see the changes. In 1977, when Thompson visited the Quelccaya ice cap in Peru, it was impossible not to notice a schoolbus-size boulder stuck in its grip. When Thompson returned in 2000, the rock was still there but the ice wasn t it had retreated far into the distance. Most scientists believe the glaciers are melting because of global warming the gradual temperature increase that has been observed with increasing urgency during the past decade. Last year a panel of the nation s top scientists, the National Research Council, set aside any lingering skepticism about the phenomenon, concluding definitively that average global surface temperatures are rising and will continue to do so. Watching the Glaciers Go, Popular Science, vol. #7, January 2002 68 State one greenhouse gas that is an excellent absorber of infrared radiation and may be responsible for global warming. [1] 69 Describe the arrangement of sediment deposited directly from glaciers. [1] 70 Some glaciers currently exist near Earth s equator due to the cold, snowy climate of certain locations. Which type of landform exists where these glaciers occur? [1] 71 Describe one action humans could take to reduce the global warming that is melting the Quelccaya ice cap. [1] P.S./E. Sci. June 05 [19] [OVER] Base your answers to questions 72 through 75 on the map and cross section of the Finger Lakes Region shown below and on your knowledge of Earth science. Finger Lakes Region of New York State Auburn Ca na nd aig ua es Honeoye el Canadice o at u Cay Hemlock isc ca Sene o asc Ow ne Geneva Cones us Ot a Sk Canandaigua Waterloo Penn Yan Keu ka ga Ithaca N Watkins Glen Sediment fill 500 P.S./E. Sci. June 05 10 mi [20] Otisco Skaneateles Owasco Sea level Cayuga Seneca Keuka Canandaigua 500 0 5 Elevation and Depth of the Finger Lakes of New York State (measured in feet) Honeoye Hemlock Canadice 1000 Conesus 0 72 According to the cross section, how thick from top to bottom is the sediment fill in Seneca Lake? [1] 73 State one possible explanation for the north-south orientation of the Finger Lakes. [1] 74 During some winters, a few of the Finger Lakes remain unfrozen even though the land around the lakes is frozen. Explain how the specific heat of water can cause these lakes to remain unfrozen. [1] 75 Identify two processes that normally occur to form the type of surface bedrock found in the Finger Lakes Region. [1] Base your answers to questions 76 through 79 on the diagram provided in your answer booklet, which shows observations made by a sailor who left his ship and landed on a small deserted island on June 21. The diagram represents the apparent path of the Sun and the position of Polaris, as observed by the sailor on this island. 76 On the diagram provided in your answer booklet, draw an arrow on the June 21 path of the Sun to show the Sun s direction of apparent movement from sunrise to sunset. [1] 77 The sailor was still on the island on September 23. On the diagram provided in your answer booklet, draw the Sun s apparent path for September 23, as it would have appeared to the sailor. Be sure your September 23 path indicates the correct altitude of the noon Sun and begins and ends at the correct points on the horizon. [2] 78 Based on the sailor s observations, what is the latitude of this island? Include the units and the compass direction in your answer. [1] 79 The sailor observed a 1-hour difference between solar noon on the island and solar noon at his last measured longitude onboard his ship. How many degrees of longitude is the island from the sailor s last measured longitude onboard his ship? [1] P.S./E. Sci. June 05 [21] [OVER] Base your answers to questions 80 through 83 on the world map shown below and on your knowledge of Earth science. Letters A through H represent locations on Earth s surface. 120 140 160 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 70 70 Asia 60 A North America 50 40 30 20 10 0 10 20 30 40 Hawaiian Islands F Europe B Asia 50 40 E Atlantic Ocean Africa Pacific Ocean South America D C Australia 60 Indian Ocean G 50 30 20 10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 60 H 70 Antarctica 120 140 160 180 160 140 120 100 Antarctica 80 60 40 20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 80 Explain why most earthquakes that occur in the crust beneath location B are shallower than most earthquakes that occur in the crust beneath location C. [1] 81 Explain why location A has a greater probability of experiencing a major earthquake than location D. [1] 82 Explain why a volcanic eruption is more likely to occur at location E than at location F. [1] 83 Explain why the geologic age of the oceanic bedrock increases from location G to location H. [1] P.S./E. Sci. June 05 [22] 70 The University of the State of New York REGENTS HIGH SCHOOL EXAMINATION PHYSICAL SETTING Tear Here EARTH SCIENCE Wednesday, June 22, 2005 9:15 a.m. to 12:15 p.m., only ANSWER SHEET Student . