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Pune University - SY BSc (Sem - I) GEOLOGY : Mineralogy, April 2010

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Total No. of Questions : 4] [Total No. of Pages : 2 [3717] - 111 P268 S.Y. B.Sc. GEOLOGY GL - 211 : Mineralogy (New Course) (Sem. - I) Time : 2 Hours] Instructions to the candidates : 1) All questions are compulsory. 2) Figures to the right indicate full marks. 3) Neat diagrams must be drawn wherever necessary. [Max. Marks : 40 Q1) Answer the following questions in two or three lines : [10] a) Define hemimorphic form. b) State the gem varieties of beryl. c) What is crystalline mineral? d) Define oblique extinction. e) Name two polymorphs of orthoclase. f) What is Diploid? g) Define Isotropism. h) State the silicate structure of olivine minerals. i) Define repeated twinning. j) What is the extinction of Hornblende in transverse sections? Q2) Write notes on : (Any two) a) Physical properties of gemstones. b) Newton s scale of Interference colours. c) [10] Chemical composition and structure of chlorite minerals. P.T.O. Q3) Explain the following : (Any two) [10] a) Structure and paragenesis of amphibole minerals. b) Twin-plane, twin-axis and composition plane giving suitable examples. c) Physical and optical properties of mica group of minerals. Q4) Describe the silicate structure, chemical composition, physical and optical properties and paragenesis of Pyroxene group of minerals. [10] OR Give the crystallographic axes, elements of symmetry and forms with Indices of Hexagonal system type calcite and Quartz. [3717] -111 2

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Additional Info : S.Y. B.Sc. Geology (Semister - I), GL - 211 : Mineralogy (New Course), Pune University
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