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ICSE Notes 2018 : English Paper 1 (English Language) PREPOSITIONS LAST MINUTE PRACTICE

6 pages, 143 questions, 140 questions with responses, 382 total responses,    3    0
Golden Heights School, Gurgaon
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PREPOSITION EXERCISES 1. Halloween is celebrated __________ the United States __________ October 31. 2. Are you going away for the weekend? I don t know. It depends __________ the weather. 3. Don t kiss the prince. He might turn __________ a frog. 4. He felt bad __________ no reason at all. 5. I have been living here __________ ten years. 6. Have you been __________ the cinema recently? Yes I was there a few days ago. 7. I happened to meet an old friend __________ town. 8. Have you read the article? It was __________ yesterday s newspapers. 9. He always drives __________ a tremendous speed because he s always __________ a hurry. 10. He is very fond __________ good food. 11. He married __________ the age of 28. 12. I bought many things __________ my stay in New York. 13. According __________ the guide there are three hotels __________ town. 14. I saw him standing __________ the queue but I don t know if he got __________ the bus. 15. I want to post this letter __________ a friend. 16. I m going __________ Glasgow on Monday. Would you like to come with us? 17. John has got a very strange taste __________ clothes. 18. Mum sat __________ the back of the car. 19. I m interested __________ basketball but I m not very good __________ playing it. 20. I m returning __________ Spain __________ the end of the month. 21. My parents met __________ the war, in 1943. 22. Is it true that your mother died __________ cancer. 23. It was embarrassing. I didn t have enough money __________ pay for the meal. 24. It was __________ the radio yesterday morning. 25. It s a quick journey __________ Manchester __________ Leeds. 26. Jane goes to the office early __________ Tuesdays. 27. I saw him sometime __________ June. 28. Meet me __________ the station. 29. The lights are moving __________ us. 30. My country is famous __________ great musicians. 31. Who is that girl over there __________ the red dress? 32. I live __________ Sweden but every summer I travel __________ Spain for my holidays. 33. Turn right __________ the end of the street and then it will be right in front of you 34. My sister has a beautiful apartment. She lives __________ the third floor. 35. Please sit down. Mr. Brown will be __________ you in a moment. 36. I have to apologize __________ being late. 37. She tried to prevent the children __________ jumping into the water. 38. Sometimes I have to walk to work and sometimes I go __________ bus. 39. Thank you __________ coming to visit us. 40. The boys met __________ the corner of the street. 41. The smallest room is located __________ the left of the hall. 42. We entered the building __________ entrance number 3. 43. There was a dark spot __________ the ceiling. 44. We arrived just __________ time to see the Queen. 45. We have to be at the airport __________ 6 p.m. 46. We ran __________ the doctor on our way to the bookshop. ============================================================================== 1. The two friends went _____________ the movies by themselves. 2. During the summer I stayed _____________ my grandparents. 3. I ll wait for you _____________ the bus stop. 4. The milk is _____________ the refrigerator next to the orange juice. 5. She came and sat _____________ her husband. 6. _____________ we saw the television show on bears we drove to the zoo. 7. _____________ the day, the rain came into the window. 8. The phone rang _____________ the middle of the night. 9. Some boys were crawling _____________ under the car. 10. His notebook fell _____________ the floor. 11. The plane flew _____________ the clouds. 12. Peter doesn t go to work _____________ Fridays. 13. Open your book _____________ page 9. 14. Can you see a yellow house _____________ the left? 15. There was a picture _____________ the wall _____________ the bed. 16. All the latest computers will be shown _____________ the exhibition. 17. He came to see how I was getting _____________. 18. I am very interested _____________ documentaries on TV. 19. I am surprised _____________ how much money they want to pay him. 20. Nobody in the family has heard _____________ the accident. 21. She comes _____________ a poor family. 22. I am quite good _____________ art. 23. Jack came rushing _____________ the stairs. 24. Turn right _____________ the next traffic lights. 25. Her mother is looking forward _____________ going to Australia. 26. The film is based _____________ a novel by John Grisham. 27. John is totally obsessed _____________ football. He thinks of nothing else. 28. I prefer coffee _____________ tea. 29. Let s divide this money _____________ us. 30. I like travelling _____________ boat in summer. 31. When I was younger I was always afraid _____________ going to the dentist. 32. Mary s in the kitchen looking _____________ her car keys. 33. Are you really happy _____________ your life here? 34. He was quite pleased _____________ the results. 35. This is a painting _____________ an unknown artist. 36. I am proud _____________ being a teacher. 37. Don t worry _____________ it. Everything will be fine. 38. My father tells us fascinating stories _____________ his years in the navy. 39. Did you call attention _____________ their mistake? 40. _____________ to the headmaster, both of the boys got involved in the fight. 41. Except _____________ that one, all the sentences were easy. 42. Be careful. They will lose faith _____________ you. 43. The girls worked _____________ their lessons for half an hour. 44. He depends _____________ his sister for help. 45. Miss Wilson is very fond _____________ French food ============================================================================== 1. There were _____________ a thousand people at the concert. 2. You must be _____________ 18 in order to see the film. 3. We are travelling _____________ the road. 4. He is suffering _____________ an unknown illness. 5. I listened to the game _____________ the radio. 6. How are you getting _____________ at school? 7. Don t be impatient _____________ us. We are trying! 8. Could I speak _____________ Tom please? 9. We didn t see the whole performance because we left _____________ the last act. 10. There were some beautiful pictures _____________ the walls. 11. The march started in the park. _____________ there we moved to City Hall. 12. Pessimism is bad _____________ your health 13. He asked his mother _____________ money. 14. I bought many things _____________ my stay in New York. 15. My country is famous _____________ historical sights. 16. I m not _____________ a hurry. I can wait. 17. Have you ever been _____________ the theatre recently? 18. We arrived _____________ the airport _____________ time for the plane. 19. My grandfather died _____________ cancer. 20. The resort lies about 1,500 meters _____________ sea level. 21. His hands are _____________ his face. 22. there s a chair _____________ my desk 23. The thief jumped _____________ the window. 24. Both o my neighbors can take care _____________ the cat while you are gone. 25. I rarely think _____________ the weather. 26. They were always arguing _____________ silly things. 27. _____________ first I found the work very tiring but _____________ a few weeks I got used to it. 28. My house is _____________ the end of the road. 29. The article was _____________ yesterday s papers. 30. The classroom is _____________ the fourth floor. 31. I applied _____________ a few jobs last week, but nobody wrote back. 32. He wants two seats _____________ the concert on Friday night. 33. You ought to be ashamed _____________ yourself _____________ coming in with dirty boots. 34. There s no point _____________ going _____________ car if we can t park near the theatre. 35. he started his training _____________ November 36. Whom did they vote _____________ ? 37. The bus stopped _____________ the corner of High Street and congress Avenue. 38. I love listening _____________ classical music. 39. He is _____________ Dallas, Texas but he was born in California. 40. She goes _____________ church every Sunday. 41. It s 7 a.m. We need to leave _____________ work at once or else we ll miss the bus. 42. I asked the policeman _____________ some information. 43. The great player hit the ball _____________ the net. 44. Can you find our holiday beach _____________ the map? 45. Please turn _____________ the volume of the radio. I m getting deaf.

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