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sex: Male Female Grade . . . . . . . . . . . . Teacher . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . School . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Record your answers to Part A and Part B 1 on this answer sheet. Part B 1 Part A 1 ............ 13 . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 . . . . . . . . . . . 36 . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 ............ 14 . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 . . . . . . . . . . . 37 . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 ............ 15 . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 . . . . . . . . . . . 38 . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 ............ 16 . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 . . . . . . . . . . . 39 . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 ............ 17 . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 . . . . . . . . . . . 40 . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 ............ 18 . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 . . . . . . . . . . . 41 . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 ............ 19 . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 . . . . . . . . . . . 42 . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 ............ 20 . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 . . . . . . . . . . . 43 . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 ............ 21 . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 . . . . . . . . . . . 10 . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 . . . . . . . . . . . 11 . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 . . . . . . . . . . . 12 . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 . . . . . . . . . . . . Part B 1 Score Part A Score Write your answers to Part B 2 and Part C in your answer booklet. Tear Here The declaration below should be signed when you have completed the examination. I do hereby affirm, at the close of this examination, that I had no unlawful knowledge of the questions or answers prior to the examination and that I have neither given nor received assistance in answering any of the questions during the examination. Signature PS/EARTH SCIENCE Tear Here Tear Here PS/EARTH SCIENCE FOR TEACHERS ONLY The University of the State of New York REGENTS HIGH SCHOOL EXAMINATION PS ES PHYSICAL SETTING/EARTH SCIENCE Wednesday, June 22, 2005 9:15 a.m. to 12:15 p.m., only SCORING KEY AND RATING GUIDE Directions to the Teacher: Refer to the directions on page 3 before rating student papers. Updated information regarding the rating of this examination may be posted on the New York State Education Department s web site during the rating period. Visit the site and select the link Latest Information for any recently posted information regarding this examination. This site should be checked before the rating process for this examination begins and at least one more time before the final scores for the examination are recorded. Part A and Part B 1 Allow 1 credit for each correct response. Part A Part B 1 1 . . . . .2 . . . . . . . 13 . . . . .1 . . . . . . . 25 . . . .1 . . . . . . . 36 . . . . .4 . . . . . . . 44 . . . . .1 . . . . . . . 2 . . . . .3 . . . . . . . 14 . . . . .1 . . . . . . . 26 . . . .3 . . . . . . . 37 . . . . .2 . . . . . . . 45 . . . . .2 . . . . . . . 3 . . . . .4 . . . . . . . 15 . . . . .4 . . . . . . . 27 . . . .1 . . . . . . . 38 . . . . .3 . . . . . . . 46 . . . . .1 . . . . . . . 4 . . . . .1 . . . . . . . 16 . . . . .2 . . . . . . . 28 . . . .3 . . . . . . . 39 . . . . .1 . . . . . . . 47 . . . . .2 . . . . . . . 5 . . . . .2 . . . . . . . 17 . . . . .3 . . . . . . . 29 . . . .3 . . . . . . . 40 . . . . .3 . . . . . . . 48 . . . . .3 . . . . . . . 6 . . . . .3 . . . . . . . 18 . . . . .1 . . . . . . . 30 . . . .1 . . . . . . . 41 . . . . .4 . . . . . . . 49 . . . . .1 . . . . . . . 7 . . . . .1 . . . . . . . 19 . . . . .4 . . . . . . . 31 . . . .4 . . . . . . . 42 . . . . .4 . . . . . . . 50 . . . . .4 . . . . . . . 8 . . . . .3 . . . . . . . 20 . . . . .3 . . . . . . . 