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Pune University - Sem - I : Electronics, April 2010

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Total No. of Questions : 7] P881 [Total No. of Pages : 2 [3722]-102 M. Sc. PHYSICS PHY UTN - 502 : Electronics (New Course) (Sem. - I) Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 80 Instructions to the candidates : 1) Question No. 1 is compulsory. Attempt any four questions from the remaining. 2) Figures to the right indicate maximum marks. 3) Draw neat diagrams wherever necessary. 4) Use of logarithmic tables and calculator is allowed. Q1) Attempt any four of the following : a) State atleast four parameters of Op.Amp. and explain any two in detail. [4] b) Design a wide band reject filter having fh = 400 Hz and fl = 2 kHz with pass band gain as 2. Choose C = 0.1 F. [4] c) Design a 5V regulated power supply using LM317. Assume value of [4] R1 = 240 and Iadj = 100 A. d) What is 7490 IC? Design a divide-by-20 counter using ICs 7490. e) Design a function generator using IC 8038 to generate wave form of frequency of 5 kHz. Assume duty cycle is 50%. [4] f) Draw logic diagram of 2 line to 1 line multiplexer and explain its working. [4] Q2) a) Given the logic equation Y = ABC + BCD + ABC make a truth table. Simplify using Karnaugh-map and sketch the necessary logic diagram. [8] b) Draw the circuit diagram of Instrumentation Amplifier using Op.Amp. and explain its working. Explain how gain can be adjusted using single resistance. [8] Q3) a) Draw the block diagram of counter type ADC and explain its working in detail. What is the resolution of an 8 bit ADC whose max. input voltage range is 10V. [8] [4] P.T.O. b) Draw the functional diagram of IC 7495 and explain its working with reference to the operations SISO and PIPO. [8] Q4) a) What is a monostable multivibrator? Explain the working of monostable multivibrator IC 74121 with necessary functional table. Design a monostable multivibrator using IC 74121 to generate a pulse of 5 m sec. [8] b) Explain in detail working of 4-bit R-2R DAC with necessary circuit diagram. State and explain atleast 2 - characteristics of DAC. [8] Q5) a) Explain the basic operating principle of a PLLIC565 with necessary block diagram. Give expression for i) free running frequency ii) lock range iii) capture range. Discuss any one application of PLL in detail. [8] b) Draw the circuit of a full-wave precision rectifier using Op.Amp. and [4] explain how it gives the average value. c) Explain the concept of DC to DC converter with suitable diagram. [4] Q6) a) Write the count sequence of a 4 bit BCD and binary up-counter. Draw the logic diagram of 4 bit up/down counter using ff s and explain its working. [8] b) Explain the concept of current limit in case of IC 723. Design a 5V regulator with current limit of 1 Amp. using IC 723 and with external current boost transistor. [8] Q7) Write short note on any four of the following : a) Optical fiber communication. b) Satellite communication. c) VCO. d) Switching Regulator. e) UPS and Invertors. f) Sample and hold circuit. rrrr [3722]-102 -2- [16]

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Additional Info : M.Sc. PHYSICS, PHY UTN - 502 : Electronics (New Course) (Semister - I), Pune University
Tags : msc physics pune university papers, msc physics solved question papers, Electronics, pune university exam papers, university of pune question papers, pune university science, pune university courses, bsc pune university, msc pune university, pune university solved question papers, pune university model question paper, pune university paper pattern, pune university syllabus, old question papers pune university  

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