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Pune University - SY BSc (Sem - II) MARATHI, April 2010

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Total No. of Questions : 3] P507 [Total No. of Pages : 2 [3717]-231 S.Y. B.Sc. (Sem. - II) _amR>r (Marathi) `mdhm{aH$ _amR>r (Zdm d OwZm A `mgH $_) doi 2 Vmg ] [EHy$U JwU 40 gyMZm - 1) gd Z A{Zdm` $AmhoV. 2) COdrH$S>rb A H$ Zm Mo nyU JwU Xe {dVmV. Z 1) A) nwT>rb CVm `mMo _amR>rV ^mfm Va H$am. [8] The spiritual training of the boys was a much more difficult matter than their physical and mental training. I relied little on religious books for the training of the spirit. Of course I believed that every student should be acquainted with the elements of his own religion and have a general knowledge of his own scriptures, and therefore I provided for such knowledge as best I could. But that, to my mind, was part of the intellectual training. Long before I undertook the education of the youngsters of the Tolstoy Farm. I had realized that the training of the spirit was a thing by itself. To develop the spirit is to build character and to enable one to work towards a knowledge of God and self-realization. And I held that this was an essential part of the training of the young and that all training without culture of the spirit was of no use, and might be even harmful. P.T.O. ~) nwT>rb CVm `mMm erf H$mgh EH$ V Vr`m e gmam e {bhm. [7] n `oH$ Zdr d Vy V`ma H$aVmZm _mUgm `m _ZmMr Zdr aMZm AmH$mambm `oV AgVo. `mbmM AmnU _mUgm `m _Zw ` dmMm {dH$mg Ago hUVmo. _mUyg Amn `m ^modVmbMr n[ap WVr Oer Amho `m d $nmV Z drH$maVm {V `m_ `o gVV ~Xb H$arV Ambobm Amho, {VMr nwZa MZm H$arV Ambobm Amho. Am{U Agm ~Xb H$aVmZm, nwZa MZm H$aVmZm dV ~XbV Jobm Amho, dV bm aMrV Jobm Amho. EH$ Zdr d Vy `jmV AmU `mMr, Amn `m n[ap WVrMr nwZa MZm H$a `mMr Am{U `m~amo~a dV bm Z `mZo aM `mMr H $Vr hr _mUgmbm gVV AmZ XXm`H$ dmQ>V Ambobr Amho. `m AmZ XmV n[ap WVr `m nbrH$S>o Om `mMm, {V `m _`m Xm, ~ YZo Amobm S> `mMm ^mJ Ogm ~amM AgVmo, `m _mUo dV `m _`m Xm Amobm Sy>Z nbrH$S>o Om `mMm, dV MrM Zdr AmoiI H$ $Z Ko `mMm ^mJhr _moR>m AgVmo. A_wH$ EH$ d Vy {Z_m U H$aon` V Vr Jmo > {Z_m U H$a `mMr Hw$dV Amn `mV hmoVr ho _mUgmbm AmYr H$iV Zmhr. {VMr OmUrd Vr H $Vr H$aVmZm hmoVo. hrM _mUgmbm dV MrM hmoUmar AmoiI hmo`. {Z{_ VrMr jo o {dkmZ, V kmZ, V dkmZ B. AZoH$ Agbr Var Aer AmoiI H$bmd Vmbm H$bm{Z{_ Vr_ `o gdm V A{YH$ hmoVo. `mMo H$maU {dkmZ, V kmZ Am{U V dkmZm_ `o Ho$di ~w r `m `mnmambm Ogo _h d AgVo Vgo H$bm{Z{_ Vr_ `o KS>V Zmhr. H$bm{Z{_ Vr_ `o _Zm `m gJ `m e Vr {H $`merb hmoVmV. `m_wio `m {Z{_ VrVrb AmZ Xhr A{YH$ Amho. AmO {Z{_ Vr `m AmZ Xmbm _mUyg nmaIm hmoV Mmbbm Amho. {dkmZ Am{U V kmZmZo _mUgmbm ` mMm EH$ ^mJ ~Z{dbo Amho. ` mVyZ V`ma Pmbobr d Vy {H$Vrhr gw Xa Agbr Var _mUgmbm hr _mPr {Z{_ Vr Amho Ago hUVm `oV Zmhr. (e X g `m - 208) Z 2) nwT>rbn H$s H$moU `mhr XmoZ Zm Mr C mao {bhm. [15] A) " d N> nmUr Am{U Amamo `' `m {df`mda dV _mZn mgmR>r 300 e Xm V boI {bhm. ~) "V kmZmZo Ho$bobr H $m Vr' `m {df`mda AmH$medmUrgmR>r 300 e Xm Mo ^mfU V`ma H$am. H$) "A Yl m Am{U J m_rU g_mO' `m {df`mda XyaXe ZgmR>r bKwnQ> V`ma H$amd`mMm Amho. g {hVm boIZ H$am. bKwnQ> H$mbmdYr - 5 {_{ZQ>o. Z 3) Imbrb nm[a^m{fH$ e Xm Zm _amR>r {Ve X {bhm. 1. 3. 5. 7. 9. Physiology Anatomy Cardiologist Amnesia Blood-Cell 2. 4. 6. 8. 10. rrrr [3717]-231 -2- Entomology Calories Dermatology Herbal Blood pressure [10]

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Additional Info : S.Y. B.Sc. Marathi (Semister - II), (New & Old Course), Pune University
Tags : pune university exam papers, university of pune question papers, pune university science, pune university courses, bsc pune university, msc pune university, pune university solved question papers, pune university model question paper, pune university paper pattern, pune university syllabus, old question papers pune university  

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