32 . . . .1 . . . . . . . 43 . . . . .2 . . . . . . . 9 . . . . .4 . . . . . . . 21 . . . . .4 . . . . . . . 33 . . . .2 . . . . . . . 10 . . . . .1 . . . . . . . 22 . . . . .2 . . . . . . . 34 . . . .4 . . . . . . . 11 . . . . .4 . . . . . . . 23 . . . . .4 . . . . . . . 35 . . . .4 . . . . . . . 12 . . . . .4 . . . . . . . 24 . . . . .4 . . . . . . . Part A Score 2 [1] Part B 1 Score PHYSICAL SETTING/EARTH SCIENCE continued Directions to the Teacher Follow the procedures below for scoring student answer papers for the Physical Setting/Earth Science examination. Additional information about scoring is provided in the publication Information Booklet for Administering and Scoring Regents Examinations in the Sciences. Use only red ink or red pencil in rating Regents papers. Do not correct the student s work by making insertions or changes of any kind. On the detachable answer sheet for Part A and Part B 1, indicate by means of a checkmark each incorrect or omitted answer. In the box provided at the end of each part, record the number of questions the student answered correctly for that part. At least two science teachers must participate in the scoring of each student s responses to the Part B 2 and Part C open-ended questions. Each of these teachers should be responsible for scoring a selected number of the open-ended questions on each answer paper. No one teacher is to score all the open-ended questions on a student s answer paper. Students responses must be scored strictly according to the Scoring Key and Rating Guide. For open-ended questions, credit may be allowed for responses other than those given in the rating guide if the response is a scientifically accurate answer to the question and demonstrates adequate knowledge as indicated by the examples in the rating guide. In the student s answer booklet, record the number of credits earned for each answer in the box printed to the right of the answer lines or spaces for that question. Fractional credit is not allowed. Only whole-number credit may be given to a response. Units need not be given when the wording of the questions allows such omissions. Raters should enter the scores earned for Part A, Part B 1, Part B 2, and Part C on the appropriate lines in the box printed on the answer booklet and then should add these four scores and enter the total in the box labeled Total Written Test Score. The student s score for the Earth Science Performance Test should be entered in the space provided. Then, the student s raw scores on the performance test and written test should be converted to a scaled score by using the conversion chart that will be posted on the Department s web site on Wednesday, June 22, 2005. The student s scaled score should be entered in the labeled box on the student s answer booklet. The scaled score is the student s final examination score. All student answer papers that receive a scaled score of 60 through 64 must be scored a second time. For the second scoring, a different committee of teachers may score the student s paper or the original committee may score the paper, except that no teacher may score the same open-ended questions that he/she scored in the first rating of the paper. The school principal is responsible for assuring that the student s final examination score is based on a fair, accurate, and reliable scoring of the student s answer paper. Because scaled scores corresponding to raw scores in the conversion chart may change from one examination to another, it is crucial that for each administration, the conversion chart provided for that administration be used to determine the student s final score. [3] [OVER] PHYSICAL SETTING/EARTH SCIENCE continued Part B 2 Allow a total of 15 credits for this part. The student must answer all questions in this part. 51 [1] Allow 1 credit for a correct response. Acceptable responses include, but are not limited to: Warm, moist air is less dense than cold, dry air. Cold air is moving under the warm air and forcing the warm air upward. 52 [1] Allow 1 credit for a correct response. Acceptable responses include, but are not limited to: expanding air cooling to the dewpoint condensation sublimation 53 [1] Allow 1 credit for a correct response. Acceptable responses include, but are not limited to: Gulf of Mexico a warm ocean surface 54 [1] Allow 1 credit for 44.5 N (latitude) and 73.7 W (longitude). The correct compass directions and degrees must be included for both latitude and longitude to receive credit. 55 [1] Allow 1 credit for 3 or three. 