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Pune University - SY BSc (Sem - II) VOC STILL PHOTOGRAPHY : Paper- IV April 2010

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Total No. of Questions : 4] [Total No. of Pages : 2 P839 [3717] - 245 S.Y. B.Sc. STILL PHOTOGRAPHY AND AUDIO-VISUAL PRODUCTION Principles and Applications of Analog and Digital Communications (Paper - IV) (Sem. - II) (New Course) (Vocational) Time : 2 Hours] Instructions to the candidates: 1) All questions are compulsory. 2) Draw neat and labeled diagrams wherever necessary. 3) Figures to the right indicate full marks. [Max. Marks : 40 Q1) Solve following questions : a) Attempt following multiple-choice questions : [2] i) RF current is converted into Electromagnetic waves and Electromagnetic wave is converted into RF current using............ A) Antenna B) Transmitter C) Receiver D) Amplifier ii) For picture signal transmission..............modulation is used A) Vestigial side band B) Amplitude C) Frequency D) Phase b) Comment on the following statements (any two) : [4] i) Need of modulations and comment on how to avoid of mixing of signals. ii) Power requirement for SSB and DSB generation. iii) FM is not used for picture transmission. [6] c) Solve following Numerical or explain : i) Consider the analog signal x(t) = 2sin50 t + 5sin500 t cos100 t, Find maximum frequency present in x(t) and Nyquist rate for this signal. ii) Compare analog pulse modulation with digital pulse modulation. iii) Explain importance of Nyquist criteria. P.T.O. Q2) Explain the following (any two) : [8] a) Draw basic block diagram of analog communication system and explain. b) Explain Filter method for SSB generator. c) What is Data transmission and explain any one method in short. Q3) Explain the following (any two) : [8] a) Write a short note on PCM. b) Explain FDM with the help of block diagram. c) Draw frequency spectrums of DSBFC and DSBSC. Q4) Solve following numericals (any two) : [12] a) A modulating signal 10 sin(2 103t) is used to modulate a carrier signal 20 sin(2 104t). Find percentage of modulation, side band frequencies, bandwidth and amplitudes of sidebands. b) Draw block diagram of digital communication system and explain in details. c) The output voltage of transmitter is given by 500(1 + 0.4sin 3140t) sin 6.28 107 t this voltage is fed to a load of 600 . Determine Carrier frequency, modulating frequency, carrier power and Mean power output. vvvv [3717]-245 2

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Additional Info : S.Y. B.Sc. Still Photography And Audio - Visual Production (Semister - II) : Principles ans Applications of Analog and Digital Communications (Paper - IV) (New Course) (Vocational), Pune University
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