56 [1] Allow 1 credit for a correct response. Acceptable responses include, but are not limited to: Peru is closer to the epicenter. 57 [1] Allow 1 credit for 3 min 0 sec ( 20 sec). 58 [1] Allow 1 credit for the correct response shown below. Rock unit VII: 3 Rock unit VIII: 1 Rock unit IX: 2 [4] PHYSICAL SETTING/EARTH SCIENCE continued 59 [1] Allow 1 credit for Cryptolithus and Phacops. 60 [1] Allow 1 credit for a correct response. Acceptable responses include, but are not limited to: marine ocean water 61 [1] Allow 1 credit for a correct response. Acceptable responses include, but are not limited to: The type 3 stream meanders more. The type 3 stream occupies a wider floodplain. The type 1 stream has a straighter course. 62 [1] Allow 1 credit for a correct response. Acceptable responses include, but are not limited to: Stream velocity is greater on the outside of the meandering channel. Stream flow is slower on the inside of the meandering channel. Water is moving faster on the outside of a meander curve. 63 [1] Allow 1 credit for a correct response. Acceptable responses include, but are not limited to: These tumbling cobbles and pebbles were abraded against other transported rocks and the stream channel. Abrasion occurred as the rocks bounced and rolled along the bottom of the streambed. Sharp corners and edges were knocked off, scraped, and/or worn down. grinding against other sediment and rocks Note: Do not allow credit for statements that describe the water alone as the primary cause of rounding. 64 [1] Allow 1 credit for 1002.1 mb. 65 [1] Allow 1 credit if both the compass direction and wind speed are correct, as shown below. from the south southeast (SSE) or southeast (SE) at 25 knots ( 2) [5] [OVER] PHYSICAL SETTING/EARTH SCIENCE continued Part C Allow a total of 20 credits for this part. The student must answer all questions in this part. 66 [2] Allow 2 credits if 8 to 10 points are correctly plotted ( 2 seconds) and correctly connected with a line. Allow 1 credit if only 6 or 7 points are correctly plotted ( 2 seconds) and correctly connected with a line. or Allow 1 credit if 8 to 10 points are correctly plotted ( 2 seconds) but are not correctly connected with a line. Example of a 2-Credit Response Apparent Diameter of the Sun Apparent Diameter 32'40" 32'30" 32'20" 32'10" 32'00" 31'50" 31'40" 31'30" 31'20" 1 10 20 30 10 20 1 10 20 30 10 20 30 10 20 30 10 20 30 10 20 30 10 20 30 10 20 30 10 20 30 10 20 30 10 20 30 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Date Note: Allow credit if the student-drawn line is dot-to-dot or a smooth curve. Also allow credit if a symbol other than a dot is used. 67 [1] Allow 1 credit for a correct response. Acceptable responses include, but are not limited to: Earth has an elliptical orbit. The distance between the Sun and Earth varies in a cyclic manner. Earth is closest to the Sun during New York State s winter. The Sun is farthest from Earth during New York State s summer. [6] PHYSICAL SETTING/EARTH SCIENCE continued 68 [1] Allow 1 credit for a correct response. Acceptable responses include, but are not limited to: water vapor (H2O) methane (CH4) carbon dioxide (CO2) nitrous oxide (N2O) ozone (O3) chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) 69 [1] Allow 1 credit for a correct response. Acceptable responses include, but are not limited to: unsorted deposits moraines drumlins till mixed sediment sizes glacial erratics/boulders striated sediment 70 [1] Allow 1 credit for a correct response. Acceptable responses include, but are not limited to: a high elevation above sea level mountains a plateau 71 [1] Allow 1 credit for a correct response. Acceptable responses include, but are not limited to: Stop burning fossil fuels. Reduce the burning of tropical rain forests. Reduce greenhouse-gas emissions. Use more alternative energy sources such as solar collectors and wind turbines. 72 [1] Allow 1 credit for 450 ft ( 50). [7] [OVER] PHYSICAL SETTING/EARTH SCIENCE continued 73 [1] Allow 1 credit for a correct response. Acceptable responses include, but are not limited to: The continental ice sheet generally moved from north to south. glacial erosion The original stream valleys had a north-south orientation. 74 [1] Allow 1 credit for a correct response. Acceptable responses include, but are not limited to: Water has a higher specific heat than land. Water heats and cools slowly because of its higher specific heat. Bodies of water change temperature more slowly than surrounding land. 75 [1] Allow 1 credit for identifying two correct processes. Acceptable responses include, but are not limited to: Sediments were deposited in water and compressed. compaction and deposition burial and cementation chemical precipitation and evaporation [8] PHYSICAL SETTING/EARTH SCIENCE continued 76 [1] Allow 1 credit if the student draws one or more arrows pointing in the correct direction. If more than one arrow is drawn, all arrows must be correct to receive credit. 77 [2] Allow 1 credit for a path that starts on the horizon due east of the observer and ends due west of the observer. and Allow 1 credit if the Sun s apparent path is drawn so that the altitude of the Sun at noon is 66.5 ( 2 ). 76 and 77 An example of correctly drawn arrows and the apparent September 23 path are shown below. Sailor s Observations on the Deserted Island 70 90 80 80 70 60 60 50 40 40 50 20 30 10 23 10 20 ber e 21 tem Jun Sep W S N 0 0 Apparent position of Polaris 30 Sun s apparent path E 78 [1] Allow 1 credit for a correct response. The correct compass direction and units must be included to receive credit. Acceptable responses include, but are not limited to: 23 30' N ( 1 ) 23.5 N ( 1 ) 1 23 2 N ( 1 ) 79 [1] Allow 1 credit for a correct response. Acceptable responses include, but are not limited to: 15 15 E 15 W [9] [OVER] PHYSICAL SETTING/EARTH SCIENCE concluded 80 [1] Allow 1 credit for a correct response. Acceptable responses include, but are not limited to: Location B is at a transform fault, and location C is at a subduction boundary. Location B has horizontal plate movement, but location C has vertical plate movement. There is a transform plate boundary at B. There is a subducting plate at C. 81 [1] Allow 1 credit for a correct response. Acceptable responses include, but are not limited to: A is located at a plate boundary, and D is not located at a plate boundary. Crustal plates are colliding at A, and no plate collision is occurring at D. Location A is on the Pacific Ring of Fire. 82 [1] Allow 1 credit for a correct response. Acceptable responses include, but are not limited to: E is located above a mantle hot spot. E is the Canary Islands Hot Spot. F is near the center of a tectonic plate. 83 [1] Allow 1 credit for a correct response. Acceptable responses include, but are not limited to: Location G is at the ridge and is presently forming, while H was at the ridge in the past. Location H is moving away from the new crust forming in the region at G. The youngest ocean-floor bedrock is at the mid-ocean ridge. The plates are diverging at the Southeast Indian Ridge. [10] The Chart for Determining the Final Examination Score for the June 2005 Regents Examination in Physical Setting/Earth Science will be posted on the Department s web site on Wednesday, June 22, 2005. Conversion charts provided for previous administrations of the Regents Examination in Physical Setting/Earth Science must NOT be used to determine students final scores for this administration. [11] [OVER] Map to Core Curriculum June 2005 Physical Setting/Earth Science Key Ideas/Performance Indicators Math Key Idea 1 Math Key Idea 2 Math Key Idea 3 Science Inquiry Key Idea 1 Question Numbers Part A Part B Standard 1 5, 31,33 44,49,61 3,15,18,26,29 43,55,57 30 10,17,19,25,27, 39,41,53,58,60, 31 61,62,63 Science Inquiry Key Idea 2 Science Inquiry Key Idea 3 Engineering Design Key Idea 1 Part C 66,74,78,79 72 67,70,73,74,81, 82 39 Standard 2 Key Idea 1 Key Idea 2 Key Idea 3 Key Idea 1 Standard 6 4,11,28,32 Key Idea 2 3,6,7,9,14,16,18, 20,21,23,24,26, 28,31,34,35 Key Idea 3 Key Idea 4 Key Idea 5 1,30 12 2,6,7,8,9,15,18, 22,29 37,50,52,55,61, 62 67,68,69,73,79, 80,81,82 37,38,40,42,43, 44,45,46,47,48, 49,51,54,56,58, 59,64,65 56 66,72,76,77,78, 80,81,82,83 37,38,50,51,52, 61,63 66,67,75,76,77, 79,81,82,83 71 Key Idea 6 Standard 7 Key Idea 1 Key Idea 2 Key Idea 1 Key Idea 2 Key Idea 3 ESRT 2001 Edition 71 Standard 4 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9, 17,29,30,31,33 2,7,8,10,11,12, 13,14,15,16,18, 22,25,26,27,28, 32,33,34,35 40,41,47,48,49 50,54,58,59,60 36,37,38,39,41, 42,43,44,45,46, 51,52,53,55,56, 57,61,62,63,64, 65 39 19,20,21,22,23, 24 Reference Tables 1,3,4,5,15,16,18, 39,40,44,45,46, 19,20,21,22,24, 47,49,53,57,58, 25,26,27,28,30, 59,64,65 31,33,34 [12] 66,67,76,77,78, 79 68,69,70,71,72, 73,74,75,80,81, 82,83 75 74,75,80,81,82, 83

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Tags : New York State, High School Regents, Examinations, Past exams, solvedTest Papers, Education, Assessment and Testing.  

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